ApplinX 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Items
*Support of Natural-IO Protocol
ApplinX support of the Natural-IO protocol enables you to create an SSL connection to a Natural UNIX host without the need of a third-party component.
*New Host Key Pattern
The new pattern, TWO LINES, is similar to the existing Natural patterns logic but is more customizable and allows you to change or add host keys and captions.
*Automatic Load of ApplinX Server deployed as WAR
When you deploy an ApplinX Server as a Java Web Archive (WAR) in the application server, the web services defined in the application are now loaded automatically. (In earlier versions of ApplinX these services were not available until the application was first accessed.)
*Web Services Stack
The Web Services Stack is now always enabled. The option to disable WS-Stack is no longer provided.
*If you are using a SOA-based license, both the procedure group and the administrative web services are deployed.
*If you are using a web-based license, only the administrative web services are deployed.
*Natural Screen Tester
The Software AG product Natural Screen Tester has now been incorporated in ApplinX.
*Administration using batch commands
You can now perform various administration tasks from a command line using the tool (UNIX) or gxadminconsole.bat (Windows) in the ApplinX utilities folder.
You can now create and disconnect a session, and also get and update a screen using the ApplinX REST API.
*Printing with BaseObject API
New classes in the ApplinX BaseObject API provides an additional means of activating a mainframe or AS/400 printer session.
*Deprecation of Solaris v.11.3
The original provider of the operating system Solaris (Oracle) strongly recommends to upgrade from version 11.3 to 11.4 as of now. In order to provide for enough time for Software AG customers to react to the upgrade policy of Oracle for Solaris versions after v.11.3, production environments based on Software AG products of this October 2020 release will in general continue to work without the immediate need to upgrade. However, Software AG customer support will only handle issues for Software AG products that can be reproduced in a Solaris v.11.4 environment. All newer versions of Software AG products AFTER the October 2020 release will no longer work with Solaris v.11.3. Software AG therefore strongly recommends to address necessary migration steps timely.
*ActiveX support dropped
ActiveX technology is no longer supported by ApplinX. Features that relied on this technology have been reworked if necessary.