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Connecting to Process Audit Database Using Kerberos Authentication
To connect directly to a Process Audit Database that uses an SQLServer with DataDirect drivers, you use Kerberos authentication. To use Kerberos authentication you must first set-up the operating system to use Kerberos authentication. For more information on required Kerberos setup, see the Kerberos documentation.
To configure Designer to use authenticate with a SQLServer using Kerberos
1. Locate and copy the paths to the two configuration files required for Kerberos authentication:
For example, on a Windows system the paths would look like this: C:\SoftwareAG\common\lib\ext\JDBCDriverLogin.conf
2. Navigate to Software AG_directory \Designer\eclipse\configuration and open the config.ini file.
3. In the config.ini file add the paths to the JDBCDriverLogin.conf and krb5.conf files using the following syntax:
*java.security.auth.login.config=Software AG_directory\common\lib\ext\JDBCDriverLogin.conf
*java.security.krb5.conf=Software AG_directory\common\lib\ext\krb5.conf
4. Save your changes to the config.ini file.
5. In Designer, go to Window>Preferences>Software AG>Process Development>Process Audit Database and select Use database parameters.
6. Click OK.
7. Add the Kerberos authentication mode to the JDBC URL, for example, jdbc:wm:DBSERVER:1433;databaseName=dbname;Authenticate=kerberos
Do not enter userName and password, because the authentication will be based on the Windows user credentials.
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