Application Platform Server Messages

PLSAPPE0000 Need instance of MethodMetadataImpl, can not use type: {0}

Not all implementations of the metadata interfaces can be used for service invocation.


Change your service configuration to use an acceptable implementation.

PLSAPPE0001 OsgiService.validate failed because it cannot work with null metadata.

The OSGi service object was not properly initialized because of null metadata.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSAPPE0002 OsgiService.initializeService failed with exception: type({0}), msg({1})

The OSGi service was not properly initalized.


Check the error logs for more details about this error.

PLSAPPE0003 OsgiService.baseInvoke found a non-null svc object for {0} from an unexpected class loader; expected {1}, found {2}

The OSGi service invocation used a service class from an unknown, unexpected class loader. This has caused an OSGi container or a bundle configuration problem.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSAPPE0004 OsgiService.baseInvoke: unable to get service object for {0} from registry

Integration Server is expected to register an OSGi service to expose Integration Server artifacts in Application Platform. The OSGi service could not be found.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSAPPE0005 Error initializing App Platform generated service binding {0}. Details: {1}

Integration Server (IS) calls Application Platform services that are exposed to IS by using a generated IS service.


Unpublish the Application Platform service project and republish it again.

PLSBDSE0000 Bundle deployment changes could not be initiated.

The Software AG Common Platform OSGi service, responsible for installing a bundle into the container, is missing.


Restart the server and try again.

PLSBDSE0001 The required OSGi deployment service is missing.

The Software AG Common Platform OSGi service, responsible for installing a bundle into the container, is missing.


Restart the server and try again.

PLSBDSE0006 {0} failed due to error: {1}

The install/uninstall operation failed because of the indicated error. The project bundle operation did not complete successfully and had to be retried after fixing the error.


Review the error logs for more details about this error.

PLSBDSE0007 Bundle installed, but failed to activate due to error: {0}

The project bundle was successfully installed in the runtime but its activation failed due to the specified error.


Verify that all required libraries, with which the project has dependencies, are installed and available in the runtime.

PLSBDSE0008 Installation failed! Bundle not present in installed bundles list

A bundle deploy call failed to install the specified bundle in the runtime. A possible cause is that the bundle deploy call was made to a runtime that does not contain the bundle jar file in the staging directory.


If both runtime instance you are using and the server runtime configured in Designer are local, verify that they are the same.

PLSBDSE0009 An exception was raised while uninstalling bundle {0}. Cause: {1}

The server encountered a fatal error while attempting to uninstall the referenced bundle.


Check the error logs for more details about this error.

PLSBDSE0010 An exception was raised while installing bundle {0}. Cause: {1}

The server encountered a fatal error while attempting to install the referenced bundle.


Check the error logs for more details about this error.

PLSBDSE0011 The bundle was not installed. The server was unable to copy {0} bundle into the bundle repository.

The bundle installation failed because the bundle could not be copied to the bundle repository.


Perform a clean build and republish the bundle, if it is a project bundle. Inspect the server's bundle repository directory and the staging directories to determine condition of the bundle jar.

PLSBDSE0014 An error occurred while transferring chunk {0} of bundle {1} from source {2}. Cause: {3}

The server encountered an exception while processing a chunk of resource transferred from Designer.


Check the error logs for more details about this error.

PLSBDSE0017 No test bundle with symbolic name: ''{0}'' and version: ''{1}'' is installed in the runtime! Unable to run test method: ''{2}'' in class: ''{3}''

The bundle containing the JUnit App Platform Integration tests with the specified bundle symbolic name and version failed to install in the runtime.


Deploy the project containing the integration tests to the running runtime instance before running the JUnit test through Designer.

PLSBRME0000 The repository manager operation was not performed due to missing bundle key.

The repository manager operation failed because of a missing bundle key. Designer operations for publishing and unpublishing bundles from the server require a bundle key object.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSBRME0001 Could not determine the location of the bundle repository from the location of the configured server.

Obtaining the bundle repository directory path failed. This directory contains project bundles and other bundles that are installed by the Bundle Publisher on the server's OSGi container. The bundle repository location is determined by the value, defined for the 'osgi.instance.area' configuration of the OSGi container running on the server.


