Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Command Central : Command Central Developer Reference : Using the Command Line Interface : Provisioning Assets Commands : sagcc list provisioning assets supportedcomponents
sagcc list provisioning assets supportedcomponents
Retrieves a list of run-time components for which you can install assets and their corresponding run-time types.
The assets provisioning commands are a preview feature that is subject to change in the future. This preview has limited functions and is not intended for use in a production environment. If you want to provide feedback for this preview feature, go to the Command Central area in the Software AG TechCommunity.
*Command Central syntax:
sagcc list provisioning assets nodeAlias supportedcomponents
*Not supported on Platform Manager.
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Required. The alias of the installation for which to retrieve information.
You can view a list of installations and their aliases using the sagcc list landscape nodes command.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, seeCommon Options.
Usage Notes
*The command output returns the mapping of the run-time components to run-time types, for example:
Runtime Type Runtime Component Id
RULES OSGI-IS_default-WmBusinessRules
MWS MwsProgramFiles-default
IS integrationServer-default
*The command output lists only the run-time components of products that support installing assets with Command Central and are installed in the specified installation.
*To list the run-time components that support installing assets in the installation of release 9.12 and alias name "remote_9.12":
sagcc list provisioning assets remote_9.12 supportedcomponents
The command returns the following output, which indicates that in this installation only the "integrationServer-default" run-time component supports installing assets:
Runtime Type Runtime Component Id
IS integrationServer-default
*To retrieve a list of the run-time components in the installation with alias name "local" for which you can install assets:
sagcc list provisioning assets local supportedcomponents
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