Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Explorer Administration : Set SSL configuration : Setup of certificates and key material : Enabling TLS with PKCS#2-based key material
Enabling TLS with PKCS#2-based key material
1. Open the config.json configuration file in a text editor.
2. Enter the following code lines and save your changes.
"httpServer.tls.certType" : "PKCS12",
"httpServer.tls.keyPath" : "<key path>",
"httpServer.tls.keyPassword" : "<key password>",
*The keyPath parameter must point to the key file (usually ends with .p12 ). The path may either be relative (to MashZone NextGen Explorer' root folder) or absolute.
*The keyPassword parameter is the password required to open the PKCS#12 file.
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