Presto Messages


JBPCLICE0524 Unexpected error uploading thumbnail image: {0}

JBPCLICE0529 Invalid zip export file. "app-export-details.xml" not found in ZIP.

JBPCLICE0535 Dashboard with name :{0} and with guid: {1} already exists.

JBPCLICI0002 Dashboard: {0} with guid: {1} already exists.

JBPCLICI0003 Dashboard: {0} with guid: {1} could not be imported.

JBPCLICI0004 Importing App...


JBPCLICI0006 Overwriting existing App...

JBPCLICI0007 Overwriting existing App zip file...

JBPCLICI0008 Dashboard:{0} with guid: {1} successfully exported.

JBPCLICI0009 Dashboard {0} with guid {1} could not be exported. {2}

JBPCLICI0010 Dashboard: {0} with guid: {1} successfully imported.

JBPCLICI0011 Uploading App zip file...

JBPCLICI0012 Zip upload and/or overwrite completed : {0}

JBPCLICI0013 Failed to execute all test cases. Reason = {0}

JBPCLICI0014 Test case file not provided. Running default test data file from test/testcases_public_services.txt

JBPCLICI0015 Available subcommands:

JBPCLICI0016 {0}

JBPCLICI0017 -{0}

JBPCLICI0018 Failed to parse command line: {0}

JBPCLICI0019 Initialization failed. Cannot to real prestocli.propeties file.

JBPCLICI0020 Invalid Command: {0}

JBPCLICI0021 Missing options: {0}

JBPCLICI0022 No command specified

JBPCLICI0023 padmin {0}

JBPCLICI0024 padmin command-line client, version {0}

JBPCLICI0025 Some command line values are invalid (see details below):

JBPCLICI0026 Type ''{0} help <subcommand>'' for help on a specific subcommand.

JBPCLICI0027 Type 'padmin help' for usage

JBPCLICI0028 usage: {0} <subcommand> [options]

JBPCLICI0029 Invalid URL format:{0}

JBPCLICI0030 (optional) server URL - default http://localhost:8080/mashzone/esd/api

JBPCLICI0031 use given password

JBPCLICI0032 use given user

JBPCLICI0033 verbose output

JBPCLICI0034 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0035 continue processing if one request fails


JBPCLICI0037 Expecting app tag at document root, {0}

JBPCLICI0038 get path: {0}


JBPCLICI0040 input directory

JBPCLICI0041 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0042 -- publishing App, id: {0}

JBPCLICI0043 -- publishing App {0}, {1}

JBPCLICI0044 -- publishing App, name: {0}

JBPCLICI0045 spec: {0}

JBPCLICI0046 Uploads and creates an App

JBPCLICI0047 ESD returned unrecognized response

JBPCLICI0048 Document Exception: {0}

JBPCLICI0049 getDbServiceDetail: {0}

JBPCLICI0050 getJdbcProviderInfo: {0}

JBPCLICI0051 Encrypt property value to be used in configuration property files

JBPCLICI0052 property value to encrypt




JBPCLICI0056 Download App resources

JBPCLICI0057 Download completed

JBPCLICI0058 Exception creating output file: {0}

JBPCLICI0059 Exception creating output zip file: {0}

JBPCLICI0060 Exported {0} App{1}

JBPCLICI0061 Exported App {0}

JBPCLICI0062 Exported App unzipped to : {0}

JBPCLICI0063 Exported App written to : {0}

JBPCLICI0064 Exports Apps from Mashzone NextGen

JBPCLICI0065 Export details written to : {0}

JBPCLICI0066 Export file does not have expected elements ServiceExport_Array or ServiceExport__Array

JBPCLICI0067 export service details

JBPCLICI0068 Export written to : {0}

JBPCLICI0069 Export written to : {0}

JBPCLICI0070 Failed to export App {0} : {1}

JBPCLICI0071 Failed to export Service {0} : {1}

JBPCLICI0072 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0073 filter expression to select Apps to export. Where expression is a property followed by an optional comma separated list of one or more values for the given App property. Supported properties are : all, mine, ids, name, author, category, tag and provider. The expresssion should be enclosed in quotes. Examples: 1) -q "all" 1) -q "mine" 1) -q "author = dev, user" 2) -q "name = MyApp" 3) -q "tag = MyTag" 4) -q "ids = MyApp, MyOtherApp"

JBPCLICI0074 IO Exception creating output zip file: {0}

JBPCLICI0075 Named output directory is not a directory, absolute path : {0}

JBPCLICI0076 No Apps Exported

JBPCLICI0077 output file

JBPCLICI0078 overwrite any existing output file

JBPCLICI0079 Unknown reason

JBPCLICI0080 Destination directory not specified

JBPCLICI0081 Export query missing

JBPCLICI0082 username and password missing

JBPCLICI0083 username missing

JBPCLICI0084 user password missing

JBPCLICI0085 Cannot open output file:{0}

JBPCLICI0086 -d and -g options are mutually exclusive

JBPCLICI0087 Exports EMML Macros

JBPCLICI0088 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0089 global macros

JBPCLICI0090 macro domain name

JBPCLICI0091 macro name

JBPCLICI0092 ouput file

JBPCLICI0093 Cannot open output file:{0}

JBPCLICI0094 Exports Global attributes and attribute definitions

JBPCLICI0095 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0096 ouput file

JBPCLICI0097 Directory {0} already exists and is not empty. Please specify overwrite, -o, or empty the directory before exporting.

JBPCLICI0098 Download completed

JBPCLICI0099 Download Lib resources

JBPCLICI0100 Exception creating output file: {0}

JBPCLICI0101 Exception creating output zip file: {0}

JBPCLICI0102 Exported {0} {1}

JBPCLICI0103 Exported Lib {0}

JBPCLICI0104 Exports user defined libraries

JBPCLICI0105 Export details written to : {0}

JBPCLICI0106 Export file does not have expected elements ServiceExport_Array or ServiceExport__Array

JBPCLICI0107 Export item not found {0}

JBPCLICI0108 Export unzipped to : {0}

JBPCLICI0109 Export written to : {0}

JBPCLICI0110 Export written to : {0}

JBPCLICI0111 Failed to export library {0} : {1}

JBPCLICI0112 Failed to export library : {0}

JBPCLICI0113 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0114 filter expression to select libraries to export. Where expression is a comma separated list of one or more values for a given library property. Supported properties are: all, mine, user, ids, name, type, subtype. The expression should be enclosed in quotes. Examples: 1) -q "user=dev,user" 2) -q "name=My Lib" 2) -q "type=view" 4) -q "ids=MyLib, MyOtherLib"

JBPCLICI0115 include dependent libraries

JBPCLICI0116 IO Exception creating output zip file: {0}

JBPCLICI0117 Named output directory is not a directory, absolute path : {0}

JBPCLICI0118 No libraries exported

JBPCLICI0119 output directory

JBPCLICI0120 output file

JBPCLICI0121 overwrite any existing output file

JBPCLICI0122 Unknown reason

JBPCLICI0123 Cannot open output file:{0}

JBPCLICI0124 Exports Apps

JBPCLICI0125 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0126 filter expression to select services to export. Where expression is all|*|[ids]=value Examples: 1) -q "ids = App1, App2"

JBPCLICI0127 ouput file

JBPCLICI0128 Cannot open output file:{0}

JBPCLICI0129 Exports XACML Policy

JBPCLICI0130 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0131 (optional) name of the policy to export, if no name provided default policy is exported

JBPCLICI0132 ouput file

JBPCLICI0133 Cannot open output file:{0}

JBPCLICI0134 Exports a Service

JBPCLICI0135 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0136 filter expression to select services to export. Where expression is all|*|[tag|ids|type|name]=value Examples: 1) -q "type = WSDL" 2) -q "name = Yahoo*" 3) -q "tag = MyTag" 4) -q "ids = AmazonDocStyle, AmazonREST"

JBPCLICI0137 ouput file

JBPCLICI0138 Cannot open output file:{0}

JBPCLICI0139 Exports Global attributes and attribute definitions

JBPCLICI0140 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0141 ouput file

JBPCLICI0142 Cannot open output file:{0}

JBPCLICI0143 Exports Users and Roles

JBPCLICI0144 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0145 ouput file

JBPCLICI0146 Exception while processing template: {0} exception: {1}

JBPCLICI0147 getInstance: {0}

JBPCLICI0148 none found, creating new instance

JBPCLICI0149 processTemplateToString: templateName = {0}

JBPCLICI0150 Template Exception while processing template: {0} exception: {1}

JBPCLICI0151 template processing complete

JBPCLICI0152 Algorithm with name {0} is not supported

JBPCLICI0153 Cannot open output file:{0}

JBPCLICI0154 File {0} already exists. Please choose different file name

JBPCLICI0155 Generates a symmetric key

JBPCLICI0156 ouput file

JBPCLICI0157 use given key algorithm

JBPCLICI0158 Source directory not specified

JBPCLICI0159 App.spec not found. Expecting to find App spec at new File(dir, "App.xml").getAbsolutePath()

JBPCLICI0160 App Spec root document element incorrect

JBPCLICI0161 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0162 continue processing if one request fails

JBPCLICI0163 Empty App Spec

JBPCLICI0164 Exception retrying thumbnail upload: {0}

JBPCLICI0165 Expecting app tag at document root, {0}

JBPCLICI0166 Export file does not have either of the the expected elements ServiceExport_Array or ServiceExport__Array

JBPCLICI0167 Failed to create import zip file {0}

JBPCLICI0168 filter expression to select Apps to import. Where expression is a comma separated list of one or more values for a given App property. Supported properties are : ids, name, author, category, tag and provider. The expresssion should be enclosed in quotes. Examples: 1) -q "author = dev, user" 2) -q "name = MyApp" 3) -q "tag = MyTag" 4) -q "ids = MyApp, MyOtherApp"

JBPCLICI0169 -- Importing App {0} ( {1} )

JBPCLICI0170 -- App Import {0} ( {1} ) : completed on system {2}

JBPCLICI0171 -- Importing App {0} ( {1} ) screenshot, {2}

JBPCLICI0172 -- Importing App {0} ( {1} ) thumbnail, {2}

JBPCLICI0173 -- Importing App {0} ( {1} ) zipfile, {2}

JBPCLICI0174 Imports Apps

JBPCLICI0175 Import of App {0} failed. {1} Continue importing remaining services

JBPCLICI0176 import service details

JBPCLICI0177 input file

JBPCLICI0178 IOException during thumbnail upload: {0}

JBPCLICI0179 Missing export or app spec details

JBPCLICI0180 Named input directory does not exist, absolute path : {0}

JBPCLICI0181 Named input directory is not a directory, absolute path : {0}

JBPCLICI0182 No App spec found at zip entry '{0}', or 'App.xml'.

JBPCLICI0183 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0184 -- publishing App {0}, {1}

JBPCLICI0185 thumbnail size {0}

JBPCLICI0186 thumbnail size {0}

JBPCLICI0187 Unexpected document exception handling import xml doc. {0}

JBPCLICI0188 Unexpected error importing services. {0}

JBPCLICI0189 Unexpected IOException creating import xml doc. {0}

JBPCLICI0190 username and password missing

JBPCLICI0191 username missing

JBPCLICI0192 user password missing

JBPCLICI0193 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0194 continue processing if one request fails


JBPCLICI0196 Export file does not have expected elemenent {0}

JBPCLICI0197 Imports EMML Macros

JBPCLICI0198 Import of macro failed. {0} Continue importing remaining macros


JBPCLICI0200 input file

JBPCLICI0201 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0202 -- Processing {0} --

JBPCLICI0203 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0204 continue processing if one request fails

JBPCLICI0205 create global attribute failed

JBPCLICI0206 create global attribute failed - attribute already exists. Use -o to overwrite or remove attribute first.


JBPCLICI0208 Export file does not have expected elements globalAttributes

JBPCLICI0209 Imports Global Attributes and definitions


JBPCLICI0211 input file

JBPCLICI0212 inserting global attribute: {0}

JBPCLICI0213 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0214 Received error: {0}. continuing ...

JBPCLICI0215 Received error: {0}. terminating..

JBPCLICI0216 Source directory not specified

JBPCLICI0217 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0218 check file {0}

JBPCLICI0219 continue processing if one request fails

JBPCLICI0220 create import zip file..

JBPCLICI0221 create input file..

JBPCLICI0222 create registration doc..

JBPCLICI0223 create tempory zip file..

JBPCLICI0224 Error reading file data : {0}

JBPCLICI0225 Expecting LibExport tag at document root, {0}

JBPCLICI0226 Export file does not have either of the the expected elements ServiceExport_Array or ServiceExport__Array

JBPCLICI0227 Extracted view class as library loadConfirmation, {0}

JBPCLICI0228 Extracted view description, {0}

JBPCLICI0229 Extracted view name, {0}

JBPCLICI0230 Failed to create import zip file {0}

JBPCLICI0231 Failed to verify Lib {0}. {1} Continue importing remaining items.

JBPCLICI0232 filter expression to select libraries to import. Where expression is a comma separated list of one or more values for a given library property. Supported properties are: all, mine, user, id, name, type, subtype. The expression should be enclosed in quotes. Examples: 1) -q "user=dev,user" 2) -q "name=My Lib" 2) -q "type=view" 4) -q "ids=MyLib, MyOtherLib"

JBPCLICI0233 find xml file {0}

JBPCLICI0234 found properties file, {0}

JBPCLICI0235 -- Importing Lib {0} ( {1} )

JBPCLICI0236 -- Importing Lib {0} ( {1} ) : completed

JBPCLICI0237 -- Importing Lib {0} ( {1} ) {2}

JBPCLICI0238 -- Importing Lib {0} ( {1} ) {2} zipfile, {3}

JBPCLICI0239 Imports libraries

JBPCLICI0240 import details : {0}

JBPCLICI0241 Import of Lib {0} failed. {1} Continue importing remaining items

JBPCLICI0242 input directory

JBPCLICI0243 input file

JBPCLICI0244 {0}/{1}/

JBPCLICI0245 Library directory does not contain js or css directories.

JBPCLICI0246 Library directory is empty!

JBPCLICI0247 Library identified as a custom view

JBPCLICI0248 - loadConfirmation must be specified if library includes javascript.

JBPCLICI0249 Named input directory does not exist, absolute path : {0}

JBPCLICI0250 Named input directory is not a directory, absolute path : {0}

JBPCLICI0251 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0252 overwriting if lib exists,

JBPCLICI0253 Unable to continue, no input file available.

JBPCLICI0254 Unexpectedly failed to read library details from file {0}

JBPCLICI0255 Unexpected document exception handling import xml doc. {0}

JBPCLICI0256 Unexpected IOException creating import xml doc. {0}

JBPCLICI0257 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0258 continue processing if one request fails


JBPCLICI0260 Export file does not have niether of expected elemenents ServiceExport_Array or or element

JBPCLICI0261 Imports Apps

JBPCLICI0262 Import of mashlet failed. {0} Continue importing remaining services

JBPCLICI0263 input file

JBPCLICI0264 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0265 -- Processing {0}

JBPCLICI0266 Cannot open input file:{0}


JBPCLICI0268 Imports an XACML Policy

JBPCLICI0269 input file

JBPCLICI0270 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0271 continue processing if one request fails


JBPCLICI0273 Export file does not have niether of expected elemenents ServiceExport_Array or ServiceExport__Array or or element

JBPCLICI0274 Failed to create category: {0}

JBPCLICI0275 Failed to create provider: {0}

JBPCLICI0276 Ignoring unexpected Element type: {0}

JBPCLICI0277 Imports a Service

JBPCLICI0278 Import of service failed. {0} Continue importing remaining services


JBPCLICI0280 input file

JBPCLICI0281 Software AG Mashzone NextGen Platform

JBPCLICI0282 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0283 -- Processing {0} service of type {1} --

JBPCLICI0284 Service type "{0}" is not supported

JBPCLICI0285 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0286 continue processing if one request fails

JBPCLICI0287 create user profile failed

JBPCLICI0288 create user profile failed, attempting overwrite


JBPCLICI0290 Export file does not have expected elements userProfiles

JBPCLICI0291 importing user profile for {0}

JBPCLICI0292 Imports User Profiles


JBPCLICI0294 input file

JBPCLICI0295 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0296 Received error: {0}. continuing ...

JBPCLICI0297 Received error: {0}. terminating..

JBPCLICI0298 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0299 continue processing if one request fails

JBPCLICI0300 creating user: {0}


JBPCLICI0302 Export file does not have expected elements roleNames

JBPCLICI0303 Export file does not have expected elements users

JBPCLICI0304 Imports Users and Roles


JBPCLICI0306 input file

JBPCLICI0307 **NOTE: all imported users have had their passwords set to "welcome". **Please Notify each user to change their password.

JBPCLICI0308 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0309 Received error: {0}. continuing ...

JBPCLICI0310 Received error: {0}. terminating..

JBPCLICI0311 skipping built-in role: {0}

JBPCLICI0312 user: {0} already exists

JBPCLICI0313 App File exists

JBPCLICI0314 Lib file exists


JBPCLICI0316 Failed to create library, {0}

JBPCLICI0317 Importing library...


JBPCLICI0319 Invalid library id. Library id reserved for internal use.

JBPCLICI0320 Library import failed.

JBPCLICI0321 Library version exists..

JBPCLICI0322 Library version exists. Use overwrite option to replace an existing library version.

JBPCLICI0323 Overwriting existing Library...

JBPCLICI0324 Overwriting existing library zip file...

JBPCLICI0325 Removing existing library...

JBPCLICI0326 Unexpected error importing library: {0}, {1}

JBPCLICI0327 Unexpected error uploading library zip file : {0}, {1}

JBPCLICI0328 Uploading library zip file...

JBPCLICI0329 Upload completed : {0}

JBPCLICI0330 Zip upload and overwrite completed : {0}

JBPCLICI0331 Failed to transmit app zip file. {0}

JBPCLICI0332 Failed to transmit resource file. {0}

JBPCLICI0333 Failed to upload app zip file. {0}

JBPCLICI0334 Failed to upload resource file. {0}

JBPCLICI0335 upload {0}, user: {1}, pw: {2}, path: {3}

JBPCLICI0336 upload {0}, user: {1}, pw: {2}, path: {3}, overwrite {4}, content {5}

JBPCLICI0337 Cannot open input file:{0}

JBPCLICI0338 Comma separated list of RegistryObject Ids

JBPCLICI0339 Copy from URL. Used with COPY and MOVE


JBPCLICI0341 Imports a resource file


JBPCLICI0343 input file

JBPCLICI0344 overwrite existing entities

JBPCLICI0345 Resource description

JBPCLICI0346 Resource mime type

JBPCLICI0347 Resource relative URL

JBPCLICI0348 Resource type

JBPCLICI0349 Failed to transmit app zip file. {0}

JBPCLICI0350 Failed to transmit resource file. {0}

JBPCLICI0351 Failed to upload app zip file. {0}

JBPCLICI0352 Failed to upload resource file. {0}

JBPCLICI0353 Overwriting existing mashlet

JBPCLICI0354 allRoles: {0}

JBPCLICI0355 allUsers: {0}

JBPCLICI0356 Auth protocol: {0} not supported in migration tool. Please register this service manually.

JBPCLICI0357 categories and applications processing complete

JBPCLICI0358 categories complete, now processing applications

JBPCLICI0359 completed processing non-mashup services from 2.7 to 3.0

JBPCLICI0360 completed processing roles from 2.7 to 3.0

JBPCLICI0361 Create a migration file instead of actually doing the migration

JBPCLICI0363 database service: {0}

JBPCLICI0364 Datasource Name : dsDetail.getString("name")

JBPCLICI0365 Dependency Check failed

JBPCLICI0366 Dependency check failed. Please correct the above errors and re-run migration

JBPCLICI0367 Dependency Error: The source system contains a Database service: {0} which is

JBPCLICI0368 dependent on the datasource: {0}. This datasource needs to be created in

JBPCLICI0369 DONE Migrating 2.7 Service Mashlets to 3.0 Apps

JBPCLICI0370 done registerSyndication

JBPCLICI0371 done WSDL registration

JBPCLICI0372 doUsers flag: {0}

JBPCLICI0373 Duplicate resource

JBPCLICI0374 Exception while migrating mashlets {0}

JBPCLICI0375 generateFileName: {0}

JBPCLICI0376 generateFile flag: {0}

JBPCLICI0377 ignoring system mashlet: {0}. It does not need to be migrated

JBPCLICI0378 jdbcDatasource is: {0}

JBPCLICI0379 JDBC Driver Name : dsDetail.getString("jdbcDriverName")

JBPCLICI0380 JDBC Password : dsDetail.getString("password")

JBPCLICI0381 JDBC URL : dsDetail.getString("jdbcUrl")

JBPCLICI0382 JDBC User : dsDetail.getString("userId")

JBPCLICI0383 {0}

JBPCLICI0384 Log all progress to a file

JBPCLICI0386 migrated Auth Policy Roles : {0}

JBPCLICI0387 migrated from Presto 2.7

JBPCLICI0388 Migrates from Presto 2.7 to Presto 3.0

JBPCLICI0389 Migrate users source instance to target (not for use with LDAP)

JBPCLICI0390 Migrating 2.7 Service Mashlets to 3.0 Apps

JBPCLICI0391 Migrating mashlet: {0}

JBPCLICI0392 migrating role {0}

JBPCLICI0393 migrating service[{0}]:

JBPCLICI0394 Migration halted - error: {0}

JBPCLICI0395 MashZone NG 30 Url is invalid: {0}

JBPCLICI0396 Presto30 Pass: {0}

JBPCLICI0397 Presto30 URL: {0}

JBPCLICI0398 Presto30 User: {0}

JBPCLICI0399 MashZone NG Url is invalid: {0}

JBPCLICI0400 Mashzone NextGen Pass: {0}

JBPCLICI0401 Mashzone NextGen URL: {0}

JBPCLICI0402 Mashzone NextGen User: {0}

JBPCLICI0403 Processing Application: {0} into category {1}

JBPCLICI0404 processing categories and 2.7 applications to 3.0

JBPCLICI0405 Processing Category id : {0}, name : {1}, parent = {2}, desc: {3}

JBPCLICI0406 Processing {0} mashlets

JBPCLICI0407 processing mashup services from 2.7 to 3.0

JBPCLICI0408 processing non-mashup services from 2.7 to 3.0

JBPCLICI0409 processing providers from 2.7 to 3.0

JBPCLICI0410 processing provider: {0}

JBPCLICI0411 processing REST service{0}

JBPCLICI0412 processing service: {0} of type: {1}

JBPCLICI0413 processing Syndication service url: {0}

JBPCLICI0414 processing users and roles from 2.7 to 3.0

JBPCLICI0415 Processing user: {0}

JBPCLICI0416 processing WSDL service url: {0}

JBPCLICI0417 provider processing complete

JBPCLICI0420 ****Reason: {0}

JBPCLICI0422 saving mashup service {0} for later

JBPCLICI0423 Existing App zip file detected without overwrite flag, skipping import of {0}

JBPCLICI0425 ***Service: {0} encountered and error during registration. Please register this service manually.

JBPCLICI0426 skipping root category

JBPCLICI0427 The service type: {0} is not supported by this utility.

JBPCLICI0428 the target system before migration can proceed. Datasouce details are:

JBPCLICI0430 URL to source Instance

JBPCLICI0431 URL to target Instance

JBPCLICI0432 User for source Instance

JBPCLICI0433 User for target instance

JBPCLICI0434 User password for source Instance

JBPCLICI0435 User password for target instance

JBPCLICI0437 getCommand: {0}

JBPCLICI0438 Invalid command name: {0}

JBPCLICI0439 Bad Argument: {0}

JBPCLICI0440 Begin MigrationMain

JBPCLICI0441 End MigrationMain

JBPCLICI0442 migrate

JBPCLICI0443 Missing Argument: {0}

JBPCLICI0444 Missing Option: {0}

JBPCLICI0445 No command specified. Valid commands are:

JBPCLICI0446 Parse Exception: {0}

JBPCLICI0447 Unrecognized command: {0}. Valid commands are:

JBPCLICI0448 hold N seconds for response or "forever" to hold until successful ping

JBPCLICI0449 Pings Mashzone NextGen server

JBPCLICI0450 Server is down

JBPCLICI0451 Server is down after {0} seconds

JBPCLICI0452 Server is up

JBPCLICI0453 {0} is not valid. Either "forever" or a positive integer is required

JBPCLICI0454 findFeedbackForEntity: {0}

JBPCLICI0455 Not supported yet.

JBPCLICI0456 continue processing if one request fails


JBPCLICI0458 Error = {0}

JBPCLICI0459 error filename

JBPCLICI0460 Failed

JBPCLICI0461 Failed - {0}

JBPCLICI0462 Failed - {0}

JBPCLICI0463 Invalid URL:{0}

JBPCLICI0464 Reads JUMP Requests from file and send it to server over HTTP

JBPCLICI0465 ------ RequestId= {0} ------

JBPCLICI0466 request filename

JBPCLICI0467 Stop because of failure

JBPCLICI0468 Cannot construct request.

JBPCLICI0469 doOperationInvocation: templateName = {0}

JBPCLICI0470 {0}. Check if service with the same name already exists.

JBPCLICI0471 Failed to communicate with ESD at url::{0}

JBPCLICI0472 getting JSON array response

JBPCLICI0473 getting JSON object response

JBPCLICI0474 getting string response

JBPCLICI0475 Request:{0}

JBPCLICI0476 Response:{0}

JBPCLICI0478 already exists

JBPCLICI0479 category {0} already exists

JBPCLICI0480 Service already exists

JBPCLICI0481 Executing {0}

JBPCLICI0482 Failed - {0}

JBPCLICI0483 Failed - {0}

JBPCLICI0484 Invalid URL:{0}

JBPCLICI0485 Request ({0}) failed. Error -> {1}

JBPCLICI0486 Request ({0}) failed. Error -> {1}

JBPCLICI0487 INFO: Overwriting existing service

JBPCLICI0488 execute task..

JBPCLICI0489 input validation..

JBPCLICI0490 task completed

JBPCLICI0491 user name {0}

JBPCLICI0492 {0}. Check if service with the same name already exists.

