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Configuring Storage Settings for Digital Event Services
Depending on the delivery mode configured for an event type, all events sent to Digital Event Services are stored on-disk or in-memory. For more information about how the delivery preference you set affects DES, see Delivery Modes for Digital Event Services.
To configure the storage settings for Digital Event Services
1. In Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > All > instance_name > Digital Event Services > Configuration.
2. Select Runtime Configuration from the drop-down menu.
3. In the Name column, select Runtime Configuration, and then click Edit.
4. Specify values for the following fields:
Storage Location
Optional. Defines the location where events are stored on-disk. Specify an existing folder in your file system.
Before you specify a new storage location, if the existing storage location is in use, you must copy any existing files manually to the new storage location.
If you do not specify a value, events are stored in the same directory as the configuration.
Storage Batch Size
Required. Defines the number of events that must be added to the on-disk store-and-forward queue before the queue is persisted to disk.
The default value is 100 events.
Sync Timeout
Required. Defines the timeout in milliseconds that the on-disk store-and-forward queue waits before the events in the queue are persisted, in case the batch size has not been reached.
The default value is 500 milliseconds.
Default On-Disk Capacity
Required. Defines the maximum number of events of each event type that can be stored on disk. The default value is 1000000.
You can override the setting by specifying On-Disk Capacity per event type. For more information about configuring the On-Disk Capacity property, see Configuring Event Type Associations.
Default In-Memory Capacity
Required. Defines the maximum number of events of each event type that can be stored in the memory. The default value is 1000.
You can override the setting by specifying In-Memory Capacity per event type. For more information about configuring the In-Memory Capacity property, see Configuring Event Type Associations.
5. Save your changes.
Digital Event Services detects that the configuration has been updated, and starts to use the new settings for Default On-Disk Capacity and Default In-Memory Capacity automatically.
If you modify the Storage Batch Size, Sync Timeout, and Storage Location properties, you must restart the runtime where the DES component is embedded for the changes to take effect.
For 10.1, this means restarting the Integration Server or Apama runtime. For more information about shutting down and starting Integration Server and Apama, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide and Deploying and Managing Apama Applications, respectively.
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