Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Upgrading Software AG Products : Migrate Event Infrastructure and Perform Final Upgrade Tasks for All Products : Migrate Software AG Event Routing : Migrate Undelivered Events
Migrate Undelivered Events
Go to the new_Software AG_directory/install/log directory and open the migrationLog.txt file. If you see the message below for one or more products, events that were delivered to those products in the old installation were not acknowledged before the products were shut down.
WARNING: There are still events left in IP storage location_of_old_storage_file.
These events will not be migrated automatically and will not be redelivered by
Event Routing in the new installation. For information how to migrate these
events manually, see the upgrade guide.
To enable Event Routing to deliver the events to products in the new installation, you must copy the old storage files to the new installation. For each message, do the following:
*If the message provides the full path to the old storage file, the old storage file is in the default location (that is, the new_Software AG_directory/profiles/product/configuration/event/routing/runtime/storage directory). Copy the old storage file to the same location in the new installation directory.
*If the message identifies the old storage file (for example, c:\EventRoutingStorage\SomeName_Reliable.mem) but does not provide the full path, the old storage file is in a non-default location.
1. In the migrationLog.txt file, determine to which product the message applies.
2. Go to the new_Software AG_directory/profiles/product/configuration/event/routing/runtime directory.
3. Open the configuration.json file and find the storage-location property.
4. Copy the old storage file to the directory specified on the property.
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