Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide : Working with Tasks in My webMethods : Delegating Tasks : Viewing Task Delegations
Viewing Task Delegations
To identify delegated tasks, look for the delegated to and delegated from columns in the task results list.
You must have the Delegated To Icon and Delegated From Icon columns selected for display on the display options page for the results list. For more information, see Customizing the My Inbox and Task Type Inbox Results List.
You can view the delegation information for tasks in your inbox in the following ways:
*From any task results list, open the task and click the Details View tab. Task assignments are listed in the Delegation field.
*In the Task List Management page:
1. Click Properties in the Tasks window menu, then click the Preferences tab.
2. On the display options panel, select DELEGATIONS in the Column Display list.
3. Click the single right arrow button to move the selection to the Selected Columns list.
4. Click Save.
The delegation information for all tasks are now displayed in the Task List Management Tasks panel.
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