Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Universal Messaging Administration Guide : Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging : Universal Messaging Configuration Types : Ports Configuration
Ports Configuration
Configure NSP
Configure NHP
Configure NHPS
Configure NSPS
You can view, create, enable, disable, or edit the following Universal Messaging server ports (interfaces):
Command Central web user interface displays a table containing a list of ports for a Universal Messaging server instance. The following basic attributes of a port are displayed in the table:
Displays if a port is enabled or disabled.
Each interface is associated with an alias that is used to recognize the port. Each port (interface) on a Universal Messaging server instance will have an associated alias.
Port number. The port number is unique.
Type of the port (interface). The port uses one of the following protocols:
*NSP (Socket protocol)
*NHP (HTTP protocol)
*NHPS (HTTPS protocol)
*NSPS (SSL protocol)
Type of port. For example, STANDARD, DIAGNOSTIC.
Command Central does not use or report the Universal Messaging server ports that use the shared memory protocol (shm).
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