Dynamic Apps Platform : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing My webMethods Server Content : Managing Content Storage : Configuring a New Content Service
Configuring a New Content Service
To configure a new Content Service for the server repository
1. As system administrator: Administration Dashboard > Content > Content Service > Create New Content Service.
2. In the Service Name field, type a name for your new content service and click Next.
3. Type a physical storage location for your content service.
Valid locations include the following types of network paths:
*file:\\y:\ (where y:\is a mapped network drive to an external file server)
*f:\repository (where f:\ repository is a separate hard drive on the server machine)
There are many ways to configure an external content repository for My webMethods Server. The two examples here assume that your network administrator has provided the proper security settings to allow the server to access a network shared on a separate file server.
4. To make the new content service the default content service, click the Tools icon and then click Set As Default.
The new Content Service becomes the default location for storing new content that is published to the server.
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