Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Upgrading Software AG Products : Migrate Software AG Designer and Business Process Runtime : Migrate Closed Loop Analytics
Migrate Closed Loop Analytics
In Migrate Software AG Designer you migrated all configurations and data involved in Closed Loop Analytics. You must now update the JMS topic in Universal Messaging from which Closed Loop Analytics collects escalation events, as follows:
1. Start the Universal Messaging instance from the new release that you are using for BPM, and then start the Enterprise Manager.
*In the left panel, open the Realms tree and click the Universal Messaging instance you are using for BPM.
*In the right panel, click the JNDI tab and open the Topics tree. Delete the topic for the escalation event type {}ProcessEscalation.
2. On the Universal Messaging instance host machine, go to the new_Software AG_directory/jvm/jvm/bin directory and open a command window or shell. Create a new topic for the escalation event type by entering the command below. Type the command on one line with a space at each of the line breaks shown below.
java -jar new_Software AG_directory /common/lib/event-routing-jms-util.jar
bind nsp://locahost:9000
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