Update the Snapshots Repository Connection Information
If you used Snapshots in the old product and you stored the data in a separate Snapshots repository, follow the steps below.
1. If the MashZone NextGen server is not already running, start the server.
2. Log on as Administrator and go to the Admin Console.
3. If the JDBC driver you used with the old Snapshots repository is not the same driver you used for the old repository, go to the old_Software AG_directory/Presto/apache-tomee-jaxrs/lib directory. Copy the JDBC driver jar file for the database that contains the Snapshots repository over the same file in the new_Software AG_directory/MashZone/apache-tomcat/lib directory.
Database | JDBC Driver Jar File |
Derby | derby-embedded-10.5.3.jar |
MySQL | mysql-connector-java-5.1.31.jar |
Oracle | ojdbc6.jar |
PostGres | postgresql-9.2.1004.jdbc4.jar |
SQL Server | jtds-1.3.1.jar |
4. Update the new Snapshots configuration to point to the new Snapshots repository as follows:
a. Open the JDBC Configuration menu, click Datasources, click SnapshotDatasource, and then click Edit.
b. Edit the configuration properties as needed. For information on the properties, see the section on adding a data source in the MashZone NextGen Administration Guide.
c. Click Save.