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Importing Closed Loop Analytic Assets into Designer
Your Closed Loop Analytics installation contains predefined assets that you can import into your Designer workspace and then customize.
To import the predefined Closed Loop Analytics assets into your workspace
1. In Designer: File > Import.
2. In the Import dialog box, click General and then Existing Projects into Workspace. Then click Next.
3. Click Browse and navigate to this directory in your Software AG installation: \Solutions\ClosedLoopAnalytics\ProjectSources
4. Click OK to accept the directory and place it in the Select root directory field. The following projects are displayed in the Projects list:
*WmClosedLoopAnalytics (rules project)
If the projects are not already selected in the Projects list, select them.
5. Click Finish.
The projects appear in the Solutions view, and in the Navigator view, available in the UI Development perspective.
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