My webMethods Server 10.1 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | Document Conventions | Startup and Configuration | Changing the My webMethods Server Configuration | Configuring My webMethods Server to Use MySQL | Configuring My webMethods Server to Use MySQL Community Edition
Configuring My webMethods Server to Use MySQL Community Edition
*To configure My webMethods Server for MySQL Community Edition
1. Download the MySQL native driver (mysql-connector-java-version-bin.jar) from the following location:
2. Copy the .jar file to the Software AG_directory \MWS\lib directory.
3. Create a driver-name.bnd text file in the Software AG_directory \MWS\lib directory, where driver-name is the name of the .jar file, for example, mysql-connector-java-version.bnd.
4. Provide instructions for the OSGi bundle conversion in the .bnd text file, as described in the following example.
Replace the values in italics. For Bundle-Version, you can use the version number of the .jar file, but any unique number is valid. You can also use the value (5.1.41) provided in the following example.

# attach as fragment to the caf.server bundle
Fragment-Host: com.webmethods.caf.server
Bundle-SymbolicName: mysql-connector-java-
Bundle-Version: 5.1.41
Include-Resource: mysql-connector-java-5.1.41.jar
-exportcontents: *
Bundle-ClassPath: mysql-connector-java-5.1.41.jar
Import-Package: *;resolution:=optional
5. At a command line prompt, type the following command to move to the server's bin directory.
cd Software AG_directory\MWS\bin
6. Type the following command:
mws.bat -s serverName update
7. Go to Software AG_directory \MWS\server\default\config and open the mws.db.xml file in a text editor.
Following is a sample mws.db.xml file.

<CONNECTION default="true" displayname="Default" id="1" name="default"
<!-- Password could be specified in clear text,
it will be automatically encrypted during MWS startup-->
<!-- Max amount of idle time (in seconds) of the objects pooled
by this pool -->
<!-- Time (in seconds) between eviction runs -->
8. Specify values for the following tags in the file to access MySQL Community Edition:
a. Type your database name inside the <URL></URL> tags.
b. Type your user name inside the <USER></USER> tags.
c. Type your password inside the <PASSWORD></PASSWORD> tags.
9. Save the file and restart your MySQL database server.
10. Start My webMethods Server.