Verify that the server's config.ini file has a valid value for 'osgi.instance.area'.

PLSBRME0002 Could not determine the server's OSGi instance area.

The 'osgi.instance.area' key, which is the value of the server's OSGi instance area could not be determined. The key is part of the required data included in the server's config.ini file. The problem may be caused by a corrupted config.ini file.


Review the contents of the config. ini file.

PLSBRME0004 Could not determine the bundle repository staging location from the location of the configured server.

Obtaining the bundle repository staging directory path failed. This is the directory path on the server where project bundles and other bundles, installed by the Bundle Publisher, are located when they are initially transferred to the server. This initial transfer is made prior to installing the bundles to OSGi container. The bundle repository location is determined by the value, defined for the 'osgi.instance.area' configuration of the OSGi container running in the server.


Verify that the server's config.ini file has a valid value for 'osgi.instance.area'.

PLSBRME0007 Unable to create directory path. {0}

The specified directory path could not be created.


Verify that the specified path is valid on the file system and that there are no processes that are using it or that have locked it. Retry the operation afterwards.

PLSBRME0008 An attempt was made to install or uninstall a bundle before the bundle has been transferred to the server's staging directory. {0}

Installing or uninstalling the bundle failed because the fundle is not transferred to the server. Bundles must first be transferred to the server before they can be installed or removed from its OSGi container.


Retry the operation and verify that the bundle is transferred to the staging directory under the server profile's workspace.

PLSBRME0009 An error occurred while refreshing the Application Platform project bundles in the bundle repository. {0}

Refreshing the Application Platform project bundles failed with an error. When you refresh the repository manager, the repository directory path is retrieved prior to registering the jars located there.


Check the error logs for more details about this error.

PLSBRME0010 Unable to refresh bundle file {0} in the bundle repository. {1}

Refreshing the bundle file in the bundle repository failed with an error. When you refresh the repository manager, it checks the OSGi manifest for each jar file in the directory. In this way the repository manager prepares for registering each bundle prior to installation.


Check the error logs for more details about this error and try to determine if the jar file is corrupt.

PLSBRME0011 Bundle {0}, which is transferred from Designer, does not match manifest {1} for this jar {2}.

The transferred bundle does not match the manifest for this jar. When Designer publishes bundles to the server, the bundle's name and version are included with the transfer request and they must match the name and version, declared in the jar file's OSGi manifest file.


Perform a clean project build and repeat the operation.

PLSBRME0012 Attempt to uninstall a bundle that is missing from the bundle repository manager. {0}

The Application Platform bundle repository manager maintains a map of all the bundles provisioned into the server. A bundle with this symbolic name and version was not found. This may have occurred because of changing the version of the project bundle without unpublishing the project bundle first.


Unpublish the project bundle with the prior version and then update the project with the new version.

PLSBRME0013 Attempt to uninstall a bundle missing from the bundle repository manager. {0}. (Note, another bundle version ({1}) is provisioned in the server.)

The Application Platform bundle repository manager maintains a map of all the bundles provisioned into the server. A bundle with this symbolic name and version was not found. This may have occurred because of changing the version of the project bundle without unpublishing the project bundle first.


Unpublish the project bundle with the prior version and then update the project with the new version.

PLSCOME0001 Unable to resolve the required OSGi service: {0}

A service implementation for the required OSGi service was not found in the OSGi registry.


Check the error logs for more details about this error.

PLSCOME0002 Data corruption was found on chunk {0} of bundle {1} during transfer from Designer to the server.

The hash computed by the server did not match the value computed by the sender. This may be caused by a faulty network or a modification from an intermediary.


Verify that there are no network issues on proxy servers and so on.

PLSCOME0003 Unable to delete this file: {0}

Your attempt to remove the file has failed according to your operating system.


Verify that the file permissions are appropriate for the user that is running the server.

PLSCOME0004 Unable to create this file: {0}

Your attempt to create the file has failed according to your operating system.


Verify that the file permissions are appropriate for the user that is running the server.

PLSCOME0005 Unable to create this directory path: {0}

Your attempt to create the directory path has failed according to your operating system.


