Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Command Central : Command Central Developer Reference : Using the Command Line Interface : Options for the Commands : debug
Specifies you want the command to return extra information that you can use for debugging issues, in addition to the returning service output. The extra information includes:
*HTTP service request
*URL of the Command Central or Platform Manager server to which the request was sent
*Request content type
*Accept header for the request
*HTTP response code from the request
*Response content type
*Response content length
{--debug | -d}
Usage Notes
*If you specify both {--debug | -d} and {--quiet | -q}, the command ignores the {--quiet | -q} option and uses the {--debug | -d} option to display the additional debug information.
The following shows sample output that uses the --debug option.
sagcc list landscape nodes --debug
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