Folders and Objects
An object in OneData is the container for storing data, metadata, and definitions. In database terms, an object may be a physical database table, part of a table, or composed of several tables. A conceptual object is a logical grouping of data objects, linked for ease of maintenance, workflow approvals, and inquiry.
All data in the Registry is stored in objects, and all objects are located in folders. Folders organize objects into a hierarchy and classify or group entities into subject areas or dimensions.
A user must have the security privilege to view and access the folder. Users also need privileges to create new, or edit or delete existing folders. For details on creating folders and security privileges, see
Signing in the Registry. For information on
OneData object types and folders,
Implementing webMethods OneData.
OneData MDR has the following four folder structures:
1. General Lookup Table Maintenance. Contains general reference lookup tables used in the Registry. New lookups can be created as needed.
2. Security Lookup Table Maintenance. Contains organization and contact related entities.
3. Registration Related. Contains registration and workflow status and associated rules.
4. Base Objects. Contains internal objects for the Registry and the core objects for Data Maintenance.
The General Lookup Table Maintenance, Security Lookup Table Maintenance, and Registration Related folders are covered later in this guide.