Realtime Monitoring Messages

WEPRME0001 The user name must not be null.

WEPRME0002 The SQL statement must not be null.

WEPRME0003 The temporal validity approach must not be null.

WEPRME0005 The class of the user-defined function must not be null.

WEPRME0007 The database source builder must not be null.

WEPRME0008 Persistency for a database source is currently not supported.

WEPRME0009 The class of the database source builder must not be null.

WEPRME0010 Persistency for tables is currently not supported.

WEPRME0011 The source adapter must not be null.

WEPRME0012 The authorization module does not currently support persistency.

WEPRME0013 The source adapter class must not be null.

WEPRME0014 The subscription mode must not be null.

WEPRME0015 The sink adapter must not be null.

WEPRME0016 The unsubscription mode must not be null.

WEPRME0017 The sink adapter class must not be null.

WEPRME0018 The authorization privilege must not be null.

WEPRME0019 {0} because the connection has already been closed.

WEPRME0020 {0} because the connection has been shut down by the server.

WEPRME0021 Unable to close the connection; it has already been shut down by the server.

WEPRME0022 The batch job cannot be started because the connection has been already closed.

WEPRME0023 The batch job is already active.

WEPRME0024 The temporal validity approach {0} requires the use of an instance of SourceAdapter.

WEPRME0025 Unsupported approach: {0}.

WEPRME0026 The temporal validity approach {0} requires the use of an instance of SinkAdapter.

WEPRME0027 The temporal validity approach {0} requires the use of an instance of PnSinkAdapter.

WEPRME0028 The temporal validity approach {0} requires the use of a subclass of SourceAdapter.

WEPRME0029 The temporal validity approach {0} requires the use of a subclass of PnSourceAdapter.

WEPRME0030 The temporal validity approach {0} requires the use of a subclass of SinkAdapter.

WEPRME0031 The temporal validity approach {0} requires the use of a subclass of PnSinkAdapter.

WEPRME0032 The user {0} does not have the privilege to add the query.

WEPRME0033 A user can only add a query to his/her own schema.

WEPRME0034 The user {0} does not have the privilege to use the query.

WEPRME0035 The user {0} does not have the privilege to add the user-defined function.

WEPRME0036 Current system configuration does not support persistency.

WEPRME0037 The user {0} does not have the privilege to remove the user-defined function.

WEPRME0038 The user {0} does not have the privilege to add the database source.

WEPRME0039 The user {0} does not have the privilege to remove the database source.

WEPRME0040 The user {0} does not have the privilege to use the database source.

WEPRME0041 The user {0} does not have the privilege to add the table.

WEPRME0042 The user {0} does not have the privilege to remove the table.

WEPRME0045 The user {0} does not have the privilege to remove the query.

WEPRME0046 The user {0} does not have the privilege to add the subscription.

WEPRME0047 A user can only add a subscription to his/her own schema.

WEPRME0048 The user {0} does not have the privilege to remove the subscription.

WEPRME0049 The user {0} does not have the privilege to use the subscription.

WEPRME0050 The user {0} does not have the privilege to grant the privilege.

WEPRME0051 The user {0} does not have the privilege to revoke the privilege.

WEPRME0052 The user {0} does not have the privilege to check the privilege.

WEPRME0053 The batch job cannot be executed because the connection has been closed.

WEPRME0054 The batch job cannot be executed because the connection has been shut down by the server.

WEPRME0055 No active batch job to execute.

WEPRME0056 The event engine has already been shut down.

WEPRME0057 An unexpected interrupt has occurred.

WEPRME0059 Calling the push method is not allowed after calling the done method.

WEPRME0060 Calling the heartBeat method is not allowed after calling the done method.

WEPRME0067 Init must be called before opening the adapter.

WEPRME0068 The following command is unknown: {0}.

WEPRME0069 The temporal validity approach {0} requires the use of an instance of PnSourceAdapter.

WEPRME0070 A user can only add a source to his/her own schema.

WEPRME0071 The artefact must not be null.

WEPRME0072 The query identifiers cannot be delivered.

WEPRME0073 The query cannot be prepared.

WEPRME0074 The query cannot be checked.

WEPRME0075 The query properties cannot be retrieved.

WEPRME0076 The server function cannot be registered.

WEPRME0077 The function cannot be deregistered.

WEPRME0078 The server data source cannot be registered.

WEPRME0079 The data source cannot be deregistered.

WEPRME0080 The server table cannot be registered.

WEPRME0081 The table cannot be deregistered.

WEPRME0082 The source cannot be prepared.

WEPRME0083 The query cannot be started.

WEPRME0084 The query cannot be stopped.

WEPRME0085 The sink cannot be subscribed.

WEPRME0086 The sink cannot be unsubscribed.

WEPRME0087 The earliest possible subscription time cannot be determined.

WEPRME0088 The earliest possible unsubscription time cannot be determined.

WEPRME0089 The server sink cannot be subscribed.

WEPRME0090 The server sink cannot be unsubscribed.

WEPRME0091 The privilege cannot be granted.

WEPRME0092 The privilege cannot be revoked.

WEPRME0093 The privilege cannot be checked.

WEPRME0094 The identifiers cannot be retrieved.

WEPRME0095 The registration cannot be checked.

WEPRME0096 The query metadata cannot be delivered.

WEPRME0097 Version mismatch between client and server. Cannot connect to server version {0} using client version {1}. Use a client version between {2} and {3} instead. Your current client version can only connect to server versions between {4} and {5}.

WEPRME0098 Unable to connect to any of the provided servers: {0}.

WEPRME0099 This operation is currently not supported in high availability mode.

WEPRME0100 The query head cannot be retrieved.

WEPRME0101 In high availability mode, this operation is currently only supported using a remote connection.

WEPRME0102 The SQL statement contains syntactical errors.

WEPRME0104 Unrecognized semantic exception. Please report the SQL statement to your software supplier.

WEPRME0105 The {0} argument of the {1} aggregation must be numeric.

WEPRME0106 The types of the arguments of the aggregation do not match the required argument types.

WEPRME0107 The field {0} is unknown or not visible.

WEPRME0108 The argument of the ABS function must be numeric.

WEPRME0109 In the case function, the type of the {0} result expression does not match the types of the previous result expressions ({1}, {2}).

WEPRME0110 The signature of the user-defined function {0} does not match the specified types ({1}).

WEPRME0111 The user-defined function {0} is unknown or not visible.

WEPRME0112 The {0} argument of the {1} must be numeric.

WEPRME0113 The {0} argument of the {1} must be of character/string type.

WEPRME0114 The types of the arguments of the operation do not match the required argument types.

WEPRME0115 The arguments of the {0} comparison cannot be compared ({1}, {2}).

WEPRME0116 The expression list contains constants of different types.

WEPRME0117 The types of the expression and the constants in the expression list cannot be compared ({0}, {1}).

WEPRME0118 Only expressions and star selections are permitted in a selection list.

WEPRME0119 An aggregate is not allowed inside a WHERE clause.

WEPRME0120 Only expressions are permitted in a GROUP BY clause.

The GROUP BY clause contains an entry that is not an expression.


Replace the entry by a valid expression.

WEPRME0121 The {0} constant listed in the set condition must have the same size as the specified field list.

WEPRME0122 The types of the field and the constants in the constant list cannot be compared ({0}, {1}).

WEPRME0123 The source {0} is unknown or not visible.

WEPRME0124 The size of a count-based window must be greater than zero.

The query contains an invalid size. This refers to the ROWS argument in an SQL query, or the size attribute of a window element in an XML query.


Specify a valid size.

WEPRME0125 The sliding size specification of a count-based window must be greater than zero.

The query contains an invalid sliding size. This refers to the SLIDE argument in an SQL query, or the increment attribute of a window element in an XML query.


Specify a valid sliding size.

WEPRME0126 The duration of a time-based window must be greater than zero.

The query contains an invalid duration. This refers to the RANGE argument in an SQL query, or the size attribute of a window element in an XML query.


Specify a valid duration.

WEPRME0127 The sliding size specification of a time-based window must be greater than zero.

The query contains an invalid sliding size. This refers to the SLIDE argument in an SQL query, or the increment attribute of a window element in an XML query.


Specify a valid sliding size.

WEPRME0128 The DURATION argument of a MATCHING clause must be greater than zero.

WEPRME0129 The WITHIN argument of a MATCHING clause must be greater than zero.

WEPRME0130 Duplicate definition for the pattern state ''{0}''.

WEPRME0131 The DEFINE clause does not define all the pattern states required by the specified pattern.

WEPRME0132 The field {0} is already defined by the input query.

WEPRME0133 The type of the defined field and the type of its default value do not match ({0}, {1}).

WEPRME0134 The type of the defined field and the type of the assigned value do not match ({0}, {1}).

WEPRME0135 The field names ''START_TIMESTAMP'' and ''END_TIMESTAMP'' are reserved for additional information provided by pattern matching.

WEPRME0136 The identifier for a pattern state must be a single character.

WEPRME0137 An aggregate is not allowed inside the condition in an action definition.

WEPRME0138 The condition of an action definition must be a predicate.

WEPRME0139 An aggregate is not allowed inside an action definition in a MATCHING clause.

WEPRME0140 The right-hand side of an action definition must be an expression.

WEPRME0143 Only predicates are permitted in the ON clause of a join.

WEPRME0144 Only predicates are permitted in a WHERE clause.

WEPRME0145 The {0} operation requires identical output format of the involved subqueries.

WEPRME0146 Only predicates are permitted in a disjunction.

WEPRME0147 Only predicates are permitted in a conjunction.

WEPRME0148 Only predicates are permitted in a negation.

WEPRME0149 The EXISTS clause is currently not supported.

WEPRME0150 An SQL expression list in a relational expression is currently not supported.

WEPRME0152 Only an expression is permitted as the first argument of a comparison.

WEPRME0153 Only an expression is permitted as the second argument of a comparison.

WEPRME0154 Only constants are allowed in the set of an IN clause.

WEPRME0155 A subquery in an IN clause is currently not supported.

WEPRME0156 Only expressions are permitted as the first argument of a BETWEEN clause.

WEPRME0157 Only expressions are permitted as the second argument of a BETWEEN clause.

WEPRME0158 The arguments of the BETWEEN clause cannot be compared ({0}, {1}).

WEPRME0159 The first argument of the BETWEEN clause is greater than the second argument.

WEPRME0160 Only expressions are permitted in the IS NULL clause.

WEPRME0161 Only expressions are permitted in {0}.

WEPRME0162 Only expressions are permitted in an exponentiation.

WEPRME0163 Only expressions are permitted in a unary operation.

WEPRME0164 Only expressions are permitted in the WHEN clause of a simple CASE statement.

WEPRME0165 Only expressions are permitted in the THEN clause of a simple CASE statement.

WEPRME0166 Only expressions are permitted in the ELSE clause of a simple CASE statement.

WEPRME0167 Only predicates are permitted in the WHEN clause of a boolean CASE statement.

WEPRME0168 Only expressions are permitted in the THEN clause of a boolean CASE statement.

WEPRME0169 Only expressions are permitted in the ELSE clause of a boolean CASE statement.

WEPRME0170 Duplicate field definition in recursive query.

WEPRME0171 The number of defined fields in the recursive query does not match the number of fields in the subquery.

WEPRME0172 The defined field name does not match the field name in the subquery.

WEPRME0173 The defined field type does not match the field type in the subquery.

WEPRME0174 Check the specified aggregation.

WEPRME0175 Check the specified SELECT item.

WEPRME0176 Check the specified DEFINE condition.

WEPRME0177 Check the specified action.

WEPRME0178 Check the specified part of the join predicate.

WEPRME0179 Check the specified part of the WHERE clause.

WEPRME0180 The operator type {0} is currently not allowed within a recursive query.

WEPRME0181 The operator type {0} is not allowed within a recursive query.

WEPRME0182 The type {0} is unexpected.

WEPRME0183 The defined field is not null but the field in the subquery is nullable.

WEPRME0184 The input of a window has to be a chronon stream.

WEPRME0185 The pattern of a MATCHING clause must not be empty.

WEPRME0189 The base time specification does not represent a valid date/time.

The query contains an invalid base time. This refers to the RELATIVE TO clause in an SQL query, or the relative-to attribute of a window element in an XML query.


Specify a valid base time.

WEPRME0191 The LIKE clause requires a constant string pattern.

WEPRME0192 Only predicates are permitted in a HAVING clause.

WEPRME0194 Arrays of type {0} are currently not supported.

WEPRME0195 Only expressions of type BOOLEAN are allowed in this context but the present type is {0}.

WEPRME0196 The {0} function only supports FLOAT and DOUBLE values as arguments.

WEPRME0197 The argument of the CHAR_LENGTH function must be of string type.

WEPRME0198 Casting from {0} to {1} is currently not supported.

WEPRME0199 The argument of the {0} function must be numeric.

WEPRME0200 The {0} argument of the {1} function must be numeric.

WEPRME0201 Windows can only be applied to input streams or (sub)queries.

WEPRME0202 Tried to configure DataSource with unknown connection type {0} in RTM system.

WEPRME0203 Tried to configure unknown database table {0} in RTM system.

WEPRME0204 Cannot find builder class for DataSource configured in RTM system.

WEPRME0205 Cannot call builder class constructor for DataSource configured in RTM system.

WEPRME0206 Cannot access specified database table for DataSource configured in RTM system.

WEPRME0207 Initialization of CONNECT right failed.

WEPRME0208 Unable to initialize privileges for super user.

WEPRME0209 Unable to initialize privileges for monitoring user.

WEPRME0211 Unable to initialize privileges for pre-loaded data sources.

WEPRME0212 Unable to retrieve localhost name.

WEPRME0213 The system is already started.

WEPRME0214 Unable to prepare communication servers.

WEPRME0215 The user cannot be connected as direct connections to this system are currently not allowed.

WEPRME0216 The user cannot be connected as the system is not started.

WEPRME0217 The user cannot be connected as the system is already shut down.

WEPRME0218 The user cannot be connected as the username is unknown or the password is wrong.

WEPRME0219 The user cannot be connected as the connect right is missing.

WEPRME0220 The connection cannot be removed from the system as it is unknown.

WEPRME0221 The system was already shut down.

WEPRME0222 Setting the class loader is only allowed before system start.

WEPRME0223 System is not running in high availability mode.

WEPRME0224 The system does not allow remote connections.

WEPRME0225 Create database allowed only before the system start.

WEPRME0226 Drop database allowed only after system is already shut down.

WEPRME0228 Unable to send synchronous command.

WEPRME0229 Internal error: CallBack of class {0} provided to {1} is not an instance of {2}.

WEPRME0230 Status of health check monitor of local system is not OK; shutting down!

WEPRME0231 Unexpected exception in HA ServerConnectionHandler.

WEPRME0232 Unexpected error occurred when master was driving recovery of slave.

WEPRME0233 Unexpected error occurred when handling recovery request from master.

WEPRME0239 Exception when aborting connection process.

WEPRME0240 Unsupported protocol.

WEPRME0241 No handler registered for protocol {0}.

WEPRME0242 Handshake failed due to an exception.

WEPRME0243 Missing basic properties ({0}) needed to compute composed property.

WEPRME0246 Unexpected role {0}.

WEPRME0247 Received unknown command {0}.

WEPRME0248 The adapter must not be null.

WEPRME0249 The query {0} cannot be stopped as it is still in use by a subquery.

WEPRME0250 The query {0} cannot be stopped as it is still in use by a subscriber.

WEPRME0251 The subscription identifier {0} is already in use for user {1}.

WEPRME0252 The approach ({0}) does not match approach of the query ({1}).

WEPRME0253 The sink cannot be subscribed as the query {0} has not been started.

WEPRME0254 Unable to compute starting point for snapshot-reducible results.

WEPRME0255 Unable to start subscription {0} from {1}.

WEPRME0256 The connection to all servers has been lost.

WEPRME0257 At least one server address has to be provided.

WEPRME0259 Unable to connect to {0} due to incompatible server version.

WEPRME0260 Authentication with remote system failed.

WEPRME0261 Inconsistent high availability mode of servers.

WEPRME0262 The source cannot be prepared as the query identifier {0}.{1} is already in use.

WEPRME0263 Unable to parse the given SQL statement: {0}.

WEPRME0264 Unable to compute property: {0}.

WEPRME0265 The query cannot be prepared as the query identifier {0} is already in use.

WEPRME0266 The query {0} cannot be started as it is already closed.

WEPRME0267 The query {0} cannot be started as it is not yet initialized.

WEPRME0268 The mode {0} is not allowed for server subscriptions.

WEPRME0269 Persistent server subscriptions are only allowed with start time Long.MIN_VALUE.

WEPRME0270 Client subscription may not be unsubscribed using serverUnsubscribe - use unsubscribe.

