Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : Using Digital Event Services to Communicate between Software AG Products : Administering Digital Event Services : Configuring Service Groups : Configuring Custom Service Groups
Configuring Custom Service Groups
By default, Digital Event Services provides a default service group that contains a pre-configured Universal Messaging service. You can create one or more custom service groups and associate a set of event types with them.
When events of those particular event types are sent or received, they go to all services within the service group. One of the services in the group can be defined as source and/or destination of events for all event types associated with the service group.
To configure a custom service group
1. In Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > All > instance_name > Digital Event Services > Configuration.
2. Select Service Groups from the drop-down menu.
3. Click to add a new custom group.
4. Specify values for the following fields:
Group Name
Required. Specify a unique name for the service group. The name is not case-sensitive, and must start with a character. You can use the following characters as separators: .(dot) and - (dash).
You cannot rename a service group. If you want to modify a service group name, you must delete the existing service group and recreate the group with a different name.
Required. Specify a description of the purpose of the service group.
Optional. Click to add services to the group and then do the following:
*In the Service Name column, select a service.
*In the Usage column, select on of the following options:
*Source Only - if your application subscribes to digital events.
*Destination Only - if your application emits events.
*Source and Destination - if your application both emits and subscribes to events. This is the default value.
Your service group must contain at most one source service. In addition, you cannot include the same service twice in the same service group.
If you add the pre-defined In-Process service to a service group, you can set its usage only to Source and Destination. Any other services to the service group, you can only set them as Destination Only.
Event Types
Optional. Use the dual list box to manage the digital event types assigned to a service group.
The box on the left shows event types that are not associated with any service group. The box on the right shows the event types currently assigned to this service group. Use the arrows to move event types between the two boxes.
Use the search box to filter the list of available digital event types. You can also select multiple event types by holding down the CTRL button and clicking specific entries, or by holding down SHIFT and clicking the first and last entry of a range.
You can also manage the association of event types with service groups on the Digital Event Services > Configuration > Event Types page in Command Central.
For more information about event type management, see Configuring Event Type Associations.
An event type can only be associated with a single service group. If you want to change the service group with which an event type is associated, you must first dis-associate the event type from its original service group, so that the event type shows in the dual list box.
You cannot delete a custom service group that has event types associated with it.
5. Optionally, click Test to verify that your configuration is consistent.
6. Save your changes.
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