Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : An Overview of the Server : How the Server Loads Java Classes : Where to Place Custom and Third-Party Jar Files
Where to Place Custom and Third-Party Jar Files
If you want to use any custom or third-party jar files with an Integration Server instance, store them in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\lib\jars\custom directory. For example, if you want to use a third-party JMS provider client, a third-party JNDI provider, or custom JDBC drivers for WmDB, place the client libraries in the custom directory. Review the documentation for your third-party application to determine an exact list of required jar files.
Any jar files you place in this directory can be migrated using the Integration Server migration utility.
You can make jar files available to all server instances by placing them at the common level in the IntegrationServer\lib\jars\custom directory.
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