JBPCLICI0493 Executing {0}

JBPCLICI0494 Failed - {0}

JBPCLICI0495 Failed - {0}

JBPCLICI0496 Invalid URL:{0}

JBPCLICI0497 Service registration for ({0}) failed. Error -> {1}

JBPCLICI0498 Error pretty printing xml: {0}

JBPCLICI0499 Invalid import. Service element {0} misses child element {1}

JBPCLICI0500 addToZip {0}, {1}, length {2}

JBPCLICI0501 could not rename the file {0} to {1}

JBPCLICI0502 Error saving data : {0}

JBPCLICI0503 Failed to create {0} zip file, {1} : {2}

JBPCLICI0504 Failed to create {0} zip file, {1} : {2}

JBPCLICI0505 file doesnt exist? {0}

JBPCLICI0506 [info] {0}

JBPCLICI0507 item : {0}

JBPCLICI0508 item : {0}

JBPCLICI0509 Output file exists, length : {0}, last modified{1}

JBPCLICI0510 Unable to create output file parent directory structure, {0}

JBPCLICI0511 Unable to create parent directory structure, {0}

JBPCLICI0512 Unexpected IOException creating zip file, {0} : {1}

JBPCLICI0513 zip directory {0}

JBPCLICI0514 Zip file does not exist. {0}

JBPCLICI0515 zip import items {0}, dir {1}

JBPCLICI0516 Could not export service: {0}. Error: {1}

JBPCLICI0517 Document Exception: {0}

JBPCLICI0518 exportService: {0}

JBPCLICI0519 specify Dashboards to export.Supported identifiers are: id, name or all. The expresssion should be enclosed in quotes.Examples:-i "id=3e0d34bf-299a-05b4f8a5"-i "name=MyDashboard" -i "all"

JBPCLICI0520 Dashboard with identifier {0} could not be found.

JBPCLICI0521 URL {0} seems to be invalid

JBPCLICI0522 Dashboard successfully exported to : {0}

JBPCLICI0523 Dashboard could not be exported to : {0}. Unknown reason.

JBPCLICI0524 overwrite existing resourcepolicy and permissions

JBPCLICI0525 Given import file could not be loaded. {0}.

JBPCLICI0530 Dashboard of the file {0} could not be imported, reason: {1}

JBPCLICI0531 Dashboard import failed. The content of the file {0} contains none or not all required information.

JBPCLICI0532 Dashboards imported from : {0}

JBPCLICI0533 Dashboard with name : {0} and guid: {1} sucessful imported

JBPCLICI0534 specify Feeds to export. Supported identifiers are: id, name or all. The expresssion should be enclosed in quotes. Examples: -i "id=3e0d34bf-299a-05b4f8a5"-i "name=MyFeed" -i "all"

JBPCLICI0536 Dashboards successfully exported to: {0}

JBPCLICI0537 (optional) output file

JBPCLICI0538 Dashboard with name : {0} and with guid: {1} sucessful exported.

JBPCLICI0539 Dashboard with name : {0} and with guid: {1} could not exported, reason: {2}

JBPCLICI0540 overwrite existing dashboards

JBPCLICI0541 User does not exist or is not authorized to import dashboards. Only user with admin privileges are able to import dashboards.

JBPCLICI0542 User does not exist or is not authorized to export dashboards. Only user with admin privileges are allowed to export dashboards.

JBPCLICI0543 File {0} already exists. Please add the overwrite option to the command to overwrite existing file name.

JBPCLICI0544 overwrite existing data feeds

JBPCLICI0545 Data source export written to : {0}

JBPCLICI0546 Data sources imported from \: {0}

JBPCLICI0547 Data source import failed. The content of the file {0} contains none or not all required information.

JBPCLICI0548 Unexpected error uploading Data source information from zip file \: {0}

JBPCLICI0549 User doesn't exist or is not authorized to import data sources. Only user with admin privileges are able to import data sources.

JBPCLICI0550 Feed successfully exported to : {0}

JBPCLICI0551 Feeds successfully exported to: {0}

JBPCLICI0552 There are no dashboards to export.

JBPCLICI0553 There are no data feeds to export.

JBPCLICI0555 name of specify tenant (no tenant means default)

JBPCLICI0556 Only Administrators can export dashboards.

JBPCLICI0557 Only Administrators can export data feeds.

JBPCLICI0558 Only Administrators can import dashboards.

JBPCLICI0559 Only Administrators can import data feeds

JBPCLICI0560 Exports dashboards

JBPCLICI0561 Exports data feeds

JBPCLICI0562 Exports aliases

JBPCLICI0563 specify aliases to export. Supported idenifiers are: type, name or all Supported types: PPM, FILE, DATABASE, EVENT, URL, TERRACOTTA Examples: 1) -i "type=PPM" 2) -i "name=UMG_EN" 3) -i "all"

JBPCLICI0564 include jdbc driver jar files in export

JBPCLICI0565 Aliases successfully exported to: {0}

JBPCLICI0566 Aliases could not be exported to: {0}. Unknown reason.

JBPCLICI0567 Alias with identifier {0} could not be found.

JBPCLICI0568 Only administrators can export aliases.

JBPCLICI0569 There are no aliases to export.

JBPCLICI0570 Authorization failed, please check your username and password combination.

JBPCLICI0571 Alias: {0} with type: {1} successfully imported.

JBPCLICI0572 Overwrite existing aliases

JBPCLICI0573 Overwrite existing alias permissions

JBPCLICI0574 Aliases imported from : {0}

JBPCLICI0575 Imports Dashboards

JBPCLICI0576 Imports Feeds

JBPCLICI0578 Import aliases

JBPCLICI0610 Feed: {0} with guid: {1} successfully imported.


JBPCLICW0385 Failed to create App, {0}

JBPCLICW0418 Role: {0} already exists. Skipping.

JBPCLICW0419 *** Mashlet {0} is a custom mashlet of type: {1}

JBPCLICW0421 *** Custom mashlet types need to be migrated separately

JBPCLICW0424 User: {0} already exists. Skipping.

JBPCLICW0429 *** Unrecognized service type :{0}. Skipping

JBPCLICW0436 ****Service: {0} cannot be migrated. Please register this service manually

JBPCLICW0477 ****Reason: {0}

JBPCLICW0519 Unexpected error importing App: {0}, {1}

JBPCLICW0520 Provider: {0} already exists. Skipping.

JBPCLICW0521 Service id: {0} - Unrecognized/unsupported authProtcol: {1}

JBPCLICW0522 Unexpected error uploading App zip file : {0}, {1}

JBPCLICW0523 Unrecognized responseFormat passed, returning raw response

JBPCLICW0524 File name must end with .zip when exporting jdbc drivers (-j option).

JBPCLICW0525 File name must end with .xml when exporting without jdbc drivers.

JBPCLICW0577 Only administrators can import aliases.

JBPCLICW5070 Authorization fails, please check your username and password combination.

JBPCOMMCE0062 unable to obtain license info {0}

JBPCOMMCE0069 Failed to load configuration data {0}

JBPCOMMCE0070 Failed to load config data from metadata database. Please make sure Mashzone NextGen repository is running. {0}

JBPCOMMCE0072 Failed to send mail. Please check mail server configuration in Administration area

JBPCOMMCE0073 Data transformation error. Cause = {0}

JBPCOMMCE0074 Data transformation error. No data to convert

JBPCOMMCE0075 Data transformation error. Object cannot be null

JBPCOMMCE0076 Data transformation error. Cause = Response object is null

JBPCOMMCE0077 Failed to convert response to {0}

JBPCOMMCE0079 Error removing all items from cache '{0}' : {1}

JBPCOMMCE0080 Non serializable objects are not supported for Memcached CacheProvider. Use put/getFromCache instead.

JBPCOMMCE0081 Cannot instantiate MemcachedProviderFactory

JBPCOMMCE0082 No cache with name [{0}] has been configured in MemcachedCacheProviderFactory.

JBPCOMMCE0083 Null host list

JBPCOMMCE0084 No hosts in list: '{0}'

JBPCOMMCE0085 Invalid server '{0}' in list: {1}

JBPCOMMCE0086 Data serialization error

JBPCOMMCE0087 Could not urlize value[{0}]

JBPCOMMCE0088 Cannot initialize CommonServicesFactory

JBPCOMMCE0089 Failed to parse JSON Request. JSON : {0}, error : {1}

JBPCOMMCE0090 Couldn't find protocol version. version is a required field.

JBPCOMMCE0091 Given protocol version is not currently supported. Version = {0}

JBPCOMMCE0092 JUMP Protocol version cannot be empty. Please choose 1.0 or 1.1

JBPCOMMCE0093 Parameters by name is not supported in protocol v1.0. Please use v1.1

JBPCOMMCE0094 Error closing connection

JBPCOMMCE0095 Keystore may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0096 Keystore may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0097 Unsupported algorithm exception: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0098 Keystore exception: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0099 Key management exception: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0100 I/O error reading keystore/truststore file: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0101 Parameters may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0102 Trust manager may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0103 io error

JBPCOMMCE0104 error

JBPCOMMCE0105 no trust manager found

JBPCOMMCE0106 Parameters may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0107 Authentication scope may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0108 Authentication scope may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0109 Authentication scope may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0110 Authentication scope may not be null

JBPCOMMCE0111 No license found or provided license is not valid. Please apply a valid Mashzone NextGen License. Please apply a valid license <a href="/presto/upgradelicense.jsp">here</a>

JBPCOMMCE0112 *********************************** INVALID LICENSE **********************************: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0113 License key is empty. Please make sure you have applied the license.

JBPCOMMCE0114 ERROR: public and/or private keys were not generated!

JBPCOMMCE0115 IO Exception while verifying: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0116 Error verifying signature, error code: {0}, message: {1}

JBPCOMMCE0117 license expired: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0118 license error, operating system check: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0119 License error: can't obtain productCode {0}

JBPCOMMCE0120 License error: Product code expected JBP, license contains {0}

JBPCOMMCE0121 License error: can't obtain version: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0122 License error: version mismatch. Current product version is: {0}, but version in license is: {1}

JBPCOMMCE0123 Checking license file: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0124 check ok

JBPCOMMCE0125 License error: {0}

JBPCOMMCE0126 <h2>Reset your Mashzone NextGen password</h2>

JBPCOMMCE0127 Cant remember your password? Dont worry about it - it happens. We can help.<br><br>

JBPCOMMCE0128 Your username is: <b>%2%</b><br><br><b>Just click this link to reset your password</b>:<br>%3%/presto/hub/reset_password.html?verify_code=%4%<br><br>

JBPCOMMCE0129 <b>Didnt ask to reset your password?</b><br>If you didnt ask for your password, its likely that another user entered your username or email address by mistake while trying to reset their password. If thats the case, you dont need to take any further action and can safely disregard this email.

JBPCOMMCE0130 invalid BOM: null is not allowed

JBPCOMMCE0131 invalid description: null is not allowed

JBPCOMMCE0132 invalid description: empty string is not allowed

JBPCOMMCE0133 invalid input stream: null is not allowed

JBPCOMMCE0134 Could not read BOM from Stream

JBPCOMMCE0135 BOM read error

JBPCOMMCE0136 Match has more bytes than available!

JBPCOMMCE0137 Data was successful converted!

JBPCOMMCE0138 Syntax error! Usage: xml2csv-conv [-options] <source filename or url> <destination filename> Options -l <field name> Allows to set the name of the field that repeats in XML schema. -k <list of fields' names> Field' names that will be kept, separated by comma without space. -i <list of fields' names> Field' names that will be ignored, separated by comma without space. -d Returns not duplicated rows. -e <value> Value for empty data, e.g. "-" -s <value> Value for separator in CSV, e.g. ", "Usage examples:

JBPCOMMCE0139 Negative values can't be set. Must be a positive number.

JBPCOMMCE0141 Minimum password length should always be a positive value less than the maximum password length.

JBPCOMME0001 Failed to load configuration data : {0}

JBPCOMME0002 Configuration key cannot be empty or null in - {0}.

JBPCOMME0003 Configuration key cannot be empty or null in - {0}.

JBPCOMME0004 Unsuppoted operation. If User Repository uses the same DB as RDS, use setRepositoryDBSetings. If not then modify directly.

JBPCOMME0005 Given configuration directory {0} is invalid.

JBPCOMME0006 Please check read/write permissions on given config directory {0}.

JBPCOMME0007 Given config path {0} is not a directory.

JBPCOMME0008 Failed to load config data from file - {0} ...continuing to load remaining configuration data

JBPCOMME0009 Failed to load config data from metadata database. Please make sure MashZone NextGen repository is running.

JBPCOMME0010 Error loading configuration data : {0}

JBPCOMME0011 Error loading configuration data : {0}

JBPCOMME0012 HTTP error {0}

JBPCOMME0013 io error {0}

JBPCOMME0014 error {0}

JBPCOMME0015 Failed to obtain PT, using PGT. Need to reuthenticate to MashZone NextGen to obtain new PGT

JBPCOMME0016 In order to call CAS protected services you must authenticate to MashZone NextGen using CAS.

JBPCOMME0017 Error getting HTTP proxy port value {0}

JBPCOMME0018 Authentication scope not set for HTTP proxy server {0}.

JBPCOMME0019 Invalid server URL...using given value as server host.

JBPCOMME0020 Keystore url may not be null.

JBPCOMME0021 HTTP error {0}

JBPCOMME0022 IO error {0}

JBPCOMME0023 error {0}

JBPCOMME0024 The endpoint reference is not valid: {0}.

JBPCOMME0025 No trust manager found

JBPCOMME0026 No SSO tokens are found in the request.

JBPCOMME0027 HTTP error {0}

JBPCOMME0028 IO error {0}

JBPCOMME0029 Error {0}

JBPCOMME0030 HttpClient must be an instance of AbstractHttpClient

JBPCOMME0031 No trust managers available

JBPCOMME0032 Send mail error {0}

JBPCOMME0033 Encyper is not implemented.

JBPCOMME0034 Failed to decrypt {0}

JBPCOMME0035 Unable to format date from: {0}

JBPCOMME0036 Unable to convert String to Long

JBPCOMME0037 ConfigMgr: setSessionAttribute : Cannot find HttpServletRequest object. Unable to store session attribute : {0}

JBPCOMME0038 Invalid driver jar url

JBPCOMME0039 Failed to parse service headers whitelist

JBPCOMME0040 Error in constructing RESTified URL

JBPCOMME0041 Error in getting server info

JBPCOMME0042 Failed to fill template. Returning template as it is.

JBPCOMME0043 Pruning xml failed... {0}

JBPCOMME0044 Processor does not support ADD operation.

JBPCOMME0045 Processor does not support REMOVE operation.

JBPCOMME0046 Processor does not support UPDATE operation.

JBPCOMME0047 Processor missconfigured. Current element is not the one that parser supports.

JBPCOMME0048 Not a number

JBPCOMME0049 Cannot convert object {0} to type {0}

JBPCOMME0050 Data transformation error

JBPCOMME0051 Error in converting XML -> JSON

JBPCOMME0052 Unable to convert the response to JSON format. Please retry with xml, native or soap format.

JBPCOMME0053 Unable to convert the response to XML format. Please retry with json or native format.

JBPCOMME0054 Error in converting POJO -> XML

JBPCOMME0055 Error in converting POJO -> XML; {0}

JBPCOMME0056 ( {0} ) is not a supported format. Sending response in service's native format

JBPCOMME0057 Data transformation error. No data to convert

JBPCOMME0058 Data transformation error. Cause = {0}

JBPCOMME0059 Unable to unmarshall dynabeans

JBPCOMME0060 Error shutting down cache: {0} : exception: {1}

JBPCOMME0061 Invalid license: {0}

JBPCOMME0062 test test

JBPCOMME0063 [RequestBuilderV1].....

JBPCOMME0064 [RequestBuilderV1].....Parameters by name is not supported in protocol v1.0. Please use v1.1.

JBPCOMME0065 Error in getting server side session expressions from request header

JBPCOMME0066 Data transformation error

JBPCOMME0067 Error removing item {0} from cache. {1}

JBPCOMME0068 Error removing item {0} from cache '{1}' : {2}

JBPCOMME0069 The field {0} cannot be empty or null.

JBPCOMME0070 Exception occurred during CacheManager initialization.

A runtime error has occurred during CacheManager initialization that prevents further usage of all Caches managed by the CacheManager.


See stack trace for further details and contact your administrator.

JBPCOMME0071 Mail server configuration is not set. Please update mail server configuration in administration area.

JBPCOMME0091 An error occurred while bootstrapping the SAML2 library!

JBPCOMME0092 An error occurred while issuing a SAML2 assertion: Key store or key alias are not available.

JBPCOMME0093 An uncategorized error occurred while issuing a SAML2 assertion!

JBPCOMME0098 The alias {0} is reserved for internal storage.

JBPCOMME0099 The URI {0} is invalid. Expected format is terracotta://hostname:port.

JBPCOMME0100 The URI {0} is invalid. Expected format is terracotta://hostname[:port][,[hostname2[:port]],...].

JBPCOMMW0001 Invalid byproxy filter found...continuing with the remaining filters....{0}.

JBPCOMMW0002 Invalid byproxy filter found...continuing with the remaining filters...

JBPCOMMW0003 Given configuration directory has NO write permission. Updates to config files won't be possible thru Administration interface.

JBPCOMMW0004 Cannot find SSLSocketFactory in Spring context.

JBPCOMMW0005 Error while fixing xml, returning resulting xml as it is. Cause = {0}

JBPCOMMW0006 Unable to flush memcached keys.

JBPCOMMW0007 Caching failed

JBPCOMMW0072 SUCCESS: Import of data feed {0} with guid = {1} was successful.

JBPCOMMW0073 The following data transformations are not supported: {0}. Please adapt the data feed.

JBPCOMMW0074 {0}. Please adapt the data feed.

JBPCOMMW0075 XSLT preprocessing is not supported in XML data source. Please adapt the data feed.

JBPCOMMW0076 Notes are not supported in data feeds and are discarded during migration.

JBPCOMMW0077 FAILED: Data feed: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. The following data transformations are not supported: {2}. Please adapt the data feed.

JBPCOMMW0078 FAILED: Data feed: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. {2} which is not supported. Please adapt the data feed.

JBPCOMMW0079 The data feed was exported with a different edition as {0}.

JBPCOMMW0080 FAILED: Data feed: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. The data feed was not exported with {2}.

JBPCOMMW0081 FAILED: Dashboard: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. The dashboard was not exported with {2}.

JBPCOMMW0082 FAILED: Dashboard: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. The widget(s) {2} is(are) not supported.

JBPCOMMW0083 FAILED: Dashboard: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. {2} which is not supported.

JBPCOMMW0084 The dashboard already exists.

JBPCOMMW0085 The data feed already exists.

JBPCOMMW0086 FAILED: Dashboard: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. The dashboard already exists.

JBPCOMMW0087 FAILED: Data feed: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. The data feed already exists.

JBPCOMMW0088 FAILED: Dashboard: {0} with guid: {1} can not be imported. The following data transformations are not supported: {2}.

JBPCOMMW0089 The following data transformations are not supported: {0}. Please adapt the data feed.

JBPCOMMW0090 {0} which is not supported. Please adapt the data feed.

JBPCOMMW0094 SUCCESS: Import of alias {0} with type {1} was successful

JBPCOMMW0095 FAILED: Import of alias {0} with type {1} already exists.

JBPCOMMW0096 There is no permission for user: {0} to access alias: {1} for type: {2}.


JBPEMMLCE0001 Internal Error

JBPEMMLCE0003 Invalid Request : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0007 Initialization error : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0008 Schema of records to put in cache and schema registered at MetaCache do not match.

JBPEMMLCE0009 Variable not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0010 HTTP exception: {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0011 Parse Exception: {0}

JBPEMMLCE0012 Unable to put schema to MetaCache.

JBPEMMLCE0013 service

JBPEMMLCE0014 inputvariable

JBPEMMLCE0015 outputvariable

JBPEMMLCE0016 input variables

JBPEMMLCE0017 foreach

JBPEMMLCE0018 sort

JBPEMMLCE0019 group

JBPEMMLCE0020 toExpr

JBPEMMLCE0021 fromvariable

JBPEMMLCE0022 fromexpr

JBPEMMLCE0023 fromliteral

JBPEMMLCE0024 variable

JBPEMMLCE0025 annotation

JBPEMMLCE0026 expression

JBPEMMLCE0027 attribute

JBPEMMLCE0028 name

JBPEMMLCE0029 method

JBPEMMLCE0030 conditional

JBPEMMLCE0031 script

JBPEMMLCE0032 keys

JBPEMMLCE0033 endpoint

JBPEMMLCE0034 missing or illegal {0}

JBPEMMLCE0035 missing or illegal {0} {1}

JBPEMMLCE0036 Error in {0} statement ( line # "{1}" ) : {2}

JBPEMMLCE0037 {0} should be a number greater or equal than 0

JBPEMMLCE0038 One of actualexpr/actualvar is required

JBPEMMLCE0039 actualexpr is required

JBPEMMLCE0040 One of expectedexpr/expectedvar/literal/count/elementdepth is required

JBPEMMLCE0041 Only Sequence commands can be in a Parallel command

JBPEMMLCE0042 Referenced JavaScript not found

JBPEMMLCE0043 spaces not allowed in {0}

JBPEMMLCE0044 parent

JBPEMMLCE0045 name

JBPEMMLCE0046 Assertion failed at line number [ {0} ].

JBPEMMLCE0047 Unsupported source definition of type ''{0}''.

JBPEMMLCE0048 Error, could not add URL to system classloader

JBPEMMLCE0049 Key Field Not Found : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0050 elem parameter must not be null!

JBPEMMLCE0051 Cannot stringify null Node!


JBPEMMLCE0053 null {0}

JBPEMMLCE0054 IO Error in pretty print

JBPEMMLCE0055 Invalid document in Throw statement. {0}

JBPEMMLCE0056 {0} requires Saxon migration

JBPEMMLCE0057 Error executing groovy script : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0058 Illegal data type for Sort - must be Document or Element type

JBPEMMLCE0059 Error sorting data : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0060 Error creating value of variable : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0061 Data of subtype {0} must be processed using stream="true"


EMML for loop

JBPEMMLCE0063 Unable to declare variable in parent scope : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0064 {0} to initialize variable : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0065 Invalid cookie format

JBPEMMLCE0066 Unable to convert document to XML

JBPEMMLCE0067 Invalid Method

JBPEMMLCE0068 Invalid Method in directinvoke: {0} for endpoint : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0069 directinvoke parameter values must be of String type : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0070 Error invoking syndication feed :: endpoint URL must be a valid RSS or Atom Feed

JBPEMMLCE0071 Error invoking syndication feed : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0072 Unable to find stylesheet : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0073 startcountervalue

startcountervalue attribute in for loop

JBPEMMLCE0074 Error initializing session variable : {0} - {1}

JBPEMMLCE0075 Error parsing date value : {0}: {1}

JBPEMMLCE0076 Variable not defined : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0077 Cannot find file [ {0} ]

JBPEMMLCE0078 Configuration not initialized

JBPEMMLCE0079 Unable to initialize configuration file : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0080 Error saving Config File : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0081 finalcountervalue

finalcountervalue attribute in for loop

JBPEMMLCE0095 Data Transformation Error : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0096 Data Transformation Error. Cause = {0}

JBPEMMLCE0097 Data transformation error. Object cannot be null

JBPEMMLCE0098 XML format failed : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0099 Schema not found : {0}

Referenced RAQL Schema Not found in classpath


Ensure RAQL Schema is available in JVM Classpath

JBPEMMLCE0100 http://hostname:port//emml/<serviceName>/<operationName>?param1=value1&param2=value2

JBPEMMLCE0101 Script submitted for Execution

JBPEMMLCE0102 Script not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0103 Refer to 'Self-Joins with a SingleDataset' in Mashzone NextGen documentation ( for performing joins using the same document.

JBPEMMLCE0105 type

missing type attribute in variable declaration


specify valid type in variable declaration

JBPEMMLCE0106 Missing mashup element in EMML Script

JBPEMMLCE0107 Could not find macro with name [ {0} ] in namespace/file [ {1} ]

JBPEMMLCE0108 Unable to locate script file : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0109 Error parsing mashup script : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0110 Error parsing mashup script : {0} - file: {1}

JBPEMMLCE0111 Error parsing mashup script : {0} - file: {1} line: {2}

JBPEMMLCE0112 Unable to compile script : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0113 Error : Illegal definition of operation. Operations are allowed only inside a EMML Mashup

JBPEMMLCE0114 Catch must be inside Try statement

JBPEMMLCE0115 Invoke EMML Statement is not supported in OMA version

JBPEMMLCE0116 operation not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0117 Error : Duplicate definition of Output Statement.

JBPEMMLCE0118 Could not create a AST node for element

JBPEMMLCE0119 Missing Mashup element in EMML Script

JBPEMMLCE0120 Illegal Mashup Service name : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0121 Unable to locate Mashup service : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0122 Error using reserved column names in user schema : {0} . Use RAQL select column aliasing or modify schema to rename these columns.

Certain column names like 'key' , 'value' are reserved names in Mashzone NextGen/BigMemory. Use alternate column names for these.


Use alternate column names to avoid conflicting with reserved column names.

JBPEMMLCE0123 Could not initialize Listener registry or no Listeners found.

JBPEMMLCE0124 Unable to declare variable : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0125 Mapping specification not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0126 RAQL does not support querying JSON documents yet : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0127 Error reading data from : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0128 Type variable not found : {0}; Referenced in variable definition {1}

JBPEMMLCE0129 Configuration error : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0130 Error declaring variable : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0131 Error converting to string : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0132 Error filtering data : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0133 Variable creation error : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0134 Error creating variable : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0135 Error evaluating expression : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0136 Error initializing new mashup service : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0137 Error accessing Variable names : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0138 Error accessing Variable {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0139 Error accessing Variables : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0140 Empty or Invalid Mashup Script

JBPEMMLCE0141 Mandatory EMML <Output/> statement not found.

A EMML <Output/> must be declared for every mashup.


Declare EMML Output statement for the mashup.

