KPI Definitions for Application Monitoring

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

The tables below describe the KPIs (key performance indicators) monitored by the Application Monitoring Data Collector. Each KPI is represented as a row in the CSV file produced by the data collector. The KPI name is identical to the row name in the first column of the CSV file. There is only one common layout of the CSV file. Therefore, depending on the scenario, KPIs may have no values. In this case, the column has an empty entry in the corresponding row. This can be changed to the value "0" by setting the parameter entirex.appmondc.usezeroasnullvalue in the configuration file (see Configuration for Application Monitoring).

There are three different scenarios: RPC, CICS ECI and IMS Connect. Each scenario has a different set of KPIs for successful requests and for failed requests. For a successful request, the KPI "ErrorCode" is always empty. For a failed request this KPI always has a value.

The RPC scenario is supported when using the EntireX Broker as well as when using the Direct RPC component of the EntireX Adapter. The CICS ECI and IMS Connect scenarios are supported by the EntireX Adapter only when using the corresponding connection types.

The sequence of the KPIs in the tables below is the same as the sequence of the KPIs in the CSV file.

KPIs for RPC - Successful Requests

KPI Name Description
Time The time the event has been processed by the data collector in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" using the current time zone.
Timestamp The time the event has been processed by the data collector as a number. The number is the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
Scenario The scenario identifier "RPC".
ApplicationName "application-name" as defined by the broker attribute APPMON-NAME. If the broker attribute is not specified, the server address is used; for example RPC/SRV/CALLNAT.
Address The broker ID and the server address of the RPC request.
TimeResponse The complete response time (roundtrip from client to server and back) in microseconds.
TimeClientLayer The time spent in the client RPC layer in microseconds.
TimeClientTransport The transport time from the client to the broker and back in microseconds.
TimeBroker The time spent in the broker (active processing) in microseconds.
TimeBrokerWaitForServer The time spent in the broker waiting for an available server in microseconds.
TimeServerTransport The transport time from the broker to the server and back in microseconds.
TimeServerLayer The time spent in the server RPC layer (runtime and stub) in microseconds.
TimeServerProgram The time spent in the user program (called by the RPC server) in microseconds. For Natural programs on a mainframe, this time does not include the database times. For other programs, the database times are included.
TimeDBCalls The time spent for database calls in microseconds. For an Adabas database, this is the time the Adabas server needs to process the database call ("client wait time"). For other databases, the DB calls time includes also the DB transport time. 1
TimeDBTransport The transport time from the Natural user program to the Adabas router and back including the client receiving time in microseconds. 1, 2
Program The program name.
ClientApplication The client application name as defined in the broker control block.
ClientHost The client host name.
ClientUser The client user ID.
LengthRequest The length of the RPC request in bytes.
LengthReply The length of the RPC reply in bytes.
LengthTotal The total length of the RPC call (request plus reply) in bytes.
DBCalls The number of database calls (including system file calls, without Natural Security calls). 1
ErrorCode Always empty.


1 This KPI is only available if the call is issued by a Natural RPC server on a mainframe.

2 This KPI is only available for a database call against an Adabas server.

KPIs for RPC - Failed Requests

KPI Name Description
Time The time the event has been processed by the data collector in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" using the current time zone.
Timestamp The time the event has been processed by the data collector as a number. The number is the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
Scenario The scenario identifier "RPC".
ApplicationName "application-name" as defined by the broker attribute APPMON-NAME. If the broker attribute is not specified, the server address is used; for example RPC/SRV/CALLNAT.
Address The broker ID and the server address of the RPC request.
TimeResponse The response time of the failed RPC request in microseconds.
Program The program name.
ClientApplication The client application name as defined in the broker control block.
ClientHost The client host name.
ClientUser The client user ID.
ErrorCode The 8-digit error code (error class and number).
ErrorMessage The error message.

KPIs for CICS ECI - Successful Requests

KPI Name Description
Time The time the event has been processed by the data collector in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" using the current time zone.
Timestamp The time the event has been processed by the data collector as a number. The number is the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
Scenario The scenario identifier "CICS ECI".
ApplicationName "host-name:port-number" of the CICS ECI installation.
Address The name of the Integration Server adapter service which calls CICS ECI.
TimeResponse The complete response time of the CICS ECI request in microseconds.
TimeClientLayer The time spent in the EntireX Adapter in microseconds.
TimeServerLayer The sum of the transport time to CICS ECI and the time spent in the CICS user program in microseconds.
Program The CICS transaction name.
ClientHost The client host name.
ClientUser The client user ID.
LengthRequest The length of the CICS request in bytes.
LengthReply The length of the CICS reply in bytes.
LengthTotal The total length of the CICS call (request plus reply) in bytes.
ErrorCode Always empty.

KPIs for CICS ECI - Failed Requests

KPI Name Description
Time The time the event has been processed by the data collector in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" using the current time zone.
Timestamp The time the event has been processed by the data collector as a number. The number is the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
Scenario The scenario identifier "CICS ECI".
ApplicationName "host-name:port-number" of the CICS ECI installation.
Address The name of the Integration Server adapter service which calls CICS ECI.
TimeResponse The response time of the failed CICS ECI request in microseconds.
Program The CICS transaction name.
ClientHost The client host name.
ClientUser The client user ID.
ErrorCode The 8-digit error code (error class and number).
ErrorMessage The error message.

KPIs for IMS Connect - Successful Requests

KPI Name Description
Time The time the event has been processed by the data collector in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" using the current time zone.
Timestamp The time the event has been processed by the data collector as a number. The number is the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
Scenario The scenario identifier "IMS Connect".
ApplicationName "host-name:port-number/datastore" of the IMS Connect installation.
Address The name of the Integration Server adapter service which calls IMS Connect.
TimeResponse The complete response time of the IMS request in microseconds.
TimeClientLayer The time spent in the EntireX Adapter in microseconds.
TimeServerLayer The sum of the transport time to IMS Connect and the time spent in IMS Connect, IMS and the IMS user program in microseconds.
Program The IMS transaction name.
ClientHost The client host name.
ClientUser The client user ID.
LengthRequest The length of the IMS request in bytes.
LengthReply The length of the IMS reply in bytes.
LengthTotal The total length of the IMS call (request plus reply) in bytes.
ErrorCode Always empty.

KPIs for IMS Connect - Failed Requests

KPI Name Description
Time The time the event has been processed by the data collector in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" using the current time zone.
Timestamp The time the event has been processed by the data collector as a number. The number is the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
Scenario The scenario identifier "IMS Connect".
ApplicationName "host-name:port-number/datastore" of the IMS Connect installation.
Address The name of the Integration Server adapter service which calls IMS Connect.
TimeResponse The response time of the failed IMS request in microseconds.
Program The IMS transaction name.
ClientHost The client host name.
ClientUser The client user ID.
ErrorCode The 8-digit error code (error class and number).
ErrorMessage The error message.