WEPRME0271 Server subscription may not be unsubscribed using unsubscribe - use serverUnsubscribe.

WEPRME0272 Unable to stop subscription {0} from {1}.

WEPRME0273 A user-defined function factory is already registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0274 No user-defined function is registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0275 A data source is already registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0276 A table is already registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0277 No data source is registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0278 No table is registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0279 Subscription start point may only be computed for running queries.

WEPRME0280 The query identifier {0} is unknown.

WEPRME0281 Only numeric, string and date/time values can be used with {0} aggregation.

WEPRME0282 Only numeric values can be used with {0} aggregation.

WEPRME0285 Unknown aggregation type {0}.

WEPRME0286 A {0} aggregate must have exactly one sub-expression.

WEPRME0287 A {0} aggregate must not have more than one sub-expression.

WEPRME0288 Only numeric, string and date/time values can be used with maximum/minimum aggregation.

WEPRME0289 Only numeric values can be used with sum aggregation.

WEPRME0292 An exception occurred during batch execution.

WEPRME0293 Client did not provide valid number of supported stream protocols.

WEPRME0294 No stream protocol requested by the client is supported.

WEPRME0295 None of the proposed stream protocols is supported by the server.

WEPRME0296 The stream protocol requested by the server is not supported.

WEPRME0297 An exception occurred while sending a command.

WEPRME0298 Registration of new protocol mappings is only allowed before starting.

WEPRME0299 Starting may be done only once.

WEPRME0300 A yet unknown version.

WEPRME0301 An error occurred while parsing {0} and converting it to the target date format.

WEPRME0302 Unable to determine own address.

WEPRME0303 The protocol {0} requires a serializer for complex {1} which is not available at the server.

WEPRME0304 The protocol {0} requires a serializer for complex {1} which is not available at the client.

WEPRME0305 Unknown protocol {0}.

WEPRME0306 There is no handler registered under identifier {0} for protocol {1}.

WEPRME0307 A subscription to query {0} cannot be established as it has been configured to be non-subscribable.

WEPRME0308 The query with identifier {0}.{1} is not a connectable source.

WEPRME0309 Wrong approach: {0} (expected {1}).

WEPRME0310 Unknown command for system operation:{0}.

WEPRME0311 Unable to execute lock command on slave.

WEPRME0312 Execution of command on slave causes exception.

WEPRME0313 Unable to sync command with slave.

WEPRME0314 Only the owner of a source may disconnect from it.

WEPRME0315 Only the owner of a source may connect to it.

WEPRME0316 The dynamic protocol handler could not be connected.

WEPRME0317 The dynamic protocol adapter must not be null.

WEPRME0318 Master result to slave communicators may only be added before the system is started.

WEPRME0319 Unable to grant rights to subscribe to HA difference to user.

WEPRME0320 Unable to execute recover command on slave.

WEPRME0321 Unable to retrieve health information from master.

WEPRME0322 Unable to retrieve health information from client.

WEPRME0323 Connection to HA partner system timed out.

WEPRME0324 There is already a class {0} bound.

WEPRME0325 This callback is already disconnected.

WEPRME0326 Unable to store entry of class {0} in repository.

WEPRME0327 The repository already contains an artefact of type {0} for {1}.{2}.

WEPRME0328 Repository error: the entry to retrieve is unknown.

WEPRME0329 Repository error: the entry to remove is unknown.

WEPRME0330 Repository error: unknown subscription.

WEPRME0331 Repository does not contain an artefact of type {0} with owner {1} and identifier {2} or it might not be accessed.

WEPRME0332 Loading repository from database failed.

WEPRME0333 Unable to access notification dispatcher of underlying local connection as remote connection is not yet authenticated.

WEPRME0334 The user-defined aggregation function must not be null.

WEPRME0335 The class of the user-defined aggregation function adapter must not be null.

WEPRME0337 The server user-defined aggregation function cannot be registered.

WEPRME0338 The user-defined aggregation function cannot be registered.

WEPRME0339 The user-defined aggregation function cannot be deregistered.

WEPRME0340 The user-defined operator adapter factory must not be null.

WEPRME0341 The class of the user-defined operator adapter factory must not be null.

WEPRME0342 Persistency for user-defined operators is currently not supported.

WEPRME0343 The server user-defined operator cannot be registered.

WEPRME0344 The user-defined operator cannot be registered.

WEPRME0345 The user-defined operator cannot be deregistered.

WEPRME0346 The user {0} does not have the privilege to add the user-defined aggregation function.

WEPRME0347 The user {0} does not have the privilege to remove the user-defined aggregation function.

WEPRME0348 The user {0} does not have the privilege to add the user-defined operator.

WEPRME0349 The user {0} does not have the privilege to remove the user-defined operator.

WEPRME0350 An user-defined aggregation function is already registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0351 No user-defined aggregation function is registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0352 A user-defined operator is already registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0353 No user-defined operator is registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0354 Only expressions are permitted as argument of {0} functions.

WEPRME0355 Only expressions are permitted as {0} argument of {1} functions.

WEPRME0356 The connected system does not support the registration of user-defined aggregation functions.

WEPRME0357 The connected system does not support the deregistration of user-defined aggregation functions.

WEPRME0358 The connected system does not support the registration of user-defined operators.

WEPRME0359 The connected system does not support the deregistration of user-defined operators.

WEPRME0361 Unable to create instance of {0}.

WEPRME0367 The parameter type number {0} of a user-defined operator adapter factory for {1}.{2} must not be null.

WEPRME0370 Unable to find class {0}.

WEPRME0371 The method name {0} is not unique in class {1}.

WEPRME0372 The method {0} is not declared in class {1}.

WEPRME0373 Methods using varargs are not supported.

WEPRME0374 The method {0} is not static.

WEPRME0375 The method {0} is not public.

WEPRME0376 The return type {0} of method {1} is not supported.

WEPRME0377 The parameter type {0} of method {1} is not supported.

WEPRME0378 The method has been called with wrong parameters.

WEPRME0379 The method is not accessible.

WEPRME0380 The method cannot be invoked.

WEPRME0381 Wrong number of parameters.

WEPRME0383 Unable to invoke {0}.

WEPRME0385 Unable to determine parameter types.

WEPRME0386 Unable to determine output metadata.

WEPRME0387 Unable to access {0}.

WEPRME0388 No such method available: {0}.

WEPRME0389 Return type of method {0} must be StreamMetaData.

WEPRME0390 Return type of method {0} must be JavaTypes.Type.

WEPRME0391 Unable to access constructor.

WEPRME0392 No valid constructor available.

WEPRME0393 Wrong parameters: use class name and method names.

WEPRME0394 The {0} method must have at least two parameters.

WEPRME0400 The user-defined operator {0} is unknown or not visible.

WEPRME0401 The parameter type {0} must be the same as value parameter type of {1}.

WEPRME0406 The statements are not initialized.

WEPRME0407 The statements have to be initialized first.

WEPRME0408 This statement is not available.

WEPRME0409 The operation removeAll is not supported.

WEPRME0410 The operation removeAndReturn is currently not supported.

WEPRME0411 Elements are already removed by next.

WEPRME0412 {0} is not contained.

WEPRME0413 Calling the method getMinTimeStamp only supported in ordered remove mode.

WEPRME0414 Structure is empty.

WEPRME0415 The only supported key is key 0.

WEPRME0416 Not possible as heap is consuming.

WEPRME0417 Remove is always done.

WEPRME0418 The initial list has to be empty.

WEPRME0419 The length of the specified byte array does not match the length of the serialized byte array.

WEPRME0420 The given text node does not contain a single character.

WEPRME0421 The given node cannot be read.

WEPRME0422 The end of file has been reached before record metadata could be read completely.

WEPRME0423 The number of column names and column types differ.

WEPRME0424 The value contains more than one character.

WEPRME0425 The value is not in JDBC time escape format or null.

WEPRME0426 The value is not in JDBC date escape format or null.

WEPRME0427 The character encoding {0} is not supported.

WEPRME0428 The class of the serialized object was not found.

WEPRME0429 The class used by serialization is invalid.

WEPRME0430 The input stream is corrupt.

WEPRME0431 The input stream consists of primitive data instead of objects.

WEPRME0432 An input/output error has occurred.

WEPRME0433 Writing a serializable object to a string failed due to I/O error.

WEPRME0434 Writing a serializable object to a string failed due to security problems.

WEPRME0435 Writing a serializable object to a string failed due to output stream being null.

WEPRME0436 NULL as null code is not allowed.

WEPRME0437 The end of file has been reached before record could be read completely.

WEPRME0438 The number of values differs from record metadata definition (expecting {0} but found {1}).

WEPRME0439 The index referring to the local error array is out of bounds.

WEPRME0440 The value for column {0} ({1}) must not be null.

WEPRME0442 No error at index {0} in the local error array.

WEPRME0443 The length of the specified byte array does not match the length of the serialized double array.

WEPRME0444 The length of the specified byte array does not match the length of the serialized long array.

WEPRME0445 The class of the object to be read cannot be found ({0}).

WEPRME0446 The length of the specified byte array does not match the length of the serialized String array.

WEPRME0447 This serializer does not support the restoring of objects.

WEPRME0448 Unsupported type code: {0}.

WEPRME0449 Unsupported type name: {0}.

WEPRME0450 Unsupported type: {0}.

WEPRME0451 Types may not be null.

WEPRME0452 Unsupported Java type: {0} ({1}).

WEPRME0453 Unsupported SQL type: {0}.

WEPRME0454 Negative iterator only supported if negative counts are not.

WEPRME0455 Call to next while not hasNext.

WEPRME0456 The distinctIterator is not supported if negative counts are allowed.

WEPRME0457 Queue is empty.

WEPRME0458 Pos={0}, size={1}.

WEPRME0459 Operation results in negative value.

WEPRME0460 Negative value.

WEPRME0461 The argument is not an array.

WEPRME0462 The argument is not a wrapper array.

WEPRME0463 SingleObjectList already contains an object.

WEPRME0464 SingleObjectList only supports index 0.

WEPRME0465 SingleObjectList already may only contain one object.

WEPRME0466 This list is empty.

WEPRME0467 SingleObjectList does not support subList.

WEPRME0468 A time period with non-constant time unit (day, week, month and year) must not be greater than {0}.

WEPRME0469 The size in milliseconds of the time period can only be calculated for constant time periods.

WEPRME0470 Composite metadata already contains specified metadata fragment ''{0}''.

WEPRME0471 Some metadata fragments cannot be added to composite metadata:{0}.

WEPRME0472 Composite metadata does not contain specified metadata ''{0}''.

WEPRME0473 User {0} is already subscribed to {1}.

WEPRME0474 Identifier {0} is not supported.

WEPRME0475 Unable to subscribe to {0} due to failed subscription to dependent metadata: {1}.

WEPRME0476 User {0} is not subscribed to {1}.

WEPRME0477 Unexpected parameter {0}=>{1}.

WEPRME0478 Illegal parameter type! Expected {0}, found {1}.

WEPRME0479 Missing parameter(s): {0}.

WEPRME0480 Double metadata update - this should not appear in current update mechanism.

WEPRME0481 Transparent composite metadata does not contain specified metadata ''{0}'' as a direct fragment, hence it cannot be removed.

WEPRME0482 Requested point is not part of the domain.

WEPRME0483 Empty domain.

WEPRME0484 New domain ({0},{1}) has to be contained in old one ({2},{3}).

WEPRME0485 Range out of domain.

WEPRME0486 From==to but fromFactor != toFactor.

WEPRME0487 New domain has to be contained in old one.

WEPRME0488 Bound out of domain.

WEPRME0489 A weight has to be given for each function.

WEPRME0490 Functions do not have a common domain.

WEPRME0491 Parse error at position {0}, cause: {1}.

WEPRME0492 Syntax not supported.

WEPRME0493 Unexpected end of regular expression.

WEPRME0494 Missing number in count expression.

WEPRME0495 Non-digit in count expression.

WEPRME0496 Empty (sub) expression.

WEPRME0497 Range error.

WEPRME0498 Count value is 0.

WEPRME0499 Right parenthesis without matching left parenthesis.

WEPRME0500 Left parenthesis without matching right parenthesis.

WEPRME0501 Negative call on empty state.

WEPRME0502 Wrong number of parameters.

WEPRME0503 Empty state.

WEPRME0504 The switch function does not contain a function for the given identifier and no default function is specified.

WEPRME0505 Too many parameters fixed.

WEPRME0506 Inconsistent length of arguments.

WEPRME0507 Indices have to be in ascending order.

WEPRME0508 {0} cannot be used as result type for conversion.

WEPRME0509 This UserDefinedOperator has too many inputs. Maximum expected: {0}. Found: {1}.{2}

WEPRME0510 This UserDefinedOperator is missing inputs. Minimum expected: {0}. Found: {1}.{2}

WEPRME0511 TableName has to be provided.

WEPRME0512 Map has to be provided.

WEPRME0513 Error reading file.

WEPRME0514 Read line does not match the expected format (check number of rows and row delimiter).

WEPRME0515 A method responsible for updating a structure was called in a class which does not support updates.

WEPRME0516 ResultSet does not provide row {0}.

WEPRME0517 File {0} cannot be written.

WEPRME0518 Row names must not be null.

WEPRME0519 Error parsing date {0}.

WEPRME0520 No update necessary after delete.

WEPRME0521 At least one row has to be mapped.

WEPRME0522 A required value is missing in the given line.

WEPRME0523 Between line {0} and {1} : {2}.

WEPRME0524 Line {0} : {1}.

WEPRME0525 Number of successful commands must not be negative.

WEPRME0526 At least one supported stream protocol has to be provided.

WEPRME0527 CreateArray only works for complex array types, not for {0}.

WEPRME0528 Unsupported type {0}.

WEPRME0529 [This Error replaces a {0} which is not available to the class loader.] {1}.

WEPRME0530 [This RuntimeException replaces a {0} which is not available to the class loader.] {1}.

WEPRME0531 Unable to serialize Object.

WEPRME0532 Unsupported modifier.

WEPRME0533 Unable to deserialize Object.

WEPRME0534 Channel is already closed!

WEPRME0535 The null communication type should not be sent.

WEPRME0536 Java serialization is not supported. Use ObjectStreamCommunication if needed.

WEPRME0537 Unsupported type {0}.

WEPRME0538 Unsupported type.

WEPRME0539 Exception while receiving {0}.

WEPRME0540 Communication type must not be null.

WEPRME0541 Factory parameters must not be null.

WEPRME0542 Unable to create server on address other than local address.

WEPRME0543 Unable to resolve {0}.

WEPRME0544 Unsupported CommunicationType: {0}.

WEPRME0545 Could not receive answer as receiving was interrupted.

WEPRME0546 Could not receive answer as connection was closed due to an exception.

WEPRME0547 Requests must not use ResponseStatus.

WEPRME0548 Exception while handling async command ({0}).

WEPRME0549 More than one ID is not supported yet.

WEPRME0550 No command handler registered for ID {0}.

WEPRME0551 Command {0} sent by wrong side of communication.

WEPRME0552 Command {0} is asynchronous.

WEPRME0553 Command {0} is synchronous.

WEPRME0554 Wrong protocol, expected {0} but received unknown protocol ID {1}.

WEPRME0555 Wrong protocol, expected {0} but received {1}.

WEPRME0556 Wrong magic value for protocol {0}.

WEPRME0557 Protocol must not be null.

WEPRME0558 Uninitialized composite serializer for {0}.

WEPRME0559 Registration not possible after shutdown.

WEPRME0560 There is no address registered for handling protocol {0}.

WEPRME0561 There is already a handler registered for protocol {0}.

WEPRME0562 There is no handler registered for protocol {0}.

WEPRME0563 Unable to shut down server at {0}.

WEPRME0564 Unable to shut down {0} communication servers.

WEPRME0565 Compatibility matrix has to be provided.

WEPRME0566 Duplicate ID{0}.

WEPRME0567 No request types provided for {0}.

WEPRME0568 No respond types provided for {0}.

WEPRME0569 Unknown command ID: {0}.

WEPRME0570 Missing serializer for complex {0}.

WEPRME0571 Parameter has to specify a directory.

WEPRME0572 Channel is already closed!

WEPRME0573 Unable to read communication server index file {0}.

WEPRME0574 Unable to start communication server on directory {0}.

WEPRME0575 Unable to create communication server index file {0}.

WEPRME0576 The stream protocol requested by the client is not supported.

WEPRME0577 The stream protocol {0} requested by the client is not supported.

WEPRME0578 Exception while closing streams.

WEPRME0579 Unable to accept a new connection in the specified time.

WEPRME0580 No server present at {0} .

WEPRME0581 File instead of directory found at server address {0}.