JBPEMMLCE0142 Validation Error : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0143 stream variable '{0}' is not allowed in XPath/XQuery expression. To display 'stream' variables use type='stream' and previewcount='<int> or ALL' in display statement. Or else use stream='false' in raql command to serialize streams for further use in XPath/XQuery based EMML commands or expressions.

'stream' variables are not allowed in XPath/XQuery expressions. To display 'stream' variables use type='stream' and previewcount='<int> or ALL' in display statement. Or else use stream='false' in raql command to serialize streams for further use in XPath/XQuery based EMML commands or expressions.


'stream' variables are not allowed in XPath/XQuery expressions. To display 'stream' variables use type='stream' and previewcount='<int> or ALL' in display statement. Or else use stream='false' in raql command to serialize streams for further use in XPath/XQuery based EMML commands or expressions.

JBPEMMLCE0144 Preview data option only available for 'stream' variables.

Preview data option only available for 'stream' variables.


Either use 'stream' variable OR remove previewcount option from display statement.

JBPEMMLCE0145 Error evaluating expression : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0146 Unauthorized to execute EMML "{0}" statement (check with Administrator).

JBPEMMLCE0147 Annotation variable must be document or element; cannot be a NodeList

JBPEMMLCE0148 Expected count {0} but was {1}

JBPEMMLCE0149 Expected depth {0} but was {1}

JBPEMMLCE0150 Unsupported comparison of return types.

JBPEMMLCE0151 Expected {0} but was {1}

JBPEMMLCE0152 Expected non equal values but got equal values.

JBPEMMLCE0153 Expected a null value but got a non-null value

JBPEMMLCE0154 Expected a non-null value but got a null value

JBPEMMLCE0155 Destination variable not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0156 Error assigning value : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0157 Source variable not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0158 Error in assignment : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0159 Cache name not specified : cache='<cacheName>'.

JBPEMMLCE0160 Cache not found: {0}

JBPEMMLCE0161 Unknown Cache operation : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0162 Illegal operation in cache : {0} ; must be 'store' or 'load'

JBPEMMLCE0163 Scope={0} is invalid. Expected {1}|{2}

JBPEMMLCE0164 Cannot use identical data source names with different properties : Conflict between ( {0} ) and ( {1} )

JBPEMMLCE0165 Illegal 'type' value, display type attribute must be 'stream' or 'document' only.

Illegal 'type' value, display type attribute must be 'stream' or 'document' only.


use type='stream' or 'document'

JBPEMMLCE0166 Unable to locate file : '{0}'

JBPEMMLCE0167 No default Datasource defined. Use <datasource/> statement to define a SQL datasource.

JBPEMMLCE0168 Data source not defined : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0169 Illegal input variable in dbxml statement.

JBPEMMLCE0170 Illegal input variable data type in dbxml statement.

JBPEMMLCE0171 Service Invocation timed out.

JBPEMMLCE0172 Error executing directinvoke : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0173 Missing or empty previewcount.

previewcount attribute must have a valid value.


Specify valid count in previewcount attribute

JBPEMMLCE0174 Error invoking external service : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0175 SOAP Exception : Status Code : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0176 REST Exception : Status Code : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0177 previewcount must not be negative number.

previewcount must not be negative number.


Specify positive count or ALL for previewcount value.

JBPEMMLCE0178 previewcount can only be used with stream variables (i.e., with type='stream')

previewcount can only be used with stream variables (i.e., with type='stream'), they cannot be used with Document types.


Either remove type='stream' or use a stream variable for display

JBPEMMLCE0179 Error executing statement : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0180 Error filtering data : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0181 Item expression in ForEach command is empty

JBPEMMLCE0182 {0} - no parent variable scope found

JBPEMMLCE0183 Macro Function table is empty

JBPEMMLCE0184 Macro definition not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0185 Use type="stream" and previewcount ="<n>" to display stream variable : {0}

Use type='stream' and previewcount ='<n>' to display stream variable


Use type='stream' and previewcount ='<n>' to display stream variable

JBPEMMLCE0186 Unable to access variable : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCE0187 Application with name {0} not found

JBPEMMLCE0188 Error executing script : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0190 Snapshot datasource not found.

JBPEMMLCE0191 Invalid input [{0}]. Input must be a document or a node list.

JBPEMMLCE0192 Unable to access Cache. Internal Error. Try restarting server

JBPEMMLCE0193 Invalid HTML parser specificaton : {0}

JBPEMMLCE0195 Unsupported XML entity: {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0001 Schema not found : {0}

Referenced RAQL Schema is not found


Ensure RAQL Schema file is in Classpath

JBPEMMLCECE0002 {0} requires Saxon migration

JBPEMMLCECE0003 Invalid Document

JBPEMMLCECE0004 'types' attribute must specify type for each parameter in 'params'

JDBC Types for each parameter in 'params' attribute must be specified in 'types' attribute.


Specify JDBC Type for each parameter in 'params'

JBPEMMLCECE0005 Illegal or Unsupported Type : {0}

Illegal or Unsupported Type


Specify valid data Type

JBPEMMLCECE0006 Variable not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0007 Variable not defined: {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0010 Error adding macro : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCECE0012 Unable to Invoke - {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0013 Missing script.

JBPEMMLCECE0014 Error saving service : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0016 Error publishing service - {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0019 Error updating service details : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0020 Cannot update service.

JBPEMMLCECE0021 Error updating script: {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0023 Error converting to string : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0024 Error creating variable : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0025 Variable creation error : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0026 Configuration error : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0027 Error declaring variable : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0028 Validation Error : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0029 Cannot access Mashzone NextGen Meta Repository

JBPEMMLCECE0033 Transaction already committed or rolled back

JBPEMMLCECE0034 Error in Mashzone NextGen Cache : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0035 Configuration not initialized

JBPEMMLCECE0036 Error invoking external Service : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCECE0046 Invalid Command Specified (mapRequestToExpr): {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0047 Failed to transform request data.

JBPEMMLCECE0048 Unable to execute query: {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0049 DB Import failed.

JBPEMMLCECE0063 Unexpected parsing exception reading service data.

JBPEMMLCECE0064 Unexpected io exception reading service data.

JBPEMMLCECE0070 Failed to register service - {0}; Reason - {1}

JBPEMMLCECE0071 Pre-registration test failed: {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0072 Object with name [{0}] already exists.

JBPEMMLCECE0073 No object with name : {0} Exists

JBPEMMLCECE0074 Error saving object : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0075 Could not fetch driver classpath

JBPEMMLCECE0081 no emml type found for: {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0082 No property file of name {0} found on classpath!

JBPEMMLCECE0084 Missing Service name.

JBPEMMLCECE0086 Empty or Invalid Mashup Script

JBPEMMLCECE0087 Type not found in Service {0} ({1})

JBPEMMLCECE0089 Error in {0} statement ( line # {1} ) : Only one {2} element is allowed

JBPEMMLCECE0090 'macros' library file must only be used with -lib option

JBPEMMLCECE0091 Illegal Macro definition -- root element must be 'macro'

JBPEMMLCECE0093 Missing mashup service name.

JBPEMMLCECE0096 Mashup Service not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0097 A service with name ({0}) is already registered. Please choose another name and try again.

JBPEMMLCECE0098 Cannot update service with status '{0}' : {1}

JBPEMMLCECE0099 Operation name may not be changed.

JBPEMMLCECE0104 Error : Missing Mashup id

JBPEMMLCECE0105 Error : Missing Mashup sample XML

JBPEMMLCECE0106 Error registring mashup output type: {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0108 Mashzone NextGen Service name not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0109 Transaction support is only available for Database Services

JBPEMMLCECE0113 Application Context has not been initialized

JBPEMMLCECE0114 BigMemory datasource : {0} not registered in Mashzone NextGen.

JBPEMMLCECE0115 No Dynamic cache configuration (dynamiccache.xml) found in classpath

JBPEMMLCECE0116 Security Profile {0} is not supported

JBPEMMLCECE0117 No default Datasource defined. Use <datasource/> statement to define a SQL datasource.

JBPEMMLCECE0118 Data source not defined : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0120 Couldn't find service using ({0})

JBPEMMLCECE0121 Couldn't find operation using ({0})

JBPEMMLCECE0122 Reference to unknown Service Name : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0124 Data source not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCECE0125 Cannot use identical datasource names with different Properties : Conflict between ( {0} ) and ( {1})

JBPEMMLCECE0129 Login failed. Reason: {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0001 Parse Exception: {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0004 Initialization error : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0005 Error in converting to JSON

JBPEMMLCEE0006 The argument 'date' may not be null.

JBPEMMLCEE0007 The argument 'days' may not be null.

JBPEMMLCEE0008 Error evaluating expression : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0009 Error executing Mashup Script [{0}.emml]: {1}

JBPEMMLCEE0010 The argument 'seconds' may not be null.

JBPEMMLCEE0011 Error saving macro: {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0012 The first argument 'dateText' may not be null.

JBPEMMLCEE0013 The second argument 'fromFormat' may not be null.

JBPEMMLCEE0014 The third argument 'toFormat' may not be null.

JBPEMMLCEE0015 Error registering mashup service : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0016 The first argument 'document' may not be null.

JBPEMMLCEE0017 Error unregistering service : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0018 Error updating service : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0022 Error activating Mashup Service : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0030 Error in get Data/Value as String

JBPEMMLCEE0031 Error in setValue

JBPEMMLCEE0032 Response data is : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0037 Error generating Mashup Service Interface : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0038 Command Invocation Thread Interrupted : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0039 Error executing Join Service : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0040 Error mapping Parameters : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0041 Error invoking CompositeJoinService : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0042 Unable to perform data transformation : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0043 Unable to execute service : {0} : {1} : {2}

JBPEMMLCEE0044 Failed to register Mashzone NextGen EMML Service : {0} : {1}

JBPEMMLCEE0045 Unable to create Field Ref : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0050 Exception retrieving catalogs : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0051 Exception retrieving schemas : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0052 Exception retrieving tables : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0053 Exception retrieving views : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0054 Exception retrieving procedures : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0055 Exception retrieving metadata : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0056 Exception retrieving table names : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0057 Exception retrieving view names : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0058 Exception retrieving procedure names : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0059 Failed to connect to data source.

JBPEMMLCEE0060 Exception importing data source: {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0061 SQL Exception thrown releasing db connection : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0062 {0} Next Exception: {1}

JBPEMMLCEE0065 Unable to create project xml

JBPEMMLCEE0066 Unrecognized item name [{0}]

JBPEMMLCEE0067 Schema not recognized: [{0}]

JBPEMMLCEE0068 Catalog not recognized: [{0}]

JBPEMMLCEE0069 Failed To validate provider: [{0}]

JBPEMMLCEE0076 Failed to upload file

JBPEMMLCEE0077 Error generating NSD for Mashup Service - {0}, Error: {1}

JBPEMMLCEE0078 Error resolving type : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0079 Error generating NSD for Visual Service - {0}, Error: {1}

JBPEMMLCEE0080 Failed to register EMML-SQL mashup service

JBPEMMLCEE0083 Script not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0085 No service with name : {0} exists

JBPEMMLCEE0088 Service not found : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0092 Specify a mashup service name.

JBPEMMLCEE0094 Empty mashup script for {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0095 Mashup not found: {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0100 Active service cannot be unregistered : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0101 Empty mashup script for {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0102 Error retrieving mashup Script : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0103 Error extracting Mashup Script : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0107 Error retrieving Service info : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0110 initializeFault failed : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0111 Error Parsing Response data to xml: {0}.

JBPEMMLCEE0112 Error invoking service - {0} - {1}

JBPEMMLCEE0119 PrestoCache: Unable to locate emml-cache.xml - Cache configuration file.

JBPEMMLCEE0123 Error: Failed to locate Mashzone NextGen Service for registration : {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0126 No database driver file specified

JBPEMMLCEE0127 The following classpath entries are invalid: {0}

JBPEMMLCEE0128 Failed to load JDBC driver '{0}'. Please check that the class name and class path settings are correct.

JBPEMMLCEW0001 Unable to read configuration for profiler log file

JBPEMMLCEW0002 Was not allowed to read check file existance, file:[{0}].

JBPEMMLCEW0003 [ {0} ] does not exist.

JBPEMMLCEW0004 JSON to XML Conversion Failed : {0}

JBPEMMLCW0001 Exception in listener: {0}

JBPEMMLCW0002 Unable to read configuration for profiler log file

JBPEMMLCW0003 Profiler could not write to log file

JBPEMMLCW0004 Was not allowed to read check file existance, file:[ {0} ].

JBPEMMLCW0005 [{0}] does not exist.

JBPEMMLCW0006 Invalid byproxy filter found...continuing with the remaining filters....{0}

JBPEMMLCW0009 Error parsing return : using result as string. {0} ( {1} )

JBPEMMLCW0010 warning : no outputvariable specified for sqlUpdate

JBPEMMLCW0104 Illegal fetchSize value - must be positive count of rows to fetch

Must be positive count (>=0 ) of rows to fetch

JBPEMMLCW0194 Illegal period value - must not describe a negative time period

Must be positive period

JBPEMMLE0001 Expected snapshot timestamp super-column ss_ts. Found invalid super-column definition(s): {0}.

JBPEMMLE0002 Internal Error : {0}

JBPEMMLE0003 Unknown datasource type for variable {0}.

JBPEMMLE0004 Error processing request : {0}

JBPEMMLE0005 Load Mashups failed : {0}

JBPEMMLE0006 Error Executing Mashup: {0}

JBPEMMLE0008 Error in converting to JSON

JBPEMMLE0009 Failed to load source-definition for var {0}.

JBPEMMLE0012 Unable to Parse XML : {0}

JBPEMMLE0047 addURL error

JBPEMMLE0060 Error reading Data: {0}

JBPEMMLE0061 Error reading data as binary stream : {0}

JBPEMMLE0062 Error reading data as char stream : {0}

JBPEMMLE0073 Error Initializing {0}

JBPEMMLE0081 Error getting HTTP proxy port value

JBPEMMLE0082 AuthenticationScope not set for HTTP proxy server

JBPEMMLE0104 Unable to locate EMML Script : {0}

JBPEMMLE0105 Unable to parse EMML Script : {0}

JBPEMMLE0122 Error saving snapshot : {0}

JBPEMMLE0141 Unable to retrieve Content-Type : {0}

JBPEMMLE0143 Error in get Data/Value as String

JBPEMMLE0144 Error in setValue

JBPEMMLE0165 Illegal number format : {0}

JBPEMMLE0173 Could not parse as html : using result as string

JBPEMMLE0177 Error parsing html : {0}

JBPEMMLE0178 InitializeFault failed : {0}

JBPEMMLE0185 Parallel: Error executing command : {0}

JBPEMMLW0007 ConfigMgr: setSessionAttribute : Cannot find HttpServletRequest object. Unable to store session attribute : {0}

JBPEMMLW0008 error while fixing xml, returning resulting xml as it is. Cause = {0}

JBPEMMLW0011 Error closing database connection. {0}

JBPEMMLW0012 Unable to compile macro with name [{0}] in script [{1}]

JBPMZCE0001 Failed to delete MashZone event source.

JBPMZCE0002 Import of administration settings failed. Details: {0}

JBPMZCE0003 Input parameter ''{0}'' is undefined

JBPMZCE0004 Unable to delete folder {0}.

JBPMZCE0006 Export of {0} "{1}" failed.

JBPMZCE0007 Unable to read archive "{0}".

JBPMZCE0009 Unable to add included data feed "{0}" to archive "{1}".

JBPMZCE0010 Alias definition "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0013 Export of administration settings failed.

JBPMZCE0014 Unable to write info file for "{0}".

JBPMZCE0018 Type "{0}" is not supported.

JBPMZCE0019 Archive "{0}" does not contain the entry "{1}".

JBPMZCE0020 The archive "{0}" does not contain any dashboards and data feeds.

JBPMZCE0021 Unable to import the {0} "{1}" due to incompatible license edition {2}.

JBPMZCE0022 Cannot invoke MashZone until configured with proper mashzone.base.url

JBPMZCE0023 Failed to delete MashZone feed

JBPMZCE0024 reasonHeaderName must be specified

JBPMZCE0025 Error {0}

JBPMZCE0026 Error saving datafeed

JBPMZCE0027 ok {0}

JBPMZCE0028 no response

JBPMZCE0029 ok

JBPMZCE0030 ok

JBPMZCE0031 Response should not be null

JBPMZCE0032 Error: {0}

JBPMZCE0033 Error saving event source

JBPMZCE0034 ok:

JBPMZCE0035 The key {1} of the info file of the directory "{0}" has the invalid value "Dashboard".

JBPMZCE0036 Import of data feed "{0}" failed.

JBPMZCE0037 The key {1} of the info file of the directory "{0}" has the invalid value "Data feed".

JBPMZCE0038 The key {1} of the info file of the directory "{0}" has the invalid value "Resource alias".

JBPMZCE0040 The key {1} of the info file of the directory "{0}" has the invalid value "unknown".

JBPMZCE0056 The archive "{0}" does not contain any alias definitions.

JBPMZCE0057 Import of dashboard "{0}" failed.

JBPMZCE0058 {0} "{1}" requires license edition "{2}". Reason: {3}

JBPMZCE0059 Import of the dashboard "{0}" is supported only from version {1}. Please update your installation, if required.

JBPMZCE0060 Import of the data feed "{0}" is supported only from version {1}. Please update your installation, if required.

JBPMZCE0061 Unable to extract dashboard info file "{0}".

JBPMZCE0062 Unable to extract data feed info file "{0}".

JBPMZCE0063 Import of data feed "{0}" as attachment failed. Therefore, the data feed is unable to return correct data.

JBPMZCE0064 Import of data feed "{0}" successful.

JBPMZCE0065 The archive file does not contain any alias definitions of this type.

JBPMZCE0066 Alias definition "{0}" already exists.

JBPMZCE0067 Only a single EDA connection is supported. Please adapt the configuration to be imported accordingly.

JBPMZCE0072 Unable to process resource "{0}".

JBPMZCE0073 No write privileges assigned to resource {0}.

JBPMZCE0076 No execution privileges assigned to data feed "{0}".

JBPMZCE0077 No edit privileges assigned to data feed {0}.

JBPMZCE0078 You do not have the privilege required to edit a data feed.

JBPMZCE0079 Unable to find file "{0}".

JBPMZCE0080 Data query warning

JBPMZCE0081 Source system error

JBPMZCE0082 Favorite "{0}" is not supported.

JBPMZCE0083 PPM alias "{0}" is not supported.

JBPMZCE0084 The specified PPM authentication is not supported.

JBPMZCE0085 The specified PPM authentication is not supported.

JBPMZCE0086 Unable to find PPM configuration for GUID "{0}".

JBPMZCE0088 Error reading Castor mapping file. Details: {0}

JBPMZCE0089 Object type "{0}" is not supported.

JBPMZCE0090 Condition "{0}" insufficient.

JBPMZCE0091 Condition "guid or revision information missed" insufficient.

JBPMZCE0092 Condition "revision incomplete" insufficient.

JBPMZCE0093 The object with internal ID "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0094 For internal ID "{0}", the saved revision number ("{1}") is smaller than the one queried ("{2}"). Invalid query or system status.

JBPMZCE0095 Compression failed.

JBPMZCE0096 Decompression failed.

JBPMZCE0097 Access denied.

JBPMZCE0098 Permission to use method "{0}" denied.

JBPMZCE0099 The conditions "{0}" for running the interface "{1}" have not been met.

JBPMZCE0100 Unable to extract properties file "{0}".

JBPMZCE0101 Configuration key "{0}" exists multiple times.

JBPMZCE0102 The configuration "{0}" is addressed via JNDI and can therefore not be updated for technical reasons.

JBPMZCE0103 Error communicating with Mashzone NextGen's API ({0}).

JBPMZCE0104 Registration of registration object "{0}" in Mashzone NextGen failed.

JBPMZCE0105 Registration of registration object "{0}" in Mashzone NextGen failed. Details: {1}

JBPMZCE0106 Object type "{0}" is not supported.

JBPMZCE0109 Unable to create connection from connection pool.

JBPMZCE0110 The database result of the SQL query "{0}" on the database "{1}" did not return any meta data.

JBPMZCE0111 The following error occurred when converting the database result of the SQL query "{0}" on database "{1}": {2}

JBPMZCE0112 Error creating column information.

JBPMZCE0113 The following error occurred when connecting to database "{0}": {1}

JBPMZCE0115 The following error occurred when running SQL query "{0}" on database "{1}": {2}

JBPMZCE0116 Unable to connect to database "{0}" because all database connections are in use. Please try again later.

JBPMZCE0117 Unable to connect to database because no database configuration with the name "{0}" exists.

JBPMZCE0118 Unable to determine database meta data connecting to database "{0}".

JBPMZCE0119 Unable to find JDBC driver class connecting to database "{0}".

JBPMZCE0120 Unable to determine valid JDBC driver class connecting to database "{0}".

JBPMZCE0121 Unable to register JDBC driver class connecting to database "{0}".

JBPMZCE0122 The database connection with the alias "{0}" is currently not active.

JBPMZCE0123 The instance of the database connection pool with the alias "{0}" is being terminated and cannot be used.

JBPMZCE0124 Internal error

JBPMZCE0125 Previous error:

JBPMZCE0126 Please specify a valid value or select a valid numerical column.

JBPMZCE0127 Data feed "{0}" contains a cycle.

JBPMZCE0128 The data feed contains invalid characters. Please check if all CSV and XML sources of the data feed are extracted with the appropriate character set.

JBPMZCE0129 You do not have the read privilege for the data feed "{0}".

JBPMZCE0130 You do not have the read privilege for a data feed.

JBPMZCE0131 Unable to address event source "{0}". The event source addressed may no longer exist.

JBPMZCE0132 There are no columns for horizontal iteration.

JBPMZCE0133 Not supported data type "{0}"

JBPMZCE0134 The table already contains a column named "{0}".

JBPMZCE0135 A column named "{0}" does not exist in the table.

JBPMZCE0136 A column named "{0}" does not exist in data source "{1}".

JBPMZCE0137 Column "{0}" does not exist in the start table.

JBPMZCE0138 An unknown operator is used in operator "{0}" in data feed "{1}".

JBPMZCE0139 "{0}" is an invalid number.

JBPMZCE0140 Unable to determine value of input parameter "{0}".

JBPMZCE0141 "{0}" is an invalid date.

JBPMZCE0142 An input parameter is not numerical.

JBPMZCE0143 Invalid input parameter type "{0}".

JBPMZCE0144 The new column name "{0}" already exists.

JBPMZCE0145 The column with the old name "{0}" was not assigned a new column name.

JBPMZCE0146 The copy of the column with the old name "{0}" was not assigned a new column name.

JBPMZCE0147 The start operator is not a single-value operator.

JBPMZCE0148 Data source "{0}" has no columns.

JBPMZCE0149 Data source "{0}" does not contain data.

JBPMZCE0150 Data source "{0}" has no column information in row {1}.

JBPMZCE0151 At least one column must be maintained.

JBPMZCE0152 The column "{0}" exists in the table, but is not of the 'Date' type.

JBPMZCE0153 The column "{0}" exists in the table, but is not of the 'Number' type.

JBPMZCE0154 Starting the event source "{0}" failed.

JBPMZCE0155 Event Service error

JBPMZCE0156 Unable to find event type "{0}".

JBPMZCE0157 Error retrieving existing event types.

JBPMZCE0158 Creating the event source "{0}" failed.

JBPMZCE0159 Unable to retrieve configuration for event source "{0}".

JBPMZCE0160 Initializing the event source "{0}" failed.

JBPMZCE0161 Unable to find EDA connection "{0}".

JBPMZCE0162 Unable to find EDA connections.

JBPMZCE0163 An event source with the alias "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0164 Starting the event source "{0}" failed. Reason: {1}

JBPMZCE0165 Stopping the event source "{0}" failed. Reason: {1}

JBPMZCE0166 Deleting the event source "{0}" failed. Reason: {1}

JBPMZCE0167 Initializing the event source "{0}" failed. Reason: {1}

JBPMZCE0168 JNDI connection test of the event source "{0}" failed. Reason: {1}

JBPMZCE0169 Stopping the event source "{0}" failed.

JBPMZCE0170 Deleting the event source "{0}" failed.

JBPMZCE0171 Castor mapping for the EDA connection failed.

JBPMZCE0172 JNDI connection test for EDA connection "{0}" failed.

JBPMZCE0173 Unable to parse event type name "{0}".

JBPMZCE0174 Unable to convert event type "{0}".

JBPMZCE0175 Unable to retrieve columns for event type "{0}".

JBPMZCE0176 Unable to find Connection Factories.

JBPMZCE0177 Unable to find topics for EDA connection "{0}".

JBPMZCE0178 Error checking Event Type Store path.

JBPMZCE0179 Unable to initialize EDA connection "{0}".

JBPMZCE0180 Invalid Event Type Store path.

JBPMZCE0181 Unable to load Event Type Store.

JBPMZCE0182 The maximum number of event sources ({0}) has been reached.

JBPMZCE0183 The column "{0}" exists in the table, but is not of the 'Text' type.

JBPMZCE0184 Both start tables are missing.

JBPMZCE0185 The left start table is missing.

JBPMZCE0186 The right start table is missing.

JBPMZCE0187 Both key columns are missing.

JBPMZCE0188 The right key column is missing.

JBPMZCE0189 The left key column is missing.

JBPMZCE0190 The operator does not have a start operator.

JBPMZCE0191 Operator "{0}" does not have a start operator.

JBPMZCE0192 {0} text values are longer than {1} characters. They have to be shortened to {1} characters.

JBPMZCE0193 Data source "{0}" has less than {1} rows. Unable to determine column names from row {1}.

JBPMZCE0194 The initial text value has more than {0} characters. It has been shortened to {0} characters.

JBPMZCE0195 The input text value has more than {0} characters. It has been shortened to {0} characters.

JBPMZCE0196 {0} text values are too long and have been shortened in line with the restrictions stipulated by the license.

JBPMZCE0197 The operator result contains {0} rows. Only {1} rows can be processed. The rows in excess of that number will not be considered.