Verify that the file permissions are appropriate for the user that is running the server.

PLSCOME0006 An illegal sequence was detected during a file transfer.

A chunk of a file resource that was transferred to the server had an unexpected sequence number.


Repeat the failed operation.

PLSCOME0007 Unable to read a non-existent file. {0}

An attempt was made to transfer a non-existent resource to the server.


Verify that the expected files exist and repeat the operation.

PLSCOME0008 The server does not have any of the expected message digest algorithms. {0}. At least one of these is required.

No message digest algorithms were found on the server. Application Platform needs a message digest to verify the integrity of data transferred from Designer to the server.


Update Application Platform to include one of the digest algorithms.

PLSCOME0009 File {0} is not a valid zip archive or it does not contain a manifest file.

The file is invalid. A Java archive file with manifest is expected.


Review the file contents and update as necessary.

PLSCOME0010 File {0} is not a valid bundle.

The file is invalid. An OSGi bundle with a valid manifest, containing the required OSGi headers, is expected.


Review the file contents and update as necessary.

PLSCOME0011 Connect operation timed out: {0}

A socket timeout error occurred when trying to connect to the JMX endpoint.


Verify that target server is running and that the JMX port matches the server-side configuration.

PLSGWIE0000 GatewayServiceImpl cannot work with NULL method metadata

The code, which calls GatewayServiceImpl, fails with an error. GatewayServiceImpl has no metadata and parameter details, which are required for identifying the service and invoking its method.


Make sure that the code does not call the method, unless the required metadata is available.

PLSGWIE0001 GatewayServiceImpl.delegateInvoke: unable to extract parameter values from IData for service ({0}.{1}); caught: ({2}), msg({3})

The conversion of IData contents to Java method parameters failed. This may be caused by a mismatch between expected parameter types (as specified in metadata) and actual pipeline values (as presented during runtime). Check the exception message for more information about the cause.


Compare the actual parameter values with the expected types, specified in the metadata.

PLSGWIE0002 GatewayServiceImpl.delegateInvoke: unable to invoke targeted service ({0}.{1}); caught: ({2}), msg({3})

The invocation of the indicated method failed. This may be caused by a mismatch between expected parameter types (as specified in metdata) and actual pipeline values (as presented during runtime). Another possible cause is that the expected service is not registered with OSGi. Check the exception message for more information about the cause.


Verify that the expected OSGi service is registered. Compare the actual parameter values with the expected types, specified in the metadata.

PLSGWIE0003 GatewayServiceImpl.delegateInvoke: unable to extract IData from the object returned by ({0}.{1}); caught: ({2}), msg({3})

The conversion of Java object to IData failed. This may be caused by a mismatch between expected parameter types (as specified in metadata) and actual pipeline values (as presented during runtime). Check the exception message for more information about the cause.


Compare the actual parameter values with the expected types, specified in the metadata.

PLSGWIE0004 Unable to convert class name string ({0}) to class object using loader from {1}; caught type({2}), msg({3})

The named class from the metadata could not be loaded. This may be caused by a dependency issue.


Make sure that the bundle that is hosting the targeted service can access the class.

PLSGWIE0005 Unable to find method {0}({1}) on class {2}; caught type({3}), msg({4})

The method, expecting the indicated parameter types list, could not be found on the indicated class. This may be caused by a mismatch between expected parameter types (as specified in metadata) and available method signatures. Check the exception message for more information about the cause.


Verify that the metadata is consistent with the targeted class.

PLSGWIE0012 Unable to invoke method ({0}), a problem occurred with the conversion of input pipeline: {1}

The Application Platform gateway service encountered a problem converting the Integration Server pipeline to Java method parameters.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSGWIE0013 Cannot invoke method {0}.{1}, no OSGi service is registered for {1}

The OSGi service was not found. GatewayService requires registration of the OSGi service.


Verify that the indicated service is exposed by an active Application Platform bundle.

PLSGWIE0014 Failed attempt to execute App Platform service {0} due to missing required metadata.

App Platform service implementations published to the Integration Server must contain additional metadata in a META-INF/gatewayMetadata.xml file. This information is needed to assist with the transformation to and from the Integration Server's data model.