WEPRME0582 Unknown stream protocol: {0}.

WEPRME0583 Unable to connect to {0}.

WEPRME0584 Unable to close socket.

WEPRME0585 Protocol handler must not be null.

WEPRME0586 There was already a handler registered for protocol {0}.

WEPRME0587 There was already a handler registered.

WEPRME0588 The handler to register does not handle the correct protocol {0}.

WEPRME0589 This server does not support protocol type {0}.

WEPRME0590 Unable to start communication server on port {0}.

WEPRME0591 Unable to close server socket.

WEPRME0592 Unable to connect to {0}:{1}.

WEPRME0593 Unable to initialize cache.

WEPRME0594 Cache already exists but with another end timestamp.

WEPRME0595 Unable to remove the specified cache.

WEPRME0596 New SerialBlob(..) threw SerialException.

WEPRME0597 New SerialBlob(..) threw SQLException.

WEPRME0598 Write(Element,Node) needs operator, expression or predicate.

WEPRME0599 Node conversion not implemented for type {0} and sub-type {1}.

WEPRME0600 Unsupported constant type: {0}.

WEPRME0601 Outer semi join.

WEPRME0602 Non-constant unit in time shift.

WEPRME0603 Expression wrapped by this predicate is not of type BOOLEAN.

WEPRME0604 Only expressions can be used as boolean expressions.

WEPRME0605 A boolean expression must not have any sub-predicates.

WEPRME0606 Argument types cannot be compared with {0}.

WEPRME0607 Only expressions can be used as arguments of a comparison predicate.

WEPRME0608 Second parameter of LIKE has to be a constant.

WEPRME0609 Second parameter of LIKE has to be a String.

WEPRME0610 Invalid operator [{0}].

WEPRME0611 A comparison predicate must not have any sub-predicates.

WEPRME0612 The comparison predicate's arguments are not comparable.

WEPRME0613 Incomparable Java type {0}.

WEPRME0614 The state of the logical constant is unknown.

WEPRME0615 A logical constant must not have any sub-predicates.

WEPRME0616 Unknown logical constant type {0}.

WEPRME0617 The logical operation type {0} is currently not supported.

WEPRME0618 Illegal member specification.

WEPRME0619 Illegal set specification.

WEPRME0620 Types of member and set are not comparable.

WEPRME0621 Illegal subpredicate.

WEPRME0622 Unknown logical operation type {0}.

WEPRME0623 Only predicates can be used as child nodes of a logical operation predicate.

WEPRME0624 Only operators can be used as sets of an exists predicate.

WEPRME0625 Only expressions can be used as expression of an in predicate.

WEPRME0626 Only operators can be used as sets of an in predicate.

WEPRME0627 A logical (boolean) IN operator must not have any sub-predicates.

WEPRME0628 A logical (boolean) IN operator does not yet support subqueries.

WEPRME0629 A logical (boolean) NOT must have exactly one sub-predicate.

WEPRME0630 A logical (boolean) NOT must not have more than one sub-predicate.

WEPRME0631 Unknown logical operation type {0}.

WEPRME0632 Unknown aggregation operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0633 Only predicates can be used as filter predicate nodes of an aggregation operator.

WEPRME0634 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an aggregation operator.

WEPRME0635 An aggregation operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0636 An aggregation operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0637 Aggregation is currently not supported within recursive PN queries.

WEPRME0638 Unsupported target approach: {0}.

WEPRME0640 Unknown aggregation operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0641 A distinct operator must have exactly one operator.

WEPRME0642 A distinct operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0643 Unknown distinct operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0644 Empty enumeration.

WEPRME0645 Enumeration contains constants of different types.

WEPRME0646 An enumeration operator must not have any input operators.

WEPRME0647 An enumeration operator provides a set of constants as subquery-replacement for the use in IN-predicates, hence no active enumeration operators are possible.

WEPRME0649 The specified object is not of the expected type; {0}.

WEPRME0650 ActionMapFormat.parseActionMap(String) failed.

WEPRME0651 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an equivalence operator.

WEPRME0652 The chosen query plan (operator at index {0}) does not exist.

WEPRME0653 The relational metadata of the operator node''s children does not fit.

WEPRME0654 The operator node has no children.

WEPRME0655 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an except/minus operator.

An except/minus operator must have exactly two input operators, which provide the input events for the except operator. The except/minus operator returns all events of the first input stream that are not in the second input stream. This means that only the events that are different are returned.


Connect exactly two operators as input of the except/minus operator.

WEPRME0656 An except/minus operator must have exactly two input operators.

An except/minus operator must have exactly two input operators, which provide the input events for the except operator. The except/minus operator returns all events of the first input stream that are not in the second input stream. This means that only the events that are different are returned.


Connect exactly two operators as input of the except/minus operator.

WEPRME0657 An except/minus operator must not have more than two input operators.

An except/minus operator must have exactly two input operators, which provide the input events for the except operator. The except/minus operator returns all events of the first input stream that are not in the second input stream. This means that only the events that are different are returned.


Connect exactly two operators as input of the except/minus operator.

WEPRME0658 Unknown except/minus operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0659 Passive operators does not have chronon stream properties.

WEPRME0660 I/O exception occurred during metadata construction: ''{0}''.

WEPRME0661 Only column expressions specified by a single column name can be used as timestamp columns of a file operator.

WEPRME0662 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an output file operator.

WEPRME0663 An input-file operator must not have any input operators.

WEPRME0664 File not found: {0}.

WEPRME0665 Unable to read file header.

WEPRME0666 Time information must have a reference timestamp.

WEPRME0667 Time information must not have any additional timestamps.

WEPRME0668 Unknown file operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0669 An output-file operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0670 An output-file operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0671 For storing time intervals the names of the columns storing the start and an end timestamp are required.

WEPRME0672 File writing currently unsupported.

WEPRME0673 Unknown file operator type {0}.

WEPRME0674 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a selection operator.

WEPRME0675 A selection operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0676 A selection operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0677 Unknown identity operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0678 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an intersection operator.

WEPRME0679 An intersect operator must have exactly two input operators.

WEPRME0680 An intersect operator must not have more than two input operators.

WEPRME0681 Unknown target approach {0}.

WEPRME0682 Unknown intersect operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0683 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a join operator.

WEPRME0684 Only predicates can be used as condition of a theta join operator.

WEPRME0685 A join operator must have at least two input operators.

WEPRME0686 Implementations of multiway join are currently not supported, i.e., they must be transformed to join plans of binary joins using the query optimizer.

WEPRME0687 Implementations of outer joins are currently not supported.

WEPRME0688 Implementations of semi joins are currently not supported.

WEPRME0689 Implementations of joins between active and passive source are currently not supported.

WEPRME0690 Unknown join type {0}.

WEPRME0693 Unknown join mode {0}.

WEPRME0694 Implementations of natural joins without common attributes between active and passive sources are currently not supported.

WEPRME0695 Columns named by {0} cannot be unified because of different types.

WEPRME0696 Column failure.

WEPRME0697 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a mapping operator.

WEPRME0698 A mapping operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0699 A mapping operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0700 Unknown mapping operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0701 Some pattern variables are undefined.

WEPRME0702 Only constants can be used as initial values of a matching operator''s MEASURE clause.

WEPRME0703 Only columns can be used in a matching operator''s PARTITION BY part.

WEPRME0704 Only predicates can be used in the AS part of a matching operator''s DEFINE clause.

WEPRME0705 Only columns can be used on the left side of a DO part of a matching operator''s DEFINE clause.

WEPRME0706 Only expressions can be used on the right side of a DO part of a matching operator''s DEFINE clause.

WEPRME0707 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a matching operator.

WEPRME0708 A pattern matcher must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0709 A pattern matcher must have a synthetic input representing the underlying NFA''s state.

WEPRME0710 A pattern matcher must not have more than two input operators.

WEPRME0712 {0} mode not supported.

WEPRME0713 Unknown selection operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0714 The relational metadata of the operator node''s children does not fit.

WEPRME0715 The operator node has no children.

WEPRME0716 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a projection operator.

WEPRME0717 A projection operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0718 A projection operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0719 Unknown projection operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0720 Unsupported data type.

WEPRME0721 A random operator must not have any input operators.

WEPRME0722 Random sources are currently not supported for target approach: {0}.

WEPRME0723 Unknown random operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0724 Unknown content.

WEPRME0725 Ambiguous content.

WEPRME0726 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a recursion operator.

WEPRME0727 A recursion operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0728 A recursion operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0729 The use of recursion operators inside the cursor algebra is currently not supported.

WEPRME0730 Unknown recursion operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0731 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a renaming operator.

WEPRME0732 A renaming operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0733 A renaming operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0734 Unknown renaming operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0735 A repository entry operator must not have any input operators.

WEPRME0736 A repository entry operator with name {0} for user {1} is unknown.

WEPRME0737 A subquery using the approach {0} cannot be used in a query compiled for the approach {1}.

WEPRME0738 Only predicates can be used as condition of a selection operator.

WEPRME0739 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a selection operator.

WEPRME0740 A selection operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0741 A selection operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0742 Unknown selection operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0743 No value columns specified.

WEPRME0744 Wrong number of fields in value {0} (expected {1}, found {2}).

WEPRME0745 For exact matches exactly one count argument must be specified.

WEPRME0746 For maximum matches exactly one count argument must be specified.

WEPRME0747 For minimum matches exactly one count argument must be specified.

WEPRME0748 For range matches exactly two count arguments must be specified.

WEPRME0749 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a set operator.

WEPRME0750 A set operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0751 A set operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0752 The defined field list and the specified values are not comparable.

WEPRME0753 Unknown mode {0}.

WEPRME0755 Unknown selection operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0756 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an output socket operator.

WEPRME0757 A input-socket operator must not have any input operators.

WEPRME0758 At this point a source reading its data from a socket channel to {0}@{1}:{2} should be returned.

WEPRME0759 An output-socket operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0760 An output-socket operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0761 At this point a sink writing the data received from {0} to a socket channel available at {1}@{2}:{3} should be returned.

WEPRME0762 Unknown socket type {0}.

WEPRME0763 The use of sockets inside the cursor algebra is currently not supported.

WEPRME0764 Unknown socket operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0765 Local metadata fragment identified by {0} cannot be created because of multiple fields matching the field name pattern.

WEPRME0766 Local metadata fragment identified by {0} cannot be created because no available field matches the field name pattern.

WEPRME0767 This exception is thrown to avoid the creation of a new metadata fragment.

WEPRME0768 Initialization is only available for source operators.

WEPRME0769 Recursive query not contained.

WEPRME0770 Source operators are internally used for identifying data sources, hence the occurrence of this exception is a signal of a misuse of a source operator.

WEPRME0771 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a stream operator.

WEPRME0772 A stream operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0773 A stream operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0774 The use of stream operators inside the pipes algebra is currently not supported.

WEPRME0775 The target of a stream operator is to transform a passive query into an active one, hence no passive stream operators are possible.

WEPRME0776 Unknown stream operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0777 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a time shift.

WEPRME0778 A time shifter must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0779 A time shifter must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0780 A time shifter must have a constant time shift.

WEPRME0781 Unknown selection operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0782 {0} mode not supported.

WEPRME0783 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an union operator.

WEPRME0784 A union operator must have at least two input operators.

WEPRME0785 A union operator must have at least two input operators.

WEPRME0786 Unknown union operator mode {0}.

WEPRME0787 Only an operator can be used as child node of a window operator.

WEPRME0788 A window operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME0789 A window operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME0790 A window operator on a non-chronon stream is currently not supported.

WEPRME0791 Unknown window operator type {0}.

WEPRME0792 The use of a window operator inside the cursor algebra is currently not supported.

WEPRME0793 Unknown window operator mode: {0}.

WEPRME0794 Only expressions can be used as child nodes of an aggregate expression.

WEPRME0796 User-defined aggregation function does not support PN approach.

WEPRME0797 A constant expression must not have any sub-expressions.

WEPRME0798 Local metadata fragment identified by {0} cannot be created.

WEPRME0799 Local metadata fragment identified by {0} cannot be created because of multiple fields matching the field name pattern.

WEPRME0800 Local metadata fragment identified by {0} cannot be created because no available field matches the field name pattern.

WEPRME0801 A column expression must not have any sub-expressions.

WEPRME0802 Unable to identify field {0}.

WEPRME0803 Only numeric values can be used with ABS function.

WEPRME0804 The decimal place parameter has to be of type Integer.

WEPRME0805 Illegal condition.

WEPRME0806 Case does not provide FieldMetaData.

WEPRME0807 Inconsistent types in case.

WEPRME0810 Only String values can be used with CHAR_LENGTH function.

WEPRME0811 Casting from {0} to {1} is currently not supported.

WEPRME0812 Unknown function type {0}.

WEPRME0813 Only expressions can be used as child nodes of a function expression.

WEPRME0814 Initialization is only available for user-defined functions.

WEPRME0815 A {0} operation must have exactly two sub-expressions.

WEPRME0816 A {0} operation must not have more than two sub-expressions.

WEPRME0817 Only numeric values can be used with ABS function.

WEPRME0818 FLOOR function only supports Double and Float values.

WEPRME0819 CEILING function only supports Double and Float values.

WEPRME0820 The result type of a CHAR_LENGTH function has to be Integer.

WEPRME0821 ROUND function only supports numeric values.

WEPRME0822 TRUNCATE function only supports numeric values.

WEPRME0823 Currently casting between these types is not allowed.

WEPRME0824 Currently only casting between numeric types and casting to String type is supported.

WEPRME0825 A {0} function must not have any sub-expressions.

WEPRME0826 Unexpected undefined case.

WEPRME0827 Parameters missing for user-defined function {0}.

WEPRME0828 Too many parameters for user-defined function {0}.

WEPRME0829 Unknown function expression type {0}.

WEPRME0830 Only numeric values can be negated.

WEPRME0831 Only numeric values can be mathematically subsumed.

WEPRME0832 Exponentiation with base type {0} is only allowed for exponent types {1}, {2} and {3}.

WEPRME0833 Exponent type cannot be {0}.

WEPRME0834 Only textual values can be concatenated.

WEPRME0835 Unknown operation type {0}.

WEPRME0836 Recognized a numeric constant without a numeric data type.

WEPRME0837 Only expressions can be used as child nodes of an operation expression.

WEPRME0838 A {0} operation must have exactly one sub-expression.

WEPRME0839 A {0} operation must not have more than one sub-expression.

WEPRME0840 A {0} operation must have exactly two sub-expressions.

WEPRME0841 A {0} operation must not have more than two sub-expressions.

WEPRME0842 Unknown operation expression type {0}.

WEPRME0843 Only numeric values can be negated.

WEPRME0844 Only numeric values can be mathematically subsumed.

WEPRME0845 Unknown operation expression type {0}.

WEPRME0847 Only expressions can be used as child nodes of a renamed field expression.

WEPRME0848 A renamed field expression must have exactly one sub-expression.

WEPRME0849 A renamed field expression must not have more than one sub-expression.

WEPRME0850 Child at index {0} cannot be accessed because the given index is not assigned so far.

WEPRME0851 Index {0} cannot be accessed ({1} children are allowed).

WEPRME0852 Index {0} cannot be accessed ({1} parents are allowed).

WEPRME0853 New child has reached its maximum number of parents (number of allowed parents: {0}).

WEPRME0854 New parent has reached its maximum number of children (number of allowed children: {0}).

WEPRME0855 Node has reached its maximum number of children (number of allowed children: {0}).

WEPRME0856 Node has reached its maximum number of parents (number of allowed parents: {0}).

WEPRME0857 Only use this method on nodes without a fixed number of children.

WEPRME0858 Only use this method on nodes without a fixed number of parents.

WEPRME0859 Parent at index {0} cannot be accessed because the given index is not assigned so far.

WEPRME0860 A node of the specified iteration cannot be added to the given node''s global metadata because it does not hold the specified precondition.

WEPRME0861 This exception is thrown to avoid the creation of a new metadata fragment after resetting.

WEPRME0862 Not contained.

WEPRME0863 Entry already contained.

WEPRME0864 Entry not contained.

WEPRME0865 SpeedUp <0 is not allowed.

WEPRME0866 Unsupported SQL data type.

WEPRME0867 Period has to be equal to or greater than 0.

WEPRME0868 This period worker thread cannot be woken up, because wait time is zero.

WEPRME0869 For this factory, getSignature() may not be called with instantiation parameter types as the adapter is already instantiated.

WEPRME0870 For this factory, createInstance() may not be called with instantiation parameters as the adapter is already instantiated.

WEPRME0872 Class not found.

WEPRME0873 The function adapter class for the user-defined function must not be null.

