Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Registry Lookup : 1. General Lookup Table Maintenance Parameters
1. General Lookup Table Maintenance Parameters
Adding Values to Lookup Tables
The following entities are maintained in the General Lookup Table Maintenance folder.
Lookup Table
Where Used
Administered Item Types
Item types that can be administered. Add new item types, as needed.
Administered record. Administered item types added in OneData-MDR upgrade patches.
Character Set
Character set of the value domain.
Value domain
Classification Scheme Type
The name of the type of classification scheme.
Classification scheme
Data Type
A set of distinct values, characterized by properties of those values and by operations on those values.
Value domain
Designation/ Name Type
The designation of an administered item within a context.
Domain Type
Valid for conceptual objects and value domains, enumerated/non-enumerated.
Conceptual domain, value domain
List of valid formats for a given value domain.
Value domain
Glossary Term Type
Type of glossary entry (standard/user-defined).
The collection of identifiers required to identify a language or language variation for a particular purpose.
Context, registration authority
Project/Case Files
Master list of case files or project under which administered items are evaluated. Extension in OneData. Not part of the standard.
Extension of Administered Items.
Reference Document Type
A description of the type of reference document associated with administered items (for example, REFERENCE, EXAMPLE).
Relationship Type
A description of the type of relationship among two or more administered items (for example, between two data elements, data concepts, value domains, or classification schemes). For example: INCLUDES, IS AFTER, IS CHILD OF, IS COMPONENT OF.
Conceptual domain, value domain, data element concept, data element
Unit of Measure
The actual units in which the associated values are measured (for example, ACRE, ASTRONOMICAL UNIT, CALORIE, CUP, DAY, DEGREE).
Value domain
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