Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide : Using REST APIs for Data Quality Consolidation : Data Quality APIs : API for Data Match on Multiple Rules
API for Data Match on Multiple Rules
Use this REST call to match an input dataset with a set of match candidates by using the pre-defined JSON format. You can include as many input and match dataset rows as required for the datasets to match and as multiple matching rules. OneData executes each rule in the sequence given in the API.
The output returns the match candidate with the greatest score. The output for this REST API call includes a header; a header section, which includes the consolidated details of the number of input data rows, match candidates, status, matcher statistics, repository ID, client ID, user ID and so on; matcher details for each dataset row, which includes the match candidate identifier with the match score, and the success or failure message.
http://host:port/custom_OneData_application_name/rest/OneData_repository_ID/OneData project name/DQ/match
Example: http://apktn121:223/wmonedata/rest/wmmedata/companypartners/DQ/match
Input Attributes
Consisting of the list of rules to apply for matching as an array set. Each rule array should specify the following attributes:
*ignoreEmptyFields. with the valid value as either true or false.
*inputMappings. An array of input mappings that include these attributes:
*attributeName. Name of the OneData matcher attribute.
*columnName. Column name of the dataset.
*additionalProperties. Key-value pair to use.
*attributeName. Name of the OneData matcher attribute.
*columnName. Column name of the dataset.
*additionalMappings. Additional attribute mappings to use:
*weightage. Column weightage.
*algorithm. Matching algorithm to use.
*additionalProperties. Key-value pair to use.
Define an array of rows to match:
*name. Column name.
*value. Value contained within the column.
*pkIdentifier. Unique row identifier. You must specify the pkIdentifier for both the input and match candidate data rows for an error-free result.
Unique row identifier.
, dqRuleConfig, inputDataSet
Output Attributes
The rows matched for the input attributes.
Syntax for Data Matching API Request with Multiple Rules
[//array of rules
"ignoreEmptyFields" : "<true/false>",
"inputMappings": // array of input mapping
[//array or rows
[//array of columns
[//array of rows
[//array of columns
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