WEPRME0877 Unable to create instance of {0}.

WEPRME0878 {0} does not provide a constructor with signature String[], which is obligatory.

WEPRME0884 Query already reconstructed.

WEPRME0885 Could not instantiate adapter class of sink adapter.

WEPRME0886 The {0} already exists in the database.

WEPRME0887 The removal of {0} from the database failed.

WEPRME0889 Repository error: The query graph to be sorted must have at least one node without an input.

WEPRME0890 The input queries differ from the sorted output queries.

WEPRME0891 Query properties may only be retrieved after the query is built.

WEPRME0892 Unsupported approach.

WEPRME0893 Could not instantiate adapter class of source adapter.

WEPRME0896 Unable to access class {0}.

WEPRME0897 Unable to create instance of {0}.

WEPRME0898 Update in the database failed.

WEPRME0899 The given SQL statement {0} does not provide streaming data.

WEPRME0900 Unable to parse the given SQL statement: {0}.

WEPRME0901 Unable to translate the given SQL statement ({0}): {1}.

WEPRME0902 Unable to translate the given SQL statement (problem with at least one specified column name): {0}.

WEPRME0903 Configuration could not been loaded, check XML config URL.

WEPRME0904 Could not locate resource!

WEPRME0905 Provided class not found!

WEPRME0906 Unable to read configuration file.

WEPRME0907 XML parsing problem.

WEPRME0908 BOT failed.

WEPRME0909 Check whether the persistent ID of the object is null!

WEPRME0910 COMMIT failed.

WEPRME0911 Initializing transaction failed.

WEPRME0912 Obtaining entity manager failed.

WEPRME0913 Persistence factory shutdown failed.


WEPRME0915 The removal of {0} query from the database failed.

WEPRME0916 The saving of {0} to the database failed.

WEPRME0918 Unknown approach.

WEPRME0920 Unsupported approach {0}.

WEPRME0921 Unable to access database with given data source specification.

WEPRME0923 Unable to access database with given data source and table specification.

WEPRME0924 Unable to reconstruct refresh time.

WEPRME0925 Please provide connection URL property ''rtmsystem.datasource.connection_url'' in order to connect to database.

WEPRME0926 Please provide JDBC driver name property ''rtmsystem.datasource.jdbc_drivername'' in order to initalize the data source.

WEPRME0927 Problem with basic data source configuration.

WEPRME0928 Problem with JDBC driver, please verify that the library is attached, library classpath is correct and driver name is correct.

WEPRME0929 The classpath of the JDBC driver is malformed.

WEPRME0930 Obtaining Connection to JDBC Source {0} has failed!

WEPRME0931 This method is not supported by this version.

WEPRME0932 Could not instantiate builder class of ServerDataSourceEntry.

WEPRME0933 Load of tables failed!

WEPRME0934 The builder class for the data source must not be null.

WEPRME0938 Illegal HA state - slaves ({0}) are already locked before starting command execution.

WEPRME0939 Setting the remote ID is only allowed if the local connection is a remote stub.

WEPRME0940 Using High Availability, commands may only be given to the master.

WEPRME0941 An unexpected exception occurred while executing a remote command from the client.

WEPRME0942 No async commands supported yet.

WEPRME0943 No sync commands expected by {0}.

WEPRME0944 Only master can deliver list of active servers in HA cluster.

WEPRME0945 Only the master may broadcast update of cluster topology.

WEPRME0946 Remote connection handler is already removed or unknown.

WEPRME0947 Sink currently does not have to handle any commands.

WEPRME0948 System already shut down.

WEPRME0949 The class {0} cannot be instantiated on the server.

WEPRME0950 The system is already shut down.

WEPRME0951 This API is only to be used in HA mode.

WEPRME0952 Unable to close channel {0}.

WEPRME0953 Unexpected command {0}.

WEPRME0954 Unexpected command: {0}.

WEPRME0955 Unknown command: {0}.

WEPRME0956 Unsupported approach.

WEPRME0957 An exception occurred while connecting.

WEPRME0959 Connection to server has been lost.

WEPRME0960 Slave trying to initialize metadata after master failed to do so.

WEPRME0961 Unexpected approach {0}.

WEPRME0962 {0} does not provide a constructor with signature String[], which is obligatory when passing a non-empty String array with parameters.

WEPRME0963 Builder class constructor not usable.

WEPRME0964 Builder class for DataSource not found.

WEPRME0965 Builder properties should contain at least one property e.g. connection URL.

WEPRME0966 Check if the schema file available.

WEPRME0967 Specified database table cannot be accessed.

WEPRME0968 System could not be configured, check XML config URL.

WEPRME0969 Unable to configure JPA Provider.

WEPRME0970 Unable to read configuration file.

WEPRME0971 Unable to read configuration file.

WEPRME0972 Unable to validate configuration file.

WEPRME0973 Unknown connection type purpose {0}.

WEPRME0974 Unknown database table {0}.

WEPRME0975 Unknown LoginModuleControlFlag: {0}.

WEPRME0976 Provided resource name is null!

WEPRME0977 Resource could not be located, please verify resource name ({0})!

WEPRME0978 Inconsistent stream metadata.

WEPRME0979 Unable to connect communication client.

WEPRME0980 Unable to connect due to incompatible protocols.

WEPRME0981 Unknown command.

WEPRME0982 Unsupported appraoch {0}.

WEPRME0983 Wrong command for being handled here: {0}.

WEPRME0984 Connection lost while not expecting a valid connection.

WEPRME0985 Disaster case, as other server has role {0}.

WEPRME0986 Inconsistent number of master result to slave communicators.

WEPRME0987 Master result to slave communicator which claims to support punctuations does not.

WEPRME0988 Multiple high availability partners are registered in cluster status ({0}).

WEPRME0989 No connection to slave which should be recovered.

WEPRME0990 No responsible master result sender found for query {0}.{1}.

WEPRME0991 Only the master can provide a list of active slaves.

WEPRME0992 Other server in unexpected role {0}.

WEPRME0993 PN approach currently not supported here.

WEPRME0994 Setting the cluster status provider is only allowed before start of high availability!

WEPRME0995 Setting the health check provider is only allowed before start of high availability!

WEPRME0996 Setting the system shutdown manager is only allowed before start of high availability!

WEPRME0997 Status of health check monitor of local system is not OK; shutting down!

WEPRME0998 Unable to connect to high availiability partner due to incompatible versions.

WEPRME0999 Unable to create client connection handler because cluster status provider is not yet set.

WEPRME1000 Unable to do handshake with HA partner.

WEPRME1001 Unable to grant all artefact privileges to HA user.

WEPRME1002 Unable to initialize master mode because the cluster''s master lock could not be acquired.

WEPRME1003 Unable to request communication parameters of master.

WEPRME1004 Unable to request role of HA partner.

WEPRME1005 Unable to retrieve high availability partner from cluster status.

WEPRME1006 Unable to shut down HA communication client of master.

WEPRME1007 Unable to take over master mode because the cluster''s master lock could not be acquired.

WEPRME1008 Unsupported approach: {0}.

WEPRME1009 The specified HA server address {0} is not yet registered.

WEPRME1010 This command should not be used by the HA protocol.

WEPRME1012 No sync commands expected.

WEPRME1013 Break-off of input stream must only occur on input 1.

WEPRME1014 Action must not be null.

WEPRME1015 Add privilege on concrete and already existing artefact makes no sense.

WEPRME1016 Artefact must not be null.

WEPRME1017 Identifier must not be null.

WEPRME1018 Null argument.

WEPRME1019 Owner must not be null.

WEPRME1020 Wrong privilege type.

WEPRME1021 Grants load failed.

WEPRME1022 Grants remove failed.

WEPRME1023 No actual artefact known.

WEPRME1024 Privilege {0} for user {1} granted by {2} not found.

WEPRME1025 Privilege {0} for user {1} not found.

WEPRME1026 Privilege cannot be persistent as the referenced artefact is not persistent.

WEPRME1027 The user {0} does not have the privilege {1}.

WEPRME1028 The user {0} does not have the privilege to grant the privilege {1}.

WEPRME1029 Privilege must not be null.

WEPRME1030 The delete failed.

WEPRME1031 The granted privilege to be serialized has no grants specified.

WEPRME1032 The remove of granter {0} to the database failed.

WEPRME1033 The saving of granter {0} to the database failed.

WEPRME1034 User must not be null.

WEPRME1035 Unsupported privilege type in serialization.

WEPRME1036 Unsupported privilege type.

WEPRME1037 Wrong privilege type.

WEPRME1038 Granting privileges is not supported by this authorization module.

WEPRME1039 Persistence is not supported by this authorization module.

WEPRME1040 Revoking privileges is not supported by this authorization module.

WEPRME1041 Check argument, xmlConfig path is wrong, file could not be located.

WEPRME1042 Check argument, xmlSchema path is wrong, file could not be located.

WEPRME1043 Check arguments, either xmlConfig path or xmlSchema path is wrong, files could not be located.

WEPRME1044 Check arguments, either xmlConfig path or xmlSchema were null.

WEPRME1045 Clearing the system is only allowed before calling createSystem.

WEPRME1046 System could not be configured, check XML config URL.

WEPRME1047 Class for schema manager not found.

WEPRME1048 Current system configuration does not support persistence.

WEPRME1049 No schema manager provided!

WEPRME1050 Object of the schema manager cannot be instantiated!

WEPRME1051 Only client commands can be sent using this callback.

WEPRME1052 Problem with access to class of schema manager.

WEPRME1053 Registering protocol handlers is only allowed before system start!

WEPRME1054 Registering protocols is only allowed before system start!

WEPRME1055 Setting the cache provider is only allowed before system start!

WEPRME1056 The protocol handler must not be null.

WEPRME1057 The protocol must not be null.

WEPRME1058 There is already a protocol handler registered using identifier {0}.

WEPRME1059 There is already a protocol registered using identifier {0}.

WEPRME1060 Unknown protocol {0}.

WEPRME1061 The identifier ''{0}'' is not allowed for a {1}.

WEPRME1062 The identifier ''{0}'' is too long (maximum of {1} characters allowed).

WEPRME1063 The identifier of type {0} must not be null.

WEPRME1064 Unsupported artefact {0}.

WEPRME1065 Minimum supported client version must not be greater than maximum one.

WEPRME1066 Server must not support older maximum client versions than the previous one.

WEPRME1067 Server must not support older minimum client versions than the previous one.

WEPRME1068 Server must support clients with same version.

WEPRME1069 Server versions have to be provided in ascending order.

WEPRME1070 The operator is not processing.

WEPRME1071 The timestamps have to be provided in ascending order.

WEPRME1072 Sources must not have inputs.

WEPRME1073 The method (compute)Done must not be called on sources.

WEPRME1074 The method (compute)HeartBeat must not be called on sources.

WEPRME1075 The method (compute)Punctuate must not be called on sources.

WEPRME1076 The method (compute)Push must not be called on sources.

WEPRME1077 No additional outputs allowed.

WEPRME1078 A SourceAdapter providing a chronon stream must not use end timestamps other than start timestamp +1.

WEPRME1079 The operator is not processing ({0}).

WEPRME1080 The timestamps have to be provided in ascending order.

WEPRME1081 Source has to have at least one output.

WEPRME1082 Extra start time must be smaller than start time.

WEPRME1083 No extra work function specified for this source.

WEPRME1084 Sequence may not start before the logical start time.

WEPRME1085 Sequence produced wrong start timestamp.

WEPRME1086 HeartBeatPeriod has to be a divisor of elementPeriod.

WEPRME1087 Time {0} already past ({1}).

WEPRME1088 The specified label must not be null.

WEPRME1089 Lower bound of 1st range does not match with specified minimum.

WEPRME1090 Number of ranges and colors differ.

WEPRME1091 Upper bound of {0} range does not match with lower bound of {1} range.

WEPRME1092 Upper bound of last range does not match with specified maximum.

WEPRME1093 Legend for time series number {0} is not specified!

WEPRME1094 Sinks may not have outputs.

WEPRME1095 An ID has to be provided for each source.

WEPRME1096 Unable to provide metadata.

WEPRME1097 Illegal input index {0}.

WEPRME1098 Input data validity may not overlap more than one day.

WEPRME1099 Output already exists.

WEPRME1100 Output creation must take place before init.

WEPRME1101 Missing negative element for group {0}.

WEPRME1102 The length of minimal splits cannot be less than one millisecond.

WEPRME1103 An ID has to be provided for each cache input.

WEPRME1104 An ID has to be provided for each input.

WEPRME1105 Unexpected number of cache inputs!

WEPRME1106 Unexpected number of stream inputs!

WEPRME1107 Duplicate scope limited heartbeat for input {0}.

WEPRME1108 Scope limited heartbeats with different timestamps.

WEPRME1109 Window advance <= 0 not allowed.

WEPRME1110 Window size <= 0 not allowed.

WEPRME1111 Missing negative input elements.

WEPRME1112 Not all positive elements matched.

WEPRME1113 Negative call on empty state.

WEPRME1115 The window advance must not be smaller than or equal to 0.

WEPRME1116 Negative element not matching any previous positive one.

WEPRME1117 An ID has to be provided for each input.

WEPRME1118 Not all positive elements were matched by a negative one.

WEPRME1119 Adding status is only allowed before open.

WEPRME1120 Additional status elements have to be consecutive.

WEPRME1121 The length of minimal splits cannot be less one millisecond.

WEPRME1125 Error on both streams !

WEPRME1126 Inconsistent streams.

WEPRME1127 No additional outputs allowed.

WEPRME1128 Minimum split length <= 0 not allowed.

WEPRME1129 Ambiguous next edge.

WEPRME1130 Graph has to be packed before sequences can be generated.

WEPRME1131 Graph is already packed.

WEPRME1132 No node with ID {0}.

WEPRME1133 Reserved ID.

WEPRME1134 Wrong temporal event order.

WEPRME1135 The checked graph has the following errors: {0}

WEPRME1136 Duplicate scope limited heartbeat for input {0} (old: {1}, new: {2}).

WEPRME1137 Scope limited heartbeats with different timestamps.

WEPRME1138 Maximum size must only be given if blockIfFull is set.

WEPRME1139 Duplicate scope limited heartbeat for input {0}.

WEPRME1140 Start timestamp series is not monotonous.

WEPRME1141 Scope limited heartbeat for recursive input {0} was not processed within the whole recursive query plan.

WEPRME1142 Scope limited heartbeats are not supported for non-recursive inputs of recursion base.

WEPRME1143 The window advance must not be smaller than or equal to 0.

WEPRME1144 The window size must not be smaller than or equal to 0.

WEPRME1145 Execution has already been assigned.

WEPRME1146 Sink has to belong to this graph.

WEPRME1147 Source has to belong to this graph.

WEPRME1148 No corresponding connection found.

WEPRME1149 Punctuation type {0} is not supported by default serializer.

WEPRME1150 Data must not be null.

WEPRME1151 Invalid element (empty time interval).

WEPRME1152 Check internal queue resources/state.

WEPRME1153 Operator won''t produce any result in this state: {0}.

WEPRME1154 Method must not be called inside a connection''s batch run.

WEPRME1155 Input record does not comply with the schema: expected {0}, but received {1}.

WEPRME1156 The record size ({0}) of {1} does not comply with metadata {2}.

WEPRME1157 The row {0} does not support null values.

WEPRME1158 RequiredDatabaseSources must not be null.

WEPRME1159 RequiredQueries must not be null.

WEPRME1160 RequiredUserDefinedFunctions must not be null.

WEPRME1161 Null properties are not allowed.

WEPRME1162 Property {0} has to be of type {1}.

WEPRME1163 RecordMetaData must not be null.

WEPRME1164 Subscriptions must not be null.

WEPRME1165 The given notification callback is already registered.

WEPRME1166 The given notification callback is not registered.

WEPRME1167 A timestamp for each input has to be specified.

WEPRME1168 All inputs have to be provided before init.

WEPRME1169 An operator may not publish elements in state {0}.

WEPRME1170 An operator may not publish punctuations in state {0}.

WEPRME1171 Cannot determine periodically updated metadata fragments! Execution is unavailable!

WEPRME1172 Cannot determine periodically updated metadata fragments! PeriodicMetaDataUpdateWorkerThread is unavailable!

WEPRME1173 Complete from is already set for output ID {0}.

WEPRME1174 Complete from must not change (Was {0} for output {1} and tried to change to {2}).

WEPRME1175 Graph must not be null!

WEPRME1176 Graph Wlock needed.

WEPRME1177 Identifier {0} is not supported.

WEPRME1178 Illegal Operator State: {0} (State.INITIALIZED or State.PROCESSING expected).

WEPRME1179 Index out of bounds.

WEPRME1180 Input {0} already set.