JBPMZCE0198 The operator result contains more than {0} rows. Only {0} rows can be processed. The rows in excess of that number will not be considered.

JBPMZCE0199 The operator result contains {0} columns. Only {1} columns can be processed.

JBPMZCE0200 At least one column does not have a value.

JBPMZCE0201 The precision of operator "{0}" is not set or the associated single-value operator does not return any value.

JBPMZCE0202 The precision of operator "{0}" is supplied by a single-value operator that is not of the 'Number' type.


JBPMZCE0207 Error replacing values in column "{0}": The data type of the value to be set does not match the data type of the column.

JBPMZCE0208 Error comparing columns "{0}" and "{1}" The columns have different data types and therefore cannot be compared.

JBPMZCE0209 Invalid time unit for result cache time for data feed "{0}".

JBPMZCE0210 Invalid join mode "{0}".

JBPMZCE0211 ''{0}'' could not be compiled into css file.

JBPMZCE0212 ''{0}'' is not a directory.

JBPMZCE0213 The comparison criteria in the right table have the same value multiple times. Enable the option 'Allow multiple values' of the link operator to perform this operation.

JBPMZCE0214 Key columns "{0}" and "{1}" are not of the same data type.

JBPMZCE0215 Error calculating data feed {0}.

JBPMZCE0216 Please specify a 100% value for data feed "{0}".

JBPMZCE0217 Please specify a 0% value for data feed "{0}".

JBPMZCE0218 Error inserting value in table column "{0}". Value "{1}" is not numerical.

JBPMZCE0228 Error inserting value in table column "{0}". Value "{1}" is not a date.

JBPMZCE0229 Error evaluating a condition. Column "{0}" is not of the data type "{1}" (current comparison value: "{2}").

JBPMZCE0230 Error evaluating a condition. The comparison value is not of the data type "{0}" (current comparison value: "{1}").

JBPMZCE0234 The data feed with the ID "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0235 The year "{0}" is BC and is not supported.

JBPMZCE0236 "{0}" is an invalid date format.

JBPMZCE0237 Data feed "{0}" does not have an output operator.

JBPMZCE0238 Unable to open data source "{0}".

JBPMZCE0239 Source "{0}" returns the following error: "{1}"

JBPMZCE0240 Source "{0}" returns the following warning: "{1}"

JBPMZCE0241 An error occurred during extraction of the data source {0}.

JBPMZCE0242 An error occurred during extraction of the data source.

JBPMZCE0243 URL "{0}" is invalid.

JBPMZCE0244 Unable to find sheet "{0}" in data source "{1}". Data is extracted from the first sheet of the workbook ("{2}").

JBPMZCE0245 Unable to find sheet "{0}" in data source "{1}".

JBPMZCE0246 Unable to find sheet "{0}" in data source "{1}". Data source does not contain sheets.

JBPMZCE0247 Data source does not contain sheets.

JBPMZCE0248 Data source "{0}" is not a valid Excel file.

JBPMZCE0249 Data source "{0}" is larger than {1} MB. It cannot be imported.

JBPMZCE0250 Data source "{0}" is password-protected or not a valid Excel file. Password-protected files cannot be opened.

JBPMZCE0251 The row from which the column names are to be determined was not specified or is outside the range of 1 to 65536.

JBPMZCE0252 The server does not support the character set "{0}".

JBPMZCE0253 Unable to convert specified file "{0}" to a document.

JBPMZCE0254 The PPM data source does not contain columns, the following error occurred: "{0}".

JBPMZCE0255 Unable to convert data of the PPM data source to a document.

JBPMZCE0256 An error occurred during preprocessing. Please check the XSLT file used.

JBPMZCE0257 Unable to parse resulting file to a document.

JBPMZCE0258 No valid aggregation type specified for column "{0}".

JBPMZCE0259 Unable to convert {0} of {1} rows from source column "{2}", they remain empty in target column "{3}".

JBPMZCE0260 Unable to convert value {0} to target format.

JBPMZCE0261 {0} of {1} rows do not contain a value in all columns used by the operation. The missing values were not included in the calculation.

JBPMZCE0262 The source column {0} is of the type "{1}". It cannot be converted to target type "{2}" and remains empty in the results table.

JBPMZCE0263 Index column "{0}" contains {1} empty cells. The corresponding rows of the feed table will not be included in the aggregation.

JBPMZCE0264 The index column "{0}" must not be one of the columns to be aggregated.

JBPMZCE0265 Google denied the coordinates request.

JBPMZCE0266 Invalid coordinate request.

JBPMZCE0267 No URL signing key was specified in for using the Google Geocoding service. Without this key, only {0} addresses can be retrieved per operator.

JBPMZCE0268 Unable to resolve {0} of {1} addresses from column "{2}".

JBPMZCE0269 The URL signing key specified for using the Google Geocoding service is too short (less than 4 characters).

JBPMZCE0270 An invalid URL signing key was specified in for using the Google Geocoding service.

JBPMZCE0271 Feed calculation canceled because Google did not deliver any results within "{0}" seconds. Possible reason: A URL signing key is missing. Without this key, you can only submit a certain number of requests per day.

JBPMZCE0272 Feed calculation canceled because Google did not deliver any results within "{0}" seconds.

JBPMZCE0273 The specified encoding "{0}" is not supported.

JBPMZCE0274 No address column specified. Please specify a valid address column.

JBPMZCE0275 The Geocoding operator does not execute because the Google Maps API terms were not accepted in the Administration module.

JBPMZCE0276 Source: Database

JBPMZCE0277 Source: PPM (URL-based)

JBPMZCE0281 Source: PPM

JBPMZCE0282 Source: ARIS table



JBPMZCE0332 Error communicating with Event Service.

JBPMZCE0333 Object type "{0}" is not supported.

JBPMZCE0334 URI "{0}" is invalid.

JBPMZCE0335 URI "{0}" is locked.

JBPMZCE0336 URL "{0}" is invalid.

JBPMZCE0337 Unable to establish connection to URL "{0}". Please check the proxy settings.

JBPMZCE0338 Unable to establish connection to URL "{0}" within {1} seconds. Please check the proxy settings.

JBPMZCE0339 Unable to find PPM connection for alias "{0}".

JBPMZCE0340 Unable to establish connection to URL "{0}". Please check the proxy settings and whether the connection is available under the specified URL.

JBPMZCE0341 Invalid user/password combination.

JBPMZCE0342 The query failed because PPM "{0}" does not support it.

JBPMZCE0343 Unable to load resource "{0}". The certificate used has expired.

JBPMZCE0344 Unable to load resource "{0}". The certificate used is not valid yet.

JBPMZCE0345 Unable to open input stream on resource "{0}".

JBPMZCE0346 Unable to extract directory "{0}".

JBPMZCE0347 Directory "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0348 Target "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0349 Target "{0}" is not a directory.

JBPMZCE0350 Unable to establish connection to resource "{0}". Status "{1}" is returned.

JBPMZCE0354 Error calculating data feed.

JBPMZCE0355 Access denied

JBPMZCE0356 Too many table columns.

JBPMZCE0357 Invalid column type.

JBPMZCE0358 Wrong value type.

JBPMZCE0359 Error calculating operator.

JBPMZCE0360 Error processing data.

JBPMZCE0361 Missing operator

JBPMZCE0362 Incorrect rows in the result of an operator.

JBPMZCE0363 Missing table column

JBPMZCE0364 The configuration of an operator is incorrect.

JBPMZCE0365 Name collision in table columns.

JBPMZCE0366 Missing operator

JBPMZCE0367 A column was not assigned a new name.

JBPMZCE0368 Internal error

JBPMZCE0369 Error determining input parameter.

JBPMZCE0370 Invalid input parameter type.

JBPMZCE0371 A source is not available.

JBPMZCE0372 A source does not return the expected data.

JBPMZCE0373 Invalid URL.

JBPMZCE0374 Access denied

JBPMZCE0375 Error reading from CSV source.

JBPMZCE0376 The CSV source does not contain a column named "{0}". This may have been caused by changing options over an existing column configuration. Please recreate the CSV operator.

JBPMZCE0377 The CSV source contains a column with an invalid name. It is invalid, because it contains a double quote, which is not acceptable as part of the name. If the double quote was meant as a masking character, that must be specified accordingly. The invalid name is: {0}

JBPMZCE0378 No execution privileges assigned to dashboard "{0}".

JBPMZCE0379 No edit privileges assigned to dashboard "{0}".

JBPMZCE0380 Resource too large.

JBPMZCE0381 The feature "{0}" is not supported in the edition "{1}".

JBPMZCE0382 Resource "{0}" exceeds the maximum allowed data size of {1} KB and is therefore not being processed.

JBPMZCE0386 Invalid SSO authentication against PPM.

JBPMZCE0387 Error loading.

JBPMZCE0388 Error determining alias URL.

JBPMZCE0389 Unable to load resource "{0}".

JBPMZCE0390 Error calling Web service at source "{0}". {1}

JBPMZCE0391 Alias should not be null or empty.

JBPMZCE0392 Path should not be null or empty.

JBPMZCE0393 The included feed doesn't have any result columns.

JBPMZCE0396 System error

JBPMZCE0399 You do not have the privilege required to edit a dashboard.

JBPMZCE0401 A required starting table is missing.

JBPMZCE0404 Undefined parameter: {0}

JBPMZCE0405 Ambiguous parameter: {0}

JBPMZCE0406 Syntax error in RAQL query.

JBPMZCE0407 Syntax error in line {0}.

JBPMZCE0408 Syntax error in line {0}, expected one of {1}

JBPMZCE0409 Semantic error in RAQL query.

JBPMZCE0410 Semantic error in line {0}: {1}

JBPMZCE0411 Error executing RAQL query.

JBPMZCE0418 At least one required source data feed

Answer to the question "what is missing here?"

JBPMZCE0421 Error accessing Dataset "{0}"

JBPMZCE0423 Connection failed

JBPMZCE0424 URL alias definition "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0425 The Event Emitting Target "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0426 The event "{0}" is in an invalid format.

JBPMZCE0427 The Event Target "{0}" does not exist.

JBPMZCE0428 Event Types and/or their attributes could not be determined. The Apama system defined in alias [${0}] is not available.

JBPMZCE0429 Dataset identifier "{0}" does not observe required pattern [CONNECTION_ALIAS].[STORENAME].

JBPMZCE0430 Sample size for deriving schema of a Dataset must be either a positive integer or ALL.

JBPMZCE0431 Source: VA

JBPMZCE0432 Connection lost

JBPMZCE0433 Connection to Event Service lost

JBPMZCE0434 Error extracting cell definitions from Dataset "{0}".

JBPMZCE0435 Error running query on Dataset "{0}".

JBPMZCE0436 You do not have permission to send an event to Event Target "{0}".

JBPMZCE0437 No data found - could not derive any columns. Use the "Configure columns" dialog to configure manually.

JBPMZCE0438 The event could not be sent. The Apama instance "{0}" is not be reachable.

JBPMZCE0445 Column config contains multiple key columns: {0}, {1}.

JBPMZCE0446 Column config does not specify a key column.

JBPMZCI0005 Export to archive "{0}" successful.

JBPMZCI0008 Included data feed "{0}" was successfully added to archive "{1}".

JBPMZCI0011 Export of administration settings to archive "{0}" successful.

JBPMZCI0012 The following alias definitions were exported: {0}

JBPMZCI0015 Empty archive "{0}" was not created.

JBPMZCI0016 Export of dashboard "{0}" into archive "{1}" successful.

JBPMZCI0017 Export of data feed "{0}" into archive "{1}" successful.

JBPMZCI0039 No conflicts for import of unknown "{0}" (Rev. {1}).

JBPMZCI0041 No conflicts for import of dashboard "{0}" (Rev. {1}).

JBPMZCI0042 No conflicts for import of data feed "{0}" (Rev. {1}).

JBPMZCI0043 No conflicts for import of resource alias "{0}" (Rev. {1}).

JBPMZCI0044 Import of unknown "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" updates the existing entry (Rev. {3}) of "{4}".

JBPMZCI0045 Import of dashboard "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" updates the existing entry (Rev. {3}) of "{4}".

JBPMZCI0046 Import of data feed "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" updates the existing entry (Rev. {3}) of "{4}".

JBPMZCI0047 Import of resource alias "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" updates the existing entry (Rev. {3}) of "{4}".

JBPMZCI0048 Import of unknown "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" collides with existing entry (Rev. {3}) with identical date "{4}".

JBPMZCI0049 Import of dashboard "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" collides with existing entry (Rev. {3}) with identical date "{4}".

JBPMZCI0050 Import of data feed "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" collides with existing entry (Rev. {3}) with identical date "{4}".

JBPMZCI0051 Import of resource alias "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" collides with existing entry (Rev. {3}) with identical date "{4}".

JBPMZCI0052 Import of unknown "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" collides with existing entry (Rev. {3}) with more current date "{4}".

JBPMZCI0053 Import of dashboard "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" collides with existing entry (Rev. {3}) with more current date "{4}".

JBPMZCI0054 Import of data feed "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" collides with existing entry (Rev. {3}) with more current date "{4}".

JBPMZCI0055 Import of resource alias "{0}" (Rev. {1}) with last change date "{2}" collides with existing entry (Rev. {3}) with more current date "{4}".

JBPMZCI0068 Import of administration settings from archive "{0}" successful.

JBPMZCI0069 The following alias definitions were imported: {0}


JBPMZCI0071 Revision "{0}" of internal ID "{1}" is obsolete. Please reload the object.

JBPMZCI0074 The data feed with internal ID "{0}" is locked by another user and cannot be edited.

JBPMZCI0075 Unable to save data feed "{0}" because embedded data feed "{1}" creates an infinite loop. Please resolve the infinite loop and save again.

JBPMZCI0087 Version before 5.1

JBPMZCI0107 Unable to import database column "{0}" due to its data type ({1}). The column is not included in the data feed.

JBPMZCI0108 Column "{0}" is empty and cannot be imported properly. Please use SQL/RAQL alias names (<column name> AS <new column name>) in order to uniquely identify columns that intentionally exist multiple times.

JBPMZCI0114 Connection test with database "{0}" successful.

JBPMZCI0204 Horizontal iteration

JBPMZCI0205 Vertical iteration

JBPMZCI0206 Values

JBPMZCI0219 Apama properties not set.

JBPMZCI0220 Apama connectivity was not initialized because of incorrect port specification.

JBPMZCI0221 Apama connection failed after {0} attempts.

JBPMZCI0222 Error initializing event source with alias "{0}".

JBPMZCI0223 Error starting event source with alias "{0}".

JBPMZCI0224 Error stopping event source with alias "{0}".

JBPMZCI0225 Unknown storage model"{0}".

JBPMZCI0226 Schema definition doesn't match buffer strategy. There is no group field defined.

JBPMZCI0227 Schema definition doesn't match buffer strategy. The specified column with key information "{0}" can't be found in the scenario.

JBPMZCI0231 Event Type Store not set, can't reinit EDA connections.

JBPMZCI0232 Event Type Store not set, can't reinit Event Type cache.

JBPMZCI0233 Error starting event source with alias "{0}": There is neither event type nor endpoint (topic) specified.

JBPMZCI0278 Source: MS Excel file

JBPMZCI0279 Retrieve geolocations

JBPMZCI0280 Source: CSV file

JBPMZCI0284 Source: PPM component

JBPMZCI0285 Source: wM Events

JBPMZCI0286 Source: BigMemory

JBPMZCI0288 wM Optimize

JBPMZCI0289 Source: XML file

JBPMZCI0290 Source: BigMemory

JBPMZCI0291 Aggregate

JBPMZCI0292 Concatenate data feeds

JBPMZCI0293 Average

JBPMZCI0294 Change data type

JBPMZCI0295 Copy data feed

JBPMZCI0296 Concatenate texts

JBPMZCI0297 Round up/down date

JBPMZCI0298 Duplicate column

JBPMZCI0299 Insert column


JBPMZCI0301 Delete column

JBPMZCI0302 Filter by date

JBPMZCI0303 Filter rows

JBPMZCI0304 Limit result

JBPMZCI0305 Find text index

JBPMZCI0306 Goal accomplishment

JBPMZCI0307 Source: Data feed

JBPMZCI0308 Combine data feeds

JBPMZCI0309 Source: Manual data

JBPMZCI0310 Arithmetic

JBPMZCI0311 Rename column

JBPMZCI0312 Conditional replace

JBPMZCI0313 Replace text

JBPMZCI0314 Round up/down

JBPMZCI0315 Replace date fields

JBPMZCI0316 Move date

JBPMZCI0317 Extract text

JBPMZCI0318 Convert text

JBPMZCI0319 Value to column

JBPMZCI0320 Create URL

JBPMZCI0321 Change data type

JBPMZCI0322 Copy single value

JBPMZCI0323 User input - Number

JBPMZCI0324 User input - Text

JBPMZCI0325 User input - Date

JBPMZCI0326 Column to value

JBPMZCI0327 Runtime info

JBPMZCI0328 Merge single texts

JBPMZCI0329 Aggregate geolocations

JBPMZCI0330 Move single date

JBPMZCI0331 Error starting event source with alias "{0}": There is neither event type nor endpoint (topic) specified.

JBPMZCI0351 Unable to find included data feed "{0}".

JBPMZCI0352 The data feed "{0}" contains an incomplete or incorrect data feed operator.


JBPMZCI0412 Possible loss of precision.

JBPMZCI0413 The values in column "{0}" of type {1} will be converted to type 'double'.

JBPMZCI0414 Text conversion.

JBPMZCI0415 The values in column "{0}" of type {1} will be converted to a text.

JBPMZCI0416 Possible truncation.

JBPMZCI0417 The values in column "{0}" will be truncated if they have more than {1} characters.

JBPMZCI0422 Source: TCStore

JBPMZCI0439 Source: JSON file

JBPMZCW0353 Encode single value

JBPMZCW0383 You are using default values.

JBPMZCW0384 Error processing data.

JBPMZCW0385 Unable to process all rows of the table.

JBPMZCW0394 Database column "{0}" is ignored

JBPMZCW0395 The database column "{0}" can not be read because of its datatype ({1}). Therefore the column is not contained in data feed.

JBPMZCW0397 Charset changed

JBPMZCW0398 The charset will be changed to the system's default charset because there was no charset configured for the CSV operator. In case of parsing errors, you can change the encoding in the UI.

JBPMZCW0402 Invalid results

JBPMZCW0403 The operation "{0}" leads to invalid results in {1} of {2} rows.

JBPMZCW0419 Warning occurred during execution

JBPMZCW0420 Warning {0}

JBPMZCW0440 Invalid precision value

JBPMZCW0441 Precision: Negative value is not supported

JBPMZCW0442 Precision: Decimal places will be ignored

JBPMZCW0443 The key column has been renamed to {0} as there already is a cell named {1}.

JBPMZCW0444 Renamed key column.

JBPMZCW0447 Renamed column

JBPMZCW0448 The column name "{0}" was ambiguous and had to be renamed. Please see the "Configure columns" dialog for more details.

JBPMZE0001 Error while getting emml template

JBPMZE0002 IllegalState: No emml template!

JBPMZE0003 IllegalState: I dont have a rtbs emml template!

JBPMZE0004 Unable to transform current user to json, mz authn likely to fail

JBPMZE0005 Cannot invoke MashZone until configured with proper mashzone.base.url

JBPMZE0006 Got error response

JBPMZE0007 Cannot invoke MashZone until configured with proper mashzone.base.url

JBPMZE0008 Exception calling runFeed

JBPMZE0009 Feed returns error response.

JBPMZE0010 Cannot invoke MashZone until proper mashzone.base.url is set

JBPMZE0011 Cannot invoke MashZone until configured with proper mashzone.base.url

JBPMZE0012 Cannot invoke rtbs until rtbs.base.url is set

JBPMZE0013 Error calling rtbs {0}

JBPMZE0014 Cannot invoke rtbs until rtbs.base.url is set

JBPMZE0015 Unable to config parser

JBPMZE0016 Error parsing response

JBPMZE0017 Error parsing response

JBPMZE0018 Error testing connection to MashZone: {0}

JBPMZE0019 Error saving datafeed:

JBPMZE0020 Error testing connection to rtbs: {0}

JBPMZE0021 Error saving buffer:

JBPMZE0022 PPM connection could not be imported.

JBPMZE0023 PPM connection could not be delivered.

JBPMZE0024 PPM connection could not be updated.

JBPMZE0025 PPM connection could not be stored.

JBPMZE0026 PPM is currently not avaiable. Please ensure that the PPM system is running.

JBPMZE0027 PPM connection could not be removed.

JBPMZE0028 PPM connection could not be exported.

JBPMZE0029 PPM connection could not be imported.

JBPMZE0030 Event service connection could not set alias name.

JBPMZE0031 Event service connection could not set configuration path.

JBPMZE0032 Event service connection could not check event source path.

JBPMZE0033 Event service connection could not deliver alias definitions.

JBPMZE0034 Event service connection could not delete alias definition.

JBPMZE0035 Event service connection could not restart Event Services.

JBPMZE0036 Event service connection could not import service.

JBPMZE0037 Event service connection could not deliver attributes.

JBPMZE0038 Event service connection could not set service definition.

JBPMZE0039 Event service connection could not restart all running services.

JBPMZE0040 Event service connection could not export service configuration.

JBPMZE0041 Event service connection could not stop service.

JBPMZE0042 Event service connection could not service.

JBPMZE0044 Could not retrieve a message from file. Please check if the desired language or at least the fallback language {0} is contained!

JBPMZE0045 Welcome text must not contain 'script' tags!

JBPMZE0046 Could not load welcome text file {0}.

JBPMZE0047 Event service configuration path could not be retrieved.

JBPMZE0048 DES repository path could not be retrieved.

JBPMZE0049 DES repository path could not be set.

JBPMZE0050 Wrong structure in analysis metaData

JBPMZE0051 Error during loading dashboard template

JBPMZE0052 Error during creation of json dashboard definition

JBPMZE0053 Internal Server error

JBPMZE0054 Dashboard properties missing

JBPMZE0055 In the used template the dashboard properties are missing!

JBPMZE0056 Chart type not available

JBPMZE0057 The chart type {0} does not exist in the template

JBPMZE0058 The Widget with the ID:{0} does not exist in the dashboard

JBPMZE0059 Widget not exists

JBPMZE0060 The template is not available

JBPMZE0061 The template for the dashboard creation is not available!

JBPMZE0062 Widget identifier missing

JBPMZE0063 Widget identifier is not set in the used template!

JBPMZE0064 Wrong column definition

JBPMZE0065 The column definition is not properly defined in the request. Name or type are empty.

JBPMZE0066 Wrong parameter definition

JBPMZE0067 Missing function right

JBPMZE0068 The parameter definition is not properly defined in the request. Name or type are empty.

JBPMZE0069 Error during argument validation

JBPMZE0070 The user has not the function right to create dashboards

JBPMZE0071 The value axis uses a column that is not available in the data set

JBPMZE0072 The category axis uses a column that is not available in the data set

JBPMZE0073 The partition axis uses a column that is not available in the data set

JBPMZE0074 One of the filter widgets in the parameter list uses a column that is not available in the data set

JBPMZE0075 A filter widget tries to establish a filter dependency to a not existing input

JBPMZE0076 Unsupported column type {0}

JBPMZE0077 Unsupported parameter list type {0}

JBPMZE0078 Multiple value axes are not supported in combination with a partition axis

JBPMZE0079 A category axis of type text can not have a format!

JBPMZE0080 A category axis of type date can not be sorted!

JBPMZE0081 A partition axis of type text can not have a format!

JBPMZE0082 Unsupported filter widget {0}

JBPMZE0083 Unsupported axis data type {0}

JBPMZE0084 Unsupported sort order {0}

JBPMZE0085 Unsupported partition type {0}

JBPMZE0086 Unsupported aggregation {0}

JBPMZE0087 Unsupported data point type {0}

JBPMZE0088 Unsupported legend position {0}

JBPMZE0089 Unsupported line type {0}

JBPMZE0090 Unsupported chart type

JBPMZW0001 MashZone integration will not work until 'mashzone.base.url' is configured.

JBPMZW0002 rtbs integration will not work until 'rtbs.base.url' is configured.

JBPMZW0003 Feed meta data api returns error.

JBPMZW0004 Got error: {0}, message {1}

JBPMZW0005 Got warning: {0}, message {1}

JBPMZW0006 Feed search api returns error.

JBPMZW0043 Only administrators are allowed to change the configuration.

JBPMZW0091 In a bubble chart one one measure is allowed in the value axis.

JBPRAQLCORECE0003 duplicate definition of column {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0004 Error when parsing the define dataset statement : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0005 JBPEMMLCECE0093 Unable to parse type : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0006 Illegal column type : ''{0}'' for {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0007 Unable to locate file : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0008 Error retrieving the schema information of an Apama Cache: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0009 The source or query ''{0}'' to be de-registered is unknown.

JBPRAQLCORECE0021 The mask ''{0}'' defining the temporal format is not valid.

JBPRAQLCORECE0022 Date conversion error for value ''{0}''.

JBPRAQLCORECE0023 Unsupported date field ''{0}''.

JBPRAQLCORECE0024 Conversion to date failed for input string ''{0}''.

JBPRAQLCORECE0025 The given window function does not accept a bounded frame given in the window specification.

JBPRAQLCORECE0026 Measure must be either euclidean, manhattan, cosine, tanimoto, or squaredeuclidean.

JBPRAQLCORECE0027 PN approach is not supported for geometric mean.

JBPRAQLCORECE0028 Unable to create an aggregation factory instance for input types {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0029 The parameter ''k'' needs to be an integer greater than 0.

JBPRAQLCORECE0030 The parameter ''iterations'' needs to be an integer greater than 0.

JBPRAQLCORECE0031 Number of clusters (k) has to be greater than 0.

JBPRAQLCORECE0032 Number of iterations needs to be greater than 0.

JBPRAQLCORECE0033 Unknown measure {0}. Valid measures are: {1}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0034 Invalid or missing delimiter.

JBPRAQLCORECE0035 Invalid or missing field index.

JBPRAQLCORECE0036 Getting an adapter factory for {0} was not successful.

