Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Upgrading Software AG Products : Install New Products and Begin Migration : Prepare the Old Environment for Upgrade : Prepare the Old API Portal
Prepare the Old API Portal
1. Start the old API Portal Cloud Controller.
2. If the old API Portal is installed in a clustered, high-availability setup, make sure all nodes are running and accessible to the ZooKeeper ensemble. Then register each node with the parent node by running this command:
acc> add node logical_node_name IP_address_or_host_name [@port]

user_name password
3. Run this command:
acc> startall
4. Run this command to make sure all API Portal components are running:
acc> list
5. Back up the old master tenant to a file.
Run these commands...
acc> set acc config
acc> set acc config
acc> backup tenant master to full_path_to_backup_file
username=your_user_name password=your_password
acc> set acc config,ADS,UMC
acc> backup tenant master to full_path_to_backup_file
username=your_user_name password=your_password
9.9 9.10 9.12
acc> set acc config,ADS,UMC
acc> backup tenant master to full_path_to_backup_file
username=your_user_name password=your_password
acc> backup tenant master to full_path_to_backup_file
username=your_user_name password=your_password
6. For each tenant in the old API Portal, you will have to create a tenant in the new API Portal. List all tenants in the old API Portal by running this command:
acc> list tenants
7. Back up each old tenant’s API and related data; user data; API Portal document storage data, including all access rights; and collaboration data to a file. The file extension .acb will automatically be added to each file.
Run these commands...
acc> set acc config = com.aris.umcadmin.
y-umcadmin-run-prod, com.aris.modeling.components.y-server-run-prod,
com.aris.adsadmin.y-adsadmin-run-prod, com.aris.runnables.ecp-run-prod
acc> set acc config = umc, abs,
ads, ecp
acc> backup tenant tenant_name to full_path_to_backup_file
username=your_user_name password=your_password
acc> set acc config,ABS,ADS,ECP
acc> backup tenant tenant_name to full_path_to_backup_file
username=your_user_name password=your_password
9.9 9.10 9.12
acc> set acc config,ABS,ADS,ECP
acc> backup tenant tenant_name to full_path_to_backup_file
username=your_user_name password=your_password
acc> backup tenant tenant_name to full_path_to_backup_file
username=your_user_name password=your_password
8. If you created a customized view of your old API Portal, back up the view as follows:
a. Open API Portal in a browser and log on with Administrator credentials.
b. Go to the Administration page. In the Views page under the Customization section, hover over the name of the custom view and click Backup. API Portal creates a ZIP file that contains the customized view.
c. Save the ZIP file.
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