WEPRME1181 Input {0} not set.

WEPRME1182 Input {0} was not set.

WEPRME1183 MetaData-object must not be null!

WEPRME1184 Minimum heartbeat distance must not be smaller than one.

WEPRME1185 Not enough inputs provided.

WEPRME1186 Operator already closed.

WEPRME1187 Operator already closed.

WEPRME1188 Operator is already initialized.

WEPRME1189 Operator is already opened.

WEPRME1190 Operator is working.

WEPRME1192 Operator may not use tellDone method in state {0}.

The tellDone method of an operator announces to downstream operators that the operator will no longer send events. Calling this method is restricted to certain states of the lifecycle of the operator.


Restrict the use of this method to the permitted lifecycle states.

WEPRME1193 Operator was already closed.

WEPRME1194 Operator was already closed - use reset.

WEPRME1195 Output already exists.

WEPRME1196 Output already set.

WEPRME1197 Output creation must take place before init.

WEPRME1198 Output ID out of bounds.

WEPRME1199 Output not found.

WEPRME1200 Output not set.

WEPRME1201 Punctuations of type {0} are not supported by operator {1}.

WEPRME1202 Setting complete from for operators with optional inputs is only possible if no inputs present.

WEPRME1203 Setting complete from for operators with optional inputs is only possible when initialized.

WEPRME1204 Setting complete from is only possible for sources.

WEPRME1205 Too many inputs provided.

WEPRME1206 Nullary operators have no sources.

WEPRME1207 Input not set.

WEPRME1208 Unable to read from input.

WEPRME1209 From must not be null.

WEPRME1210 Unable to close input stream.

WEPRME1211 Unable to read file.

WEPRME1212 Reset is not supported for a queue while it is consuming.

WEPRME1213 Min must not be greater than max.

WEPRME1214 Only positive numbers of elements are supported.

WEPRME1215 Times must not be negative.

WEPRME1216 Right input has to support reset.

WEPRME1217 Not enough sources provided.

WEPRME1218 Sources not yet provided.

WEPRME1219 Wrong input type.

WEPRME1220 Cannot determine supportsReset before init.

WEPRME1221 No source provided.

WEPRME1222 Source not yet provided.

WEPRME1223 Wrong input type.

WEPRME1224 Initally empty map required.

WEPRME1225 This queue is limited.

WEPRME1226 Buffer must have a capacity of at least one element.

WEPRME1227 No additional run can be obtained before consuming the last one.

WEPRME1228 No new cursors can be requested after all previously requested cursors were closed.

WEPRME1229 Only one additional cursor supported due to consuming TeeBuffer.

WEPRME1230 This is a consuming TeeBuffer.

WEPRME1231 This is not a consuming TeeBuffer.

WEPRME1232 Iterator is empty.

WEPRME1233 Underlying iterator has to support remove.

WEPRME1234 Init not allowed after open{0}{1}.

WEPRME1235 Iterator is already closed.

WEPRME1236 Iterator is already initialized.

WEPRME1237 Iterator is already open.

WEPRME1238 Iterator is not initialized.

WEPRME1239 Iterator was already closed - use reset.

WEPRME1240 Iterator was not opened.

WEPRME1241 No more elements left.

WEPRME1242 Remove is not supported by this iterator.

WEPRME1243 Reset is only allowed after open and before close.

WEPRME1244 Update may only be used after next().

WEPRME1245 Not all required sources set.

WEPRME1246 Operator was already initialized.

WEPRME1247 Operators do not supported remove.

WEPRME1248 Sources {0} not set.

WEPRME1249 Update may only be used after next().

WEPRME1250 Exception during close.

WEPRME1251 Exception during init.

WEPRME1252 Exception during query processing.

WEPRME1253 Unable to handle {0} due to {1}.

WEPRME1254 Unknown device.

WEPRME1255 Wrong data format: missing header element.

WEPRME1256 Wrong data format: missing header end.

WEPRME1257 Wrong data format: missing header start.

WEPRME1258 Wrong data format: missing packet end.

WEPRME1259 Wrong data format: unable to parse parameter.

WEPRME1260 Wrong data format: unable to parse parameter count.

WEPRME1261 Wrong data format: unable to parse timestamp.

WEPRME1262 Wrong data format: wrong number of parameters.

WEPRME1263 Wrong data format: wrong parameter format.

WEPRME1264 Bytes message cannot be read because of the following reason: {0}.

WEPRME1265 Bytes messages do not support reading lines of data.

WEPRME1266 Bytes message cannot be written because of the following reason: {0}.

WEPRME1267 Connection cannot be created. Check associated properties (e.g. authentication properties)! {0}.

WEPRME1268 Connection cannot be listened to because of the following reason: {0}.

WEPRME1269 Connection factory cannot be retrieved via JNDI. Check associated ID! {0}.

WEPRME1270 Destination cannot be retrieved via JNDI. Check associated ID! {0}.

WEPRME1271 JNDI context cannot be created. Check connection properties! {0}.

WEPRME1272 Message cannot be sent because of the following reason: {0}.

WEPRME1273 Receiver cannot be created because of the following reason: {0}.

WEPRME1274 Sender cannot be created because of the following reason: {0}.

WEPRME1275 Session cannot be created because of the following reason: {0}.

WEPRME1276 Connection cannot be created because of the following reason: {0}.

WEPRME1277 Input has to support reset.

WEPRME1278 This class must not be reinitialized.

WEPRME1279 Unexpected reinitialization.

WEPRME1280 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a distinct operator.

WEPRME1281 Database sources using direct access cannot be used in user-defined operators.

WEPRME1282 Incompatible parameter type for user-defined operator {0} (expected {1}, found {2}).

WEPRME1283 Initialization is only available for user-defined operators.

WEPRME1284 Input of user-defined operator has unknown mode {0}.

WEPRME1285 Inputs of a user-defined operator have to be ordered (first input streams, second database sources).

WEPRME1286 Only user-defined operators and sources can be used as child nodes of a user-defined operator (found {0}).

WEPRME1288 Unable to compute stream metadata for user-defined operator.

WEPRME1289 Unable to retrieve specified source input.

WEPRME1290 Unknown user-defined operator mode {0}.

WEPRME1291 Wrong number of instantiation parameters for user-defined operator {0} (expected {1}, found {2}).

WEPRME1292 List caches cannot be indexed!

WEPRME1293 Missing key indices!

WEPRME1294 Missing key!

WEPRME1295 Unsupported communication type.

WEPRME1296 Attempt to inconsistently initialize serializers for complex {0}.

WEPRME1297 Wrong serialization initialization - Missing: {0}, unused: {1}.

WEPRME1298 Wrong alternative.

WEPRME1299 File has to be empty.

WEPRME1300 Update ist not permitted.

WEPRME1301 Iterator always removes elements.

WEPRME1302 Remove is currently not supported.

WEPRME1303 Unsupported type code: {0}.

WEPRME1304 Unsupported RTM exception type.

WEPRME1305 Inputs of an user-defined operator have to be ordered (first input streams, second database sources).

WEPRME1306 Only user-defined operators and sources can be used as child nodes of an user-defined operator (found {0}).

WEPRME1307 Wrong number of instantiation parameters for user-defined operator {0} (expected {1}, found {2}).

WEPRME1308 Incompatible parameter type for user-defined operator {0} (expected {1}, found {2}).

WEPRME1309 Input metadata mismatch for user-defined operator {0}. {1}

WEPRME1310 Missing inputs for user-defined operator {0}. {1}

WEPRME1311 Too may inputs for user-defined operator {0}. {1}

WEPRME1312 Unable to use user-defined operator {0}. {1}.

WEPRME1313 RequiredUserDefinedOperators must not be null.

WEPRME1314 An input stream is to be connected to an operator at index {0}, but the index must not be negative or exceed the maximum allowed number of inputs, which is {1}.

WEPRME1315 Inconsistent output stream metadata.

WEPRME1317 The entry to insert does not provide the list of required entries.

WEPRME1318 A list of required repository entries has to be provided.

WEPRME1319 An initialization reason has to be provided. Use other constructor if no reinitialization takes place.

WEPRME1320 JPA initialization is only allowed using the parameterless constructor.

WEPRME1322 The entry is not yet initialized.

WEPRME1323 The timestamps have to be provided in increasing order.

WEPRME1324 The end timestamp has to be greater than the start timestamp.

WEPRME1325 First snapshot-reducible event has been sent for the following query: Owner: {0} Identifier: {1} Event: {2}

WEPRME1326 The entry {0} required by {1} is not in the repository.

WEPRME1327 The entry {0} can not be removed as it is still in use.

WEPRME1328 The left-hand side of an action must be a field declared in the measure clause.

WEPRME1335 This UserDefinedOperator is missing cache inputs. Minimum expected: {0}. Found: {1}.{2}

WEPRME1336 This UserDefinedOperator is missing stream inputs. Minimum expected: {0}. Found: {1}.{2}

WEPRME1337 This UserDefinedOperator has too many cache inputs. Maximum expected: {0}. Found: {1}.{2}

WEPRME1338 This UserDefinedOperator has too many stream inputs. Maximum expected: {0}. Found: {1}.{2}

WEPRME1340 Invalid range of exponent.

WEPRME1341 Error occurred when evaluating function {0}. {1}

WEPRME1342 Error occurred when evaluating operation {0}. {1}

WEPRME1343 Cast to {0} is illegal due to precision loss.

WEPRME1344 Illegal real exponent for negative base. Integer required.

WEPRME1345 Invalid negative exponent for base zero.

WEPRME1346 Undefined for x <= 0.

WEPRME1347 Undefined for negative values.

WEPRME1348 The query {0} cannot be stopped as it is still in use.

WEPRME1349 Unexpected problem caused by usage of a subscription.

WEPRME1350 The user-defined function {0}.{1} cannot be deregistered as it is still in use.

WEPRME1351 The user-defined aggregation function {0}.{1} cannot be deregistered as it is still in use.

WEPRME1352 The user-defined operator {0}.{1} cannot be deregistered as it is still in use.

WEPRME1353 The data source {0}.{1} cannot be deregistered as it is still in use.

WEPRME1354 The table {0}.{1} cannot be deregistered as it is still in use.

WEPRME1355 The number of inputs returned by the user-defined operator adapter''s getNumberOfInputs() method ({0}) is not consistent with the the number of inputs the user-defined operator adapter factory is called with ({1}).

WEPRME1356 The number of cache inputs returned by the user-defined operator adapter''s getNumberOfInputs() method ({0}) is not consistent with the the number of cache inputs the user-defined operator adapter factory is called with ({1}).

WEPRME1357 Division by zero.

WEPRME1358 Column ''{0}''not found in metadata object.

WEPRME1359 Unexpected number of field metadata entries. Found {0}, expected {1}.

WEPRME1360 Objects of type {0} do not match. {1} <> {2}.

WEPRME1361 Unexpected number of columns. Found {0}, expected {1}.

WEPRME1362 Argument may not be null!

WEPRME1363 Column {0} has an unexpected type. Found {1}, expected {2}.

WEPRME1365 Column is expected to be nullable: {1}.

WEPRME1366 Column is expected to be case sensitive: {0}.

WEPRME1368 Parameter is not within range [{0}, {1}]: {2}.

WEPRME1369 Stream is expected to be a chronon stream!

WEPRME1370 Stream is not expected to be a chronon stream!

WEPRME1371 Parameter does not match expected value. Found {0}, expected {1}.

WEPRME1372 The address given in config parameter {0} must not be empty.

WEPRME1373 The deprecated property {0} is used although the new property {1} is present.

WEPRME1374 Wrong number of factory parameters (was {0} but expected {1}).

WEPRME1375 Invalid port number: {0}.

WEPRME1378 Error evaluating aggregate function {0}. {1}

WEPRME1379 Error occurred in method {0}.

WEPRME1380 The signature of the user-defined aggregation function {0} does not match the specified types ({1}).

WEPRME1381 The user-defined aggregation function {0} is unknown or not visible.

WEPRME1383 Error occurred when evaluating function {0}.

WEPRME1384 Error occurred when evaluating operation {0}.

WEPRME1385 The field {0} is ambiguous. Check if fields and sources are properly renamed and no duplicate aliases are introduced.

WEPRME1386 The provided source parameters should not be null.

The input parameter source parameters is null. A valid source parameters object should be provided.

WEPRME1387 The provided server source parameters should not be null.

The input parameter server source parameters is null. A valid server source parameters object should be provided.

WEPRME1388 The provided query parameters should not be null.

The input parameter query parameters is null. A valid query parameters object should be provided.

WEPRME1389 The provided query language should not be null.

The input parameter query language is null. A valid query language object should be provided.

WEPRME1390 The provided query string should not be null.

The input parameter query string is null. A valid query string object should be provided.

WEPRME1391 The command prepareQuery2 is not supported by the server.

The client tried to send the command prepareQuery2 to the server. The current server version does not support handling of this command. There is a mismatch between client version and server version.

WEPRME1392 The query {0} cannot be subscribed to using subscription mode {1} as subscriptions to this query were restricted to times when no element is valid.

The query was prepared using the query parameter 'isSubscribableOnlyWhenNoElementValid'. Subscriptions to such queries may not use other subscription modes than 'ALL'.


Use subscription mode 'ALL'.

WEPRME1393 The query {0} can currently not be subscribed to as subscriptions to this query were restricted to times when no element is valid.

WEPRME1394 The query {0} cannot be unsubscribed from using subscription mode {1} as subscriptions to this query were restricted to times when no element is valid.

The query was prepared using the query parameter 'isSubscribableOnlyWhenNoElementValid'. Unsubscriptions to such queries may not use other subscription modes than 'ALL'.


Use subscription mode 'ALL'.

WEPRME1395 An exception related to {0} occurred in the underlying connection.

WEPRME1396 Creation of empty arrays is not supported.

WEPRME1397 All values in an array value construction must have the same type.

WEPRME1398 Only field expressions can be used as child nodes of an array element reference expression.

WEPRME1399 Limiting subscriptions to times when no element is valid is currently not supported in HA mode.

WEPRME1400 The field {0} is not of type ARRAY.

WEPRME1401 The method {0} is not yet supported in class {1}.

WEPRME1402 The XML query is not a valid XML document.

WEPRME1404 The XML query contains semantical errors.

WEPRME1405 An operator providing a chronon stream must not use end timestamps other than start timestamp +1.

WEPRME1406 Unknown timezone: {0}.

WEPRME1407 The time unit ''{0}'' is unknown.

WEPRME1408 Connection to {0} system lost.

WEPRME1409 Client lost connection to server with address {0}.

WEPRME1425 The Positive-Negative approach is currently not supported when running in high availability mode.

WEPRME1427 NullPointerException occurred while accepting new connection on address {0}.

WEPRME1428 CommunicationException occurred while accepting new connection on address {0}.

WEPRME1429 Exception occurred while accepting new connection on address {0}.

WEPRME1431 The pattern contains illegal characters. Supported characters are letters and the meta characters '*', '+', '?', '.', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '^', '{', '}', '' and digits.

WEPRME1432 An aggregate is not allowed in this context.

The query contains an aggregate, but in a context that does not permit aggregates. Aggregates are only allowed in the SELECT and HAVING clauses of an SQL query, or inside an aggregate operator of an XML query.


Correct the query and resubmit.

WEPRME1433 An Ehcache with the name {0} already exists.

The system has tried to create a new Ehcache but it already existed in the CacheManager.


Make sure the existing Ehcache is removed from the CacheManager.

WEPRME1434 Ehcache configuration error: {0}.

The provided ehcache configuration file is not valid.


Make sure the provided ehcache configuration file is valid.

WEPRME1435 Problem creating new Ehcache: {0}.

The system tried to create a new Ehcache but encountered problems.


See detailed message for further information.

WEPRME1436 Invalid value of join attribute ''{0}''.

Join attributes refer to the input operators of a join by specifying their 0-based index. They are thus composed of a list of indexes, where only 0 and 1 are valid indexes. As an additional constraint, the list must not contain duplicates.


Correct the specified join attribute.

WEPRME1437 The child nodes with the UIDs ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' are not equivalent in the equivalence node.

Two of the child nodes in the equivalence node have different record metadata. All direct children of an equivalence node in a query graph must have the same record metadata (resulting schema).


Adapt the equivalence node so that all child nodes have the same record metadata.

WEPRME1438 Regular expression is invalid at offset {0}.

The query contains a PATTERN clause, but its regular expression has invalid syntax. The offset contained in the message is the 0-based offset within the regular expression where the failure was detected.


Correct the regular expression syntax and resubmit the query.

WEPRME1439 Barrier can only await one single set of connections.

WEPRME1440 The connection barrier has not been passed yet.

WEPRME1441 Connection for ID {0} could not be used as it connected too late.