JBPRAQLCORECE0037 Unknown RAQL window function type: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0050 Error loading class from {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0051 End index < start index.

JBPRAQLCORECE0055 The function decimal() is deprecated. Please use the standard SQL CAST functions instead.

JBPRAQLCORECE0056 The function number() is deprecated. Please use the standard SQL CAST functions instead.

JBPRAQLCORECE0057 The function round(Object, Object) is deprecated. Please use the standard SQL functions ROUND(Number) or ROUND(Number, INTEGER) instead.

JBPRAQLCORECE0058 Unknown function {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0059 Failed to add function

JBPRAQLCORECE0060 Invalid dataFormat for reader based source:

JBPRAQLCORECE0061 Illegal kmeans function Usage. Valid arguments are ( 'colname1, column_name2,...', # of clusters, # of iterations, 'euclidean|manhattan|cosine|tanimoto|squaredeuclidean' )

JBPRAQLCORECE0062 column names(1st argument) missing

JBPRAQLCORECE0063 # of clusters(2nd argument) must be greater than 0

JBPRAQLCORECE0064 missing order by clause for rank().

JBPRAQLCORECE0065 # of iterations (3rd argument) must be greater than 0

JBPRAQLCORECE0066 missing order by clause for rank()

JBPRAQLCORECE0067 Available commands:

JBPRAQLCORECE0068 Missing parameter <library-name>

JBPRAQLCORECE0069 Missing parameter <library-name>

JBPRAQLCORECE0070 - Artefact type


JBPRAQLCORECE0072 Unknown command

JBPRAQLCORECE0073 The library directory {0} does not exist.

JBPRAQLCORECE0074 The library directory {0} is not readable.

JBPRAQLCORECE0075 The path {0} does not reference a directory.

JBPRAQLCORECE0076 Illegal column conversion to numeric : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0077 Illegal column conversion to decimal : {0}. {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0078 rethrow QueryFallbackException

JBPRAQLCORECE0079 Column not indexed : {0}. Falling back to native RAQL processing.

JBPRAQLCORECE0080 Column '{0}' not found in cache.

JBPRAQLCORECE0081 Unimplemented relational operator : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0082 Regex pattern must be String type

JBPRAQLCORECE0083 Function reference : {0} - No pushdown to Search; fallback to native processing.

JBPRAQLCORECE0084 Arithmetic expression - No pushdown to Search; fallback to native processing

JBPRAQLCORECE0085 column not indexed : {0}. Falling back to native RAQL processing.

JBPRAQLCORECE0086 Subquery expression - Pushdown not supported yet; fallback to native processing

JBPRAQLCORECE0087 Illegal Column name : {0} - must be String type.

JBPRAQLCORECE0088 Unknown Cache Value. All queried Attributes(columns) must be indexed

JBPRAQLCORECE0089 Error closing connection

JBPRAQLCORECE0090 Unsupported date field : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0091 View not found :


JBPRAQLCORECE0093 DefaultAbstractBag.clear: failed to delete {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0094 Temporary directory doesn't exists. Trying to create: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0095 Successfully created temporary directory: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0096 Temporary directory already exists: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0097 Unable to create temporary directory: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0098 No such method found: {0} : {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0099 Error in function :

JBPRAQLCORECE0100 {0} is not valid UDF libs directory.

JBPRAQLCORECE0101 UDF libs directory {0} defined by system property {1}, is not valid.

JBPRAQLCORECE0102 System property {0} is not defined. Attempted to use default UDF libs directory {1}, but is not valid directory. Either set system property {0} to valid UDF libs directory or insure that defaulg UDF libs directory {1} exists.

JBPRAQLCORECE0103 RaqlFunc annotation must specify not empty name, when used at class level.

JBPRAQLCORECE0105 Failed to read library configuration

JBPRAQLCORECE0106 Failed to create ClassLoader for lib directory {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0107 Failed to create library. Library directory does not exists. {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0110 Failed to read function's describtion from anontations.

JBPRAQLCORECE0111 RaqlFunc annotation can only be applied to classes which implement AnalitciFunction interface.

JBPRAQLCORECE0112 {0} is not a valid UDF library directory.

JBPRAQLCORECE0113 UDF libs directory {0} defined by system property {1} is not valid.

JBPRAQLCORECE0114 System property {0} is not defined. Attempted to use default UDF library directory {1}, but is not valid directory. Either set system property {0} to a valid UDF library directory or ensure that default UDF library directory {1} exists.

JBPRAQLCORECE0115 Comparison method violates its general contract!

JBPRAQLCORECE0116 Comparison method violates its general contract!

JBPRAQLCORECE0117 fromIndex({0}) > toIndex({1})

JBPRAQLCORECE0118 No such field index

JBPRAQLCORECE0119 Not a field!

JBPRAQLCORECE0120 No translation function specified for operator type: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0121 No translation function specified for expression type: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0122 Not implemented

JBPRAQLCORECE0123 Error serializing Tuple : Unknown datatype :

JBPRAQLCORECE0124 Illegal Tuple in SortFile

JBPRAQLCORECE0125 Error deserializing Tuple : Unknown datatype :

JBPRAQLCORECE0126 Error reading data source :

JBPRAQLCORECE0127 Type conversion unavailable for : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0128 Unsupported conversion : str to {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0129 Error converting to number : {0} : {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0130 Date conversion error : {0} : {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0131 Conversion to date not supported for :

JBPRAQLCORECE0132 No toInt conversion support for :

JBPRAQLCORECE0133 Decimal Type conversion unavailable for : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0134 Double Type conversion unavailable for : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0135 Error converting to number : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0136 Conversion Error :string to decimal : {0} : {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0137 {0} does not provide a constructor with signature String[], which is obligatory when passing a non-empty String array with parameters.

JBPRAQLCORECE0138 Unable to create instance of {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0139 {0} does not provide a constructor with signature String[], which is obligatory.

JBPRAQLCORECE0140 ScanIterator has been retired. Sorry!!

JBPRAQLCORECE0141 File not found : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0142 No data sources found for view : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0143 Unable to extract schema information for identifier: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0144 No Records found.

JBPRAQLCORECE0145 Error fetching Tuple : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0146 Error fetching Tuple : exception - {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0147 File not found : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0148 No data sources found for Table : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0149 spilling....

JBPRAQLCORECE0150 Unable to create tmp file to spill to disk

JBPRAQLCORECE0151 Unable to spill contents to disk

JBPRAQLCORECE0152 Error closing spill

JBPRAQLCORECE0153 The trim character for the TRIM function must have exactly one character.

JBPRAQLCORECE0154 Failed to delete file: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0155 Function {0} is not an analytical function

JBPRAQLCORECE0156 Unable to initialize function : {0}. Check RAQL documentation for legal UDF interface contract.

JBPRAQLCORECE0157 Function {0}, which resolves to {1} cannot be found

JBPRAQLCORECE0158 Failed to resolve function name {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0159 function must have exactly one sub-expression.

JBPRAQLCORECE0160 function must not have more than one sub-expression.

JBPRAQLCORECE0161 Function could not be resolved:

JBPRAQLCORECE0162 Repository error: the entry to retrieve is unknown.

JBPRAQLCORECE0163 A {0} operation must not have more than two sub-expressions.

JBPRAQLCORECE0164 A {0} operation must have exactly one sub-expression.

JBPRAQLCORECE0165 A {0} operation must not have more than one sub-expression.

JBPRAQLCORECE0166 A {0} operation must have exactly two sub-expressions.

JBPRAQLCORECE0167 A {0} operation must not have more than two sub-expressions.

JBPRAQLCORECE0168 Unknown operation expression type {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0169 Unknown operation expression type {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0170 Failed to create LibReloader

JBPRAQLCORECE0171 Unrecognised watch key {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0172 Repository error: the entry to retrieve is unknown.

JBPRAQLCORECE0173 A renamed field expression must have exactly one sub-expression.

JBPRAQLCORECE0174 A renamed field expression must not have more than one sub-expression.

JBPRAQLCORECE0175 Analytic function could not be resolved: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0176 Unknown window function type {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0177 Analytic function could not be resolved: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0178 An aggregation operator must have exactly one input operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0179 An aggregation operator must not have more than one input operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0180 Overflow to BigNumber

JBPRAQLCORECE0181 Error accessing {0} : {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0182 Error reading {0} : {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0183 Unable to determine schema of {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0184 Not supported yet.

JBPRAQLCORECE0185 Unknown join type {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0186 A join operator must have at least two input operators.

JBPRAQLCORECE0187 Implementations of multiway join are currently not supported, i.e., they must be transformed to join plans of binary joins using the query optimizer.

JBPRAQLCORECE0188 Record Found.!!!!!!!

JBPRAQLCORECE0189 Error reading data source : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0190 skipObject

JBPRAQLCORECE0191 No record found.

JBPRAQLCORECE0192 Unable to locate file : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0193 No record found.

JBPRAQLCORECE0194 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a limit operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0195 multiple window functions not yet supported

JBPRAQLCORECE0196 Mapping operator is not expected to have more than one input!

JBPRAQLCORECE0197 A mapping operator must have exactly one input operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0198 NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST are not supported in RAQL query execution.

JBPRAQLCORECE0199 Only operators can be used as child nodes of an order operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0200 ORDER BY should have at least one ordering criteria specified.

JBPRAQLCORECE0201 A renaming operator must have exactly one input operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0202 A renaming operator must not have more than one input operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0203 prepared query successfully, query metadata:

JBPRAQLCORECE0204 processing query: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0205 {0} is not a valid UDF library directory.

JBPRAQLCORECE0206 UDF libs directory {0} defined by system property {1} is not valid.

JBPRAQLCORECE0207 System property {0} is not defined. Attempted to use default UDF library directory {1}, but is not valid directory. Either set system property {0} to a valid UDF library directory or ensure that default UDF library directory {1} exists.

JBPRAQLCORECE0208 processing query: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0209 prepared query successfully

JBPRAQLCORECE0210 Unable to reset result-set.

JBPRAQLCORECE0211 Resource not available: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0212 startup RTM system

JBPRAQLCORECE0213 Enter query or enter 'quit', 'q' or 'exit' to quit >

JBPRAQLCORECE0214 Enter next query:

JBPRAQLCORECE0215 Only operators can be used as child nodes of a limit operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0216 NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST are not supported in RAQL query execution.

JBPRAQLCORECE0217 WindowFunctions are expected to have at least one function

JBPRAQLCORECE0218 An aggregation operator must have exactly one input operator.

JBPRAQLCORECE0219 An aggregation operator must not have more than one input operator.


JBPRAQLCORECE0221 A boolean expression must not have any sub-predicates.

JBPRAQLCORECE0222 A comparison predicate must not have any sub-predicates.

JBPRAQLCORECE0223 Invalid operator [{0}].

JBPRAQLCORECE0224 Unable to locate file : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0225 No records in data source

JBPRAQLCORECE0226 Unable to read header of data source

JBPRAQLCORECE0227 No records in data source

JBPRAQLCORECE0228 Error reading data source : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0229 Illegal numeric types to '+' {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0230 Illegal numeric types to '-' {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0231 Illegal numeric types to '*' {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0232 Illegal numeric types to '/' {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0233 LIKE operator requires String arguments

JBPRAQLCORECE0234 Unsupported unary operator datatype : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0235 match (~) operator requires String arguments

JBPRAQLCORECE0236 Unable to evaluate expression : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0237 operation not implemented

JBPRAQLCORECE0238 Order By Not supported for {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0239 Not implemented {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0240 Unable to find our spill file.

JBPRAQLCORECE0241 Unable to find our spill file.

JBPRAQLCORECE0242 Unable to find our spill file.

JBPRAQLCORECE0243 Failed to delete spill file: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0244 InternalSortedBag is closed for adding new tuples

JBPRAQLCORECE0245 Unable to find our spill file.

JBPRAQLCORECE0246 The state of the logical constant is unknown.

JBPRAQLCORECE0247 A logical constant must not have any sub-predicates.

JBPRAQLCORECE0248 Unknown logical constant type {0}.

JBPRAQLCORECE0249 The logical operation type {0} is currently not supported.

JBPRAQLCORECE0250 A logical (boolean) NOT must have exactly one sub-predicate.

JBPRAQLCORECE0251 A logical (boolean) NOT must not have more than one sub-predicate.

JBPRAQLCORECE0252 Only operators can be used as sets of an in predicate.

JBPRAQLCORECE0253 A logical (boolean) IN operator must not have any sub-predicates.

JBPRAQLCORECE0254 Enumeration contains constants of different types.

JBPRAQLCORECE0255 A logical (boolean) NOT must not have more than one sub-predicate.

JBPRAQLCORECE0256 Error initializing log file : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0257 Compile Error: Expected token: {0} or {1} : but, have {2} of type {3}

JBPRAQLCORECE0258 Columns must be ',' separated

JBPRAQLCORECE0259 Having not implemented yet. Sorry!

JBPRAQLCORECE0260 Missing data source in from clause

JBPRAQLCORECE0261 Compile Error: Expected token : {0} : but, have {1} of type {2}

JBPRAQLCORECE0262 Unterminated quote

JBPRAQLCORECE0263 Internal error : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0264 Illegal Expression. {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0265 Invalid FrameBetween clause. Frame start must be lower than end.

JBPRAQLCORECE0266 Frame index may not be negative! Found: {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0267 Parse error: expect NUMBER in frame clause

JBPRAQLCORECE0268 Illegal unary operator : {0}

JBPRAQLCORECE0269 Missing table reference in from clause

JBPRAQLCORECE0270 Unable to compare types : {0} : {1}

JBPRAQLCORECE0271 Unable to execute RAQL query as RAQL engine did not start up correctly.

JBPRAQLCORECW0001 The aggregation function alias ''{0}'' is deprecated. Please change your query to use ''{1}'' instead.

JBPRAQLCORECW0002 The window function alias ''{0}'' is deprecated. Please change your query to use ''{1}'' instead.

JBPRAQLCOREE0001 Only directories will be loaded as library. Ignored file {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0002 The library directory {0} is not readable.

JBPRAQLCOREE0003 Loading library {0} failed.

JBPRAQLCOREE0004 Parsing the library directory {0} failed.

JBPRAQLCOREE0005 Not a valid library name: {0}

JBPRAQLCOREE0006 Failed to create ClassLoader for lib directory {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0007 Unresolved dependencies to {0}. Please check the library's classpath.

JBPRAQLCOREE0008 Error retrieving classpath.

JBPRAQLCOREE0009 Failed to register function {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0010 The class {0} implements one of the UDX interfaces. All function level RaqlFunc annotations will be ignored.

JBPRAQLCOREE0011 Class {0} has unresolved dependencies: {1}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0012 Failed to read function descriptor(s) from annotations: {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0013 Invalid RaqlFunc class {0}. Annotation @RaqlFunc may only be applied to classes which implement any of the following interfaces: {1}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0014 There is already a function {0} defined by {1}.{2}. The function defined by {3}.{4} will be ignored.

JBPRAQLCOREE0015 Failed to read library configuration: {0}

JBPRAQLCOREE0016 Lib config does not exist: {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0017 Failed to un-load library: {0}

JBPRAQLCOREE0018 Failed to close ClassLoader for library {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0019 Unhandled artefact type: {0}

JBPRAQLCOREE0020 De-registration failed for {0} {1}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0021 An error occured during RAQL engine start-up.

JBPRAQLCOREE0022 Error retrieving the schema information of an Apama Cache: {0}

JBPRAQLCOREE0023 Unable to remove resources required for query execution from the RAQL engine after executing the query.

JBPRAQLCOREE0024 Unable to revert the failed source registration.

JBPRAQLCOREE0025 Unable to revert the failed query registration.

JBPRAQLCOREE0026 Unable to close a query that depends on the source or query '{0}' to be de-registered.

JBPRAQLCOREE0027 An error occurred in the RAQL engine.

JBPRAQLCOREE0038 LibraryLoader started.

JBPRAQLCOREE0039 Loading library: {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0040 Library loaded: {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0041 Library loaded with warnings: {0}. The following functions could not be registered: {1}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0042 Library did not provide any valid functions to register: {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0043 Classpath: {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0044 Registered artifact of type: {0} {1}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0045 The annotation {0} is deprecated. Please use {1} instead.

JBPRAQLCOREE0046 Reading libConfig: {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0047 LibraryLoader stopped.

JBPRAQLCOREE0048 Unloading library: {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0049 De-registered artifact of type {0}: {1}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0052 Function nvl() expects exactly two arguments.

JBPRAQLCOREE0053 Function nvl() does not accept arguments of type {0}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0054 Both arguments of nvl() need to have the same type. Found {0} <> {1}.

JBPRAQLCOREE0104 The function {0} is described by {1}.{2}. {3}.{4} will be ignored

JBPRAQLCOREE0108 The function {0} is described in {1} and by anontations. Anotation description will be ignored.

JBPRAQLCOREE0109 This class is an AnaliticFunction. All function level RaqlFunc annotations will be ignored.

JBPRAQLCOREW0003 Overflow event on watched directory

JBPRAQLCOREW0004 The interface, {0}, is deprecated and may not be supported in future versions. Please consider a migration to the new aggregation function interfaces (see documentation).

JBPRAQLCOREW0005 Order-By expressions will not be available in FunctionContext.

JBPRAQLCOREW0028 Deprecated folder-structure: A library's jar files should be contained in a '/lib' sub-folder, not in a '/libs' sub-folder.

JBPRDSCE0027 No Cache Manager exists with the name: {0}

JBPRDSCE0028 A BigMemory datasource with this name already exists. Please use a different name.

JBPRDSCE0029 An attribute with name {0} already exists. Please specify a different name.

JBPRDSCE0030 No attribute with name {0} can be found. Can't update.

JBPRDSCE0031 Invalid username. Please only use letters, numbers, '-', '.', '_'

JBPRDSCI0001 Service - Run

JBPRDSCI0002 Artifact - Created

JBPRDSCI0003 Artifact - Removed

JBPRDSCI0004 Service - Creation confirmed

JBPRDSCI0005 Artifact - Turned on

JBPRDSCI0006 Artifact - Turned off

JBPRDSCI0007 Unknown Action

JBPRDSCI0008 Artifact - Feedback added

JBPRDSCI0009 Service - Updated

JBPRDSCI0010 App - Updated

JBPRDSCI0011 Artifact - Permissions added

JBPRDSCI0012 Artifact - Permissions removed

JBPRDSCI0013 App - Run

JBPRDSCI0014 App - Approved by AppDepot manager

JBPRDSCI0015 App - Rejected by AppDepot manager

JBPRDSCI0016 App - Published to AppDepot

JBPRDSCI0017 App - Removed from AppDepot

JBPRDSCI0018 App - Submission to AppDepot cancelled

JBPRDSCI0019 User - Logged in

JBPRDSCI0020 User - Logged out

JBPRDSCI0021 HTTP Basic Authentication

JBPRDSCI0022 Windows NTLM Authentication

JBPRDSCI0023 SSL Certificate Authentication

JBPRDSCI0024 Single Sign-On Authentication

JBPRDSCI0025 CAS2 Authentication

JBPRDSCI0026 OAuth Authentication

JBPRDSE0001 Please contact your JackBe Sales Representative.

JBPRDSE0002 You are exceeding the limit on SharePoint servers connected to Mashzone NextGen. <br/>Your license allows

JBPRDSE0003 Your license does not include Mashzone NextGen features for Microsoft SharePoint.{0}

JBPRDSE0004 No server name specified

JBPRDSE0005 Error generating NSD info for Service : {0}

JBPRDSE0006 unexpected invocation exception: {0}

JBPRDSE0007 Invalid service Id : {0}

JBPRDSE0008 Service not found : {0}

JBPRDSE0009 Error Generating NSD info for Service : {0}

JBPRDSE0010 Couldn't get NSD for service = {0}

JBPRDSE0011 Couldn't get Service Description for service = {0}

JBPRDSE0012 Failed to generate input template

JBPRDSE0013 Unexpected error retrieving soap header: {0}_{1}_soapHeader

JBPRDSE0014 Unable to find repository item = {0}

JBPRDSE0015 Invalid repository item format!

JBPRDSE0016 SOAP Encode error

JBPRDSE0017 Error locating Mashup NSD Service Factory : {0}

JBPRDSE0018 Error generating XML String from DOM element

JBPRDSE0019 unable to parse xml: {0}

JBPRDSE0020 Unable to preprocess Schema : {0}

JBPRDSE0021 Error in schema repaire namespaces: {0}

JBPRDSE0022 Error generating NSD info for Service : {0}

JBPRDSE0023 Error generating NSD info for Service : {0}

JBPRDSE0024 Error generating NSD info for Service : {0}

JBPRDSE0025 Error Generating NSD info for Service : {0}

JBPRDSE0026 Error generating NSD: Invalid Service argument

JBPRDSE0027 NSDService.generateNSDForService: Error generating NSD Info for Service {0} : {1}

JBPRDSE0028 NSDService: Unable to locate WSDL file for {0}

JBPRDSE0029 Unable to process WSDL Schema Information :

JBPRDSE0030 Did not find a fallback repository item with key: {0}

JBPRDSE0031 Mashzone NextGen Server Error(NSD) : Unable to locate item : {0} with absolute url: {1}

JBPRDSE0032 Error Retrieving XSD from RDS : {0}

JBPRDSE0033 Given resource not found : {0}

JBPRDSE0034 Unable to get NSD for given Schema : {0} : {1}

JBPRDSE0035 ResourceSchema Error : Unable to proceprocess Imported Schema : {0} : {1}

JBPRDSE0036 Unable to access default SOAP schema files : {0}

JBPRDSE0037 Unable to proceprocess Imported Schema with systemId: {0} publicId {1} from Repository item with key: {2}

JBPRDSE0038 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0039 Invalid expression: {0}

JBPRDSE0040 Action cannot be null

JBPRDSE0041 Indeterminate Decision

JBPRDSE0042 Unexpected response. Response has more then one results

JBPRDSE0043 Failed to evaluate authZ policy

JBPRDSE0044 Number of agrumets must be less then 4

JBPRDSE0045 Failed to initialize PDP

JBPRDSE0046 Cannot load permission configuration from {0}

JBPRDSE0047 Cannot load default policies

JBPRDSE0048 Permission element attributes fully define a permission. Thus Permission element cannot have content. Invalid element :{0}

JBPRDSE0049 Permission element invalid. {0}

JBPRDSE0050 Cannot load default policies

JBPRDSE0051 Failed to parse policy. Check if groupFilter is valid XACML

JBPRDSE0052 Failed to read filter

JBPRDSE0053 Invalid format for a filter. Service element {0} misses child element {1}

JBPRDSE0054 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0055 Resource of type {0} has to be explicetly created before it can be used

JBPRDSE0056 Policy with id={0} Cannot be found

JBPRDSE0057 too many applicable top-level policies

JBPRDSE0058 Failed to load policies into cache

JBPRDSE0059 Initial load of default XACML policies into DB failed.

JBPRDSE0060 combiningAlg is an invalid URI

JBPRDSE0061 Invalid combiningAlg

JBPRDSE0062 Invalid combiningAlg or parentPolicyId

JBPRDSE0063 Cannot update group with id={0}

JBPRDSE0064 Cannot load default policies

JBPRDSE0065 too many applicable top-level policies

JBPRDSE0066 Filed to setup reader: {0}

JBPRDSE0067 Failed to read the file

JBPRDSE0068 Failed to parse the file

JBPRDSE0069 Failed to read the stream

JBPRDSE0070 Failed to parse the stream

JBPRDSE0071 Failed to resolve the URL: {0}

JBPRDSE0072 Unknown root document type: {0}

JBPRDSE0073 error parsing policy

JBPRDSE0074 fatal error parsing policy

JBPRDSE0075 Principal id is null

JBPRDSE0076 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0077 Cannot update entity {0} It does not exists.

JBPRDSE0078 When Depth is not equal SELF, Direction must be specified

JBPRDSE0079 Type is NULL or empty. You have to specify entity type to query for top rated entities

JBPRDSE0080 Cannot create DbAdapter. DB type cannot be found based on jdbcUrl = <{0}>. Please make sure that URL is correct. You can also force type by explicitly specifying "databaseType" property for DBAdapterFactory

JBPRDSE0081 Cannot create DbAdapter. Unsupported DB type <{0}>

JBPRDSE0082 {0} DB Type was guessed from jdbcUrl={1} If type is incorrect, you can force type by explicitly specifying "databaseType" property for DBAdapterFactory

JBPRDSE0083 User application with name={0} already exists for user {1}.Please choose different name

JBPRDSE0084 Not supported state {0} Onl approved and pending are supported

JBPRDSE0085 Cannot guess unquie in {0} attempts

JBPRDSE0086 ID [{0}] is invalid.

JBPRDSE0087 Name [{0}] is invalid.

JBPRDSE0088 Error retrieving security profile data. Cause -

JBPRDSE0089 Entities with following ids does not exist:

JBPRDSE0090 Entities with following ids have wrong type for dependencies:

JBPRDSE0091 Entity with id = {0} is not a Service or Mashup

JBPRDSE0092 Entity with id = {0} is not a OAuthProvider

JBPRDSE0093 Entity with id = {0} is not a Service

JBPRDSE0094 Entity with id = {0} is not a Mashup

JBPRDSE0095 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0096 QName Conversion Error : Unexpected type in unmarshal: {0}

JBPRDSE0097 Unable to convert value to a qname: {0}

JBPRDSE0098 Failed to set featured. Objects not found {0}

JBPRDSE0099 Error saving repository item: {0}

JBPRDSE0100 Cannot find file with id={0}

JBPRDSE0101 Error saving repository item: {0}

JBPRDSE0102 No entity for ID = null

JBPRDSE0103 Entity with id={0} does not exist

JBPRDSE0104 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0105 Cannot instanciate entity {0}

JBPRDSE0106 Expected BigDecimal or Long for version but got {0}

JBPRDSE0107 When isAccessControlEnabled == true entityTypeId cannot be null

JBPRDSE0108 Not implemented

JBPRDSE0109 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0110 ======== Favorite Services Dump ========

JBPRDSE0111 Cannot add object with id={0} to featured. Object with this id does not exists

JBPRDSE0112 Duplicate Federation Partner

JBPRDSE0113 Not implemented yet

JBPRDSE0114 Cannot discover classloader to be used by JPOX PMF

JBPRDSE0115 Cannot delete special NONE provider

JBPRDSE0116 Type has to be either{0} or {1}

JBPRDSE0117 Type is NULL or empty. {0}

JBPRDSE0118 Type = <{0}> is unsupported.{1}

JBPRDSE0119 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0120 A cacheManager is required. Use setCacheManager(QueryManagerCacheManager) to provide one.