Review the server logs for any errors. Inspect the project bundle and verify its metadata file is present, and redeploy if necessary.

PLSGWIE0015 Failed attempt to execute App Platform service {0}'s method {1}. The method signature does not match the signature expected by the Integration Server's generated service binding.

When Integration Server services execute service bindings of App Platform OSGi services, the IO signatures must match the OSGi service implementation.


Republish the App Platform service project and verify the generated IS service bindings are updated.

PLSGWIW0006 IData2Pojo.createCollectionValue: unable to convert collection object type: {0}

The Application Platform gateway failed to convert the indicated collection type from IData to Java type.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSGWIW0007 IData2Pojo.valueFromDataArray: unable to convert collection property type: {0}

The Application Platform gateway failed to convert the indicated property type from IData to Java type.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSGWIW0008 IData2Pojo.constructList(): expected element {0} to be IData but found {1} instead.

An unexpected data type was found in an IData parameter array.


Verify that the calling code uses appropriate data types.

PLSGWIW0009 IData2Pojo.constructList(): expected pipeline to hold an array but found {0} instead.

An unexpected data type was found in an IData parameter array.


Verify that the calling code uses appropriate data types.

PLSGWIW0010 IData2Pojo.constructCollection(): unexpected collection type: {0}

Application Platform encountered an unexpected collection data type while converting from IData to Java object.


Verify that the calling code uses appropriate data types.

PLSGWIW0011 Pojo2IData.collectionToData: unexpected collection data type: {0}

The Application Platform conversion from Java object to IData encountered an unexpected collection data type.


Verify that the calling code uses appropriate data types.

PLSOBEE0000 Unable to invoke service {0} after trying with {1} principal names.

None of the principal names associated with the current session were allowed to invoke the designated service.


Check the log for previous entries that show failed invocation attempts by each principal. Make sure that you use a valid Integration Server user ID for the IS service invocation.

PLSOBEE0002 An exception was caught while attempting to identify the Subject for the current session; attempting to invoke authorization service {0}; caught: {1}

Attempting to identify the Subject for the current session failed with an exception. This exception may be caused by a problem with the Authorization Service in Software AG Common Platform.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0003 Cannot introspect a NULL service for IS package {0}, metadata: {1}.

An attempt was made to construct a PipelineGenerator around a null OSGi Service object. This could indicate a problem with the Application Platform project preparation.


Check the package name and metadata details in order to identify the targeted service.

PLSOBEE0004 Cannot introspect a NULL class for IS package {0}, service: {1}, methods: {2}.

An attempt was made to construct a PipelineGenerator around a null Class object. This could indicate a problem with the Application Platform project preparation.


Check the package name and metadata details in order to identify the targeted class.

PLSOBEE0005 Unable to parse source details string {0}; caught this: type ({1}), msg({2})

An error was encountered while attempting to parse an XML string into source details objects.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0006 Unable to read contents from bundle URL {0}; caught this: type ({1}), msg({2})

An error was encountered while attempting to extract the contents of a file.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0007 A failure occurred during JAX-B unmarshalling from URL {0}; caught this: type ({1}), msg({2})

An error was encountered while attempting to convert the contents of a file.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0008 Unable to load class {0} from bundle {1}; caught this: type ({2}), msg({3})

The OSGi bundle was expected to contain the identified class.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0009 Unable to create IS services representing method {0} from the {1} class, in IS package {2}; caught this: type ({3}), msg({4})

Creating IS services representing the method failed. The problem may originated in the IS service creation or in the preparation of the IS pipeline used for service creation.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0010 A mismatch was found between source details and source annotation; class ({0}) has annotation, but source details have no element: {1}

The source details and source annotation do not match because the annotation service does not have an entry in the source details. This could indicate a problem in the Application Platform project preparation.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0011 Improper initialization using IS Service({0}), authz service ({1}), user({2}), cannot use null IS Service reference.

The initialization failed because the Metadata Extender did not find one or more elements. The element may be unavailable only for a short period.


Try a subsequent invocation.

