Where... | Specify... |
Docker_container_name | Name of the Docker container in which you want to run the Docker image. For example, IS_Default. |
host_primary_port : | Optional. A port on the container host machine that you want to explicitly map to an exposed port on the Docker container, specifically the primary port of Integration Server. If you do not specify host_primary_port , the Docker container maps any available port on the container host machine to the primary_port . |
primary_port | Port number for the primary port on Integration Server. |
host_diagnostic_port : | Optional. A port on the container host machine that you want to explicitly map to an exposed port on the Docker container, specifically the diagnostic port of Integration Server. If you do not specify host_diagnostic_port , the Docker container maps any available port on the container host machine to the diagnostic_port . |
diagnostic_port | Port number for the diagnostic port on Integration Server. |
host_port : | Optional. A port on the container host machine that you want to explicitly map to an exposed port on the Docker container. If you do not specify host_port , the Docker container maps any available port on the container host machine to the other_exposed_port . |
other_exposed_port | Port number for an exposed port on Integration Server. |
environment_variables | Name=value pair for any environment variables that you want to use. You use environment variables to make use of volumes for externalizing configuration files and log files. For more information about using volumes, Externalizing Log and Configuration Files
When Running
Integration Server in a Docker Container. |
Docker_image | Name of Docker image to run in the on-premise Docker container. For example, is:microPkg |
Note: | You can find running instances of a Docker container by running the command: docker ps -a |