JBPRDSE0121 Update is only supported for Service and Mashlet, but this object is of type = {0}

JBPRDSE0122 Category with Id={0}already exists

JBPRDSE0123 Parent category does not exist. ParentId={0}

JBPRDSE0124 RegistryObject id is not unique. Id={0}

JBPRDSE0125 Failed to save RO:

JBPRDSE0126 messageSource cannot be NULL

JBPRDSE0127 Not yet implemented

JBPRDSE0128 List of serviceById methods is missconfigured in RdsQueryManager

JBPRDSE0129 List of serviceById method is missconfigured in RdsQueryManager

JBPRDSE0130 List of serviceById methods is missconfigured in RdsQueryManager

JBPRDSE0131 List of serviceById method is missconfigured in RdsQueryManager

JBPRDSE0132 File with id={0} does not exist.

JBPRDSE0133 Failed to get file.

JBPRDSE0134 Failed to find file

JBPRDSE0135 File with id={0} already exists.

JBPRDSE0136 Failed to create file.

JBPRDSE0137 Update Failed. File with id={0} does not exist.

JBPRDSE0138 Failed to update file.

JBPRDSE0139 Delete Failed. File with id={0} does not exist.

JBPRDSE0140 Copy failed. Soruce file with id={0} does not exist.

JBPRDSE0141 Failed to copy file.

JBPRDSE0142 Failed to associate File and RegistryObject. Either File or RegistryObject does not exist

JBPRDSE0143 Failed to associate File and RegistryObject

JBPRDSE0144 Failed to dissociate File from RegistryObject

JBPRDSE0145 Directory id should be shorter then resourceId

JBPRDSE0146 Directory don't contain resource.(dirId and resourceId have no common part)

JBPRDSE0147 Common part of directoryId and resourceId must end with directory seprator {0}

JBPRDSE0148 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0149 IN opration is not supported in context of this expression

JBPRDSE0150 LIKE opration is not supported in context of this expression

JBPRDSE0151 LIKE_IN opration is not supported in context of this expression

JBPRDSE0152 Unknow operation

JBPRDSE0153 Unable to format date from: {0}

JBPRDSE0154 Unable to convert String to Long

JBPRDSE0155 A cache is required. Use setCache(Cache) to provide one.

JBPRDSE0156 Range fromat is from,to

JBPRDSE0157 fromIncl must be > 0. First element is 1

JBPRDSE0158 Invalid range. fromIncl must be less then toExcl

JBPRDSE0159 Transition workflow from state with type id {0} to state with type id {1} is not allowed

JBPRDSE0160 RegistryObject of type={0} and subtype={1} is not a valid entity

JBPRDSE0161 Cannot add category with id = {0} to RegistryObject because this category does not exists

JBPRDSE0162 Cannot set provider for entity. Provider with id={0} does not exists

JBPRDSE0163 Unrecognised UID ({0})

JBPRDSE0164 Name format should be parentEntityType/parentEntityName/resourceName

JBPRDSE0165 order field should have format fieldName:{{0}|{1}}

JBPRDSE0166 Cannot create RDS Spring Application Ctx

JBPRDSE0167 EQ opration is not supported in context of this expression

JBPRDSE0168 IN opration is not supported in context of this expression

JBPRDSE0169 LIKE opration is not supported in context of this expression

JBPRDSE0170 BETWEEN opration is not supported in context of this expression

JBPRDSE0171 There is no default processing defined. Operator has to be specified

JBPRDSE0172 Operator {0} is not supported

JBPRDSE0173 Operation must be overwritten by subclasses

JBPRDSE0174 Error during encrypting password, saving in plain format

JBPRDSE0175 Terracotta BigMemory client version {0}, does not match with server version {1}

JBPRDSE0176 fail to invoke TMC due to: {0}

JBPRDSE0177 fail to read TMC response due to: {0}

JBPRDSE0178 Error while retrieving Terracotta Server Array version: {0}

JBPRDSE0179 Unable to find class for internal service: {0}

JBPRDSE0180 Error saving repository item {0}

JBPRDSE0181 Error saving "feed" repository item: {0}

JBPRDSE0182 Expecting ServiceDescription, {0}

JBPRDSE0183 Invalid XACML policy document

JBPRDSE0184 Operation is not implemented

JBPRDSE0185 User or group name cannot be null!

JBPRDSE0186 User or group {0} does not exist!

JBPRDSE0187 Invalid users or groups, {0}

JBPRDSE0188 Cannot set field <{0}> when in VALID state

JBPRDSE0189 Invalid attribute index. Using default value of 0 as index

JBPRDSE0190 Unexpected parsing exception reading service data.

JBPRDSE0191 Unexpected io exception reading service data.

JBPRDSE0192 No project config data found for service : {0}

JBPRDSE0193 Failed to update project details

JBPRDSE0194 Failed to create connection : SQL Exception : {0}, {1}

JBPRDSE0195 Failed to create connection : {0}

JBPRDSE0196 Unable to establish connection for service {0}, transaction in progress.

JBPRDSE0197 Unable to find service using ({0})

JBPRDSE0198 Error finding registry object using uid = {0}

JBPRDSE0199 Error finding service artifacts. Internal repository error.

JBPRDSE0200 No jar files found in directory, {0}

JBPRDSE0201 Unexpected malformed url detected.

JBPRDSE0202 Failed to create class instance, {0}

JBPRDSE0203 App Ctx already set

JBPRDSE0204 Application Context has not been initialized

JBPRDSE0205 Not yet implemented

JBPRDSE0206 DB Import failed.

JBPRDSE0207 Failed to create connection to data source {0}

JBPRDSE0208 Exception retrieving catalogs and schemas : {0} NextException : {1}

JBPRDSE0209 Exception retrieving catalogs : {0}

JBPRDSE0210 Exception retrieving schemas : {0} NextException : {1}

JBPRDSE0211 Exception retrieving schemas : {0}

JBPRDSE0212 Exception retrieving tables : {0}

JBPRDSE0213 Exception retrieving views : {0}

JBPRDSE0214 Exception retrieving procedures : {0}

JBPRDSE0215 Exception retrieving metadata : {0} NextException : {1}

JBPRDSE0216 Exception retrieving metadata : {0}

JBPRDSE0217 SQLException retrieving table names : {0} NextException : {1}

JBPRDSE0218 Exception retrieving table names : {0}

JBPRDSE0219 SQLException retrieving view names : {0} NextException : {1}

JBPRDSE0220 Exception retrieving view names : {0}

JBPRDSE0221 SQLException retrieving procedure names : {0} NextException : {1}

JBPRDSE0222 Exception retrieving procedure names : {0}

JBPRDSE0223 Failed to connect to data source.

JBPRDSE0224 SQL Exception thrown releasing db connection : {0}

JBPRDSE0225 [dpi] {0}

JBPRDSE0226 Unexpectedly failed to initialise configuration.

JBPRDSE0227 Unexpected IOException saving config.

JBPRDSE0228 Failed to take copy of current config: {0}

JBPRDSE0229 Data Provider not recognised

JBPRDSE0230 Could not find configuration data for driver '{0}'

JBPRDSE0231 JDBC driver '{0}' is not configured correctly.

JBPRDSE0232 No suitable JDBC driver found for the following JDBC URL: {0} This probably means that the JDBC URL is in the wrong format or the wrong JDBC driver has been selected. Please check that driver '{1}' is configured correctly and that you have the correct JDBC URL format. No Suitable Driver

JBPRDSE0233 Could not connect to '{0}' due to a connection refused error. This normally means that the database is not running, a firewall is blocking access, or incorrect login details are being used. Connection Refused

JBPRDSE0234 Could not connect to '{0}' with User Id '{1}'. This probably means that the URL or login details are incorrect. The full error is: {2} SQL Exception : {3}

JBPRDSE0235 Throwable thrown validating data source, {0}

JBPRDSE0236 Unexpected exception thrown validating data source, {0}

JBPRDSE0237 Unexpected exception thrown closing connection, {0}

JBPRDSE0238 SQLException : {0}

JBPRDSE0239 Failed to take copy of current config: {0}

JBPRDSE0240 The following classpath entries are invalid: {0}

JBPRDSE0241 No database driver file specified

JBPRDSE0242 Failed to load JDBC driver '{0}'. Please check that the class name and class path settings are correct.

JBPRDSE0243 Invalid principal type<{0}>

JBPRDSE0244 Not supported yet.

JBPRDSE0245 User does not exists

JBPRDSE0246 Unable to get user details

JBPRDSE0247 Duplicate User Name

JBPRDSE0248 Role {0} is a built-in role and cannot be deleted

JBPRDSE0249 Password cannot be empty

JBPRDSE0250 Password length must be between {0} and {1} characters

JBPRDSE0251 Invalid password reset verification code. Please request a new code

JBPRDSE0252 Duplicate role

JBPRDSE0253 Cannot assign role={1} to userId={0}, because either role or user does not exists

JBPRDSE0254 Cannot Init DAO

JBPRDSE0255 User does not exist

JBPRDSE0256 Duplicate User Name

JBPRDSE0257 Attribute {0} cannot be modified

JBPRDSE0258 Attribute {0} is virtual attribute and cannot be deleted

JBPRDSE0259 Supported attribute list is generated dynamically. Thus setting attriubte names is unsupported.

JBPRDSE0260 Bad credentials

JBPRDSE0261 Attribute map cannot be null

JBPRDSE0262 Regular expression must contain a single group

JBPRDSE0263 Malformed regular expression: {0}

JBPRDSE0264 contextSource must not be null

JBPRDSE0265 User with DN {0} not found in directory.

JBPRDSE0266 userSearch must not be null

JBPRDSE0267 authoritiesPopulator must not be null

JBPRDSE0268 User search failed:{0}

JBPRDSE0269 userDetailsMapper must not be null

JBPRDSE0270 searchAttributes array cannot be empty

JBPRDSE0271 Range should contain at least one element

JBPRDSE0272 Request Control operations require LDAPv3 - Context must be of type LdapContext

JBPRDSE0273 Error creating PagedResultsControl

JBPRDSE0274 Ldap VLV paging failed. Error code:{0}

JBPRDSE0275 Ldap VLV paging failed. VLV response control had not been found in the response

JBPRDSE0276 Mashzone NextGen does not support modification to configured user repository

JBPRDSE0277 This operation is not supported in SSO mode. ( NullUserRepositoryAccessAdapter).

JBPRDSE0278 User details for userid={0} cannot be found

JBPRDSE0279 Snapshot failed : {0}

JBPRDSE0280 Error in getting created items list

JBPRDSE0281 not yet implemented

JBPRDSE0282 failed to add all..aborting

JBPRDSE0283 error saving message

JBPRDSE0284 failed to send private message to friends

JBPRDSE0285 failed to get messages

JBPRDSE0286 failed to delete message

JBPRDSE0287 Message status cannot be blank. Allowed are: read, flagged

JBPRDSE0288 Invalid message status. Status can be: new, read, flagged

JBPRDSE0289 failed to update message status

JBPRDSE0290 not yet implemented

JBPRDSE0291 Message status cannot be blank. Allowed are: read, flagged

JBPRDSE0292 Invalid message status. Status can be: new, read, flagged

JBPRDSE0293 error in getting activities

JBPRDSE0294 error in getting commented items

JBPRDSE0295 error in getting created items

JBPRDSE0296 error in getting rated items

JBPRDSE0297 error in getting used items

JBPRDSE0298 failed to get all messages

JBPRDSE0299 failed to get messages for category

JBPRDSE0300 failed to get flagged messages

JBPRDSE0301 failed to get recent messages

JBPRDSE0302 failed to broadcast message

JBPRDSE0303 failed to send private message

JBPRDSE0304 failed to get broadcast messages

JBPRDSE0305 failed to get group messages

JBPRDSE0306 failed to get unread messages

JBPRDSE0307 failed to delete message

JBPRDSE0308 failed to get sent messages

JBPRDSE0309 not yet implemented

JBPRDSE0310 Failed to get info for given person Ids

JBPRDSE0311 Failed to get friends

JBPRDSE0312 Failed to get person

JBPRDSE0313 Failed to get friends ids

JBPRDSE0314 Given friend id is null

JBPRDSE0315 failed to add friend

JBPRDSE0316 failed to remove friend

JBPRDSE0317 Failed to get user's shared items

JBPRDSE0318 Failed to get friend's shared items

JBPRDSE0319 Failed to share artifact with your friend

JBPRDSE0320 not yet implemented

JBPRDSE0321 Failed to remove shared item

JBPRDSE0322 Failed to get top shared items

JBPRDSE0323 Failed to get top shared items summary

JBPRDSE0324 Failed to get recently shared items

JBPRDSE0325 Failed to get my shared items

JBPRDSE0326 Failed to get shared items from others

JBPRDSE0327 Policy Manager UI

JBPRDSE0328 Manage Permissions using PM UI

JBPRDSE0329 Manage Resource Groups using PM UI

JBPRDSE0330 Manage dynamic User Groups using PM UI

JBPRDSE0331 Manager Mashzone NextGen and custom UI objects using PM UI

JBPRDSE0332 Service Explorer UI

JBPRDSE0333 Name cannot be longer then 256

JBPRDSE0334 Id cannot be NULL or empty

JBPRDSE0335 Id cannot be longer then 2048

JBPRDSE0336 Id={0} is not unique

JBPRDSE0337 Valid characters for ID are [{0}]

JBPRDSE0338 Valid characters for Name are [{0}]

JBPRDSE0339 The defaultRole property cannot be set to null

JBPRDSE0340 groupRoleAttribute must not be null

JBPRDSE0341 groupSearchFilter must not be null

JBPRDSE0342 contextSource must not be null

JBPRDSE0343 The groupSearchBase (name to search under), must not be null.

JBPRDSE0344 groupNameTransformer must not be null

JBPRDSE0345 Cannot retrieve cache manager configuration: {0}

JBPRDSE0346 Invalid TMC address: {0}

JBPRDSE0347 The cache manager {0} was not found available on the management console at {1}

JBPRDSE0348 Authentication is not enabled on the management console!

JBPRDSE0349 There are multiple cache managers with the same name, this happens when multiple clients create the same cache manager. Please make sure all caches are under a single cache manager.

JBPRDSE0350 There are no cache managers with the name {0}

JBPRDSE0351 Fail while fetching cache manager configuration file: {0}

JBPRDSE0352 Invalid user name and/or password.

JBPRDSE0353 The cache manager {0} is already referenced in a configuration {1}

JBPRDSE0354 Multiple Cache Managers with the same name found. Please specify a TMS Connection name in your configuration {0}.

Two or more Cache Managers with the same name have been found. This could happen if there is no connection name specified in the configuration.


Specifying a TMS connection name will point to a concrete TSA and prevent cache manager name clashes.

JBPRDSE0355 Unsufficient parameters for adding new BigMemory Configuration. Missing parameter: {0}

Some of the parameters are null or not provided at all.


Add an entry for the required parameter in the request.

JBPRDSE0356 Attribute {0} does not exist. Cannot delete or update it.

JBPRDSE0357 Attribute {0} is a system attribute and may not be deleted

JBPRDSW0001 no target namespace found - exitting

JBPRDSW0002 getSchemaTargetNameSpace: no matching namespace for prefix: {0}

JBPRDSW0003 Did not find a repository item. Attempting fallback option repoKey: {0}

JBPRDSW0004 Returning NULL for for publicId={0} systemID={1}

JBPRDSW0005 processPolicyReferences: Missing Operation {0}

JBPRDSW0006 Warning on line {0}: {1}

JBPRDSW0007 Error on line {0}: {1} ... Policy will not be available

JBPRDSW0008 Fatal error on line {0}: {1} ... Policy will not be available

JBPRDSW0009 tried to load the same policy multiple times: {0}

JBPRDSW0010 Error reading policy: {0}

JBPRDSW0011 tried to load the same policy multiple times: {0}

JBPRDSW0012 Error reading policy: {0}

JBPRDSW0013 Caught exception looking up {0} from cache + {1} message = {2}

JBPRDSW0014 Exception results in cache-miss

JBPRDSW0015 Exception caught while storing {0}, message = {1}

JBPRDSW0016 subsequent lookups will result in cache-miss

JBPRDSW0017 Duplicate user name during user creation

JBPRDSW0018 Duplicate user name during user creation

JBPRDSW0019 createAuthority was passed a non-string object for a role. Its class is: {0}

JBPRDSW0020 proper authorities may not be correctly mapped

JBPRDSW0358 Attribute {0} already exists. Remove it first or use update.

JBPSASCE0001 invalid input feed format:

JBPSASCE0002 Malformed Syndication URL!

JBPSASCE0003 Internal Server Error

JBPSASCE0004 Failed to handle given request

JBPSASCE0005 Failed to handle given request for service [{0}]. Error = {1}

JBPSASCE0006 Only simple XPath expression is allowed.

Only Simple XPath expressions are allowed i.e., advanced xpath expressions are not allowed in this context.


Use simple XPath expression to refer to collection of records e.g. /response/records/record

JBPSASCE0007 Failed to send mail. Please check mail server configuration in Administration area

JBPSASCE0008 SAML: core signature validation failure

JBPSASCE0009 SAML signature validation returns: {0}

JBPSASCE0010 SAML signature validation for reference [{0}] is: {1}

JBPSASCE0011 SAML Assertion: token signature invalid. Rejecting

JBPSASCE0012 SAML: unable to obtain certificate from assertion

JBPSASCE0013 The certificate in the SAML assertion does not match any trusted entries in the keystore file: {0}

JBPSASCE0014 Trusted Keystore file {0} not found

JBPSASCE0015 Problem loading trusted keystore file {0}

JBPSASCE0016 Invalid username. Please only use letters, numbers, '-', '.', '_'

JBPSASCE0017 Invalid log file location specified.

JBPSASCE0018 No logs found with specified criteria.

JBPSASCE0019 Failed to search logs. Error -> {0}

JBPSASCE0020 Invalid input.

JBPSASCE0021 Invalid {0} [Help:{1}]

JBPSASCE0022 Only letters, numbers, underscores, periods and hyphens are allowed

JBPSASCE0023 Validation Errors: ({0})

JBPSASCE0024 Only positive numbers are allowed.

JBPSASCE0667 File with URL {0} cannot be found

JBPSASCE0668 Missing url

JBPSASCE0669 File was deleted

JBPSASCE0670 Operation is {0} , but source url is missing

JBPSASCE0671 Missing url

JBPSASCE0672 Unsupported HTTP Method {0}. Method should be {POST|PUT|DELETE}

JBPSASCE0673 Authentication failed.

JBPSASCE0674 User ID was not provided in the request and there is no active user session

JBPSASCE0675 Password was not provided in the request and here is no active user session fore requsted userid: {0}

JBPSASCE0676 Userid: {0}

JBPSASCE0677 The system has exceeded the maximum number of users licensed for this installation. Please try again later or contact your administrator.

JBPSASCE0678 Logout Success

JBPSASCE0679 This item is currently in use by: <br/>

JBPSASCE0680 [App {0}] {1}

JBPSASCE0681 [Mashup {0}] {1}

JBPSASCE0682 No input provided

JBPSASCE0683 A valid input object is required

JBPSASCE0684 No Input

JBPSASCE0685 Request processing failed with one or more errors:

JBPSASCE0686 Invalid request. Please check service name, operation name, version and parameters.

JBPSASCE0687 Received empty request. Request cannot be empty.

JBPSASCE0688 Cannot bootstrap saml2

JBPSASCE0689 Count : {0} Count by Minute :

JBPSASCE0690 # Current requests in progress

JBPSASCE0691 Size of Current or most recent Request Payload

JBPSASCE0692 Size of Current or most recent Response Payload

JBPSASCE0693 Request Processing Time of Current or most recent Request


JBPSASCE0695 The length of time that the JVM has been running

JBPSASCE0696 JVM Heap Size

JBPSASCE0697 The memory usage of the JVM


JBPSASCE0699 HeapSize

JBPSASCE0700 : # of Requests received

JBPSASCE0701 : # of Requests resulting in errors

JBPSASCE0702 : # of Requests processed successfully

JBPSASCE0703 : # of Requests results in Warnings

JBPSASCE0704 : # of Requests received

JBPSASCE0705 : # of Requests resulting in errors

JBPSASCE0706 : # of Requests processed successfully

JBPSASCE0707 : # of Requests results in Warnings


JBPSASCE0709 : Total Request Processing time

JBPSASCE0710 : Total Time processing successful requests

JBPSASCE0711 : Total time Processing failed requests

JBPSASCE0712 : Total time Processing warning requests

JBPSASCE0713 Last Sample Time :

JBPSASCE0714 Failed to generate HMAC : {0}

JBPSASCE0715 Manages files such as images, xml files and others

JBPSASCE0716 Date format should be

JBPSASCE0717 cannot contain *

JBPSASCE0718 Service testGeneralFindAll failed.

JBPSASCE0719 Unrecognised service type, {0}

JBPSASCE0720 Failed to instantiate ServiceAdapter

JBPSASCE0721 Failed to find ServiceAdapter

JBPSASCE0722 Failed to access ServiceAdapter

JBPSASCE0723 Service type not recognised, {0}

JBPSASCE0724 Error loading Schema '{0}' : {1}

JBPSASCE0725 Error loading Schema for URL '{0}' : {1}

JBPSASCE0726 Error generating XML instances: No schemas to process

JBPSASCE0727 Schema compilation errors:

JBPSASCE0728 could not find schema type: {{0}} {1}

JBPSASCE0729 fail to create XML instance document document: {0}

JBPSASCE0730 No schemas to process

JBPSASCE0731 Schema compilation errors:

JBPSASCE0732 could not find schema type: {{0}} {1}

JBPSASCE0733 fail to create XML instance document document: {0}

JBPSASCE0734 Token Lookup Strategy

JBPSASCE0735 Cannot find Signature element

JBPSASCE0736 Signature failed core validation

JBPSASCE0737 signature validation status: {0}

JBPSASCE0738 ] validity status: {0}

JBPSASCE0739 No key found!

JBPSASCE0740 LogoutHandlers are required

JBPSASCE0741 Logout Success

JBPSASCE0742 Token is set as HTTP cookie

JBPSASCE0743 {0} attribute not found in request.

JBPSASCE0744 Requested service didn't return any data

JBPSASCE0745 App {0} is not pending. Nothing to approve.

JBPSASCE0749 App {0} is already in AppDepot. Cannot reject an App already in AppDepot.

JBPSASCE0753 App {0} is not in AppDepot approval queue. Cannot cancel an App that is not waiting for approval.

JBPSASCE0758 App {0} is already pending approval in AppDepot. You have to cancel previous submission before submitting your App again.

JBPSASCE0762 Imported Pending AppDepot App

JBPSASCE0763 Imported Approved AppDepot App

JBPSASCE0764 Unexpected Exception importing AppDepot App: {0}

JBPSASCE0765 Manages dependency between entities

JBPSASCE0766 This service allows the configuration of supported languages by Mashzone NextGen Mashup Server

JBPSASCE0767 Enterprise Mashlet Hub

JBPSASCE0768 Job not found: {0}

JBPSASCE0769 All Jobs suspended

JBPSASCE0770 All Jobs resumed

JBPSASCE0771 Illegal from date format : {0}

JBPSASCE0772 Illegal to date format : {0}

JBPSASCE0773 EMML was not initialized

JBPSASCE0774 A cache is required. Use setCache(Cache) to provide one.

JBPSASCE0775 Content not supported for this mime type

JBPSASCE0776 Search Criteria Validation Error:

JBPSASCE0777 onDate cannot be used with beforeDate or afterDate

JBPSASE0001 Failed to create custom secure client

JBPSASE0002 Request data not set

JBPSASE0003 Service invocation context not set

JBPSASE0004 Failed to identify response type

JBPSASE0005 Unknown feed type. Supported types are rss/feed/rdf. Skipping sanitization

JBPSASE0006 Error sanitizing node

JBPSASE0007 Error getting security profile information for profile - {0}

JBPSASE0008 Failed to create SOAPFactory instance

JBPSASE0009 Input SOAP request is empty

JBPSASE0010 Failed to create SOAP message from input request

JBPSASE0011 Input SOAP request is empty

JBPSASE0012 Failed to create SOAP message from input request

JBPSASE0013 Failed to create SOAPFault object

JBPSASE0014 ----------------Failed to convert response xml,

JBPSASE0015 Couldn't convert String to OMElement

JBPSASE0016 Unable to read data from input stream

JBPSASE0017 Unable to send response to client

JBPSASE0018 Failed to get App {0}

JBPSASE0019 App cannot be found

JBPSASE0020 App cannot be found

JBPSASE0021 Failed to get Lib.

