Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Explorer Administration : Configure startup behaviour
Configure startup behaviour
You can configure the startup behaviour of MashZone NextGen Explorer.
MashZone NextGen Explorer version 10.1 is delivered with an embedded Apache Kafka instance additionally to the embedded Spark instance and the startup and shutdown processes have been changed.
The start script supports the following options.
Enables the embedded Apache Spark (Spark Job Server) instance. When enabled, this instance is automatically started when starting MashZone NextGen Explorer and is available via https://localhost:19002.
The configuration can be found at <MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/va-sjs/config.
When using another Spark Job Server instance, configure MashZone NextGen Explorer accordingly ("spark.enabled"=true and "spark.jobserver.url"="<URL of the running Spark Job Server>") and start it without the --embeddedSpark option.
Disables the embedded Apache Kafka instance. When not disabled, this instance (and also the required Apache Zookeeper instance) is automatically started when starting MashZone NextGen Explorer and is available via localhost:19004.
The configuration can be found at <MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/va-kafka/config.
When using another Apache Kafka instance, configure MashZone NextGen Explorer accordingly ("zookeeper.urls"="<comma separated list of Zookeper URLs>" and "kafka.bootstrap.servers"="<comma separated list of Kafka URLs>") and start it with the --disableEmbeddedKafka option.
The MashZone NextGen Explorer startup process is as follows:
*If explicitly enabled via the --embeddedSpark option
*Apache Spark (Spark Job Server) is started on https://localhost:19002 by calling the start script <MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/va-sjs/bin/va-sjs[.bat]
*If not explicitly disabled via the --disableEmbeddedKafka option
*Apache Zookeeper is started on localhost:19003 by calling the start script <MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/va-kafka/bin/va-zookeeper[.bat]
*Apache Kafka is started on localhost:19004 by calling the start script <MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/va-kafka/bin/va-kafka[.bat]
*MashZone NextGen Explorer is started
Starting MashZone NextGen Explorer issue on Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra)
There is a Java issue with respect to DNS lookup on Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra) which causes the DNS lookup to block for 5 seconds (see As result thereof the MashZone NextGen Explorer startup process does not work correctly.
There are two workarounds for Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra):
*Modify /etc/hosts by adding you Mac hostname to the entries for and ::1,
*Increase the timeouts in the script accordingly.
The MashZone NextGen Explorer shutdown process is as follows:
*MashZone NextGen Explorer is shut down
*If Apache Spark (Spark Job Server) was started using the --embeddedSpark option
*Apache Spark (Spark Job Server) is shut down by calling the shutdown script <MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/va-sjs/bin/shutdown[.bat]
*If Apache Kafka was started using the --disableEmbeddedKafka option
*Apache Kafka is shut down by calling the shutdown script <MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/va-kafka/bin/va-kafka-shutdown[.bat|.sh]
*Apache Zookeeper is shut down by calling the shutdown script <MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/va-kafka/bin/va-zookeeper-shutdown[.bat|.sh]
When shutting down MashZone NextGen Explorer by pressing Ctrl+C on Windows, do not terminate the batch job since this will break the shutdown process otherwise.
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