Command Central 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Platform Manager | Release 10.3
Release 10.3
Added Items
*New Platform Manager plug-ins:
*Zementis Integrated Server
*Task Engine on Integration Server
*AgileApps Server
*Pull deployment from asset repositories Platform Manager can be configured to listen and pull assets when changes are detected in an asset repository, and then deploys the assets automatically on product instances.
*Processing and applying YAML composite templates Platform Manager can pull Command Central assets (YAML template files with product configurations) from an asset repository and deploy the templates on product instances running in containers on Integration Cloud.
*Provide monitoring data in Prometheus metrics format Platform Manager exposes run-time monitoring metrics, which can be consumed by Prometheus when managed containers are deployed in K8S environment.
*syscap UNIX shell script Collects system information that you use when troubleshooting issues.