Command Central 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Command Central | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
Added Items
*Custom administrator user passwords You must set a custom administrator user password when installing version 10.11 of some Software AG products, including Command Central and Platform Manager. For information about other Software AG products, see the release readme for the required products.
When installing products using Command Central, you use the new ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias to provide a custom password for the administrator user.
*COMMON-CREDENTIALS-ADMINISTRATOR A new default instance of the COMMON-CREDENTIALS configuration type. Note that the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias does not initially contain a password value. Before using the ADMINISTRATOR credentials for installing a product, you should edit the credentials and provide a strong password.
*New template section and parameters for the default administrator user The section specifies the credentials alias for the default administrator user of the product and whether the product requires changing the administrator user password on the first login.
credentials: administratorCredentialsAlias
changeOnFirstLogin: true|false
*sagcc exec security encrypt input CLI command that encrypts user passwords for product configurations included in a properties file, using the environment or global shared secret configured in Command Central.
Changed Items
*Install Products wizard When installing products using the Command Central web user interface, the Install Products wizard now has a Select Credentials step.
If you are installing products with version 10.11 the Select Credentials step contains:
*In the Credentials field, select the credentials alias to use for the default administrator user for the products you want to install. The default alias is "ADMINISTRATOR".
*Select the Force password change on the first product login checkbox if the products you install require changing the administrator user password on the first login.
If you are installing products with version 10.7 or lower, the Select Credentials step does not provide any configuration options.
*sagcc exec provisioning products install The command now supports the following optional arguments when installing products with version 10.11:
*Add Installation wizard
*Install Platform Manager remotely is renamed to Install Platform Manager in the Bootstrap step of the wizard.
*After you select Install Platform Manager in the Bootstrap step, you must now set the following fields:
In the Installer field, select the bootstrap installer to use for installing Platform Manager. Based on the installer you selected, Command Central will automatically set the operating system in the Operating System field.
In the Credentials field, select the credentials alias to use for the Platform Manager administrator user.
In the SSH credentials field, select the SSH credentials alias for the SSH user on the target machine.
Click the Advanced button if you want to set a substitute user alias in the Substitute user credentials field or change the default SSH port number in the Remote port field.
*The Platform Mgr step is renamed to Connection.
*sagcc exec provisioning bootstrap nodes Now the command uses an input file specifying a Command Central bootstrap installer to install a Platform Manager node on a local or remote machine. The command has the following new optional arguments:
Removed Items
*In the Add Installation wizard, after you select Install Platfrom Manager in the Bootstrap step, the Repository and Distribution fields, and the SSH connection button are removed.
The Platform Mgr step no longer has the User name and the Password fields.
*The username and password parameters are removed from the nodes:default:default:bootstrapInfo and repositories:product/fix:repositoryName template sections. Use the credentials parameter instead.
*The substitute user and password parameters are removed from the nodes:default:default:bootstrapInfo: template section. Use the substituteUserCredentials parameter instead.
*sagcc create provisioning bootstrap installers The command is removed from the CLI. Use the Command Central bootstrap installer instead.
*sagcc exec provisioning bootstrap nodes The command is removed from the CLI. Use the sagcc exec provisioning bootstrap nodes nodeAlias command instead.
*sagcc get provisioning bootstrap installers The command is removed from the CLI. Download the Command Central bootstrap installer from the Empower Product Support website.
*product=SPM|CCE The argument is removed from the sagcc list provisioning bootstrap installers command.
*The repo.spm and platform parameters are removed from the nodes:default:default:bootstrapInfo: template section. Use the installer parameter instead.