Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Installing Software AG Products : Installing Deployer and Asset Build Environment : Deployer and Asset Build Environment Installation
Deployer and Asset Build Environment Installation
You can deploy assets from one environment to another (for example, from an integration environment to a staging environment or from a staging environment to a production environment) using Deployer and Asset Build Environment. In runtime-based deployment, you use Deployer to deploy assets from source servers to target servers. In repository-based deployment, you use Asset Build Environment to build assets from source servers or a VCS to a file-based repository, and then use Deployer to deploy the assets from the repository to target servers. Software AG recommends using repository-based deployment.
If no firewall separates your integration, staging, and production environments, install one Deployer to handle all environments. If a firewall separates your integration and staging environments from your production environments, install one Deployer to handle your integration and staging environments and a separate Deployer to handle your production environments. The Deployer host machine must have access to all source servers from which you want to deploy, and all target servers to which you want to deploy. Restrict access to the Deployer host machine to only those people who need to use Deployer, such as release managers, infrastructure engineers, system administrators, and operators.
Install Asset Build Environment on integration machines on which assets are created so you can verify successful builds before checking code into your VCS. For centralized builds, install Asset Build Environment on a separate machine, known as a continuous integration server, where you will use it to build assets into components that can be deployed. Restrict access to the Asset Build Environment host machine to only those people who need to use Asset Build Environment, such as release managers, infrastructure engineers, system administrators, and operators.
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