Complete the Business Rules Upgrade
1. If the new installation directory has a different name than the old installation directory, check the validity of the file system location used by Deployer for Business Rules asset deployment, and restart My webMethods Server if updates are necessary. For instructions, see Working with Business Rules in My webMethods, chapter "Hot Deploying and Merging Rule Projects with webMethods Deployer" and section "Configuring My webMethods Server."
2. If you use business verification or data providers, log on to one of the new My webMethods Server instances as Administrator and go to the Administration > My webMethods > System Settings > webMethods Business Rules Settings page. Update the settings as necessary and save the changes.
For more information, see Working with Business Rules in My webMethods. For business verification, see chapter "Rule Verification Overview" and section "Configuring a Server Connection for a PreconfiguredVerification." For data providers, see chapter "Working with Decision Tables" and section "Configuring a Server Connection for a Preconfigured Data Provider Service."