Adding an LDAP Query Role
An LDAP query role is based on an LDAP query to an external directory service. Any user or group that meets the requirements of the query is a member of the role.
To create an LDAP query role
1. To navigate to the correct page, do one of the following:
My webMethods:
Navigate > Applications > Administration > System-Wide > User Management > Roles > Add Role.
As system administrator:
Administration Dashboard > User Management > Manage Roles > Add Role.
2. In the Role Name field, type the name you want to assign to the new role.
Valid role names can contain only letters, numbers, an underscore, or a space character.
3. To select the LDAP Query Role Provider, move that role provider to the Selected Items box.
4. Click Create Role.
5. In the LDAP Query field type a valid LDAP query.
6. Select the Simple Query option if the query in the LDAP Query field contains simplified LDAP query syntax.
Unless you are creating a complex LDAP query, the query syntax can be cumbersome to use. With the Simple Query option, the syntax is filled in for you. For example, to find all persons whose manager has the user ID abrown, the simple query syntax is manager=abrown.
7. In LDAP Directory Service, click Browse.
8. Move the LDAP directory service to the Selected Items box and click Select.
9. In the Principal Type list, choose whether the query searches for Users or Groups.
10. To update the LDAP query, click Save (Apply in system administration).