PLSOBEE0012 Unable to initalize Bundle Tracker for Application Platform extender; caught this: type ({0}), msg({1})

This is an internal bundle initialization error. The bundle tracker that monitors user bundles for IS service metadata files could not be initialized correctly due to the specified error.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0013 PackageInstaller cannot write IS package zip into replicate directory ({0}); caught: type({1}), msg({2})

The PackageInstaller failed to put the package Zip file into the IS installation. This can be caused by the permission configuration on the file system.


Verify that the directory permissions on the file system allow this operation.

PLSOBEE0014 An attempt to extract the file ({0}) from the Jar file failed; caught: type({1}), msg({2})

The IS package Zip file could not be extracted from the Application Platform extender bundle.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0015 PackageInstaller cannot obtain a reference to Bundle Context after waiting {0} {1}; caught: type({2}), msg({3})

A problem was encountered while waiting for the extender bundle context.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0016 An attempt to invoke the IS service ({0}) failed; caught: type({1}), msg({2})

The Application Platform Package Installer failed to invoke the IS service(s), which are required for installation.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0017 IS Service({0}) returned NULL IData

The Application Platform Package Installer received a null result from the IS service.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0018 Improper initialization using IS Service({0}), authz service ({1}), user({2}), cannot use null authorization service reference.

The Metadata Extender could not find one or more expected elements. The elements may be unavailable only for a short period.


Try a subsequent invocation.

PLSOBEE0019 Improper initialization using IS Service({0}), authz service ({1}), user({2}), cannot use null/empty user ID.

The Metadata Extender could not find one or more expected elements. The elements may be unavailable only for a short period.


Try a subsequent invocation.

PLSOBEE0020 Unable to load class for service: {0}, from bundle BSN/ID: {1}/{2}, IS package: {3}

An interface named for exposure as an IS service could not be found. This means that the .class file for the interface could not be found.


Verify that the fully qualified path to the interface is present in the classpath and that it is spelled correctly.

PLSOBEE0022 Unable to load {0} bundle with state: {1}. Details: {2}

Application Platform was unable to access the bundle because of its state.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0023 Unable to remove IS services representing method {0} from the {1} class, in IS package {2}; caught this: type ({3}), msg({4})

Failed to remove the IS services that represent the method. The problem may originate in the IS service creation, or in the preparation of the IS pipeline used for service creation.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSOBEE0024 Unable to create Integration Server client bindings for annotated OSGi service(s) in bundle {0}.

The generated project bundle is missing its OSGi manifest headers.


Verify the project bundle's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file is valid for the App Platform project bundle.

PLSOBEE0025 The project bundle containing service class {0} is missing its gatewayMetadata.xml file.

A special metadata file is created and inserted in a project bundle if the bundle contains App Platform services when it's published into the server runtime container. This file is missing or corrupted.


Review the Integration Server's OSGi server logs for errors. If the bundle is created using the Asset Build Environment (ABE) product, please review the configuration settings and inspect ABE logs for errors.

PLSOBEE0026 The project bundle containing service class {0} is missing its Integration Server package annotation.

App Platform service implementations which are exposed to the Integration Server, must include the @ExposeToIS class annotation with packageName attribute set to a valid Integration Server package.


Verify the source file is properly annotated and the package name is defined in the gatewayMetadata.xml file included in the deployed project bundle.

PLSOBEE0027 Metadata mismatch for App Platform service class {0}'s {1} method. The number of parameters detected in the class ({2}) does not match the number defined in the gatewayMetadata.xml file ({3}).

The project bundle's META-INF/gatewayMetadata.xml file's metatadata does not match the method signature of the currently deployed service.


Rebuild and deploy the project bundle.

PLSOBEE0028 Exception while introspecting App Platform service class {0}. Details: {1}

When an App Platform service contains complex request or response messages, Java Bean Introspection is used to analyize the class types in order to produce the necessary metadata to marshal the data to and from the Integration Server.


Review the class and ensure it is a proper Java Bean.

PLSOBEE0029 Illegal use of App Platform services with a recursive data model. Affected class: {0}.

App Platform service implementations with recursive object models are not supported.


App Platform service implementations with recursive object models are not supported.

PLSOBEI0001 An exception was caught while invoking IS service {0} with user {1}: {2}

The designated service could not be invoked.


