ApplinX 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
Added Items
*Enhanced Password Handling
For greater security, default password handling has been enhanced for Software AG products that are installed with the SAG Installer. On the Administrator Password panel, enter a default product administrator password for the products you are installing, and choose whether to require the password to be changed on first product login.
*License Handling
For ApplinX licenses of type subscription or test, a daily message in server log will appear if there are less than 60 days to expiration date. In earlier ApplinX versions, this value was 8 days.
*Enhanced support.
Software AG Support is now able to offer immediate help to customers if they suffer from license key issues, until the problem has been identified
*REST API Enhancements
You can now generate a page in Angular, and also execute a procedure (stateless or stateful) using the ApplinX REST APIs.
*Security enhancement
Improvements to the existing hotfix script mean you can now update or replace a JAR file, making it easier to address security vulnerabilites.
*Japanese Composition Mode Japanese composition mode is now supported.
*Supported Microsoft Visual Studio Versions
ApplinX now supports Visual Studio 2019 in addition to 2017. Visual Studio 2015 is no longer supported.
*Eclipse Support in Designer
ApplinX now supports Eclipse version 4.19 provided by the webMethods suite.
*Azul Support
ApplinX runtime now supports Azul Java 11.
Removed Items
*Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2015 is no longer supported. Use Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2019 instead.
Deprecated Items
*BS2000 Protocol
The BS2000 protocol is deprecated and will not be supported in future ApplinX versions.