Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Configuring Ports : Considerations for Adding Ports : Considerations for Configuring Ports : Port Usage and Security
Port Usage and Security
For security reasons, by default, all ports except 5555 are configured to deny access to all services except services specified in an allow list. You might need to perform additional steps to make more services available through the port. See Configuring How Ports Handle Client Certificates
If your Integration Server runs on a UNIX system, using a port number below 1024 requires that the server run as “root.” For security reasons, Software AG discourages this practice. Instead, run your Integration Server using an unprivileged user ID on a high number port (for example 1024 or above) and use the port remapping capabilities present in most firewalls to move requests to the higher numbered ports.
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