Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Explorer Administration : Add custom JAR files
Add custom JAR files
You can add custom JAR files to MashZone NextGen Explorer.
When working with cache-based data sources it is often necessary to add a custom JAR file to the class path of a MashZone NextGen Explorer instance in order to load custom classes when instances of these classes are used as key or value in a BigMemory cache or to load custom attribute extractors.
It is not possible to replace classes delivered by MashZone NextGen Explorer via custom JAR files.
1. Copy the custom JAR files and all required libraries in the following folder.
<MashZone NextGen installation>/VisualAnalytics/lib/custom
2. Start or restart MashZone NextGen Explorer.
The cache-based data sources using the custom classes can be deployed to and analyzed with MashZone NextGen Explorer.
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