Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide : Managing Tasks from the Task List Management Page : Managing Tasks
Managing Tasks
Suspending a Task
Resuming a Task
Assigning a Task from the Task List Management Page
Unassigning a Task from a User, Group, or Role
Accepting a Task for a User
Setting the Task Status
Deleting a Task
Delegating a Task from One User to Another
Removing All Task Delegations
Scheduling a Task Delegation
Modifying Task Properties
Rolling Back a Task
You can apply various task management actions to the tasks in the Task List Management Tasks panel. To do so, a task must have a status of Active or Suspended. You cannot apply task list management actions to tasks with a status of Canceled, Completed, Error, or Expired.
From the point of view of the Task Engine, tasks with a status of Canceled, Completed, Error, or Expired are all considered as terminated tasks upon which no further work is to be allowed. If you want to restart a task in any of these states, you must use webMethods Monitor to resubmit the task; for more information, see webMethods Monitor User’s Guide.
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