Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Legacy Presto components : MashZone NextGen Analytics : RAQL Queries : Create and Add User-Defined Functions for RAQL Queries : Statistics and Analytics Third-Party Libraries
Statistics and Analytics Third-Party Libraries
MashZone NextGen Analytics includes the following third-party libraries with many common statistics and machine learning algorithms:
*Apache Commons Mathematics Library, version 2.2. Include web-apps-home/mashzone/WEB-INF/lib/commons-math-2.2.jar in the classpath.
*Apache Mahout Library, version 0.7. Include these jar files in the class path:
User-defined analytics functions can leverage these libraries directly. Simply include the associated jar file in the classpath along with the jar for RAQL when you compile your UDF classes.
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