Installer 10.11 | Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products | Upgrading Software AG Products On Premises | Upgrade API Gateway, API Portal, or CentraSite | Migrate API Portal 10.7 to Developer Portal 10.11 | Prepare the Old Installation
Prepare the Old Installation
1. Install the latest product fixes on the old API Portal, then start the old API Portal.
2. If any user registrations are waiting to be approved, complete the approvals in API Portal.
3. Create a backup of the old API Portal installation.
a. Trigger the backup by invoking the REST endpoint as Administrator. The command below shows how to back up all modules. If you only want to migrate certain modules, specify only those modules on the command.
POST http://<host>:<port>/abs/apirepository/migration/backup

"modules": ["User","Core","Collaboration","Analytics"]
You will see a progress "id" handle such as the following:
"id": "fb0fda97-996d-4163-bbb0-b1ce6a7a2090",
"_self": "/abs/apirepository/migration/status/fb0fda97-996d-4163-bbb0-b1ce6a7a2090"
b. Check the status of the backup by entering this command:
GET http://<host>:<port>/abs/apirepository/migration/status/{progressId}
When the status returned is SUCCEEDED, download the backup archive file using the REST endpoint as shown below, where progressID is the "id" value from the SUCCEEDED status message..
GET http://<host>:<port>//abs/apirepository/migration/status/progressID/backup