Check the exception message for more information about the cause of the failure. Attempt the same invocation with the service invoker using different user IDs. If one attempt succeeds, the failures may be ignored.

PLSOBEW0021 Cannot change user ID to null/empty value, keeping previous value {0}

The default user ID was dynamically updated with an inappropriate value.


Provide a non-empty value string.

PLSSECE0000 Unauthorized! Method {0} execution not allowed

The specified method cannot be invoked by the currently logged user. The method has the @DenyAll annotation specified directly on it, or inherited from the type level.


Change the method access security level by removing @DenyAll annotation and specifying the users that are allowed by using the @RolesAllowed annotation.

PLSSECE0001 Unauthorized! Methods in type {0} cannot be invoked!

The methods in the specified class cannot be invoked because the @DenyAll annotation is invoked on them.


Remove the @DenyAll annotation from the class level. Optionally, also specify explicitly the user roles that are allowed.

PLSSECE0002 Unauthorized! User not in allowed roles to execute this method

The user that is currently logged in does not belong to the list of allowed roles to execute this method.


Login as a user with a role that belongs to the list of allowed roles to execute the method and call the method again.

PLSSECE0003 No valid authenticated subject found! An authenticated user is required when invoking this method.

In order to access this service method, you must be logged in with a user tat has a valid account for the connected runtime.


Ensure that the logged in user accound has access rights to invoke the methods in the service.

PLSSECE0005 Error injecting SecurityContext instance in field {0}! Reason: {1}

An error occurred while injecting an instance of the SecurityContext class into the field with the same type in the POJO service.


Review the error log for more details about this error.

PLSSECW0004 No security annotations found for @Secure annotated service type!

The service class with @Secure annotation does not contain any expected security annotations. Unless runtime authorization checks are performed, invocations will be allowed for all service methods.


Ensure that correct authorization checks are performed for the methods in this service.

PLSSISE0000 Error creating filter {0} IS_Transport login realm delegate may not be initialized properly! Reason: {1}

An error occurred while initializing the OSGi filter in order to obtain the IS_Transport Login Realm service.


Review error logs for more information about this error.

PLSUPGC0006 Unexpected error while verifying product source directory: {0}. Cause: {1}

The migration utility encountered an unexpected error.


Confirm that the source directory path contains a product installation.

PLSUPGE0002 App Platform server migration did not complete successfully. Cause: {0}

An error occurred while executing the server migration steps.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSUPGE0003 Unable to determine App Platform product version for source installation using this product property file. {0}

The migration utility requires a product source version in order to determine the required migration tasks.


Provide the product version by using the migration utility ''-srcVersion'' parameter.

PLSUPGE0005 No servers are installed in this directory. {0}

To be rendered as a valid path, the specified directory must contain a 'profiles' directory, which contains one or more servers.


Select another directory path that contains server profiles.

PLSUPGE0007 Please ensure the current working directory contains the App Platform|bat script.

The migration utility locates required components by using relative paths, which are offset from the current working directory.


Update the working to a directory that contains the required Application batch script.

PLSUPGE0008 The product properties file does not exist. {0}

Application Platform uses the product properties file in order to automatically detect the product version during migration.


Ensure that the directory path is correct and it contains the product properties file.

PLSUPGE0009 Unable to locate version string in product properties file.

The Application Platform migration script uses the product property file to detect the version, installed in the specified directory.


Verify that the directory path is correct.

PLSUPGE0011 Overinstall is not supported. The source and destination paths must be different.

The migration script can be run only in for side-by-side upgrade.


Ensure that the source and the destination directories are different.

PLSUPGE0012 Error resolving canonical path for directory: {0}. Cause: {1}

Application Platform uses relative paths to locate key directories. An error occurred while resolving a path to its canonical form. For example, this can happen when the parent path references have been removed ( /../ ).


Verify that the directory path exists.

PLSUPGE0021 Error copying project file ''{0}'' to destination directory: {1}. Cause: {2}

An error occurred while migrating the file to the destination directory.


Copy the file manually.

PLSUPGI0022 {0} files NOT migrated due to errors.

An error occurred while migrating some the files.


Review the migration log in the installation directory's 'install/logs' folder to determine which project files were affected. Copy the required files manually.

