Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Diagnosing the Integration Server : Using the Diagnostic Utility : Running the Diagnostic Utility Service
Running the Diagnostic Utility Service
Complete the following procedure to run the diagnostic utility without using Integration Server Administrator. For example, you would use this method if you wanted to use the maxLogSize parameter to limit the size of the .zip file.
To run the diagnostic utility without using Integration Server Administrator
1. Start your web browser.
2. Type the following URL:
where < hostname > is the IP address or name of the machine and < port > is the port number where the Integration Server is running.
You can limit the byte size of the log files included in the .zip file by adding the maxLogSize parameter to the URL as follows:
3. Log on to the Integration Server with a username and password that has administrator privileges.
4. You can choose to perform one of the following:
a. Open the diagnostic data file.
b. Save the diagnostic data file to the file system.
c. Cancel and exit this operation.
If you save or open the diagnostic data file, it opens or saves the file to the client system. Integration Server automatically saves a copy to the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\logs directory of the host machine where Integration Server is running.
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