WEPRME1442 Unexpected incoming recovery connection for ID {0}.

WEPRME1443 Duplicate incoming recovery connection for ID {0}.

WEPRME1444 Wrong user or password for recovery connection for ID {0}.

WEPRME1445 The connection is already authenticated.

WEPRME1447 Unable to cast the {0} value {1} to {2}.

The specified CAST function tries to cast the specified value to the shown type, but this is not possible.


Either change the value in a way that it can be casted to the specified type or change the type accordingly.

WEPRME1449 Unable to read the given event.

WEPRME1450 Unable to write the given event.

WEPRME1451 Percentage of delays must be in [0,1].

Percentage of delays must be in [0,1].


Configure delay to be in [0,1].

WEPRME1452 Exclusion threshold for delays must be greater than or equal zero.

Exclusion threshold for delays must be greater than or equal zero.


Set exclusion threshold for delays to be greater than or equal zero.

WEPRME1453 The weighting factor alpha must be in [0,1].

The weighting factor alpha must be in [0,1].


Set the weighting factor alpha to be in [0,1].

WEPRME1454 Size for the queue must be greater 1.

Size for the queue must be greater 1.


Set size for the queue to be greater 1.

WEPRME1455 Missing Ehcache configuration.

The useEhcache query parameter was set, but there was no Ehcache configuration present in the RTM system confuration.


Either remove the useEhcache query parameter, or extend the RTM system configuration to include an Ehcache configuration.

WEPRME1456 Element must not be null.

Element must not be null.


Insert only elements not being null.

WEPRME1458 Only one overload detector can be registered at a time.

Only one overload detector can be registered at a time.


Register only one overload detector.

WEPRME1459 The DURATION expression of a MATCHING clause must be evaluable to a numeric type.

The specified DURATION expression evaluates to a type that is not numeric, e.g., STRING. But DURATION expressions must be numeric.


Change the DURATION expression such taht is evaluates to a numeric type.

WEPRME1460 The WITHIN expression of a MATCHING clause must be evaluable to a numeric type.

The specified WITHIN expression evaluates to a type that is not numeric, e.g., STRING. But WITHIN expressions must be numeric.


Change the WITHIN expression such taht is evaluates to a numeric type.

WEPRME1461 Check the DURATION expression.

The DURATION expression contains an unspecific error.


Check the DURATION expression.

WEPRME1462 Check the WITHIN expression.

The WITHIN expression contains an unspecific error.


Check the WITHIN expression.

WEPRME1469 The maximum window size must not be smaller than or equal to 0.

The maximum windo size specifies the maximum validity an event can get applied by the window operator. As validities are always greater than zero the maximum window size also has to be.


Specify a maximum window size that is greater than 0.

WEPRME1471 The size of a count-based window can only be specified using a numeric constant.

Count-based windows does not support window size specification using numeric expressions.


Replace the window size expression by a numeric constant.

WEPRME1472 Check the window size expression.

The window size expression contains an unspecific error.


Check the window size expression.

WEPRME1473 Only constant maximum windows sizes, i.e., milliseconds, seconds, minutes or hours, are allowed for time-based windows.

The maximum window size must be evaluable to a constant amount of milliseconds. For this reason only constant time units are supported.


Use a constant unit, i.e., millisecond, second, minute or hour, when specifying a maximum window size.

WEPRME1474 The size of a time-based window can''t be specified using a non-numeric constant.

The window size is specified by a non-numeric constant.


Replace the non-numeric constant window size specification by a numeric constant or an expression that can be evaluated to a numeric type.

WEPRME1475 The window size must not be greater than the specified maximum window size.

The computed window size was greater than the specified maximum window size.


Check the window size expression if it could be limited to results that are less than or equal to the specified maximum window size or adapt (or remove) the specified maximum window size.

WEPRME1476 The user {0} does not have the privilege to refresh the table.

WEPRME1477 The table {0} does not support triggered cache refresh!

The table is configured with no support for a a-periodic, triggered cached refreshed.


Change the AccessProperties of the table and enable supportsTriggeredRefresh option to enable a-periodic triggering of table refreshes.

WEPRME1479 The required complete-from timestamp cannot be guaranteed by the source.

The source operator cannot guarantee the semantic subscription time requested when preparing the query.


Change or remove the requested semantic subscription time when preparing the query.

WEPRME1480 The required complete-from timestamp cannot be guaranteed by the source adapter (not an intra source adapter).

Only intra source adapters are able to guarantee semantic subscription time requests when preparing a query.


Use registered intra source adapters or remove the requested semantic subscription time when preparing the query.

WEPRME1481 The required complete-from timestamp cannot be guaranteed by the source adapter (intra source adapter does not support requesting semantic subscription times).

The used intra source adapter does not support guaranteed semantic subscription time requests when preparing a query.


Use intra source adapters supporting this feature or remove the requested semantic subscription time when preparing the query.

WEPRME1482 The required complete-from timestamp cannot be guaranteed by the source adapter (intra source adapter is not able to provide the requested semantic subscription time).

The used intra source adapter is not able to guarantee the semantic subscription time requested when preparing the query.


Change or remove the semantic subscription time requested when preparing the query.

WEPRME1483 The required complete-from timestamp cannot be guaranteed by the operator.

The operator is already opened and the requested semantic subscription time cannot be guaranteed anymore.


Modify or remove the semantic subscription time requested when preparing the query.

WEPRME1484 The required complete-from timestamp cannot be guaranteed by the count-based window.

Count-based windows does not support requesting semantic subscription times when preparing a query.


Remove the count-based window from the query or remove the semantic subscription time request when preparing the query.

WEPRME1485 The duration must not be NULL.

The duration expression was evaluated to NULL.


The duration expression must not return NULL as it cannot be interpreted as a duration value. Modify the expression in such a way that it cannot return NULL when being evaluated using the incoming data.

WEPRME1486 The within must not be NULL.

The within expression was evaluated to NULL.


The within expression must not return NULL as it cannot be interpreted as a within value. Modify the expression in such a way that it cannot return NULL when being evaluated using the incoming data.

WEPRME1487 The window size must not be NULL.

The window size expression was evaluated to NULL.


The window size expression must not return NULL as it cannot be interpreted as a window size value. Modify the expression in such a way that it cannot return NULL when being evaluated using the incoming data.

WEPRME1488 Execution is already started.

WEPRME1489 Execution is already stopped and may not be restarted.

WEPRME1490 Execution is not started, yet.

WEPRME1491 Execution is already stopped.

WEPRME1492 Error unregistering mBean ''{0}''.

WEPRME1493 Failed to invoke setter on class ''{0}''.

WEPRME1494 Failed to invoke action ''{0}'' on class ''{1}''.

WEPRME1495 Failed to invoke getter ''{0}'' on class ''{1}''.

WEPRME1496 Attribute name cannot be null.

WEPRME1498 Getter must not be invoked as long as metadata is not activated.

WEPRME1499 Attribute ''{0}'' not found in class ''{1}''.

WEPRME1500 Setters is not supported.

WEPRME1501 Action name cannot be null.

WEPRME1502 No parameters allowed.

WEPRME1503 No Signature allowed.

WEPRME1504 Action name has to start with either {0}, {1} or {2}.

WEPRME1505 No such metaDataIdentifier found: {0}.

WEPRME1506 Unsupported parameter type: {0}.

WEPRME1508 Aggregates are not allowed in the GROUP BY clause.

As the grouping is applied before the aggregates are computed on the groups it is not allowed to use aggregates in the GROUP BY clause.


Remove the aggregate from the GROUP BY clause.

WEPRME1509 Check the specified group expression.

The group expression contains an unspecific error.


Check the group expression for errors.

WEPRME1510 Check the specified predicate (having clause).

The predicate contains an unspecific error.


Check the predicate for errors.

WEPRME1511 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a limit operator.

A non-operator node was passed as the input node of a limit operator, where only an operator node is allowed.


Supply an operator node as the child of a limit operator.

WEPRME1512 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an order operator.

A non-operator node was passed as the input node of an order operator, where only an operator node is allowed.


Supply an operator node as the child of an order operator.

WEPRME1513 Translation mode does not support operators of type {0}.

An unsupported operator was found during the translation of an SQL statement. The operator may be invalid for the current mode , but valid in other translation mode.


Avoid SQL statements using the offending operator, or use a translation mode that supports it.

WEPRME1514 Invalid aggregate in ORDER BY clause.

An ORDER BY clause was found to contain an aggregate function, which was not specified earlier in the same query. This is not allowed, an ORDER BY clause must not introduce new aggregate functions.


Correct SQL statement, e.g. by adding the aggregate in question to the SELECT list.

WEPRME1515 Check the specified part of the ORDER BY clause.

The ORDER BY clause was found to contain some invalid construct.


Inspect ORDER BY clause and remove any invalid expressions.

WEPRME1516 Subquery not allowed in this context.

A subquery was found in a context, where it is not supported.


Correct statement according to the language specification.

WEPRME1517 Subquery results in more than one column, where it must be a single column.

A subquery in a comparison of the where clause must result in a single column.


Correct SQL statement.

WEPRME1518 Invalid frame bound.

A window definition contained an invalid frame bound. A frame bound of UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING is not allowed on the left hand side of a window frame BETWEEN definition, and a frame bound of UNBOUNDED PRECEDING is not allowed on the right hand side.


Correct SQL statement.

WEPRME1519 Window function not allowed in this context.

A window function was found in a context, where it is not supported.


Correct statement according to the language specification.

WEPRME1520 Check the specified part of the window specification.

A window specification was found to contain some invalid construct.


Inspect window specification and remove any invalid expressions.

WEPRME1521 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a window aggregation operator.

A non-operator node was passed as the input node of a window aggregation operator, where only an operator node is allowed.


Supply an operator node as the child of a window aggregation operator.

WEPRME1524 Invalid nested aggregate function reference.

The argument of a set function invocation cannot be another set function.


Correct SQL statement.

WEPRME1535 The 2nd argument of the ROUND function must be of type integer.

The 2nd argument of the given ROUND function call is not of type integer which is mandatory.


Change the expression specifying the 2nd argument of ROUND function such that it is of type integer.

WEPRME1536 Unable to parse long value due to wrong number format. {0}

The given literal does not comply with the structure of an integral number, i.e. it contains characters other than 0-9,+,-.


Please remove any invalid characters from your integer literal.

WEPRME1537 Unable to parse integer value due to wrong number format. {0}

The given literal does not comply with the structure of an integral number, i.e. it contains characters other than 0-9,+,-.


Please remove any invalid characters from your integer literal.

WEPRME1538 If FROM is specified in the TRIM function,either the trim specification (LEADING, TRAILING, or BOTH) or the trim character or both have to be specified.

If FROM is specified in the TRIM function,either the trim specification (LEADING, TRAILING, or BOTH) or the trim character or both have to be specified.


Either add the trim specification, the trim character or both. Alternatively remove the FROM clause.

WEPRME1539 Only expressions are permitted for the trim source argument of the TRIM function.

Only expressions are permitted for the trim source argument of the TRIM function.


Use an expression for the trim source argument.

WEPRME1540 Only expressions are permitted for the trim character argument of the TRIM function.

Only expressions are permitted for the trim character argument of the TRIM function.


Use an expression for the trim character argument.

WEPRME1541 The {1} function only supports STRING values as argument for the substring source.

The {1} function only supports STRING values as argument for the substring source.


Use a STRING value as argument for the substring source.

WEPRME1542 The {1} function only supports INTEGER values as argument for the start position.

The {1} function only supports INTEGER values as argument for the start position.


Use an INTEGER value as argument for the start position.

WEPRME1543 The {1} function only supports INTEGER values as argument for the string length.

The {1} function only supports INTEGER values as argument for the string length.


Use and INTEGER value as argument for the string length.

WEPRME1544 The {1} function only supports STRING values as argument for the trim character.

The {1} function only supports STRING values as argument for the trim character.


Use a STRING value as argument for the trim character.

WEPRME1545 The {1} function only supports STRING values as argument for the trim source.

The {1} function only supports STRING values as argument for the trim source.


Use a STRING value as argument for the trim source.

WEPRME1546 The argument of the {0} function must be of type STRING or CHARACTER.

The argument of the LOWER and the UPPER function must be of type STRING or CHARACTER.


Use a STRING or CHARACTER value as argument for the LOWER and the UPPER function.

WEPRME1547 For the SUBSTRING function the substring source must be of type STRING and the start position and string length must be of type INTEGER.

For the SUBSTRING function the substring source must be of type STRING and the start position and string length must be of type INTEGER.


Use a STRING value for the substring source and an INTEGER value for the start poistion and the string length.

WEPRME1548 For the TRIM function the trim source must be of type STRING and the trim character must be of type STRING or CHARACTER.

For the TRIM function the trim source must be of type STRING and the trim character must be of type STRING or CHARACTER.


Use a STRING value for the trim source and a STRING or CHARACTER value for the trim character.

WEPRME1549 A {0} operation must have exactly three sub-expressions.

A {0} operation must have exactly three sub-expressions.


Ensure that the {0} operation has exactly three sub-expressions.

WEPRME1550 The LOWER and the UPPER function only support STRING and CHARACTER values.

The LOWER and the UPPER function only support STRING and CHARACTER values.


Ensure that only STRING and CHARACTER values are used.

WEPRME1551 The trim character for the TRIM function must have exactly one character.

The trim character for the TRIM function must have exactly one character.


Use a single character as trim character for the TRIM function.

WEPRME1552 The values for start position and start length of the SUBSTRING function are not valid.

The values for start position and start length of the SUBSTRING function are not valid.


Use correct values for start position and start length of the SUBSTRING function.

WEPRME1555 The return type of method {0} needs to be assignable to {1}. Found: {2}.

WEPRME1556 The first parameter of method {0} needs to be the same class or a super-class of {1}. Found: {2}.

WEPRME1557 Mmethod {0} is expected to have return type {1}. Found: {2}.

WEPRME1558 Method {0} is expected to have {1,choice,0#no parameters| 1#exactly one parameter| 1<exactly {1,number} parameters}.

WEPRME1559 The function cannot be registered.

WEPRME1560 The function factory cannot be registered.

WEPRME1561 The class of the user-defined function adapter factory must not be null.

WEPRME1562 The class of the user-defined aggregation function adapter factory must not be null.

WEPRME1565 Receiver version is to old to handle serialized user defined aggregation function adapter factory.

WEPRME1567 Failed to instantiate user defined window function for call ''{0}''. {1}

WEPRME1568 The signature {0} of the retrieved user defined window function for call ''{1}'' is invalid. {2}

WEPRME1569 Failed to instantiate user defined aggregation function for call ''{0}''. {1}

WEPRME1570 The signature {0} of the retrieved user defined aggregation function for call ''{1}'' is invalid. {2}

WEPRME1571 Failed to instantiate user defined function for call ''{0}''. {1}

WEPRME1572 The signature {0} of the retrieved user defined function for call ''{1}'' is invalid. {2}

WEPRME1573 Unknown window function type {0}.

WEPRME1574 Parameter number {0} of method {1} is expected to be serializable.

WEPRME1575 The mask ''{0}'' defining the temporal format is not valid.

The mask ''{0}'' defining the temporal format is not valid.


Select a valid temporal format.

WEPRME1576 Date conversion error for value ''{0}''.

Date conversion error for value ''{0}''.


Enter a valid date.

WEPRME1577 Unsupported date field ''{0}''.

Unsupported date field ''{0}''.


Select a valid date field.

WEPRME1578 Conversion to date failed for input string ''{0}''.

Conversion to date failed for input string ''{0}''.


Enter a valid input string.

WEPRME1582 RequiredUserDefinedAggregationFunctions may not be null.

WEPRME1583 The aggregation function adapter may not be null.

WEPRME1584 The function adapter may not be null.

WEPRME1585 The window function adapter may not be null.

WEPRME1586 The connected system does not support the registration of user-defined window functions.

WEPRME1587 The connected system does not support the de-registration of user-defined window functions.

WEPRME1588 The class of the user-defined window function adapter must not be null.

WEPRME1589 The server user-defined window function cannot be registered.

WEPRME1590 The class of the user-defined window function adapter factory must not be null.

WEPRME1591 The class of the user-defined aggregation function adapter factory must not be null.

WEPRME1592 The user-defined window function cannot be deregistered.

WEPRME1593 The user-defined window function cannot be registered.

WEPRME1594 The user-defined window function adapter factory must not be null.

WEPRME1595 The user {0} does not have the privilege to add the user-defined window function.

WEPRME1596 A user-defined window function factory is already registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME1597 No user-defined window function is registered for {0}.{1}.

WEPRME1598 The user-defined window function {0}.{1} cannot be deregistered as it is still in use.

WEPRME1599 A window function is not allowed in this context.