PLSUPGI0029 Project bundle files

PLSUPGI0030 {0} existing project bundles copied to destination (files from the destination were copied to the archive directory before overwriting).

The target installation contained project bundle file(s), and these files were replaced with the migrated ones. Copies of these files may be found in the archive directory under the common/migrate/ directory.


No action necessary.

PLSUPGW0010 Unable to detect product version for the specified directory. Cause: {0}

Application Platform was unable to determine the version of the installation path that was provided. This may have happened because the 'install/products' directory was deleted.


Enter the version manually.

PLSUPGW0017 These instances are missing in the destination installation. {0}

The source installation contains server instances that do not exist in the target installation. These servers will not be migrated for Application Platform.


If required, create the missing server instances. Otherwise, proceed with the migration.

PLSUPGW0019 Project file ''{0}'' overwritten in destination directory: {1}

The migration utility detected that a project file already exists in the destination directory. The contents are not overwritten.


If you require to replace the old file with the new one, review the new file and copy it manually. This will overwrite the old file in the destination directory.

PLSUPGW0028 Unable to archive existing files. Cause: {0}

If possible, the migration utility saves existing files before overwriting with migrated versions.


No action is required. The migration will progress normally. However, the original files will not be retained.

PLSUPGW0031 No zip entries detected in project file ''{0}''.

This suggests the project file was either an empty archive or its contents could not be migrated.


Verify the file is a valid zip archive and copy it manually to the destination directory if necessary.

PLSUPGW0032 Bundle {0} is missing its manifest.

OSGi bundles require manifests in the META-INF/MANIFEST directory of the archive. The migration tool will skip this bundle.


No action required.

PLSUPGW0033 Project bundle {0} contains a package {1} with import version range {2} that must be upgraded manually.

The migration utility has detected a customer project bundle which has a dependency to a different version of the App Platform SDK.


Please update the source project to use this new SDK version.

PLSWRPE0002 Unable to invoke service {0} after trying up to {1} principal names; caught: {2}

Invoking the service failed. This can be caused by a credentials issue, in which none of the principals associated with the current session was allowed to invoke the designated service. Another possible cause is a problem with the input parameters.


Check the error logs for more details about this error. If the problem is caused by an authentication or authorization error, then search the log for more details about which prinicpal names were successful or not. Verify that you are using a valid Integration Server user ID.

PLSWRPE0003 An exception was caught while marshalling input object to IData for service {0}: {1}

The conversion of input bean to IData for the designated service failed with an exception.


Check the exception message for more information about this error.

PLSWRPE0004 An exception was caught while unmarshalling IData to output object for service {0}: {1}

The conversion of IData to output bean for the designated service failed with an exception.


Check the exception message for more information about this error.

PLSWRPE0005 Input argument to ServiceWrapper.invoke() needs 'InputData' annotation.

The invoke method requires specific type characteristics.


Use a different input type, or add the required annotation.

PLSWRPE0006 Return type for ServiceWrapper.invoke() needs 'OutputData' annotation

The invoke method requires specific output type characteristics.


Use a different return type, or add the required annotation.

PLSWRPE0007 Unable to fill data for key {0} with parameter ({1}), dim>1 not yet supported

This is a temporary shortcoming in the implementation.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSWRPE0008 Unable to fill object {0} for key ({1}), dim>1 not yet supported

This is a temporary shortcoming in the implementation.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSWRPE0010 An exception was caught while attempting to identify the Subject for the current session in order to invoke IS service {0}; current user is identified by {1}, exception: {2}

Identifying the Subject for the current session failed with an exception. This can indicate a problem with the Authorization Service in the Software AG Common Platform.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSWRPE0012 ServiceWrapper cannot work with NULL return type.

An attempt was made for ServiceWrapper to work with a NULL return type. This can be caused by a problem with the Authorization Service source code generation.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

PLSWRPI0009 An exception was caught while invoking IS Service ({0}) with user ({1}): {2}

Invoking the designated service failed with an exception. Check the exception message for more information about the cause of failure.


Attempt the same invocation with the service invoker using different user IDs. If one attempt succeeds, the failures may be ignored.