Command Central 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Command Central | Release 10.15
Release 10.15
Added Items
In the Stacks view of the web user interface, when setting the value of a credential property, you can use a switch to indicate if you want to view/edit the value as clear text or as credentials alias parameter.
Changed Items
*sagcc add security credentials Added the credentials argument to specify the alias of the COMMON-CREDENTIALS configuration instance that has the username/password for a set of user credentials, such as repository or product credentials.
*Template DSL In the environments/default section, you can set parameters that reference an existing credentials alias for a username or password. For the syntax of the new parameters, see the Command Central Help > Understanding the Composite Template Definition > Environments.
*Command Central web user interface
*In Command Central Server > Configuration > Credentials, select the "Password only" option to configure a credentials alias just for a user password.
*In Stacks view, you can view the credentials alias properties for a stack.
*The Jobs view is optimized to handle a large number of jobs.
*Global shared secret Command Central now supports only a global shared secred, defined for the whole landscape of environments.
*Comman Central CLI The sagcc add security credentials sharedsecret command now adds only a global shared secret for the whole landscape. When running the configuraiton data and security encryption commands, Command Central uses the global shared secret defined for the landscape.
Deprecated Items
*API Gateway deprecates support for Command Central.
*Apama deprecates support for Command Central.
Removed Items
License manifests and reports Removed the following functions from Command Central:
*The License Manifest tab and license manifest screen in the Command Central web user interface
*The CLI commands for managing license manifests and reports