WEPRME1600 The signature of the user-defined window function {0} does not match the specified types ({1}).

WEPRME1601 The user-defined window function {0} is unknown or not visible.

WEPRME1602 DISTINCT mode is not allowed for user-defined aggregates.

WEPRME1603 The window function {0} is expected to have exactly {1} sub-expression(s).

WEPRME1604 Unknown window function type {0}.

WEPRME1605 Window functions are not supported in ACTIVE mode.

WEPRME1606 Unknown window function operator mode {0}.

WEPRME1607 Unexpected sub-expression type {0}. Aggregate or window function expected.

WEPRME1608 Invalid aggregation function adapter factory: Resolved a valid signature for the call ''{0}'', but failed to instantiate an adapter.

WEPRME1609 Invalid usage of aggregation function adapter factory. The signature for the call ''{0}'' had not been resolved before attempting to instantiate the adapter.

WEPRME1610 Invalid function adapter factory: Resolved a valid signature for the call ''{0}'', but failed to instantiate an adapter.

WEPRME1611 Invalid usage of function adapter factory. The signature for the call ''{0}'' had not been resolved before attempting to instantiate the adapter.

WEPRME1612 Invalid window function adapter factory: Resolved a valid signature for the call ''{0}'', but failed to instantiate an adapter.

WEPRME1613 Invalid usage of window function adapter factory. The signature for the call ''{0}'' had not been resolved before attempting to instantiate the adapter.

WEPRME1614 Only expressions can be used as child nodes of a window function expression.

WEPRME1615 Window function {0} is only applicaple over ordered windows.

WEPRME1616 Window function {0} is only applicaple over unbounded windows.

WEPRME1617 The user {0} does not have the privilege to remove the user-defined window function.

WEPRME1618 The signature's return type may not be null.

WEPRME1619 The signature's parameter types may not be null.

WEPRME1620 Only expressions are permitted in a PARTITION BY clause.

WEPRME1621 The {0,choice,0#parameter|1#instantiation parameter} types may not be null.

WEPRME1622 Expected at least {1} {0,choice,0#parameter|1# instantiation parameter} type(s), found {2}.

WEPRME1623 Expected at most {1} {0,choice,0#parameter|1# instantiation parameter} type(s), found {2}.

WEPRME1624 The {1}-th {0,choice,0#parameter|1#instantiation parameter} type is expected to be numeric, but is {2}.

WEPRME1625 {0,choice,0#Parameter|1#Instantiation parameter} types may not be null (found null at index {1}).

WEPRME1626 {0,choice,0#Parameter|1#Instantiation parameter} type {1} is expected to be compatible with type {2}. Found {3}.

WEPRME1627 The number of input parameter types differs. Expected {0}, but was {1}.

WEPRME1628 The {0}-th input parameter type may not be null.

WEPRME1629 The {0}-th parameter type is exepected to be assignable to type {1}. Was: {2}.

WEPRME1630 The Return type may not be null.

WEPRME1631 Incompatible return types. Expected {0}, but was {1}.

WEPRME1632 The number of instantiation parameter types differs. Expected {0}, but was {1}.

WEPRME1633 The {0}-th instantiation parameter may not be null.

WEPRME1634 The {0}-th instantiation parameter is exepected to be equal to or a sub-type of {1}. Was: {2}.

WEPRME1635 No {0,choice,0#parameter|1#instantiation parameter} types expected. Found {1}.

WEPRME1636 The given window function requires an ORDER BY clause in the window specification.

WEPRME1637 The given window function does not accept a bounded frame given in the window specification.

WEPRME1638 Unable to cast the given object to the specified type ''{0}''.

WEPRME1639 Unable to convert the given date ''{0}''.

WEPRME1640 Unable to convert the given date of class {0}.

WEPRME1641 Unable to read next record.

WEPRME1642 Unable to convert the next record.

WEPRME1643 Remove not supported.

WEPRME1644 Reset not supported.

WEPRME1645 Unable to initialize JSON parser on given reader.

WEPRME1646 The field {0} is neither a group column nor part of an exact match of a group expression or an aggregate call.

Queries including grouping and/or aggregates are only able to use group columns/expressions and aggregate calls in the select list.


Either add the missing column to the group columns or remove the grouping/aggregation from the query.

WEPRME1647 The combination of grouping and/or aggregation and (qualified) star expressions in the select list is not allowed.

Since (qualified) star expressions are matching input/subquery columns and these columns are usually not preserved by grouping/aggregation the combination of both is not allowed.


Explicitely enumerate the columns in the select list that should be contained in the result.

WEPRME1648 Unable to extract RecordMetaData. Reason: {0}.

The schema (RecordMetaData) extraction for a BigMemory Data Source terminated with an error.


Investigate the 'Reason' specified in the message.

WEPRME1649 Measure must be either euclidean, manhattan, cosine, tanimoto, or squaredeuclidean.

WEPRME1650 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an external subquery operator.

WEPRME1651 An external subquery operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME1652 Invalid record found in cache {0} while fetching value of {1}.

WEPRME1653 Unknown outer join type ''{0}''.

WEPRME1654 Unknown semi join type ''{0}''.

WEPRME1656 I/O exception while reading XML input.

WEPRME1657 Record conversion exception while reading XML input.

WEPRME1658 An exception occured while processing XQuery: {0}

WEPRME1659 PN approach is not supported for geometric mean.

WEPRME1660 Unable to create an aggregation factory instance for input types {0}.

WEPRME1661 The parameter ''k'' needs to be an integer greater than 0.

WEPRME1662 The parameter ''iterations'' needs to be an integer greater than 0.

WEPRME1663 The parameter ''measureId'' needs to match one of: euclidean, manhattan, cosine, tanimoto or squaredeuclidean.

WEPRME1664 Unknown cross join type ''{0}''.

WEPRME1665 The source this scalar has to provide exactly one result.

WEPRME1666 The source of scalar has to provide at most one result.

WEPRME1667 No matching adapter found for signature {0}.

WEPRME1668 Ambiguous adapters: {0}

WEPRME1669 Unable to create instance.

WEPRME1670 The given list of adapters contains adapters with identical parameter types.

WEPRME1671 The given adapter classes must not be null.

WEPRME1672 The given adapter parameters must not be null.

WEPRME1673 The number of given adapter classes and parameter type lists does not match.

WEPRME1674 Unable to instantiate adapter {0}.

WEPRME1675 Wrong parameters - use at least class name and method name and if ambiguous add parameter class names.

WEPRME1676 The method {0} is not declared in class {1} with the given parameter types {3}.

WEPRME1677 Wrapping given operator of approach {0} to approach {1} is not supported.

WEPRME1678 Violation of push-scalar operator rules.

WEPRME1679 Left status structure has to support temporal queries.

WEPRME1680 Right status structure has to support temporal queries.

WEPRME1681 Unknown authentication type ''{0}''.

WEPRME1682 Requesting required complete-from is not supported by this intra source adapter.

WEPRME1683 Property {0} is unknown! Please check the property name.

WEPRME1684 Value {1} is not in defined domain ({2}) of property {0}! Please check the property value.

WEPRME1685 Value {1} of property {0} is not in the defined range! Please check the property value.

WEPRME1686 The mandatory property {0} is not provided (level {1})!

WEPRME1688 The given system propeties must not be null.

WEPRME1689 The class of the pull source cannot be found.

WEPRME1690 The IS comparison is only allowed with a NULL constant as second argument.

WEPRME1691 Only established connections can be marked as broken.

WEPRME1692 Only established connections can be marked as shutting down.

WEPRME1693 Unable to connect to cluster within {0} seconds.

WEPRME1696 An exception occurred while recovering connection to {0}.

WEPRME1702 The pull result is already closed.

WEPRME1703 The pull result has run out of data.

WEPRME1704 This handler is not handling any synchronous command.

WEPRME1705 This handler is not handling any asynchronous command.

WEPRME1706 The server user-defined aggregation function factory cannot be registered.

WEPRME1707 The pull source adapter must not be null.

WEPRME1708 The pull source cannot be prepared.

WEPRME1709 The parameters for the server pull source must not be null.

WEPRME1710 The class for the server pull source must not be null.

WEPRME1711 The server function factory cannot be registered.

WEPRME1712 The server user-defined window function factory cannot be registered.

WEPRME1713 The server pull source cannot be prepared.

WEPRME1714 The query parameters must not be null.

WEPRME1715 The query cannot be removed.

WEPRME1716 The query cannot be executed.

WEPRME1717 The batch job cannot be started because the connection has already been shut down by the server.

WEPRME1718 The data source cannot be registered.

WEPRME1719 The table cannot be registered.

WEPRME1720 The parameters for the pull source must not be null.

WEPRME1721 The pull source must not be null.

WEPRME1722 The pull source cannot be prepared.

WEPRME1723 Not supported in HA mode.

WEPRME1725 Unable to add a node that is not the root of a logical query graph.

WEPRME1726 Unable to remove a node that is not the root of a logical query graph.

WEPRME1727 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a scalar operator.

WEPRME1728 A scalar operator must have exactly one input operator.

WEPRME1729 A scalar operator must not have more than one input operator.

WEPRME1730 Scalar is not supported for BA approach.

WEPRME1731 Incompatible approach.

WEPRME1735 Server shutting down.

WEPRME1736 Unexpected type: Tried to receive {0} but got {1}.

WEPRME1737 There is no server running with id {0}, {1}.

WEPRME1738 There is already a server running with id {0}, {1}.

WEPRME1739 Invalid ID {0} (must be numeric).

WEPRME1740 IndexedStorage should be initialized with an empty cache.

WEPRME1741 Unable to create temporary file for buffering the content of the reader.

WEPRME1742 Unable to read from temporary file.

WEPRME1743 Error during execution of Pull Query {0}.

A severe runtime error has occured.


Analyze detailed log information and the cause of the exception.

WEPRME1744 Window specification using ROWS requires frame bounds to be of type LONG.

WEPRME1745 Window specification using RANGE requires the order-by column to be of numeric type. Found: {0}.

WEPRME1746 Window specification using RANGE requires at least one numeric order-by expression.

WEPRME1747 Window specification using RANGE and custom frame bounds requires exactly one numeric order-by expression.

WEPRME1748 Unable to prefetch data.

WEPRME1749 An error occured during subscription handling.

WEPRME1750 Partition/Window entries are not comparable as the OVER clause did not contain an order-by expression.

WEPRME1751 Only expressions can be used as child nodes of window function {0}.

WEPRME1752 The user-defined function {0} cannot be used as a window function.

Only (user-defined) window functions and (user-defined) aggregate functions can be used as window functions. But the specified function is an user-defined function.


Either replace the user-defined function by a (user-defined) window function or by an (user-defined) aggregate function or remove the window specification.

WEPRME1753 The source {0} is ambiguous. Check if sources are properly renamed and no duplicate aliases are introduced.

WEPRME1754 The given window function does not allow the specification of a window frame.

WEPRME1755 The subquery used in WHERE clause produced a non-scalar result.

When neither ALL or ANY is specified only scalar subqueries can be used with a relational operator in a WHERE clause.


Change the subquery such that it produces a scalar result.

WEPRME1756 Unsupported XML entity: {0}

WEPRME1757 Unable to handle the JSON token ''{0}''.

WEPRME1758 Unable to parse the given JSON input: {0}

WEPRME1759 Unable to read the given JSON input.

WEPRME1760 Error converting value ''{0}'' of column ''{1}'' to type {2} due to the following issue: {3}

WEPRME1761 The JSON input contains an unmatched END-ARRAY token.

The underlying JSON parser produced an END-ARRAY token without an according START-ARRAY token.


Check the processed JSON input.

WEPRME1762 The JSON input contains an unexpected {0} token.

The JSON parser produced an unexpected token.


Check the processed JSON input.

WEPRME1763 The JSON input contains an unmatched START-OBJECT token.

The JSON parser produced a START-OBJECT token without an according END-Object token.


Check the processed JSON input.

WEPRME1764 Unable to read JSON input.

An I/O exception occurred while reading the JSON input.


Check the processed JSON input.

WEPRME1765 The connection locale may not be null.

WEPRME1766 Unable to open the specified file {0}.

WEPRME1767 Unable to reset buffered reader.

WEPRME1769 The following error has been reported {0} times and any recurrences will be suppressed: {1}

WEPRME1770 Unable to compute stream metadata for user-defined source factory.

WEPRME1771 Exception occurred while inferring schema.

WEPRME1772 Super column value is incompatible with defined type. Configured ''{0}'' but actually was ''{1}''.

WEPRME1773 Super column metadata differs among source factories for the same pull source. Expected ''{0}'', but was ''{1}''.

WEPRME1774 SearchAttribute name at index {0} must not be null.

WEPRME1775 The given search attribute {0} cannot be found.

WEPRME1776 Dynamic indexing is not supported for search attribute {0} as it is of type {1}.

WEPRME1778 Return type of UDX {0} does not comply with the schema: expected {1} but found {2}.

WEPRME1779 Null not allowed as return value of UDX {0}.

WEPRME1780 Method getComputedNext() may only be used after next().

WEPRME1781 Could not find a source node in external subquery graph.

WEPRME1782 Error closing communication: {0}.

WEPRME1784 Failed to create directory {0}.

WEPRME1786 Repository contains an artefact of unexpected type {0} with owner {1} and identifier {2} that is using a pull query.

WEPRME1787 Unable to parse the given XML document: {0}.

An error occurred while parsing the given XML document.


Check the underlying exception's message

WEPRME1788 The query language {0} is not supported.

The specified query language parameter is not supported by this method.


Change the query language parameter to one of the supported query languages, e.g., SQL or XML.

WEPRME1789 The constructor of RemotePullSourceFactory requires two to four parameters ([host [port]] user password).

The constructor was called with the wrong number of String arguments.


Call the constructor with the parameters (host, port, user, password) or (host, user, password) or (user, password).

WEPRME1790 Unable to prepare the XML representation of the external subquery for the remote RTM system.

An error occurred when preparing the external subquery that should be executed by the remote RTM system.

WEPRME1791 The external subquery does not have any registered source.

WEPRME1792 The external subquery does have more than one registered source.

WEPRME1793 Grouping set(s) not supported in this context.

A query contained a group by clause that specifies any of GROUPING SETS, ROLLUP, or CUBE, or an empty grouping set. This is not supported with either a SetCondition, nor with push processing mode.


Modify query in order to obey the restriction on grouping sets.

WEPRME1794 Grouping operation argument must be a group expression.

The query contains a grouping operation with an invalid argument. The arguments of a grouping operation must be grouping expressions.


Modify query to contain only group expressions as arguments of a grouping operation.

WEPRME1795 Grouping-set bit index may not be larger than number of group expressions. Was {0} > {1}.

WEPRME1796 Grouping-set multiplicity may not be less than 1. Was {0}.

WEPRME1797 Grouping-sets do not cover all group expressions. Uncovered indices: {0}.

WEPRME1798 The GROUPING function currently supports only up to 64 arguments. Found {0}.

WEPRME1799 Parallel computation of GROUPING-SETS operator was interrupted.

WEPRME1800 Exactly one parameter expected.

WEPRME1801 Parameter type not supported by wrapped Aggregator.

WEPRME1802 The given node does not provide a field name.

WEPRME1803 The group expression does not provide a field name.

WEPRME1804 Unsupported aggregation type {0}.

WEPRME1805 The aggregates attribute does not provide a field name.

WEPRME1806 Predicate is neither a logical operation, comparison nor boolean expression.

WEPRME1807 Neither attribute of the comparison is a field.

WEPRME1808 The sort specification does not provide a field name.

WEPRME1809 Mapping has a Field with childIndex > 0

WEPRME1810 The given attribute {0} is not contained in search attributes.

WEPRME1811 The given node is no constant.

WEPRME1812 Unable to extract record metadata.

WEPRME1813 Number of clusters (k) has to be greater than 0.

WEPRME1814 Number of iterations needs to be greater than 0.

WEPRME1815 Unknown measure {0}. Valid measures are: {1}.

WEPRME1816 Invalid or missing delimiter.

WEPRME1817 Invalid or missing field index.

WEPRME1818 Getting an adapter factory for {0} was not successful.

WEPRME1819 Unknown raql window function type: {0}

WEPRME1820 SupportsReset is only allowed after init.

WEPRME1821 SupportsPeek is only allowed after init.

WEPRME1822 SupportsRemove is only allowed after init.

WEPRME1823 The SinglePullSourcePullSourceFactory only supports parameterless usage.

WEPRME1824 Left bounds other than UNBOUNDED PRECEDING or CURRENT ROW are not supported in this context.

WEPRME1825 Right bounds other than UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING or CURRENT ROW are not supported in this context.

WEPRME1826 Illegal frame bounds: {0} > {1}.