JBPSASE0022 Lib cannot be found

JBPSASE0023 App cannot be found

JBPSASE0024 Unsupported service type:

JBPSASE0025 SharePoint Service Export, failed to instantiate SharePoint Exporter

JBPSASE0026 SharePoint Service Export, unable to access SharePoint Exporter

JBPSASE0027 SharePoint Service Export, failed to find SharePoint Exporter

JBPSASE0028 EMML script is missing

JBPSASE0029 Cannot fetch Excel data

JBPSASE0030 Cannot find class for DBMashupExporter

JBPSASE0031 Cannot fetch XML data, exception: {0}

JBPSASE0032 Invalid query. Unexpected characters after {0}

JBPSASE0033 Invalid query. Query should start with (all|mine|user|ids|name|type|subtype). But found {0}

JBPSASE0034 Invalid query. Expected "=" after {0} but found {1}

JBPSASE0035 Invalid query. Unexpected characters after {0}

JBPSASE0036 Invalid query. Query should start with (all|mine|user|ids|name|provider|category|tag). But found {0}

JBPSASE0037 Invalid query. Expected "=" after {0} but found {1}

JBPSASE0038 Invalid query. Left side of "=" is empty

JBPSASE0039 Invalid query. Right side of "=" is empty

JBPSASE0040 Invalid query. Unexpected characters after {0}

JBPSASE0041 Invalid query. Query should start with (all|ids|name|type|tag). But found {0}

JBPSASE0042 Invalid query. Expected "=" after {0} but found {1}

JBPSASE0043 failed

JBPSASE0044 Illegal HourOfDay: {0}

JBPSASE0045 Illegal Minute argument: {0}

JBPSASE0046 Mashzone NextGen Platform Statistics :

JBPSASE0047 Service Name : {0}

JBPSASE0048 Statistics : {0}

JBPSASE0049 StatsHolder : {0};

JBPSASE0050 lastSampledHour : {0}

JBPSASE0051 HourOfDay : {0}

JBPSASE0052 ServiceAdapterStats : {0}

JBPSASE0053 Cannot resize image

JBPSASE0054 Invalid format for orderBy

JBPSASE0055 Not implemented

JBPSASE0056 Not implemented

JBPSASE0057 Invalid search request

JBPSASE0058 Resource upload failed

JBPSASE0059 Keystore url may not be null

JBPSASE0060 Keystore may not be null

JBPSASE0061 Could not find CA Certificate nor Trust Certificate with aliases: {0}, {1}

JBPSASE0062 Unsupported algorithm exception {0}

JBPSASE0063 Keystore exception: {0}

JBPSASE0064 Key management exception: {0}

JBPSASE0065 I/O error reading keystore/truststore file: {0}

JBPSASE0066 Parameters may not be null

JBPSASE0067 Trust manager may not be null

JBPSASE0068 invalid endpoint url

JBPSASE0069 fail to open connection

JBPSASE0070 no trust manager found

JBPSASE0071 The endpoint reference is not valid: {0}

JBPSASE0072 Parameters may not be null

JBPSASE0073 Service with id = {0} does not exist

JBPSASE0074 Service with name = {0} does not exist

JBPSASE0075 fail retrieving resource file or metadata information associated to this service

JBPSASE0076 Error while reading CSV file data into object

JBPSASE0077 Fail during data extraction: {0}

JBPSASE0078 Fail during data source as XML when parsing it: {0}

JBPSASE0079 IO error

JBPSASE0080 Error geting data

JBPSASE0081 Failed to read response on second try with ISO-8859-1. Bailing out...

JBPSASE0082 XmlException while parsing response

JBPSASE0083 {0} is not a valid operation name

JBPSASE0084 Class loader error.

JBPSASE0085 Data transformation error.

JBPSASE0086 Illegal access error.

JBPSASE0087 Service class loader error.

JBPSASE0088 Instantiation error.

JBPSASE0089 Invalid operation name.

JBPSASE0090 Service invocation error.

JBPSASE0091 <{0}> failed to instantiate factory method, {1}

JBPSASE0092 ({0}) Unexpected service class, {1} {2}

JBPSASE0093 ({0}) failed to match interface implementation, {1}, {2} - Service Instantiation Failed

JBPSASE0094 Class Not Found exception

JBPSASE0095 Illegal access exception

JBPSASE0096 Instantiation exception

JBPSASE0097 Invocation exception

JBPSASE0098 Failed to retrieve basic authentication password:

JBPSASE0099 Failed to retrieve NTLM authentication password:

JBPSASE0100 Error invoking SSO protected service

JBPSASE0101 Failed to invoke using security profile specific client

JBPSASE0102 HTTP exception:

JBPSASE0103 I/O exception:

JBPSASE0104 The NTLM credentials provided are invalid

JBPSASE0105 Failed to invoke via NTLM v2 connection:

JBPSASE0106 Failed to invoke service

JBPSASE0107 Currently only GET and POST methods are supported for REST services

JBPSASE0108 Unsupported REST operation. Currently only GET and POST are supported for REST services

JBPSASE0109 Error during REST service invocation

JBPSASE0110 Error during REST service invocation:

JBPSASE0111 Error during REST service invocation

JBPSASE0112 Error during REST service invocation:

JBPSASE0113 Invalid keystore file location for Syndication mutual SSL configuration settings, please review the spelling

JBPSASE0114 Invalid configuration for mutual SSL Syndication service, please check with your administrator

JBPSASE0115 Invalid HttpClient object instance

JBPSASE0116 Failed to establish connection with service

JBPSASE0117 The URL provided to retrieve the feed is not valid, please correct and try again

JBPSASE0118 Failed to fetch data for the feed due to bad URL or network connection problem

JBPSASE0119 A service was not provided to invoke

JBPSASE0120 Failed to invoke service using custom security profile {0}

JBPSASE0121 Invalid endpoint reference

JBPSASE0122 Failed reading from feed

JBPSASE0123 Failed to parse or generate feed

JBPSASE0124 Invalid response format

JBPSASE0125 Failed to process feed

JBPSASE0126 Failed to get service metadata for service {0}

JBPSASE0127 Couldn't find end point for service {0}

JBPSASE0128 Got empty SOAP request. Please check the log for errors

JBPSASE0129 Got empty SOAP request

JBPSASE0130 Failed to invoke SOAP service.

JBPSASE0131 Failed to send SOAP request to target service

JBPSASE0132 Fail encoding certificate:

JBPSASE0133 Xml parsing exception:

JBPSASE0134 soap client exception:

JBPSASE0135 SOAP Fault [code: {0} reason {1} : {2} detail {3} ]

JBPSASE0136 fail to decrypt Basic Auth password:

JBPSASE0137 The stored basic authentication information is corrupt or invalid

JBPSASE0138 The URL for keystore/truststore is not valid

JBPSASE0139 Error invoking SSO protected service

JBPSASE0140 Failed to invoke service using custom security profile {0}

JBPSASE0141 SOAP message contains multiRef nodes and cannot be converted to JSON. Please use resultFormat=soap header in the request to get native SOAP message

JBPSASE0142 SOAP Fault [code: {0} reason {1} : {2} detail {3} ]

JBPSASE0143 Failed to invoke SOAP service

JBPSASE0144 CAS2 Secure Client only supports GET or POST

JBPSASE0145 Cannot find OAuth Access Token to invoke this service

JBPSASE0146 Service profile definitions setup failed

JBPSASE0147 Cannot evaluate access rights. Unexpected operation payload

JBPSASE0148 Access is denied. User= {0} sid = {1} oid = {2}

JBPSASE0149 Not supported yet.

JBPSASE0150 Not supported yet.

JBPSASE0151 An AuthenticationManager is required

JBPSASE0152 A RememberMeService is required

JBPSASE0153 A SessionManager is required

JBPSASE0154 A SessionManager is required

JBPSASE0155 An AuthenticationManager is required

JBPSASE0156 A SessionIdPropagationStrategy is required

JBPSASE0157 This class was deprecated, you should not use it

JBPSASE0158 Authentication Failed

JBPSASE0159 Authentication Session Invalid

JBPSASE0160 Authentication Session Expired

JBPSASE0161 Authentication Failed

JBPSASE0162 AuthenticationEntryPointFilter is missconfigured. defaultAuthenticationModuleName does not point to authentication module

JBPSASE0163 Requested authentication module {0} does not exist

JBPSASE0164 Fail to create UserDetails. Expect CAS Assertion as principal, but found {0}

JBPSASE0165 Bean with name {0} expected to be of type HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter

JBPSASE0166 Unsupported AuthN mode <{0}>

JBPSASE0167 Failed to resolve redirect URL

JBPSASE0168 An AuthenticationManager is required

JBPSASE0169 An AuthenticationEntryPoint is required

JBPSASE0170 Can only process HttpServletRequest

JBPSASE0171 Can only process HttpServletResponse

JBPSASE0172 Basic AuthN credentials not found

JBPSASE0173 AuthenticationDetailsSource required

JBPSASE0174 context must be defined and implement SecurityContext (typically use; existing class is {0}

JBPSASE0175 If using forceEagerSessionCreation, you must set allowSessionCreation to also be true

JBPSASE0176 LogoutSuccessUrl required

JBPSASE0177 LogoutHandlers are required

JBPSASE0178 Can only process HttpServletRequest

JBPSASE0179 Can only process HttpServletResponse

JBPSASE0180 Please authenticate

JBPSASE0181 FilterProcessesUrl required

JBPSASE0182 An AuthenticationManager is required

JBPSASE0183 An AuthenticationEntryPoint is required

JBPSASE0184 Can only process HttpServletRequest

JBPSASE0185 Can only process HttpServletResponse

JBPSASE0186 An AuthenticationManager is required

JBPSASE0187 Can only process HttpServletRequest

JBPSASE0188 Can only process HttpServletResponse

JBPSASE0189 Failed to read SOAP message from request

JBPSASE0190 Failed to read SOAP message from request

JBPSASE0191 No SOAP message found in the input request

JBPSASE0192 No SOAP message found in the request

JBPSASE0193 Failed to create SOAP message from request

JBPSASE0194 Unable to extract credentails from SOAP request.

JBPSASE0195 Failed to extract security credentials from request

JBPSASE0196 Unable to extract credentails from SOAP request.

JBPSASE0197 Failed to extract security credentials from request

JBPSASE0198 Bad credentials. Please provide valid security credentials

JBPSASE0199 Authentication Failed

JBPSASE0200 The system has exceeded the maximum number of users licensed for this installation. Please try again later or contact your administrator.

JBPSASE0201 Authentication required. Please login

JBPSASE0202 Failed to generate JUMP response

JBPSASE0203 Cannot create ServiceRequest: {0}

JBPSASE0204 LogoutHandlers are required

JBPSASE0205 Missing required parameters. Service and operation names are required parameters. For example: http:://host:port/presto/edge/api/rest/serviceName/operationName?arguments

JBPSASE0206 Error parsing REST request

JBPSASE0207 Error parsing REST request. Reason = {0}

JBPSASE0208 Invalid Rule in ResourceURL file. Syntax must be in form <HTTPVerb> <ResourcePath> <Service.Operation>. {0}

JBPSASE0209 Invalid Rule in ResourceURL file. Syntax must be in form <HTTPVerb> <ResourcePath> <Service.Operation>. {0}

JBPSASE0210 ERROR: Internal Error Loading Resource URLs.

JBPSASE0211 context must be defined and implement SecurityContext (typically use; existing class is {0}

JBPSASE0212 Session is now null, but was not null at start of request; session was invalidated (most likely logout), so do not create a new session to store SecurityContext

JBPSASE0213 SecurityContextHolder set to new context, as request processing completed

JBPSASE0214 Authentication Session Invalid

JBPSASE0215 SSO token cannot be found in HttpRequest

JBPSASE0216 Validation response should start with {0}

JBPSASE0217 Validation response should end with {0}

JBPSASE0218 Validation response is blank

JBPSASE0219 SSO token string is blank

JBPSASE0220 First character is not '{'. SSO token should have format {endpointName}extrapath

JBPSASE0221 endpointName closing bracket '}' not found. SSO token should have format {endpointName}extrapath

JBPSASE0222 endpointName is blank. SSO token should have format {endpointName}extrapath

JBPSASE0223 SharepointSSOFilter is missconfigured. Cannot find description for http endpoint:<{0}>

JBPSASE0224 Cannot communicate with Sharepoint

JBPSASE0225 Sharepoint responded with HTTP error. HTTP error code:{0}

JBPSASE0226 Sharepoint SSO is missconfigured

JBPSASE0227 SSO server cannot validate token

JBPSASE0228 SSO server returned empty username

JBPSASE0229 An AuthenticationManager is required

JBPSASE0230 A name for http header which will have username required

JBPSASE0231 Can only process HttpServletRequest

JBPSASE0232 Can only process HttpServletResponse

JBPSASE0233 An authenticationDao must be set

JBPSASE0234 Malformed regular expression: {0}

JBPSASE0235 No matching pattern was found in subjectDN: {0}

JBPSASE0236 Regular expression must contain a single group

JBPSASE0237 An x509UserCache must be set

JBPSASE0238 An X509AuthoritiesPopulator must be set

JBPSASE0239 Certificate is null

JBPSASE0240 Invalid Certificate {0}

JBPSASE0241 Failed to unbundle mashlet,

JBPSASE0242 mashlet.json not found

JBPSASE0243 Failed to unbundle mashlet,

JBPSASE0244 Failed to unbundle mashlet,

JBPSASE0245 Failed to locate mashlet zip file, {0} , using id {1}

JBPSASE0246 missing name attribute {0}

JBPSASE0247 Malformed require tag, missing type or src attributes {1}

JBPSASE0248 Service operation not recognised {0} {1}

JBPSASE0249 Missing resource service id {0}

JBPSASE0250 Exception unzipping to {0}

JBPSASE0251 Exception unzipping to {0}

JBPSASE0252 Exception zipping {0}; message: {1}

JBPSASE0253 Error removing resources

JBPSASE0254 Failed to import zip file.

JBPSASE0255 Zip file not found, {0}

JBPSASE0256 Unable to generate identifier from name, {0}

JBPSASE0257 Identity already in use, {0}

JBPSASE0258 Existing identity not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0259 Failed to save updates.

JBPSASE0260 Item must be deactivated

JBPSASE0261 Identity not recognised,

JBPSASE0262 Zip file not found

JBPSASE0263 Failed to save item.

JBPSASE0264 Item must be deactivated

JBPSASE0265 Failed to generate App Spec.

JBPSASE0266 Failed to migrate Mashlet.

JBPSASE0267 Identity already exists, {0}

JBPSASE0268 Erroring checking activate status of {0}

JBPSASE0269 Failed to generate Gadget Spec.

JBPSASE0270 Identity not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0271 failed to retrieve properties for app {0}

JBPSASE0272 failed to retrieve spec parts for {0}

JBPSASE0273 Failed to retreive properties

JBPSASE0274 {0} : Publishing {1}

JBPSASE0275 {0} : Failed to publish : {1}

JBPSASE0276 {0} : Published successfully

JBPSASE0277 {0} : Failed to publish, exception thrown : {1}

JBPSASE0278 Samples path is not a directory, {0}

JBPSASE0279 Samples directory does not exist, {0}

JBPSASE0280 Existing Sample removed

JBPSASE0281 <p>Not authorized to update App : {0} </p>

JBPSASE0282 <p>Not all Mashzone NextGen Apps upgraded</p>

JBPSASE0283 <p>All Mashzone NextGen Apps upgraded</p>

JBPSASE0284 <p>No Mashzone NextGen Apps upgraded</p>

JBPSASE0285 Unable to generate unique identity with name, {0}

JBPSASE0286 No specification provided

JBPSASE0287 Failed to create App. Cause: {0}

JBPSASE0288 Identity already exists, {0}

JBPSASE0289 Failed to update compatibility attributes, {0}

JBPSASE0290 Failed to retrieve properties

JBPSASE0291 Failed to retreive properties

JBPSASE0292 Category not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0293 Tag not found, {0}

JBPSASE0294 Unable to locate presto/hub :

JBPSASE0295 Unexpected exception parsing app spec,

JBPSASE0296 Unexpected exception parsing app spec,

JBPSASE0297 failed to format spec,

JBPSASE0298 failed to convert to string,

JBPSASE0299 Failed to parse mashlet spec,

JBPSASE0300 Failed to update app spec,

JBPSASE0301 Failed to update app spec,

JBPSASE0302 Failed to create Document,

JBPSASE0303 Failed to parse spec,

JBPSASE0304 Missing app element

JBPSASE0305 Not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0306 Not authorized to access App: {0}

JBPSASE0307 Not authorized to update App: {0}

JBPSASE0308 Not authorized to create Apps.

JBPSASE0309 Not authorized to run this App: {0}

JBPSASE0310 Tag not found, {0}

JBPSASE0311 A service with name '{0}'is already registered. Please choose another name and try again.

JBPSASE0312 fail registering excel service:

JBPSASE0313 Not enough or invalid Excel Service information, cannot proceed with publication.

JBPSASE0314 Malformed REST URL: {0}

JBPSASE0315 Missing library id

JBPSASE0316 Failed to locate library zip file {0} version {1}

JBPSASE0317 Expected library zip file not found at path {0}

JBPSASE0318 Missing library id

JBPSASE0319 Library id already used by Mashzone NextGen {0}

JBPSASE0320 Unrecognised library path {0}

JBPSASE0321 No library javascript or stylesheets found.

JBPSASE0322 Library validation failed, {0}

JBPSASE0323 missing lib implementation? {0}

JBPSASE0324 Version not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0325 Invalid library id given, {0]

JBPSASE0326 Failed to initialise library json

JBPSASE0327 {0} not found.

JBPSASE0328 Hub jsapi directory not found.

JBPSASE0329 {0} not found.

JBPSASE0330 Unable to locate presto/hub : {0}

JBPSASE0331 Error reading file data : {0}

JBPSASE0332 Exception zipping lib {0}, message: {1}

JBPSASE0333 Exception unzipping to {0}, message {1}

JBPSASE0334 Error removing resource, {0}, message {1}

JBPSASE0335 logger is null

JBPSASE0336 level is null

JBPSASE0337 Refresh period must be > 0

JBPSASE0338 configurationFile is null

JBPSASE0339 configuration is null or an empty string

JBPSASE0340 Configuration file is null

JBPSASE0341 Could not create parent directory of log configuration file:

JBPSASE0342 Configuration file is not writable:

JBPSASE0343 Must specify a log file

JBPSASE0344 Not a valid log level

JBPSASE0345 Bad regular expression '{0}'

JBPSASE0346 Log file {0} does not exist

JBPSASE0347 Exception caught during logging of Runtime Information. Exception=

JBPSASE0348 Mashlet type directory not found, {0}

JBPSASE0349 type config differs from key : {0}, {1}

JBPSASE0350 Failed to read mashlets config json.

JBPSASE0351 Failed to init uwa page

JBPSASE0352 {0} not found.

JBPSASE0353 Mashlets directory not found.

JBPSASE0354 Unable to access mashlet directory : {0}

JBPSASE0355 Unable to locate mashlet directory : {0}

JBPSASE0356 Error saving mashlet data : {0}

JBPSASE0357 Error reading file data : {0}

JBPSASE0358 Type already exists {0}

JBPSASE0359 Failed to convert dynabean

JBPSASE0360 Type not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0361 error detected removing {0}

JBPSASE0362 Item already exists

JBPSASE0363 Failed to persist preferences.

JBPSASE0364 Type not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0365 Item already exists, {0}

JBPSASE0366 Identity not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0367 Identity already in use, {0}

JBPSASE0368 Property is incompatible with existing datatype, {0}

JBPSASE0369 Failed to persist property.

JBPSASE0370 Property is readOnly, {0}

JBPSASE0371 Identity not recognised, {0}

JBPSASE0372 type mismatch : incorrect tag property datatype, {0}

JBPSASE0373 type mismatch : name, value = {0}, {1}, types = {2}, {3}

JBPSASE0374 failed to parse json

JBPSASE0375 Error unregistering service : Specify a Mashup Service name.

JBPSASE0376 Error unregistering service :

JBPSASE0377 Failed to parse token. Unknown token type: {0}

JBPSASE0378 There is no request token which can be approved

JBPSASE0379 Failed to get OAuth request token

JBPSASE0380 Failed to get OAuth Access token.

JBPSASE0381 RegistryObject with id={0} is not OAuthProvider

JBPSASE0382 OAuth Provider with id {0} does not exist

JBPSASE0383 Invalid XACML policy document

JBPSASE0384 User or group name cannot be null!

JBPSASE0385 User or group {0} does not exist!

JBPSASE0386 Invalid users or groups, {0}

JBPSASE0387 Failed to create User Profile

JBPSASE0388 Failed to create Named User Profile

JBPSASE0389 Failed to update Named User Profile

JBPSASE0390 Failed to create User Profile

JBPSASE0391 Category Id should end with a '/', for example: '/cat/subCat/subSubCat/'

JBPSASE0392 Failed to get service details

JBPSASE0393 registration failed

JBPSASE0394 Service not found for id:{0}

JBPSASE0395 Failed to clone service

JBPSASE0396 DAO No longer supported

JBPSASE0397 Don't know how to unregister service of type: {0}

JBPSASE0398 Application with name= {0} already exists

JBPSASE0399 Failed to find template for given service and NSD type

JBPSASE0400 Cannot get Provider for id=null

JBPSASE0401 Invalid service Id = {0}

JBPSASE0402 REST access is not supported for this service {0}

JBPSASE0403 Couldn't get NSD for service {0}

JBPSASE0404 Error in construcing RESTified URL

JBPSASE0405 Failed to get certificate names from given trust store: {0} Cause: {1}

JBPSASE0406 Invalid keystore file location for REST mutual SSL configuration settings, please review the spelling

JBPSASE0407 Invalid configuration for mutual SSL REST service, please check with your administrator

JBPSASE0408 Failed to register service using custom client

JBPSASE0409 Is not possible to retrieve output sample/xml schema, probably a bad URL or a network connection problem.

JBPSASE0410 Invalid JSON document

JBPSASE0411 Malformed REST URL: {0}

JBPSASE0412 Cannot find operation:{0}

JBPSASE0413 Operation name is not provided and there is more then one operation to choose from

JBPSASE0414 A service with name {0} is already registered. Please choose another name and try again

JBPSASE0415 Malformed REST URL!

JBPSASE0416 Unrecognized output sample type, not an XML nor and Schema nor a URL to one of them

JBPSASE0417 Cannot find service registrar for service type:{0}

JBPSASE0418 Failed to retrieve shared item

JBPSASE0419 error translating json to string

JBPSASE0420 Cannot retrieve host't IP adress {0} using presto.config value: {1}

JBPSASE0421 Error in WSDL inspection during input message

JBPSASE0422 Error in WSDL inspection during output message

JBPSASE0423 The operation with name {0} is duplicated, Duplicate operation names are not supported

JBPSASE0424 Error registering Doc Style WSDL Service:

JBPSASE0425 Error registering WSDL Doc style service : WSDL inspection exception

JBPSASE0426 Error registering WSDL Doc style service :

JBPSASE0427 A service with name '{0}' is already registered. Please choose another name and try again.

JBPSASE0428 Incomplete HTTP Basic Authentication information, please make sure you provide user and password values

JBPSASE0429 Incomplete NTLM Authentication information received, please make sure you provide user/password and domain.

JBPSASE0430 WSDL SSL mutual authentication is not configured yet, please check with your administrator.

JBPSASE0431 Invalid keystore/truststore URL

JBPSASE0432 given client doesn't implement ServiceInvocationCustomClient interface for profile = {0}

JBPSASE0433 error getting security profile definition for profile = {0}

JBPSASE0434 error getting security profile definition for profile = {0}

JBPSASE0435 error using custom client for security profile = {0}

JBPSASE0436 error invoking service client for profile = {0}

JBPSASE0437 There is no security profile set for this registration

JBPSASE0438 Error during WSDL inspection: {0}

JBPSASE0439 Failed to load WSDL: {0}

JBPSASE0440 the feed sample {0} is corrupted or not a valid XML.

JBPSASE0441 the feed sample {0} cannot be loaded

JBPSASE0442 feed type: {0} not supported, this is an error on the presto.config file in the property "syndication.type"

JBPSASE0443 Malformed URL: {0}

JBPSASE0444 A service with name '{0}' is already registered. Please choose another name and try again.

JBPSASE0445 Service returned an error response code: {0}

JBPSASE0446 fail parsing input feed:

JBPSASE0447 Incorrect current password.

JBPSASE0448 The output feed {0} configured on Mashzone NextGen server is not supported or misspelled.

JBPSASE0449 Invalid syndication feed type: {0}

JBPSASE0450 Error while registering the feed:

JBPSASE0451 Range should containe at least one element. If you want to get ALL, use [-1,-1) as a range

JBPSASE0452 User Id or Email cannot be empty. Need user id or email to retrieve password

JBPSASE0453 Sending password reset code email failed: Error =

JBPSASE0454 Error while creating password reset code. Error =

JBPSASE0455 Invalid user name

JBPSASE0456 {0} Id "{1}" already exists, please choose another id and retry

JBPSASE0457 Name already exists. Please choose another name and retry

JBPSASE0458 Data not available

JBPSASE0459 Failed to convert bean : {0}

JBPSASE0460 A service with name '{0}' is already registered. Please choose another name and try again.

JBPSASE0461 Failed to build payload for Excel service. Request details = {0}

JBPSASE0462 Error building Mashup Service request payload :

JBPSASE0463 Invalid JUMP protocol version: {0} . Supported versions are 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0

JBPSASE0464 Error building payload : {0}

JBPSASE0465 error during payload building

JBPSASE0466 Cannot find XML payload in request

JBPSASE0467 Failed to construct request. Value is null for parameter {0}

JBPSASE0468 Xstream error - converting xml to java object

JBPSASE0469 Failed to construct request. Invalid XML

JBPSASE0470 Failed to construct request

JBPSASE0471 Failed to serialize XML parameter value to string

JBPSASE0472 Error building payload :

JBPSASE0473 ERROR.........dyna bean is null. Param# {0}

JBPSASE0474 ERROR.........params is null. Param# {0}

JBPSASE0475 ERROR.........failed to create object hierarchy. Param# {0}

JBPSASE0476 Error building payload :

JBPSASE0477 Error createObjectHierarchy :

JBPSASE0478 Error applyXPath :

JBPSASE0479 Unexpected NumberFormatException parsing long value,

JBPSASE0480 Couldn't parse given value for *date* field = {0}

JBPSASE0481 SOAPGatewayController initialization failed

JBPSASE0482 [SOAPGC] Failed to invoke service. Error =

JBPSASE0483 PrestoWS

JBPSASE0484 SOAP Request Error

JBPSASE0485 Service {0} ) is currently not active.

JBPSASE0486 PrestoWS

JBPSASE0487 SOAP Request Error

JBPSASE0488 Requested service is currently not active

JBPSASE0489 SOAP service invocation failed

JBPSASE0490 PrestoWS

JBPSASE0491 SOAP Request Error

JBPSASE0492 Error while handling Service response

JBPSASE0493 Got empty response from server. Please check the request.

