Using the Memory Monitor Portlet
As an administrator, you use the Memory Monitor tool to monitor the memory usage of the Java virtual machine (JVM) and send e-mail notifications to administrators when the configured memory threshold limits are reached.
Note: | No e-mail notifications are sent until at least one e-mail address is configured. |
The following thresholds must be set:
WARNING. The amount of free JVM memory that triggers a warning notification.
ERROR. The amount of free JVM memory that triggers an error notification.
FATAL. The amount of free JVM memory that triggers a fatal notification and, if so configured, a server restart.
For the WARNING and ERROR thresholds, the portlet sends a notification to the configured e-mail accounts each time the specified memory usage is met.
When the FATAL threshold is met, the portlet also sends an e-mail notification. However, you can optionally specify if the FATAL threshold should also restart the server. In this case, heap dumps and thread dumps are created just prior to the restart.
An additional notification is sent after a successful restart of My webMethods Server. The notification indicates memory usage statistics before and after the restart.
Note: | In some cases, Memory Monitor reporting might not function as expected. For example, it might not prevent an OutOfMemory exception by never reaching the FATAL threshold, due to dependencies on the threshold configuration, Java Runtime version, and the specific configuration of the current production environment. Therefore, to achieve desired results, you may need to experiment with the interaction of Memory Monitor configuration and the Java dependencies noted in the previous paragraph. |