Renaming a Task Chart Portlet
You can configure a task chart so that the results displayed no longer match the name of the task chart portlet. You can change the name of the task chart portlet to reflect the new data display.
To change the name of a task chart portlet
1. Log on to My webMethods as sysadmin.
2. Access the page where you want to create the task chart portlet; for example:
a. In My webMethods: Folders > My webMethods Applications > Fabric Tasks > Monitoring > Business > Tasks.
b. Click Task Charts.
3. On the Task Charts page, click the Tools icon in the task chart portlet toolbar and choose Properties from the menu. The Properties page appears. 4. In the General panel, type the new name for the task chart portlet, and modify the description and keywords as required.
5. Click Apply.
6. For additional information on working with portlets and pages in My webMethods Server, see Administering My webMethods Server, and My webMethods Server Portlet Reference.