Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Using the Software AG Update Manager : Deploying Support Patches : Install Support Patch from Empower or Image
Install Support Patch from Empower or Image
1. Start Update Manager with the appropriate parameters (see Starting Update Manager ).
2. If you are installing from Empower, select Support Patch in the Action list, and then select Install support patch from Empower.
3. For Product directory, specify the full path to the product installation directory.
4. If you are installing from Empower, provide your Empower user name and Password.
5. Select Next.
If you are installing from Empower, Update Manager tries to connect. If your company connects to the Internet through an HTTP or Socks proxy server, you must use that proxy server to install. Update Manager gives you the option to specify the proxy server connection settings.
Update Manager displays the support patch selection tree.
6. Select the support patch to install, select Next, and select Next again.
You might see a message that says you must install a certain fix before you can install the support patch. Exit the current action, follow the instructions in Installing Fixes to install the specified fix, and then follow the instructions in this section again to install the support patch.
7. Depending on the products you are working with, the Update Manager might ask for product connection values. The Update Manager needs the connection values to shut down and act on the indicated products.
If multiple instances of a product exist on the machine, make sure the connection values you supply identify the instance that is in the specified product installation directory.
8. Select Next. Update Manager installs the support patch, and then displays the installation complete panel.
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