Sharing Workspaces
Use the following procedure to share a workspace with other users, groups, or roles.
Note: | To share a workspace with another user, you must either be the owner of the workspace, or if you are using a workspace that another user has shared with you, you must have “Full Control” permissions for the workspace. |
To share a workspace
1. Click
Menu on the tab for the workspace and select Share Workspace. 2. In the Workspace Sharing window click Add.
3. Use the Select Principal(s) window to search for and select the users, groups, and roles with whom you want to share the workspace. When you are done, click Apply to close the Select Principal(s) window. For more information about using the Select Principal(s) window, see Searching for Users, Groups, and
Roles. For each selected user, group, and/or role, My webMethods adds a row to the Workspace Sharing window.
4. For each user, group, and/or role that you selected, select the permissions you want to assign that user, group, or role from the list in the Permissions column. For more information about the permissions you can assign, see Workspace Sharing Permissions. 5. If you want to notify the users affected by this change, select the Notify collaborators when the workspace is shared or unshared check box.
6. Click Apply.