Developer Portal 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.15
Release 10.15
Added Items
*RBAC enforcement for custom pages
*Role based access control enforces visibility on custom pages based on the user roles.
*Audit events log’s view in UI
*Provide an UI to view the details of events generated in the system. This also includes the list of events performed by users.
*State management support for APIs/Packages
*Ability to control the visibility of APIs and packages to the consumers through simple lifecycle state management.
*Custom asset type support
*Support to define a custom asset types and configure their attributes. This enables to publish and manage any object meta information based on the business requirement.
*GDPR compliance
*Support to anonymize user data across the system, on deletion of user accounts.
*SOAP tryout enhancement
*Support to provide WSS authorization details and custom SOAP headers.