WEPRME1827 Operation type is unknown or can not be processed.

WEPRME1828 At least three items have to be allowed.

WEPRME1829 Legend must not be null!

WEPRME1830 Number of legends must be equal to number of chart types!

WEPRME1831 Start and/or end does not fit actual day.

WEPRME1832 Unsupported message type: {0}.

WEPRME1833 Unsupported callback type.

WEPRME1834 Login only allowed for initialized login module.

WEPRME1835 Commit only allowed for login module after successful login.

WEPRME1836 Could not create login context.

WEPRME1837 Unknown Callback.

WEPRME1838 The GROUPING-SET operator's search lattice is expected to have only one single entry with key 'null' on its root level.

WEPRME1839 Master and slave produce different results.

WEPRME1840 The buffer must not be smaller than 1: {0}

WEPRME1841 The pre-fetching number must not be smaller than 1: {0}.

WEPRME1842 The pre-computing number must not be smaller than 1: {0}.

WEPRME1843 The result block size number must not be smaller than 1: {0}.

WEPRME1844 The pull result adapter must not be null.

WEPRME1845 The pull query could not be executed.

WEPRME1846 A subscription to a pull query was not possible.

WEPRME1847 The pull result adapter class must not be null.

WEPRME1848 Could not unsubscribe from pull query.

WEPRME1849 Unable to subscribe to pull query.

WEPRME1850 Subscriptions to pull queries are currently not supported in HA mode.

WEPRME1851 Users may only remove subscriptions from their own schema.

WEPRME1852 The pull result could not be closed.

WEPRME1853 Cannot change to existing remote connection id {0}.

WEPRME1854 Remote connection id does not match the Id defined by the current master.

WEPRME1855 The class could not be found.

WEPRME1856 ServerConnectionHandler may not be null.

WEPRME1857 Detected second master: {0} <-> {1}

WEPRME1858 The result adapter was already closed.

WEPRME1859 No adapter found for handling.

WEPRME1860 Error in handling remote subscription.

WEPRME1861 Class {0} does not provide a default constructor, which is obligatory.

WEPRME1862 A subscription with this name exists already.

WEPRME1863 Cannot make a persistent subscription to a non-persistent query.

WEPRME1864 Cannot unsubscribe from a subscription, which does not exist.

WEPRME1865 The provided subscription parameter should not be null.

WEPRME1866 The execution time must not be null.

WEPRME1867 A non-server subscription cannot be made persistent.

WEPRME1868 Logical Constant is not a boolean.

WEPRME1869 Child does not have REFERENCED_FIELDS metadata.

WEPRME1870 Not implemented.

WEPRME1871 Unknown Predicate Type.

WEPRME1872 Could not find source of expression: {0}.

WEPRME1873 Mapping has a Field with childIndex > 0.

WEPRME1874 Parent grouping-set has not been set yet.

WEPRME1875 Rule broken: inverse map does not contain the source of a referenced field.

WEPRME1876 Mappings are not supposed to have ANCHOR->CHILD_INDEX != 0.

WEPRME1877 Query Graph broken: Found a Field with child != 0 at Order Node: ({0}, {1}).

WEPRME1878 Field does not contain field index.

WEPRME1879 Found EQUI-Join with 0 equi-fields.

WEPRME1880 Cannot handle multiway NATURAL JOIN.

WEPRME1881 Columns named by {0} cannot be unified because of different types.

WEPRME1882 Found NATURAL-Join with 0 join-candidates.

WEPRME1883 Optimizer cannot handle IN(subquery), yet.

WEPRME1884 Unknown Node type encountered: {0}.

WEPRME1885 Argument is not a predicate.

WEPRME1886 Found NOT with {0} child nodes.

WEPRME1887 Found NOT with a child that's no predicate (is {0}).

WEPRME1888 getAnd() called with less than 1 node.

WEPRME1889 Argument is not an expression.

WEPRME1890 Non-String Signature Key found: {0}.

WEPRME1891 Unknown Node-Type: {0}.

WEPRME1892 Unhandled enum entry: {0}.

WEPRME1893 Aggregate is configured to have{0} arguments, but has actually {1} arguments.

WEPRME1894 WindowFunction is configured to have {0} arguments, but has actually {1} arguments.

WEPRME1895 Aggregate is configured to have {0} arguments, but has actually {1} arguments.


WEPRME1897 Function {0} only supports Double and Float values.

WEPRME1898 Function {0} only supports numeric values.

WEPRME1899 Offset must not be negative.

WEPRME1900 Unknown frame unit: {0}.

WEPRME1901 Function {0} must have exactly one sub-expression.

WEPRME1902 Function {0} must not have more than one sub-expression.

WEPRME1903 Unsupported method.

WEPRME1904 Communication is already closed.

WEPRME1905 Unhandled communication type: {0}.

WEPRME1906 EhcacheBasedLinkedList should be initialized with an empty cache.

WEPRME1907 Index: {0}, Size: {1}.

WEPRME1908 Not feasible to copy the whole OffHeap list into the Java heap.

WEPRME1909 fromIndex = {0}

WEPRME1910 toIndex = {0}

WEPRME1911 fromIndex({0}) > toIndex({1})

WEPRME1912 next() has been called at all or after remove() has been called.

WEPRME1913 nextPos() has been called, or remove() has been called after the last call to nextPos().

WEPRME1914 At least one feature toggle did not satisfy the given assertions. {0}

WEPRME1915 AttributeName unknown: {0}.

WEPRME1916 No standard filter: {0}.

WEPRME1917 Unknown type: {0}.

WEPRME1918 Failed to activate metadata handler for metadata identifier {0}.

WEPRME1919 The DynamicMetaDataManager is not registered.

WEPRME1920 This XmlPullSourceFactory accepts at most 2 instantiation parameters. Got {0}.

WEPRME1921 The number of instantiation parameters does not match the number of instantiation parameter types ({0} <> {1}).

WEPRME1922 Expected STRING instantiation parameter type at index {0}, found {1}.

WEPRME1923 Unhandled sink adapter type/approach: {0}.

WEPRME1924 Parent grouping-set has already been set and cannot be overriden.

WEPRME1925 Graph node is already defined: {0}.

WEPRME1926 Unknown graph node: {0}.

WEPRME1927 BigMemory does not support consecutive aggregations and applying criterias after aggregating.

WEPRME1928 BigMemory does not support limiting the number of elements that are aggregated, ordered and applied criterias to.

WEPRME1929 This aggregation function does not support merging multiple aggregation states into one.

WEPRME1931 The value {0} cannot be rounded to a {1} value since it is greater than the maximum or less than the minimum {1} value.

WEPRME1932 Argument is not a field.

WEPRME1933 The parameter n must be greater than 0.

WEPRME1934 Target array is to short. Required array size is: {0}.

WEPRME1935 Chunksize must be greater than 0.

WEPRME1936 The parameter ''times'' must be greater than 0.

WEPRME1937 Unable to close JSON parser.

WEPRME1938 Namespace with index {0} does not exist.

WEPRME1941 Result of operation was not a number.

WEPRME1942 Result of operation was infinite.

WEPRME1943 An overflow occured in aggregation {0} of type {1}.

WEPRME1944 An overflow occured in function {0} of type {1}.

WEPRME1947 DISTINCT aggregates cannot be pushed-down: {0}.

WEPRME1948 Aggregates on constant values cannot be pushed-down: {0}.

WEPRME1949 Expressions on constant values cannot be pushed-down: {0}.

WEPRME1950 Comparisons on two variables cannot be pushed-down: {0}.

WEPRME1951 Comparisons of type {0} cannot be pushed-down.

WEPRME1952 Cannot cast from {0} to {1}: {2}.

WEPRME1953 The expression of type {0} cannot be pushed down: {1}.

WEPRME1954 Unexpected data type {0} for expression {1}.

WEPRME1955 Illegal constant expression '*'.

WEPRME1956 The aggregate of type {0} cannot be pushed-down: {1}.

WEPRME1957 Unknown cell definition: {0} (type {1}).

WEPRME1958 Operation {0} on two cells cannot be pushed-down.

WEPRME1959 DIVISION with constant dividend is not supported in TC Store.

WEPRME1960 Integer DIVISION cannot be pushed-down.

WEPRME1961 Error parsing string {0} to XML document: {1}

WEPRME1962 Order expression cannot be pushed down to TC Store, as it may yield null values, which cannot be sorted properly.

WEPRME1963 AGGREGATION with HAVING predicate cannot be pushed down.

WEPRME1964 GROUP BY on constant expression cannot be pushed-down.

WEPRME1965 GROUP BY on complex {0} expression cannot be pushed down.

WEPRME1966 No aggregates to push-down.

WEPRME1967 OPERATOR of type {0} cannot be pushed-down.

WEPRME1968 ORDER BY on a constant expression cannot be pushed down.

WEPRME1969 The data type {0} is not supported: {1}.

WEPRME1970 The IN predicate's list may only contain constant expressions.

WEPRME1971 The IN predicate's 'member' expression may not be constant: {0}.

WEPRME1972 Operator {0} may not operate on a derived/non-record stream.

WEPRME1973 Unsupported predicate type {0}.

WEPRME1974 Wrong parameter type {0}. Expected STRING.

WEPRME1975 Unsupported type in ORDER BY clause: {0}.

WEPRME1976 CellDefinition is expected to have type {0}. Found {1}.

WEPRME1977 Complex GROUPING SETS cannot be pushed down.

WEPRME1978 GROUPING expressions cannot be pushed down.

WEPRME1979 Unexpected number of child nodes. Expected {0}, but was {1}.

WEPRME1980 The MAPPING is not a plain projection and cannot be pushed down.

WEPRME1981 The projection mapping is a parent of non-schema preserving operator and cannot be pushed down.

WEPRME1982 The projection mapping is a child of a DISTINCT operator and cannot be pushed down.

WEPRME1983 Missing XML element: {0}.

WEPRME1984 The TCStore type {0} cannot be mapped to a corresponding RTM type.

WEPRME1985 RTM type {0} cannot be mapped to corresponding TC Store type.

WEPRME1986 Wrong parameter ''{0}''. Expected {1}.

WEPRME1987 Wrong number of instantiation parameters: Expected 0 or 1, but was {0}.

WEPRME1988 CellCollection has no value for field {0}, but field must not be nullable.

WEPRME1989 Conversion of RTM record to TC record failed, as value for not-nullable field {0} is NULL.

WEPRME1990 RTM type {0} is not supported when converting RTM record to TC record using match mode {1}.

WEPRME1992 Column name ''{0}'' is not unique within the given schema and needs to be renamed.

WEPRME1993 Case insensitive String or Character comparisons are not supported by TC Store.

WEPRME1994 Cannot group on case insensitive STRING/CHARACTER in TC Store.

WEPRME1995 The user-defined data type {0} is not supported for serialization to a DES event.

WEPRME1996 The data type {0} is not supported for perfect serialization to a DES event.

WEPRME1997 The DES data type {0} is not supported for perfect serialization to a record.

WEPRME1998 The record's key cannot be referenced in arbitrary expressions.

WEPRME1999 The field to translate is not a key field: {0}.

WEPRME2000 Key column "{0}" could not found in schema.

WEPRME2001 Key column name ''{0}'' is not unique within the given schema.

WEPRME2002 The {0} data type cannot be compared or sorted.

WEPRMI0001 Initializing RTM system.

WEPRMI0002 Configuring persistent RTM system.

WEPRMI0003 Initialization of RTM system finished.

WEPRMI0004 Starting RTM system.

WEPRMI0005 Start of RTM system finished.

WEPRMI0006 Shutting down RTM system.

WEPRMI0007 Shutdown of RTM system is finished.

WEPRMI0008 User {0} trying to locally connect to RTM system.

WEPRMI0009 User {0} connected to RTM system.

WEPRMI0010 Current HA role is {0}.

WEPRMI0013 HA role has been set to {0}.

WEPRMI0015 Slave is preparing recovery.

WEPRMI0016 Slave requesting recovery from master.

WEPRMI0017 Master has started sending recovery data to slave.

WEPRMI0018 Master finished sending recovery data to slave.

WEPRMI0019 Slave has started processing recovery request from master.

WEPRMI0020 Slave successfully finished processing recovery request from master.

WEPRMI0021 Server with newer build number {0} connected as slave.

WEPRMI0025 Aborted handshake due to shutdown.

WEPRMI0026 Handshake with remote RTM system successfully finished.

WEPRMI0027 Snapshot reducibility has been determined for the following query; Owner:{0}; Identifier:{1}; SQL:{2}; Snapshot reducible from:{3};

WEPRMI0028 Could not connect to a running high-availability peer, now attempting to acquire master lock.

WEPRMI1376 Properties of RTM system: {0}

WEPRMI1377 Properties of JPA : {0}

WEPRMI1412 Remote connection server is shutting down.

WEPRMI1413 Client starts close procedure.

WEPRMI1414 Client finishes close procedure.

WEPRMI1415 Client marks connection as broken for address {0}.

WEPRMI1416 Client shuts down broken connection to address {0}.

WEPRMI1417 Local connection is closed due to {0}.

WEPRMI1419 Closing HA result transmission query {0}.

WEPRMI1420 Shutting down remote connection handler with remote connection id {0}.

WEPRMI1426 Starting to accept new connections on address {0}.

WEPRMI1430 Stopped accepting new connections on address {0}.

WEPRMI1446 Re-authentication at remote RTM system finished successfully.

WEPRMI1697 Client marks connection as shutting down: {0}

WEPRMI1698 Client shuts down connection: {0}, isClosing={1}.

WEPRMI1699 Client starts recovering connection to {0}.

WEPRMI1700 Client is successfully connected to {0}.

WEPRMI1701 Ignored NPE when sending {0} to {1}.

WEPRMI1724 {0} (connectable source {1})

WEPRMI1733 Nested exceptions:

WEPRMI1734 Combined exceptions

WEPRMI1785 Starting RTM system (version={0} built at {1}).

WEPRMI1945 TCP/IP communication server is listening on local port {0}.

WEPRMW0001 Unable to shut down RTM system's persistence manager.

WEPRMW0002 Unable to shut down communication servers.

WEPRMW0003 Unable to stop communication server.

WEPRMW0004 Unable to stop communication client.

WEPRMW0005 Unable to shut down client connection handler.

WEPRMW0006 Unable to shut down server connection handler.

WEPRMW0007 Unable to connect to high availability partner.

WEPRMW0008 Unable to shut down master connection handler.

WEPRMW0009 Unable to send for slave health request.

WEPRMW0010 Server with older build number {0} connected as slave.

WEPRMW0011 Unable to shut down slave connection handler.

WEPRMW0012 Unable to send for master health request.

WEPRMW0017 Unable to call a task on the decoupled sink adapter.

WEPRMW0018 Authentication with remote RTM system contains illegal commands.

WEPRMW1329 Caught exception during operator initialization.

WEPRMW1330 Caught exception during heartbeat processing from input {0}.

WEPRMW1331 Caught exception while closing operator.

WEPRMW1332 Caught exception processing done signal from input {0}.

WEPRMW1333 Error processing element of index {0}.

WEPRMW1334 Caught exception while opening operator.

WEPRMW1410 Status of local system is not OK; shutting down!

WEPRMW1411 Status of cluster is not OK; shutting down!

WEPRMW1421 Received a shutdown notification from HA {0} with HA communication address {1}.

WEPRMW1422 Server ({0}) lost connection to HA partner system.

WEPRMW1423 Server is shutting down broken connection for address {0} as communication to master has been lost.

This message appears in the log of an HA slave when it loses its connection to a master that supports remote connections. It indicates why clients will lose their connection to that address.


Check other messages to see if the reason for the lost connection can be found.

WEPRMW1522 Aborting authentication with remote RTM system.

WEPRMW1687 Rule-based optimization failed due to: {0}

The optimizer has failed optimizing the query and falled back to a non-optimized query.

WEPRMW1694 Master identifies himself with different address. Is {0}, not {1}.

WEPRMW1695 Still connected to old slave.

WEPRMW1768 External Subquery Translation failed. Reason was: {0}

The user query was optimized but the external subquery translation has failed to translate the logical query graph. This could under the circumstances result in a slower query performance.


Try to rewrite the query or contact your local software supplier.

WEPRMW1777 Search attribute {0} has been skipped as dynamic indexing is not supported for type {1}.

WEPRMW1783 Buffer file ''{0}''could not be deleted: {1}.

WEPRMW1939 Unable to expand the explicit sub-query {0} for non-incremental query optimization.

WEPRMW1940 BigMemory was not able to execute the Search API query against a cache.

WEPRMW1946 Exact average value {0} is not accuratly representable as a double. The BigDecimal representation is {1}.

WEPRMW1991 {0} push-down failed as there already is an Aggregation being pushed-down.