JBPSASE0494 Error executing request. Reason = {0}

JBPSASE0495 Error while processing response. Reason =

JBPSASE0496 Failed to retrieve WSDL for service {0}

JBPSASE0497 Couldn't locate WSDL for given service

JBPSASE0498 Failed to remove Mashzone NextGen headers

JBPSASE0499 Couldn't process SOAP message

JBPSASE0500 Failed to remove Mashzone NextGen headers

JBPSASE0501 Unable to create SOAP message from input

JBPSASE0502 Unable to extract credentails from SOAP request.

JBPSASE0503 Unable to extract credentails from SOAP request.

JBPSASE0504 Error extracting user token credentials from given SOAP request

JBPSASE0505 Unable to extract BinarySecurityToken security credentials from the request

JBPSASE0506 Unable to extract BinarySecurityToken security credentials from the request

JBPSASE0507 Unable to extract UsernameToken security credentials from the request

JBPSASE0508 Failed to handle REST request

JBPSASE0509 Invalid JUMP protocol version: {0} . Supported versions are 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0

JBPSASE0510 Currently only GET and POST types are supported for REST services

JBPSASE0511 Currently only GET and POST types are supported for REST services

JBPSASE0512 Error in constructing input to REST service

JBPSASE0513 Error in constructing input to REST service

JBPSASE0514 Not yet implemented

JBPSASE0515 No Input Arguments found for operationId =

JBPSASE0516 Failed to build payload for REST service.

JBPSASE0517 Failed to serialize XML parameter value to string

JBPSASE0518 received empty request. Request cannot be empty

JBPSASE0519 Service ({0}) is not currently active

JBPSASE0520 Service invocation failed. Response is null

JBPSASE0521 Sorry! You are not authorized to access this resource or perform this action

JBPSASE0522 Authentication exception

JBPSASE0523 Authentication exception

JBPSASE0524 Bad Request

JBPSASE0525 Unable to parse input request

JBPSASE0526 Unable to parse request string. Please check the syntax. Error = {0}

JBPSASE0527 Bad Request -

JBPSASE0528 Unavailable

JBPSASE0529 Unable to connect to Mashzone NextGen repository. Please make sure it is running before you retry.

JBPSASE0530 Unable to connect to Mashzone NextGen Repository. Error = {0}

JBPSASE0531 Relogin to Mashzone NextGen is required

JBPSASE0532 Relogin to Mashzone NextGen is required

JBPSASE0533 Relogin to Mashzone NextGen is required. Error= {0}

JBPSASE0534 Relogin to Mashzone NextGen is rquired

JBPSASE0535 Internal Server Error

JBPSASE0536 Invalid request issued

JBPSASE0537 Invalid request

JBPSASE0538 Internal Server Error -

JBPSASE0539 License

JBPSASE0540 License

JBPSASE0541 No data found for session variables in response

JBPSASE0542 {0} service doesn't exist in the system

JBPSASE0543 {0} operation doesn't exist in service {1}

JBPSASE0544 Service (${0}) is currently not active. Please activate the service and try again

JBPSASE0545 Operation ({0}) doesn't exist in service {1}

JBPSASE0546 {0} operation doesn't exist in service {1}

JBPSASE0547 Service Stopped - Unable to invoke service: {0} RequestPayload : {1}

JBPSASE0548 {0} Service Adapter is currently not running

JBPSASE0549 Service invocation failed.

JBPSASE0550 Service invocation failed.

JBPSASE0551 Unsupported Service Type:

JBPSASE0552 Session binding failed. Unable to determine response type

JBPSASE0553 Couldn't get value for binding expression = {0}

JBPSASE0554 server side binding error

JBPSASE0555 Invalid username or password

JBPSASE0556 Failed to build payload for WSDL service. Error = {0}

JBPSASE0557 Unable to extract values for SOAP body from input parameters

JBPSASE0558 Failed to build payload for WSDL service. Error = {0}

JBPSASE0559 Unable to find repository item = {0}

JBPSASE0560 Unable to find repository item with name {0}

JBPSASE0561 Failed to set data for certain elements in the request

JBPSASE0562 Error in applyXPath

JBPSASE0563 Invalid JUMP protocol version: {0} . Supported versions are 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0

JBPSASE0564 Request has no input

JBPSASE0565 error in constructing SOAP payload using inputFormat=xml

JBPSASE0566 Failed to build payload for WSDL service.

JBPSASE0567 Not yet implemented...

JBPSASE0568 Failed to build payload for WSDL service.

JBPSASE0569 Failed to serialize XML parameter value to string

JBPSASE0570 Unable to extract values for SOAP body from input parameters

JBPSASE0571 Unable to extract values for SOAP body from input parameters

JBPSASE0572 JDOM error in constructPayload

JBPSASE0573 IO error in constructPayload

JBPSASE0574 JDOM error in constructPayload

JBPSASE0575 IO error in constructPayload

JBPSASE0576 Request template parse error in SOAP constructPayload:

JBPSASE0577 parameter {0} is expected to be of type string.

JBPSASE0578 parameter {0} is set to null, assuming empty.

JBPSASE0579 fail to append input value as an XML

JBPSASE0580 error in fillOutTemplate - NSME

JBPSASE0581 error in fillOutTemplate - IAE

JBPSASE0582 error in fillOutTemplate - ITE

JBPSASE0583 error in fillOutTemplate - parsing xml text

JBPSASE0584 error in fillOutTemplate - NSME

JBPSASE0585 error in fillOutTemplate - IAE

JBPSASE0586 error in fillOutTemplate - ITE

JBPSASE0587 Unable to find repository item = {0}

JBPSASE0588 Unable to find repository item with name {0}

JBPSASE0589 Unable to paginate service : {0}

JBPSASE0590 Missing Mandatory Parameter in Service Request {0}

JBPSASE0591 Invalid Service Scheduler Request. Either 'repeatcount' or 'starttime' must be specified

JBPSASE0592 Service schedule failure :

JBPSASE0593 Missing Mandatory Parameter in Service Request

JBPSASE0594 Internal error: Missing Job Request in Scheduled Service Invocation

JBPSASE0595 Error Invoking Scheduled Service:

JBPSASE0596 Unknown Pagination Type (returning original response )

JBPSASE0597 Error converting pagination result to XML (returning complete response):

JBPSASE0598 Error converting pagination result to XML (returning complete response):

JBPSASE0599 Invalid username or password

JBPSASE0600 Data Transformer Error

JBPSASE0601 Unsupported content type/charset requested. Setting it to default (text/plain; charset=utf-8)

JBPSASE0602 Cant find default namespace

JBPSASE0603 Invalid folder: {0}

JBPSASE0604 This Provider or this folder does not support UIDs

JBPSASE0605 Authentication failed for user:<{0}>

JBPSASE0606 Unknown mail host:

JBPSASE0607 Unexpected error during mail search

JBPSASE0608 Host string should have format [host:port]. Got invalid host string {0}

JBPSASE0609 Invalid port {0}. Port should be numeric

JBPSASE0610 Got errors while sending email

JBPSASE0611 Invalid Unsent Addresses

JBPSASE0612 Valid Unsent Addresses

JBPSASE0613 Valid Sent Addresses

JBPSASE0614 Authenication to SMTP server failed

JBPSASE0615 {0} address {1} is invalid

JBPSASE0616 At least one from destination addresses (TO,CC,BCC) has to be specified

JBPSASE0617 SMTP host has to be specified

JBPSASE0618 Mail server configuration is not set. Please update mail server configuration in Administration area

JBPSASE0619 Mail server configuration is not set. Please update mail server configuration in Administration area

JBPSASE0620 Mail server configuration is not set. Please update mail server configuration in Administration area

JBPSASE0621 Mail server configuration is not set. Please update mail server configuration in Administration area

JBPSASE0622 Failed to send mail. Please check mail server configuration in Administration area

JBPSASE0623 Failed to send mail. Please check mail server configuration in Administration area

JBPSASE0624 Failed to send notification email. Invalid user id

JBPSASE0625 Failed to send notification email

JBPSASE0626 Failed to send notification email. Invalid user id

JBPSASE0627 Failed to send notification email

JBPSASE0628 fail retrieving output type:

JBPSASE0629 Error getting Mashup Output Schema :

JBPSASE0630 fail retrieving output type:

JBPSASE0631 Error getting Mashup Output Schema :

JBPSASE0632 Error: refElementName for this Mashup schema not found

JBPSASE0633 Error creating Mashup Output Schema :

JBPSASE0634 Error adding mashupOutputSchema :

JBPSASE0635 fail to generate schema from JSD

JBPSASE0636 fail to generate schema from NSD

JBPSASE0637 Service name cannot be empty

JBPSASE0638 WSDL access is not supported for given service type

JBPSASE0639 WSDL access is supported only for Mashup services

JBPSASE0640 The error occurs when invoking this service

JBPSASE0641 invalid request

JBPSASE0642 mashup service invocation fail

JBPSASE0643 Failed to get service details for sid= {0}

JBPSASE0644 fail building soap response:

JBPSASE0645 fail marshalling SOAP into JSON, due to the following XML processing error:

JBPSASE0646 fail marshalling SOAP into JSON, due to the following transformation error:

JBPSASE0647 Operation {0} Not Found

JBPSASE0648 Parameter {0} not found

JBPSASE0649 fail validating request

JBPSASE0650 fail to get inner XML document from request:

JBPSASE0651 type mistmatch for parameter {0} should be of type {1}

JBPSASE0652 could not find message body

JBPSASE0653 fail marshalling SOAP into JSON, due to the following XML processing error:

JBPSASE0654 fail retrieving output type:

JBPSASE0655 invalid class type for request/response

JBPSASE0656 Fail to process request

JBPSASE0657 No credentials provided

JBPSASE0658 Fail to authenticate the user

JBPSASE0659 fail sending authentication error on soap fault messge:

JBPSASE0660 invalid SOAP request

JBPSASE0661 AuthenticationManager is required

JBPSASE0662 fail to parser soap request:

JBPSASE0663 Fail to send response to client

JBPSASE0664 fail registering SOAP service {0} : {1}

JBPSASE0665 fail registering REST service {0} : {1}

JBPSASE0666 fail registering Syndication service {0} : {1}

JBPSASE0667 Unable to decrypt basic auth password for export: {0}

JBPSASE0668 Streaming service invocation not supported for this datasource type.

Streaming service invocation (with stream='true') not supported for this datasource type.


use stream='false' to invoke this datasource.

JBPSASW0001 Unable to get log file names

JBPSASW0002 CharacterCodingException while reading response encoded with: {0} - falling back to iso-8859-1

JBPSASW0003 no web proxy supported for NTLM v2 invocations.

JBPSASW0004 fail to parse SOAP header from payload

JBPSASW0005 fail to parse SOAP body from payload

JBPSASW0006 fail to parse the whole soap request from payload

JBPSASW0007 No soap version set on metadata database, assuming SOAP 1.1, probably this service fails to invoke

JBPSASW0008 no binding style for service: {0} operation {1} , invocation may fail, assuming 'document'

JBPSASW0009 Could not remove security profile: {0}

JBPSASW0010 Failed to extract credentials from JUMP Session

JBPSASW0011 ACEGI_SECURITY_CONTEXT did not contain a SecurityContext but contained: '{0}'; are you improperly modifying the HttpSession directly (you should always use SecurityContextHolder) or using the HttpSession attribute reserved for this class? - new SecurityContext instance associated with SecurityContextHolder

JBPSASW0012 Cannot create ServiceRequest

JBPSASW0013 Cannot create ServiceRequest

JBPSASW0014 JDK is reporting that UTF-8 is a bad encoding!? Falling back to default encoding

JBPSASW0015 Was not able to obtain session.

JBPSASW0016 Cannot parse {0}. Should be in format propertyName:'propertyValue', but no : found

JBPSASW0017 no spec validation performed yet

JBPSASW0018 missing end, {0}

JBPSASW0019 missing start of config object {0}

JBPSASW0020 missing start of config statement, {0}

JBPSASW0021 missing end, {0}

JBPSASW0022 missing start, {0}

JBPSASW0023 null config

JBPSASW0024 Error during URL decoding given REST URL.Continuing using given URL as it is - {0}

JBPSASW0025 Failed to extract headers from WSDL

JBPSASW0026 Expected array type, but found <{0}>...continuing processing

JBPSASW0027 printHeader error

JBPSASW0028 empty request

JBPSASW0029 error in processing REST param - {0} = {1} ...using passed in value as it is

JBPSASW0030 Data for one or more session binding variables couldn't be retrieved.

JBPSASW0031 ** the attribute: {0} is not a proper integer. Ignoring

JBPSASW0032 No data found for session binding expression. {0}

JBPSASW0033 Custom handler ({0}) is not of type ServiceInvocationCustomHandler interface. Skipping processing...

JBPSASW0034 Error while processing of custom service invocation handler: {0}

JBPSASW0035 Problem cleaning up resources

JBPSASW0036 Failed to get name for id = {0}. {1}

JBPSASW0037 Unable to send notification. {0}

JBPSASW0038 Failed to get name for id = {0}. {1}

JBPSASW0039 Unable to send notification. {0}

JBPSASW0040 Unable to find pending app owner. {0}

JBPSASW0041 saml2 exception

JBPSPCE0010 Failed to parse search query response.

JBPSPCE0011 Error processing response. {0}

JBPSPCE0012 Error invoking SSO protected service

JBPSPCE0013 SOAP message contains multiRef nodes and cannot be converted to JSON. Please use resultFormat=soap header in the request to get native SOAP message.

JBPSPCE0014 SOAP Fault [code: {0}], reason: {1}, detail: {2}

JBPSPCE0015 Detail: {0}

JBPSPCE0016 HTTP Error [ code: {0}, reason: {1} {2} ]

JBPSPCE0017 Unable to connect to SharePoint. {0}

JBPSPCE0018 Unable to connect to SharePoint. {0}

JBPSPCE0019 No server name provided. And failed to select SharePoint connection using url.

JBPSPCE0020 Unrecognized server name, {0}, provided. And failed to select SharePoint connection using url.

JBPSPCE0021 No server name provided. SharePoint connection selection using url not allowed.

JBPSPCE0022 Access credentials for server name, {0}, not found. SharePoint connection selection using url not allowed.

JBPSPCE0023 Unable to connect to SharePoint. {0}

JBPSPCE0024 SharePoint Service Id not recognized, {0}

JBPSPCE0025 Failed to retrieve mashup summary details, {0}

JBPSPCE0026 Service is not a Mashup, {0}

JBPSPCE0027 Mashup id not recognised, {0}

JBPSPCE0028 Failed to getSites for site, {0} : {1}

JBPSPCE0029 Failed to transform getSites response.

JBPSPCE0030 Failed to getSites: {0}

JBPSPCE0031 Failed to transform getSites response.

JBPSPCE0032 Malformed pageUrl, {0}

JBPSPCE0033 Failed to get WebPart Page, {0} : {1}

JBPSPCE0034 Unrecognised WebPart server URL. {0}

JBPSPCE0035 Failed to publish Mashlet WebPart. {0}

JBPSPCE0036 Unable to build WebPart, Server Info not available.

JBPSPCE0037 There are no lists at the selected site. Please select another site.

JBPSPCE0038 Failed to get Lists for site, {0}" : {1}

JBPSPCE0039 Failed to transform getLists response for site, {0}

JBPSPCE0040 Failed to get List, site: {0}, list: {1} : {2}

JBPSPCE0041 Failed to transform getList response for site, {0}

JBPSPCE0042 Failed to transform getLists response for site

JBPSPCE0043 Failed to getViews for site, {0} : {1}

JBPSPCE0044 Failed to transform getLists response for site, {0}

JBPSPCE0045 Failed to get list view, site: {0}, list: {1}, view: {2} : {3}

JBPSPCE0046 View contains no Field References

JBPSPCE0047 Failed to transform get list view, site: {0}, list: {1}, view: {2}

JBPSPCE0048 Failed to get List Items for site, {0} : {1}

JBPSPCE0049 Failed to get user info for site, {0}, user, {1} : {2}

JBPSPCE0050 Failed to retrieve list content. {0}

JBPSPCE0051 No Item ID property specified.

JBPSPCE0052 You are not authorized to use SharePoint Search Service.

JBPSPCE0053 Failed to search site: {0}, query: {1}. {2}

JBPSPCE0054 No Item ID property specified.

JBPSPCE0055 Unable to parse response for list item.

JBPSPCE0056 Failed to {0}. ListItem, site: {1}, list: {2}. {3}

JBPSPCE0057 SharePoint site URL not recognised, {0}

JBPSPCE0058 SharePoint Server not configured for user.

JBPSPCE0059 Server endpoint not recognised: {0}

JBPSPCE0060 Unable to identify server: {0}

JBPSPCE0061 Server name not found for server: {0}

JBPSPCE0062 Access failed: {0}

JBPSPCE0063 Failed: {0}

JBPSPCE0064 Invalid server name, {0}

JBPSPCE0065 Server Endpoint, {0} is not valid: {1}

JBPSPCE0066 Invalid site details, siteUrl not defined.

JBPSPCE0067 Invalid list details, listName not defined.

JBPSPCE0068 Invalid page details, pageUrl not defined.

JBPSPCE0069 Invalid view details, viewName not defined.

JBPSPCE0070 Invalid user info details, username not defined.

JBPSPCE0071 Mashzone NextGen Published SharePoint List

JBPSPCE0072 Failed to publish SharePoint List as Mashup: {0}

JBPSPCE0073 Ignoring unrecognised provider '{0}'

JBPSPCE0074 Failed to retrieve List {0}. {1}

JBPSPCE0075 Failed to update List {0} {1}

JBPSPE0001 field {0}

JBPSPE0002 Error generating NSD for Mashup Service : {0} - {1}

JBPSPE0003 missing global attr sp-ssoheaders

JBPSPE0004 Unable to retrieve Server Details

JBPSPE0005 Service script not found

JBPSPE0006 Failed to retrieve NSD for service, {0}

JBPSPE0007 failed to find suitable connection name for site url, {0}. {1}

JBPSPE0008 JEMSDesigner.registerService : {0} : : {1}

JBPSPE0009 Error registering Mashup Service : {0}

JBPSPSHCE0001 Unable to put schema to MetaCache.

JBPSPSHCE0028 error: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0029 Formula evaluates to no type: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0030 error: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0031 Formula evaluates to no type: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0033 Sheet name not found, please check spelling: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0034 fail to generate data set from range: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0039 The selected range is not valid: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0040 The page number falls out of the valid number of pages with is: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0045 Sheet name not found, please check spelling: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0050 The index value provided, is expected to be grater than 0: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0051 The index value provided, should be grater than 0 and with no decimal places in it: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0054 The excel file has not been loaded yet

JBPSPSHCE0058 Unable to load the specified content.

JBPSPSHCE0059 Cache with name {0} was not found in Cache Manager, please review the correct spelling of the cache name on the ehcache.xml configuration file.

JBPSPSHCE0061 LoaderGlobalContext singleton has already been created!!

JBPSPSHCE0062 Keystore url may not be null

JBPSPSHCE0063 Keystore may not be null

JBPSPSHCE0064 Unsupported algorithm exception: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0065 Keystore exception: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0066 Key management exception: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0067 I/O error reading keystore/truststore file: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0068 Parameters may not be null

JBPSPSHCE0069 Trust manager may not be null

JBPSPSHCE0070 Invalid excel file URL

JBPSPSHCE0071 no trust manager found

JBPSPSHCE0073 fail to delete file: {0}

JBPSPSHCE0074 The file already exists, try calling replace instead of save.

JBPSPSHCE0075 fail to save file

JBPSPSHCE0076 fail to update file state

JBPSPSHCE0077 Unknown date format

JBPSPSHCE0078 Cannot convert unknown int value

JBPSPSHCE0079 No repository set yet!

JBPSPSHCE0080 Fail to load workbook from excel file.

JBPSPSHCE0081 You cannot replace an unexisting file.

JBPSPSHCE0082 The replacing file and the original should be of the same type.

JBPSPSHCE0083 Column names most be of text type

JBPSPSHCE0084 fail to generate data set from range: {0}! {1}

JBPSPSHE0001 Sheet name not found, please check spelling: {0}

JBPSPSHE0004 fail to generate data set from CSV data: {0}

JBPSPSHE0005 fail parsing range for preview: {0}

JBPSPSHE0006 Sheet name not found, please check spelling: {0}

JBPSPSHE0009 For column with value: {0}

JBPSPSHE0010 fail loading worksheet of type XLS, due to the following exception: {0}

JBPSPSHE0011 fail loading worksheet of type XLSX due to the following exception: {0}

JBPSPSHE0012 fail to load workbook froa stream: {0}

JBPSPSHE0013 fail reading from workbook stream: {0}

JBPSPSHE0014 fail to generate data set from CSV data: {0}

JBPSPSHE0016 file location is not valid: {0}

JBPSPSHE0017 fail reading input file: {0}

JBPSPSHE0018 The file location provided is not valid:{0}

JBPSPSHE0019 fail reading from woorkbook stream: {0}

JBPSPSHE0020 could not find local excel file at {0}

JBPSPSHE0021 Fail selecting current loaded rows from cache due to the following reason: {0}

JBPSPSHE0022 Could not find loader with id: {0} the response is empty!

JBPSPSHE0024 too many files to split

JBPSPSHE0025 fail to loading service cache data: {0}

JBPSPSHE0026 I/O error when loading service cache data: {0}

JBPSPSHE0027 fail to retrieve file from data store

JBPSPSHW0001 while parsing XLSX file within range {0} ${1} : {2}

JBPWSDLCE0043 Keystore url may not be null

JBPWSDLCE0044 Keystore may not be null

JBPWSDLCE0045 Could not find CA Certificate nor Trust Certificate with aliases: {0}, {1}

JBPWSDLCE0046 Unsupported algorithm exception: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0047 Keystore exception: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0048 Key management exception: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0049 I/O error reading keystore/truststore file: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0050 Paramaters may not be null

JBPWSDLCE0051 Trust manager may not be null

JBPWSDLCE0052 Parse XML exception: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0053 The endpoint reference is not valid: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0054 No trust manager found

JBPWSDLCE0055 Parameters may not be null

JBPWSDLCE0056 HTTP error: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0057 Request failed.

JBPWSDLCE0058 Failed to find element: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0059 Could not find element {0} in part {1}

JBPWSDLCE0060 Could not find type {0} in part {1}

JBPWSDLCE0061 BEA X509 Certificate generation fail: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0062 Invalid message type: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0063 OASIS X509 Certificate generation fail: {0}

JBPWSDLCE0064 Invalid service/port name, no null values are accepted

JBPWSDLCE0065 The file: {0} was not loaded, ergo is not into the WSDL engine's cache

JBPWSDLE0001 invalid SOAP request file location: {0}

JBPWSDLE0002 fail loading SOAP request file: {0}

JBPWSDLE0003 Http exception: {0}

JBPWSDLE0004 Network exception: {0}

JBPWSDLE0005 Self Signed SSL Http client exception: {0}

JBPWSDLE0006 invalid endpoint reference {0} : {1}

JBPWSDLE0007 Proxy server is not supported with NTLM

JBPWSDLE0008 invalid target service reference {0}

JBPWSDLE0009 Failed to invoke SOAP service

JBPWSDLE0010 Failed to read response on second try with ISO-8859-1. Bailing out...

JBPWSDLE0011 XmlException while parsing response

JBPWSDLE0012 No WSDL file has been loaded yet!

JBPWSDLE0013 Error while reseting WSDL enpoint reference: {0}

JBPWSDLE0014 The WSDL at: {0}

JBPWSDLE0015 The WSDL at {0} is not well formed: There is a parser error: {1}

JBPWSDLE0016 The WSDL at: {0} is invalid: {1}

JBPWSDLE0017 The WSDL at: {0} is not recognizable: {1}

JBPWSDLE0018 service '{0}' not found!

JBPWSDLE0019 port '{0}' not found!

JBPWSDLE0020 Service name not found

JBPWSDLE0021 WSDL file: {0} dose not have 'SOAP service defined' it lacks of 'Bind' section!

JBPWSDLE0022 No suitable binding/port for SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 could be found!

JBPWSDLE0023 Fail to retrieve service endpoint!

JBPWSDLE0024 Fail to invoke method 'getLocationURI' to retrieve service endpoint!

JBPWSDLE0025 Fail to access method 'getLocationURI' to retrieve service endpoint!

JBPWSDLE0026 Cannot add imported URL {0} to imported map, caused by {1}

JBPWSDLE0027 Fail loading wsdl through NTLM client: {0}

JBPWSDLE0028 No web proxy supported for NTLM v2 invocations.

JBPWSDLE0029 Fail parsing WSDL url.

JBPWSDLE0030 Fail to read from connection

JBPWSDLE0031 Error in registering service using custom client: {0}

JBPWSDLE0032 Fail reading file {0} caused by {1}

JBPWSDLE0033 Error invoking using secure clients for URL {0} caused by {1}

JBPWSDLE0034 A null Operation object has been provided

JBPWSDLE0035 A null Message Map has been provided

JBPWSDLE0036 No input parameters

JBPWSDLE0037 Fail reading soap fault:{0}

JBPWSDLE0038 Fail parsing soap fault: {0}

JBPWSDLE0039 Error in resolving multiRef links

JBPWSDLE0040 Error getting value for multiRef id={0}

JBPWSDLE0041 Error in parsing given XML response

JBPWSDLE0042 Error reading XML response

JBPWSDLW0001 Charset {0} from Content-Type is not supported - using default

JBPWSDLW0002 No charset detected, defaulting to UTF-8

JBPWSDLW0004 enable.wsdl.doctype is 'true'. External XML Entity Injection attacks are possible with this option enabled. Use with caution.

MONTHS_AGO_COMMENTED <span class='creator'>#{createdBy}</span> <span class='type'>commented on</span> <a href='#{link}' class='qtip' title='#{linktitle}'>#{artifactName}</a> <span class='artifactType'>{0}</span> <span #{showrating}>%{rating}</span> <span class='time muted'>{1} months ago</span> <p class='comment'>#{comment}</p>