Manually Importing Physical Metadata from a File
Use the following procedure to manually import physical metadata from a file. Importing from a file is a 2-step process:
Define the import profile and mapping
Execute the import either interactively or using a scheduled job.
To manually import a physical metadata model
1. Define the import profile:
a. On the Menu toolbar, click MetaMap > Import Physical Model > File.
b. Click Add New Mapping. On the first setup screen, select the file to import and information associated to the file.
c. Select the conceptual object, System Dictionary View, or any custom created conceptual object with the top object as, System Tables. Select the constituent objects. Table is mandatory; you must provide either the Column or Constraints).
d. Select the alternate keys for System Tables and System Columns.
e. On the column mapping screen, create a profile and specify the mapping for the file to load. System/Application, Table Name, and Column Name become mandatory by virtue of the alternate keys selected before.
f. Save the profile.
2. To execute the import interactively:
a. On the Menu toolbar, click MetaMap > Import Physical Model > File.
b. Select the import profile created in Step 1 and click Import.
c. Select the file to load and click Import.
OneData indicates if the import of the Data Dictionary was successful. Confirm the changes to commit them, if prompted to do so.
d. Click Download log file to download the log. Click Commit or Rollback to accept or rollback the changes.
3. To execute the import using scheduled job:
Prerequisite: The interchange mapping must exist for file import. The steps to schedule periodic imports of dictionary loads from file are outlined below.
a. Create the job umbrella. For file-based imports, specify an FTP location.
b. Create the job step using an interchange mapping.
c. Schedule the job.