OneData MDR Menus and Functions
The following functions are available in OneData MDR.
Define Menu
Through the Define menu, you can define objects, import DDL models, define configuration groups, hooks, repositories, and the rules engine, and define data quality properties:
Objects menu. Add new data objects (reference lookups, item types) to the registry. Edit existing data objects to add new attributes, change presentation parameters, change structure, and relationships. Add or remove folders.
Configuration menu. In
Manage Groups configure the groups used on Edit screens and divide attributes into logical sections. In
Manage Hooks, manage the hooks (stored procedures) that can be invoked as manually triggered commands.
Manage Menu
Through the Manage menu, you can perform functions to manage data such as reports and workflow:
Manage Data. Manage administered items and reference data.
Publish Reports. Ability to create a personal report and publish to other users.
My Request Inbox. Notifies the assigned user of the change requests in the inbox and with an email notification.
Change Requests. Log of all the change requests in the system.
View Menu
Use the View menu options to view records and reports:
Browse. View objects and records.
Reports. Create, view, and run published reports and system reports.
Collaborate Menu
The Collaborate menu provides menus related to collaborating on work:
Request Change. Request change in the system and track the discussion thread.
Discussion Forum. Provides a link to a discussion forum.
Administer Menu
The following top level functions are available through the Administer menu:
Security. Configure and manage users, user groups, roles, user locks, and configure use of external LDAP or other directory configurations.
System. Configure system properties, connections, configure the metadata repository, manage the system consoles, manage the work area to release area console, and customize system menus. Connections are profiles of internal and external databases to which the registry links.
Job Center. Configure jobs to deploy data/metadata and run them in the Registry. This is the dashboard for all the jobs that have been scheduled or completed.
Logs. In the View DML Log All the structure changes in the Registry are tracked and logged. In View DDL Log All the SQL statements run in the Registry are logged. In the Message Log, view JMS messages in the inbound queue. This is the log of all the messages received and processed in the Registry.
Metadata. Manage metadata with options to import metadata, compare metadata, and transfer metadata.
Data Interchange Menu
You can do the following from the Data Interchange > Configuration menu.
Messaging Queues. Messaging configuration, if used.
Messaging Configuration. Internal messaging setup, if used.
FTP/SFTP Configuration. Distribution module of
OneData MDR enables files to be deployed and FTPed to specific locations. This utility allows administrators to configure FTP profiles in the registry.
MDR Menu
You can perform MDR specific functions through the MDR menu.
Import Administered Items. Custom import for administered items in the registry.