Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Mashables and Mashups : Views for Mashups and Mashables : Built-in MashZone NextGen Views : Advanced Configuration Properties : Layout
Chart Top Margin
Space at the top of the chart in pixels.
Chart Right Margin
Space on the right side of the chart in pixels.
Chart Bottom Margin
Space at the bottom of the chart in pixels.
Chart Left Margin
Space on the left side of the chart in pixels.
Canvas Top Margin
For charts with a grid and axes, the space in pixels at the top between the grid and any chart areas with captions or borders.
Canvas Right Margin
For charts with a grid and axes, the space in pixels to the right between the grid and any chart areas with captions or borders.
Canvas Bottom Margin
For charts with a grid and axes, the space in pixels at the bottom between the grid and any chart areas with captions or borders.
Canvas Left Margin
For charts with a grid and axes, the space in pixels to the left between the grid and any chart areas with captions or borders.
Logo URL
The URL to the logo image for the chart.
Logo Position
The position for your logo on the chart. This defaults to the top-left corner.
Logo Transparency
How opaque the logo is as a percentage (0-100%). Zero is fully transparent and 100 is fully opaque.
Logo Scale
Change the scale (0-300) of an externally loaded logo at run-time
Logo Link
The URL to open when users click the logo in the chart. The format of the link determines whether the target URL opens in the same page or not:
*fully-qualified-url = the target URL opens in the same brower page, replacing the view.
*N-fully-qualified-url = the target URL opens in a new browser window.
*F-frame-name-fully-qualified-url = the target URL opens in the named frame or iframe.
Show Shadow
Displays or hides (default) a shadow for the gauge in the chart.
LED Size
Sets the size of each LED bar in the gauge.
Sets the size of the gap between LED bars in the gauge.
Gauge Width
The horizontal space in pixels for a gauge.
Gauge Height
The vertical space in pixels for a gauge.
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