Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide : Working with Tasks in My webMethods : Working with E-form Data in Tasks : Downloading an E-form from a Task
Downloading an E-form from a Task
Be aware that although you can download the e-form to a folder location, you must have the appropriate e-form application installed on your computer to be able to open and modify the downloaded e-form. Software AG products do not provide the functionality for creating, modifying, and managing your electronic forms.
Also, Microsoft Office InfoPath is a Windows-only application; although you can download an InfoPath e-form to a non-Windows operating system, you will not be able to work with it locally.
To download an e-form from a task
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Monitoring > Business > Tasks.
2. Click My Inbox or a task type inbox.
3. Locate the e-form-enabled task you want to work with.
The task developer can choose to add a download link to the results list of the task type inbox. If provided, this link appears at the far right end of the row containing the e-form-enabled task. Click the link to download the e-form without opening the task. If this link is not provided, use the following steps.
4. Open the e-form-enabled task.
You may be required to accept the task before you can complete the following step.
5. On the Data View tab, click Download.
6. In the Save dialog box, specify a target folder location for the downloaded e-form.
7. Click Save.
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