Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Upgrading Software AG Products : Install New Products and Begin Migration : Prepare the Old Environment for Upgrade : 9.12 or 10.0 Upgrade: Prepare the Old MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics
9.12 or 10.0 Upgrade: Prepare the Old MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics
In MashZone NextGen Explorer 10.1, the product's streaming architecture was completely reworked. Therefore you cannot use real-time data sources from MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics 9.12 or 10.0, or analyses that depend on real-time data sources from MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics 9.12 or 10.0, with MashZone NextGen Explorer 10.1. Remove these data sources and analyses as described below.
1. Start the old MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics, open the Analyses View in Visual Analytics Explorer, and delete all analyses using real-time data sources.
2. Go to the old_Software AG_directory/MashZoneNG/VisualAnalytics/data/auto-deploy/stream directory and undeploy all real-time data sources by deleting the .vsd data source description files.
3. In the old MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics, go to the Data Sources View in Visual Analytics Explorer and make sure the real-time data sources are no longer listed.
4. In the old_Software AG_directory/MashZoneNG/VisualAnalytics/data/auto-deploy/stream directory, delete the Apama cache configuration files.
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