Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Master Passwords and Outbound Passwords : When Problems Exist with the Master Password or Outbound Passwords at Startup : Determining Whether You Can Restore the Passwords
Determining Whether You Can Restore the Passwords
You can restore passwords if either of the following is true:
*Your master password and outbound passwords are stored in files and you have recent backups of both and the passman.cnf file.
*Integration Server is configured to prompt for the master password, you have a recent backup of the outbound password file and the passman.cnf file, and you know the master password for that backup.
You must reset the passwords if any of the following is true:
*Your master password and outbound passwords are stored in files and you do not have recent backups the master password file, the outbound password file, and the passman.cnf file.
*Integration Server is configured to prompt for the master password and you do not have recent backups of the outbound password file and the passman.cnf file.
*Integration Server is configured to prompt for the master password and you have lost or forgotten the master password.
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